Chapter 499

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:14:16
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Browns Restaurant.

It was a Spanish flavored restaurant, the whole restaurant was dominated by white color scheme, and the bar for ordering food could be seen as soon as you entered the door.

Going inside, there was a chic antler chandelier, there were two rows of tables on the left and right, most of which were filled with people, a number of which looked like tourists.

Luke and Orty sat in the corner of the restaurant near the window.

Luke glanced at the menu, “This one’s not cheap.”

“That’s right, it does seem a bit expensive for an ordinary citizen like me, that’s why I let you, a rich man, treat me.” Orty blinked her big soulful eyes, “It’s not too late if you want to AA.”

Luke laughed, “That won’t be necessary, I just didn’t realize that this little restaurant down the street would be so expensive.”

Orty said, “This isn’t just any restaurant, it’s a two Michelin star restaurant, the restaurant is really small, but it’s really good.”

Luke wasn’t worried about spending money, he just felt that a small restaurant shouldn’t be so expensive, and now that he heard Orty’s words, he had a little more anticipation in his heart.

A white waitress wearing an apron came over, “What would you like to eat, ma’am and sir.”

Orty looked at the menu and asked for a paella, Spanish ham, and tomato cold soup.

Orty finished ordering and handed Luke the menu.

Luke scanned it, “Looking at this Hemingway’s sauteed mushrooms is good, have one of those; one of the oxtail stewed in red wine, and one of the bologna stewed potatoes.”

The waitress asked, “Would you two like a drink?”

Orty said, “Two glasses of ice water, please.”

After the waitress left, Orty asked, “Did you receive the transfer of eight hundred thousand dollars?”


Olti revealed an envious look, “Such a large sum of money, how are you going to spend it?”

“I bought a residence some time ago, the house is rather dilapidated and needs to be rebuilt, this amount of money is just enough to do the construction contracting fees.”

Olty snickered, “It’s not bad to have Chinese blood, you can use the money in the right place, if it were anyone else, they would probably use this money to travel around the world.”

Luke smiled, “You have a good idea, when I don’t have any outstanding debts on me, I really want to take a trip around the world, I just still lack a partner.”

“Do you owe a lot of debt?” Olti finished her question as if she felt it was a bit inappropriate, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked such a personal question.”

Luke stared at her with a smirk, “Why the sudden concern for my finances?”

Orty shrugged, “Just a casual conversation.”

Luke didn’t want to chat about it because it felt like Orty was testing his willingness to accept the commission.

If Luke had external debts and needed money, his willingness to accept the commission would naturally be stronger.

Between the two conversations, the waitress carried the dinner plate and began to serve, the first dish is Spanish ham, cut into thin slices arranged in a plate full, this dish does not need to be heated, so it is the fastest.

Luke tasted a bite, the flavor is good.

The second came up was braised oxtail bone in red wine, which should have been braised in advance and just warmed up.

The oxtail was soft and flavorful, and there was a strong aroma of red wine.

Other dishes were also brought up one after another.

Several of the dishes tasted good, Luke’s favorite was the paella, which was well seasoned and fresh.

Orty didn’t have a big meal, and most of it went into Luke’s stomach.

After finishing his meal, Orty wiped his mouth and said, “I just received a commission this morning, I don’t know if you’re interested?”

“Tell me about it.”

Olti said, “A rather strange commissioned task.

The client has obtained a treasure map and wants to go out to hunt for treasure, but the client himself has no experience in this area, so he wants to hire you to explore and hunt for treasure together.

Regardless of whether the treasure is found or not, the client will pay a commission of 200,000 dollars.

If the treasure is found, 1/4 of the treasure will be shared with you.”

Luke smiled, “What’s the commissioner’s name?”

“Lilith Finn.”

Sure enough, it was her, this woman was really good at making things happen, last night she refused to tell about her adventure and treasure hunting experience, and today she wanted to hire herself to accompany her to go on an adventure and treasure hunting.

Did this woman have her eyes on herself, or did she have some other purpose?

