Chapter 152

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:58:01
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Luke gathered his thoughts and continued, “Describe your M.O.”

Benson thought for a moment, “I used a silencer when I took out Kyle Torres and didn’t cause a campus commotion.

After that, I rushed to the science building to find Josie, who was my real target.

But before I killed her, I had something to ask her, so I needed to make a mess around so no one would bother us.

I wounded her friend Barbara, thinking I could draw her in, but the woman didn’t care if Barbara was dead or alive, and instead hid in the restroom.

That wasn’t a bad thing for me, I talked to her in the restroom and she admitted to reporting me. I asked her how she knew the anonymous account was mine. He said Herman told her.

Settled her.

I was even angrier that my friend Herman had betrayed me.

That son of a bitch.

I always thought of him as my best friend, and this is what he did to me.

Knowing that Herman might be in class in the music building, I went to the music building to look for him.

He was a coward and didn’t dare run away, but waited for help in his classroom.

I wounded him and was about to finish him off when in came two idiots who wanted to be heroes.

As I said before, Black Olive shot against me and White Olive tried to sneak up behind me, but Black Olive shot White Olive and I shot Black Olive, problem solved.

Both of them were idiots.

What depresses me is that Herman ran off too, I couldn’t find him and I was worried about the police getting into the school, so I went ahead.”

Luke reminded, “Aren’t you forgetting someone FBI agent Fanny?”

“I almost forgot if you didn’t tell me, I had just finished off Josie on the third floor and was about to go downstairs to find Herman, I had just walked down to the second floor when I heard someone call themselves FBI and tell me to put my hands up and not to move.

I jumped and wondered why the FBI was coming so fast.

I then realized that no one was around, so I looked for the sound and saw that the man calling himself the FBI was pointing a gun at a student.

I just shot him, it was nothing to brag about, the FBI is nothing more than that, huh?”

Luke flipped through the journal, “Did you wear any other disguises other than the clown mask for your first crime?”

Benson smiled, “I put some black dye on my face.”

Luke said, “You did a lot of preparation for this shooting.”

“That’s right, but there was an accident, otherwise Herman would have been dead and I wouldn’t have had to do it a second time.”

Luke said instantly, “Describe the second shooting.”

Benson sighed, “The second shooting incident was not in my plan, the reason why it was improvised was solely because of Herman’s own death and surveillance maintenance.

I met Herman at school that morning and said a very normal hello.

Instead, this idiot asked me to help him write a speech about wanting to be a voice for the victims of the shooting, when in fact he was trying to use the publicity from the shooting to build momentum and score points for himself in college admissions.

He also brought up my acceptance to UCLA.

I found it ironic at the time.

Instead of killing him, the shooting I created became a tool to get him extra points for college.

I took all that risk just to make it possible for him to go to college?

Am I stupid?

No, I can’t let him get away with this.

I was getting pissed off.

I had thoughts of doing it again, but they were just thoughts, after all, I wasn’t ready, and it had already happened once, so the second time the risk might be even higher.

I entered the school building and looked at the security cameras out of habit, noticing that the light on them wasn’t on, the school was full of those old-fashioned cameras that would flash red for normal use.

I continued to watch and realized that not just one camera was not working, but all of them were not working.

It was then that I had a bold idea to take out Herman and settle the matter once and for all.

So, I arrived at the student union office with my pistol and silencer as promised.

Shot him twice in the chest, and you all know what happened after that.”

Speaking of which, Benson couldn’t help but ask, “Why was Herman in the ambulance too, is he still alive?”

Herman was still being resuscitated in the ICU and his life was uncertain.

Luke said, “You’d better pray he’s not dead, or you’ll be more guilty than ever.”

Benson gave a self-deprecating look, “Isn’t it ironic that the people who wished him dead the most are now wishing for him to live instead.”

Benson pleads guilty, and the case is officially closed.

May 17th.

Detective Bureau, Robbery-Murder Division Conference Room.

Reed calls the crowd to a meeting.

