Chapter 498

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:14:13
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Under the white man’s surprised gaze, the black face moved away and raised a black pistol, “LAPD, raise your hands.

Then open the car door, that’s right, slow down, that’s it ……”

Guided by Blacky, the white man opened the car door, “Hey, I’m just parking here, I’m not doing anything illegal.”

Blacky asked, “What’s your name?”

“Erwin Lima.”

“Why are you here?”

“I’m here to meet a friend.”

“What is your friend’s name? What house does he live in?”

“This is America, a free country, and it is not illegal for me to come here, and I refuse to answer your questions.”

“Tonight a police officer received a threatening letter and I was in the process of securing him when I happened to see you following him in your car.

I’m going to search you.

Put your hands on your head and lie down in the car.”

Blackie pinned him to the car and routinely searched him.

Erwin Lima protested, “Hey, you have no right to do that, I’ve never intimidated any police officer, I was just passing through in the wrong neighborhood.”

Blacky pointed to the binoculars inside the car, “Liar, you don’t need that for passing through, much less peeking into someone’s house with it.”

“I didn’t, this is a misunderstanding, I can explain.”

Blacky put away his pistol and questioned, “OK, you better have enough to convince me.”

Erwin Lima breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Kuro put away his pistol, and then he looked behind Kuro with a horrified expression.

Blackie glanced back out of the corner of his eye, as if trying to make sure he was safe behind him.

Taking advantage of this gap, Erwin Lima turned and ran.

Blacky didn’t chase after him, muttering, “Idiot.”

In the darkness of the night, Erwin Lima fled in a panic, and a black-haired man in front of him was right in the way of his escape, “FUCK! Get out of my way.”

He yelled, not stopping in his tracks, waving his right hand as if trying to push the dark-haired man out of the way.

The dark-haired man stepped aside and hooked his right leg just in time to block Erwin Lima’s ankle.

Erwin Lima lost his balance and fell to the ground in a doggy position.



Elwin Lima screamed, cursing under his breath, bracing his hands on the ground to get up, and seeing the black-haired youth chasing after him, as if coming to catch him, he swung his right fist to smash the black-haired man’s left cheek.

The black-haired youth’s body was nimble and slightly sidestepped, dodging his fist.

Then, the black-haired youth also swung his fist to counterattack, extremely fast, and punched his right cheek.

“With a bang, Erwin Lima fell to the ground.

The dark-haired youth rode directly on top of him: two more hard punches were thrown with a “thump, thump, thump,” and muttered, “Congratulations, now you have another charge of assaulting a police officer.”

“I didn’t assault a police officer, I was just trying to escape.” Erwin Lima spat a mouthful of blood onto the ground, along with two knocked out teeth.

“But the fact is, you did attack me.”

Black said, “Yes, I saw it, you tried to attack a police officer during your escape.

Elwyn Lima gave an angry look, “Asshole, you two are in cahoots.”

Luke rolled him over, pinned him to the ground and handcuffed him, “No one told you to run, you were the one who wanted to run.”

Luke sized up the white man’s face and made sure he didn’t recognize the other man, but from the shape of his body he should have been the one who put the envelope in front of his house.

“Who are you?”

“Like I said, my name is Erwin Lima.”

“Why did you put a threatening letter in front of my house?”

“I didn’t put a threatening letter, I just happened to be passing through this neighborhood.”

Luke said, “I’m a police officer, and you’d think our house might not have surveillance.

It’s clear on the camera that you’re the one who put the threatening letter on my doorstep.

Erwin Lima denied, “It wasn’t a threatening letter.”

“Admit you put it there. Then what was it?”

Elwyn Lima gave a chagrined look, glared at Luke, and gave Daisy a death glare.

Daisy came over and sized up Erwin Lima as well, her thin, arched eyebrows furrowing slightly, “I know him, he was the defendant in a case I took on.”

Luke asked, “What case?”

“A divorce case. He cheated on his wife and domestically abused my client, a total asshole.”

Erwin Lima jerked his head up and retorted, “Shut up you Bitch, I didn’t commit domestic abuse, it was a misunderstanding.”

Daisy said in a cold voice, “But the fact is you did strike and your wife was injured, that was clearly seen on the surveillance.”

“Surveillance doesn’t tell the whole story, I was just so angry that I lost my hand and hit her in the heat of the moment.

I haven’t touched a hair on her head before, you can’t so easily assume that I’m a domestic abuser. I wasn’t like this before, she made me.”

Daisy shook her head, “You’re the one who cheated.

She just blocked you in front of the hotel and questioned you about your relationship with that woman. You then assaulted her in anger.

I’d like to ask who was at fault for this?”

“I was just too impulsive at the time and I missed hitting her. Who can guarantee that they will never make a mistake in their life? I’ve already admitted my mistake to her and promised not to hit her again.

I truly want to change my ways. Why can’t you give me a chance?”

“Your wife has known for a long time that you were fooling around with that woman. She didn’t think of divorcing you either. It was after you hit her that she completely died.

She didn’t expect you to hit her, which made her feel that you were strange and no longer the man she loved, so that’s why she made up her mind to divorce you.”

“No, you’re lying. My wife wouldn’t want to leave me, it’s you it’s you who’s behind this, it’s you who’s been persuading her to get a divorce.

I know what you’re up to, you want to get more legal fees from her. And I made all that money, you’re robbing me, you robber.”

Blackie said, “Hey man, it’s hard for outsiders to tell what goes on between a husband and wife. But hitting a woman with your hands is your fault.

If it was me who was caught cheating on my wife, I would have prayed for her forgiveness. Even if she hit me, I would only run away. Definitely wouldn’t fight back, that’s what a good man should do.

Daisy corrected, “Inspector, your definition of a good man is too low. First of all, I want to correct one thing, a good man will not cheat on his wife.”

Luke interrupted the two men’s discussion about good men and turned to Erwin Lima and asked, “Why did you put that envelope on my doorstep?”

Elwyn Lima glared at Daisy, “I just wanted to teach that woman a lesson and make her realize the error of her ways.”

Luke asked, “What did you put in it?”

“Pictures of her and another man.”

“Where did the pictures come from?”

“The photo was a fake, I had someone change the avatar to hers.”

“What was the purpose of doing that?”

“I wanted her to feel what an angry man would do, that it wasn’t a real emotion, just an impulse. Everyone can do irrational things in an impulsive mood, but that doesn’t make me a bad person.

I should be given the chance to correct myself instead of pushing people into the abyss.

I want her to experience that feeling of helplessness. If she faced the same situation as my wife, what would she do if she was also beaten by her own man?

Would she send you to jail too? Or would she choose to forgive you? I really want to know.”

Daisy sighed, somewhat helplessly, “I’m just a lawyer, and all I’m doing is defending my client’s rights as well, I’m not taking it personally.”

“Shut up, you fucking Bitch and you’re still pretending to be there. The two of us are a couple and we’ll work things out on our own, but because you came along and expanded things.

She divorced me, took my daughter, took half of my property, and sent me to jail. I’m just out of jail now, and not only do I have no place to live, but I’m also saddled with huge child support and alimony payments.

All of this is your fault.

You think you can get away with it with a few flippant words? No way.

You ruined my life.”

“No, you’re the one who ruined your life, a man who is a domestic abuser is never to be forgiven, and your wife made the right decision.”

“Like I said, I did it at the time because I was so emotional, I regretted it so much afterwards that I slapped myself hard a few times.

I’ve realized I was wrong and I’ve been praying for her forgiveness.

I know I shouldn’t have hit her.

But we are a family, and right and wrong can’t be cleared up in one or two words. I’ve given a lot to this family too. Why did you break up our family in such cold blood? Why can’t you give me another chance to make amends?

We are family. Do you know what family means? Have you ever been married? Do you have children?

No! You don’t understand at all.

You’re a cold blooded vampire.”

Daisy shook her head, “It doesn’t matter how I am, what matters is that you don’t deserve to be a husband, much less a father.

With what you did today, I’m more than certain that your wife made the right choice to get a divorce.”

Erwin Lima struggled and shouted hysterically, “Shut up, it’s all your fault. I wouldn’t be here today if you hadn’t pushed me into a corner.”