In addition to the men from Squadron One, there was also Kling Chen, the leader of Squadron Two.

Klin’s already somewhat serious face looked even more ugly.

Originally, the Second Squadron had been in charge of investigating the case of the poisoned rice being shot in the Science Building.

But the case had gotten bogged down because of the false confessions of the school police.

Later on, they found out that the drug dealer might be related to the Skull and Bones Gang, thinking that the Skull and Bones Gang’s boss, Pike, was behind it, causing the case to remain unsolved.

In the end, it was Luke who came to the rescue later.

It was also because of the lack of face, the Second Squadron only came to the meeting with him.

Reed sat in the middle of the conference table and said with a smile, “You guys always say that Luke is my beloved general, saying that I am more biased towards him.

Looking at his performance in these two shootings, it’s hard for me not to praise him.

It would be a real injustice if I didn’t praise him.”

“Ahem ……,” Black coughed lightly, his throat seeming a little uncomfortable.

Reed seemed to remember something, “Oh yeah, and Marcus, he did a great job this time too, he deserves praise.”

Marcus grinned his trademark wide grin at the crowd.

Then Reed said a couple more words of scene, “Of course, everyone worked hard on this case, and you all deserve a share of the credit for the successful solving of the case, I’ve seen it all.

Keep up the good work.

Captain Susan, you describe the case.”

Susan nodded and looked at the crowd and said, “First, I’ll talk about Herman’s situation, Herman is temporarily out of danger after a day and night of resuscitation.

According to the doctors, if he had been brought to the hospital half an hour later, he probably would have died from blood loss.

His parents are grateful to Luke and the police.”

Blackie said, “This Herman kid isn’t exactly a crowd pleaser, and this is a lesson for him.”

David said, “It’s a bit of a lesson, and I’m afraid it will have lingering effects for the rest of his life.”

Blackie said, “It’s better than dying, I believe this lesson will make him change.”

Luke did agree with Blackie’s words, if Herman hadn’t wanted to use the public opinion of the shooting to get extra points for promotion, maybe he wouldn’t have irritated Benson again, and a second shooting wouldn’t have happened so soon.

One could only say that it was self-inflicted.

Susan continued, “Internal Affairs interrogated school police officer Seltzer Polis and he admitted to lying about the shooting.

As for the reason ……

He was afraid of being shot.

That’s why he left LAPD in the first place.

He thought staying on campus would keep him away from criminals, away from shootings and danger.

But he didn’t realize there was a shooting at Malaboia High School.

He didn’t know how many shooters there were, was afraid to meet the shooters head on, hid in the science building, found the dead man on the rooftop, and faked the shooting scene on the third floor.

The third-floor window glass was also broken with its own gun, and the falling glass stabbed a classmate. This asshole really accomplished nothing.

Afterward, he chose to lie and fake the scene for fear of being held accountable, giving the false impression that he had pursued the shooter, only to be unsuccessful.”

Cline was a bit disheartened, “We were all lied to by this asshole.

He’s a cop too, we trusted him, we didn’t realize he would fake the scene.

If it wasn’t for him …… this case wouldn’t have dragged on for so long.”

Susan looked slightly sideways, “Luke, how did you find out that the campus cop lied?”

Luke was about to say it was intuition.

Black spoke up, raising one eyebrow, “He’s been studying micro-expression analysis lately, secretly and alone.”

Susan laughed, “Seems like a good study.”

Reed said, “Isn’t that what Anthony is most proud of? You can compete with him some day, and if you can beat him, I’ll buy you dinner.”

“I’ll try.” Luke smiled.

Reed added, “By the way, when Anthony left, he asked me to help pass on his thanks for catching Agent Fanny’s killer.”

Luke asked back, “Why didn’t he say so himself?”

Reed laughed, “You think according to that guy’s personality he could say it?”

Susan snickered, “I didn’t realize Agent Anthony had moments of embarrassment, I wish I had been there.”

The lieutenant was a bit disconcerted, “Guys, this is not the time for a recognition ceremony, let’s get to the facts of the case.” The lieutenant got up and put a file on the projector, and

“According to Benson’s confession, the cause of the incident was due to an anonymous account where he posted some inappropriate comments such as ‘If an average looking girl thinks she’s beautiful, I’m going to kick her ass.”

This anonymous account was completely different from what he usually posted in his circle of friends.

Some of the things he posts in his circle of friends are very positive and loving, such as supporting women, fighting against discrimination, etc., and the two accounts are a huge contrast.

Benson is a typical two-faced, politician’s mouth.

It’s just a shame that he’s not mature enough, something like an anonymous account isn’t safe at all, even if Herman doesn’t report it, there are just as many other ways to find out.

Of course, he was only seventeen after all, so this was understandable.

Once another ten, twenty years passed, when he was mature and stable, it wouldn’t be so easy to uncover his true colors.

He’ll be a competent politician.

Luke, thank you for removing a great evil from the citizens of Los Angeles twenty years from now.”

Luke said, “We’re a team, and it’s a credit to all of us, except I had a little better luck.”

In fact, the shooting was essentially a revenge case triggered by a seedz conflict, but the case was complicated by the messing around of FBI agent Fanny and the misadventures of two members of the football team.

The meeting ends.

Reed called Luke into his office and poured him a cup of hand-ground coffee.

“Luke, I don’t want to say much in the way of praise, but …… you really did a great job, the best detective I’ve seen in the last few years.”

Luke took a sip of his coffee, “Thanks, it tastes good.”

“I’d like to give you one more assignment, if you can accomplish it, I’ll nominate you to the city council for promotion to lieutenant.”

Luke wasn’t stupefied by the sudden favor, the bigger the pie, the harder it was likely to be slammed, “What assignment?”

“The two school Y shootings have caused the safety of the city of Los Angeles to be questioned by outsiders, greatly affecting the image of Los Angeles.

At the same time, the L.A. City Police Department was also caught up in public opinion, and many citizens felt that the police department was inactive, creating a mistrust of the department’s ability.

Although the two campus cases have been solved, the negative impact is still not completely eliminated.

Those news media are still making a big deal out of the two shootings, they are like piranhas that will tear each other apart without a second thought as long as they smell blood.

We have to fight back and win the battle of public opinion.”

Luke asked rhetorically, “What does this have to do with me?”

“I want you to come along to the press conference.”


“You should know what those media outlets have been writing about you, Lulu man, exhibitionist, and encouraging the parents of the students to sue you. They don’t even know that you caught the killer, much less that you saved Herman, and they don’t care.

What they care about is how to write the news to get more attention and higher ratings.

Are you willing to do that?”

“No. I’ll sue them? I’m already contacting lawyers.”

“GOOD, but that’s not enough.

Your image is already tied to the LAPD, we have to fight back, this battle for the honor of the police department must be won.” Reed waved his fist, his impassioned tone inspiring.

Getting both money and a promotion, Luke couldn’t think of a reason to say no.

As for losing?

How could he.

He was the lone hero who went into the schoolyard to solve the shooting.

Of course, Luke won’t admit to being a hero, it’s a double-edged sword.

I won’t admit it, doesn’t stop others from saying it.

May 18th, afternoon.

The Detective Bureau holds a press conference.

Chief Reed took the stage first and spoke right off the bat, announcing that the two school shootings had been successfully solved and the killers had been apprehended, and that the police had also rescued a victim from the second shooting in time.

With Chief Reed’s announcement that the cases had been solved, reporters who were looking for a fight could no longer question the LAPD’s ability.

A black female reporter then changed the topic to Luke, “Chief Reed, we captured a L topless man at the scene of the school shooting, may I ask if he is LAPD?”


The black female reporter questioned, “I would like to ask why he took off his shirt, was he trying to muscle the shooter? How effective was that?”

Haha ……” sparked a burst of laughter around them.