“No one forced you, it was your choice.” Daisy’s tone was certain, not wavering in the slightest.

Blackie blinked his eyes, seemingly asking how to end it.

With the three punches just now, Luke got a good kick out of it and his anger subsided a lot, but he didn’t intend to let Erwin Lima go just like that, “Erwin Lima, you are suspected of intimidating, stalking, and assaulting a police officer tonight.

You are under arrest.”

Luke signaled Blackie to escort Erwin Lima into the police car.

Still craning his neck, Erwin Lima shouted, “I’m not the one at fault, you are!

You don’t deserve to be a lawyer!”

Luke walked to Daisy’s side and softly comforted, “Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of him, you go back to rest first.”

Daisy pursed her lips and took a deep breath, “I won’t go back tonight, I’ll wait for you to come back.”

“Go to bed early, we’ll talk in the morning.” Luke patted her shoulder.

“I hope I can sleep.”

Luke watched her enter the house, and then also got into the police car to escort Elwin Lima into the police station with Blackie.

For Elwin Lima, Luke would certainly not take it lightly, not just for Daisy, but equally for himself.

Elwin Lima’s behavior didn’t seem to have serious consequences, that was because Luke discovered that the photo was fake in the first place. If he didn’t realize this and really thought that Daisy had betrayed him, then he would have fallen into Erwin Lima’s trap and done something irrational.

When he knew afterward that the photo was fake, Luke would be even more ashamed to face Daisy and would be very regretful inside.

That’s why Luke’s three punches against him were not at all unjust.

And the charges of intimidation, stalking, and assaulting a police officer were enough for him to drink a pot of water.

After dealing with Erwin Lima, it was already after two in the morning when Luke returned home.

Daisy hadn’t rested yet and had been waiting for Luke to come back.

After Luke simply washed up, the two of them lay on the bed, drank red wine, and talked about the matter about Erwin Lima.

After arriving at the police station, Marcus and one of the officers on duty gave Elwin Lima another detailed statement.

The reason why Elwin Lima was on to Luke was because Elwin Lima had followed Daisy and saw Daisy and Luke go to the auction house together, dine together, and finally return to Luke’s home together.

After determining the relationship between the two, he decided to carry out his plan.

Originally, he thought that Luke would be very angry when he saw those photos and would probably find Daisy’s home and beat her up. He was looking forward to seeing that scene and wondering about Daisy’s reaction, that’s why he kept following her, but he didn’t realize that he had already been exposed.

Listening to Luke’s voice, Daisy fell asleep against Luke’s shoulder.

Looking at the sleeping beauty next to him, the corner of Luke’s mouth hooked up a smile.

The reason why the two were together in the first place was because they liked each other, and another was that he could bring Daisy a sense of security.

And a sense of security is precisely the greatest guarantee that a man can bring to a woman.

The next day.

The sunlight sprinkled into the bedroom.

Luke slowly opened his eyes and saw Daisy coming out of the bathroom and asked, “Feeling better?”

Daisy smiled, “Took a shower and felt like all my troubles were washed away by the water.”

Luke asked as he dressed, “How about a day off today? We’ll go to the beach for a break.”

“I’d love to go out with you, but I made an appointment with my client yesterday to meet today.” Daisy kissed Luke’s cheek, “Sorry, I’ll ask you out next time.”

“Do you want to eat before you go?”

“Eat by yourself, I’m going to be late, I’ll take your car first.” Daisy finished and kissed Luke goodbye again, “I’ll be back with you tonight.”

Luke walked her to the door and watched her get in her car and leave.

Sure enough, people don’t change that easily.

Gone was the Daisy that needed to be relied on last night, and the legal powerhouse was back.

Luke couldn’t say which Daisy he liked.

“Ding-dong.” Luke’s phone vibrated and he picked it up to see that it was a bank text message.

He had received a transfer of eight hundred thousand dollars.

Luke couldn’t help but smile, thinking about treating himself to a nice lunch today.

Who did he ask to go with him?

Mom, Grandpa, John, Blackie ……

“Ringing ……”

His cell phone rang and he pressed the answer button, “This is Luke.”

A clear and pleasant voice rang out from the phone, “Luke, do you have time at noon? Want to have dinner together?”

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