Reed smiled impolitely, “Good question, and it just so happens that he was there, so why don’t we let him answer it himself.”

Reed beckoned Luke to the stage.

Luke walked up to the stage and cleared his throat, “I’m Inspector Luke from the Robbery and Murder Division, also known to you as the Exposure Maniac guy, by the way, the photos are good, any of my reporter friends who washes them up can send me one, thanks.”

“Haha ……” Another round of laughter.

The black female reporter once again asked, “Inspector Luke, you’re very confident about your body, but I can’t figure out why you would take off your top on that occasion.”

“What do you call yourself?”

“Parley Jones.”

“Ms. Jones, I can tell you quite formally that I am not an exhibitionist.” Black opened a book bag and Luke pulled a clear plastic bag out of it containing a blood-soaked dress.

“This is what I was wearing that day, Ms. Jones, is this what you want me to leave campus in?”

Parley Jones said, “As I recall you were not injured that day.”

Luke explained, “It’s true that the blood on the shirt wasn’t mine, it was the shooter’s. I wounded him in the arm and took off my own shirt to stop the bleeding so he wouldn’t bleed out.”

At this point, Chief Reed walked onto the stage, “Ladies and gentlemen, I must add that Detective Luke not only wounded the shooter, but also saved the victim of the shooting, and this is what you call an exhibitionist?”

Parley Jones, still seemingly resigned, pressed, “I heard the victim was also shot, why did you use your shirt to help stop the shooter’s bleeding and not the victim?”

Luke replied, “The first reason is that I wounded the shooter first before I found out from him where the victim was.

The second reason, the victim’s gunshot wound was much worse and I ripped off the school curtains to help stop the bleeding, that one was more useful.”

Another white female reporter posted: “So you’re not an exhibitionist, you’re a hero!”

“No, I’m not a hero, just a member of the LAPD doing my duty.

Off duty, I’m just a normal LA citizen who likes to drink, look at pretty girls, and also fight with people, and if I’m messed with, I’m just as likely to get my ass kicked.”

Luke’s words were rough, but affectionate, and once again drew a laugh.

The black female reporter, Pari Jones, exclaimed, “Wow, you injured the suspect and were the first to help the injured, so you acted alone, like a lone hero in a movie?”

The words are hidden.

Luke was the lone hero, what were the other officers?

“The entire Robbery and Murder Division, Squadron One, is investigating the shooting, we’re just all investigating in different directions, and I’ve got some great coworkers, we’re a team.

My partner Marcus was always around, otherwise I couldn’t have wounded the suspect and then gone to the aid of the victim at the same time.

Of course, I’m the best one, no doubt about it.” Luke didn’t want to be labeled a hero.

But when it’s time to perform, it’s time to perform, and you have to fight for the credit if it’s your own.

Luke spread his hands, “Any more questions?”

Seeing no more questions from reporters, Luke stepped down from the lectern.

Reed patted Luke’s shoulder, “Well said, I was worried that you would have stage fright?”

Luke laughed, “You were right to be worried, my legs were shaking so bad that I was lucky to be wearing a pair of loose pants.”

Reed laughed, “You’ll get used to it.”

“I hope so.”

The two stepped aside and Reed said, “By the way, there’s one more thing I need to tell you, the Sea Fishing Club has approved your application and I’ll let you know about the next meeting.”


“There is no exact time, whoever is available will attend, and as an introduction, I will take you there for the first time.”

Luke nodded, “Sounds good, do I need to do any preparation?”

“Have you sea fished before?”

“I’ve fished on occasion, but never at sea.”

“That’s okay, fish twice and you’ll get used to it.”

“Do you know how to sail a yacht?”

“No, but it sounds pretty cool.”

“It is pretty cool, this is something you have to learn.”

“Why?” Luke was a little puzzled.

“We don’t always take a crew when we go sailing, someone has to drive the boat, and you don’t? Should I be allowed to drive it?”

Luke “……”

“Is that a problem?”


“GOOD, I’m sure, you’ll be a good captain.”

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