Luke didn’t want to agree easily because this commissioned mission was different from other commissioned missions.

The treasure hunting process was full of all kinds of uncertainties and potential dangers, which demanded a high level of teamwork, and trust was the foundation of cooperation.

Before understanding Lilith Finn’s clear thoughts and purpose, it was impossible for Luke to agree.

However, Luke didn’t refuse right away either, because he did need money to pay back the construction contracting fees.

He looked at Olty, “Do you think I should accept the commission?”

Olty hesitated and said for a moment, “Actually, I was a bit surprised when I heard about this commission, it’s the first time someone has commissioned you to go treasure hunting together.

I also asked her why she invited you to go treasure hunting together, after all, you are good at investigation and deduction.

She just smiled and didn’t answer.

I told her at that time that you would most likely not accept the commission.

She said that if you had any doubts about the content of the commission, you could talk to her in person.”

That said, Orty asked rhetorically, “Do you know the commissioner?”

“Met her once.”

“And would you like to meet a second time?”

“Why not? If I can pick her up, I can retire early.”

Orty smiled, “Congratulations in advance then.”

“Ringing ……”

Luke’s cell phone rang and he pulled it out to see that Reed’s number was displayed on the screen.

“Hello, this is Luke.”

Reed’s voice came from the phone, “Man, your day off is going to end early.”

Half an hour later.

Luke arrived at the Los Angeles River on his Harley motorcycle.

Luke parked his motorcycle by the bridge, both sides of the bridge were filled with police cars, and a cordon had been drawn at the bridge.

The water of the Los Angeles River was not clear, and this year’s volume was a bit larger than previous years.

Luke is now considered a celebrity in the police force, as soon as he appeared, all the officers at the scene looked over, and several patrolmen greeted him, and did not even need to show their credentials, and directly entered the scene.

Blackie waved and greeted, “Captain, over here, wow, you rode in on our beloved Harley.”

Luke corrected, “That’s mine, what’s the scene?”

Blackie said, “We just got here too, the caller is the white kid in there, just about to give him a statement.”

Luke looked in the direction of Blacky’s finger, it was a white man in his mid-twenties, medium size, with curly brown hair, and a very distinctive look.

Luke walked over and flashed his badge, “Hello man, I’m ……”

Without waiting for Luke to finish, the curly haired man interrupted, “I know who you are, Captain Lee from the Robbery Murder Division; I see you on the news all the time, I’m actually kind of a fan of yours, I feel like you’re super cool.

Is that modified Harley yours? Wow, it’s super cool too, can I test drive it?”

“No, you can’t.” Xiao Hei directly refused, he felt that this bastard had thicker skin than himself.

Can you have some face? Who knows you? Just want to ride our Harley.

Luke wrenched the conversation back, “Man, it’s nice to meet you too, what’s your name?”

“Rory Russell, I’m a video anchor, kinda popular these days, maybe you guys have seen my show.”

Luke said perfunctorily, “I’ll keep that in mind, I’ll watch it sometime, tell us why you reported it.”

“Jesus Christ, I really don’t want to remember that scene if I can help it, it was horrible.”

Rory Russell took a deep breath and patted his chest with his hand, “I had a date with a friend to go treasure hunting, and it was a nice day, so I expected to have some good finds.

But who knows, instead we found something horrible.”

Luke asked, “What do you mean by treasure hunting?”

“Powerful magnet treasure hunt, haven’t you guys ever seen one? There will be all sorts of junk in the river, but there could be treasure, we’ll throw the powerful magnets to the bottom and see what we can fish out.”

Jackson said, “I’ve seen this kind of program, and the biggest attraction of this program is that when the magnet doesn’t leave the water, who knows what’s down there? It’s full of all kinds of anticipation.”

“That’s right, a lot of my fans love this show.” Rory Russell reaches out and high fives Jackson.

Luke grimaced, “Wait, you mean you were on the air the whole time.”

“Yes, I saw what I saw, and so did they, and just a few moments ago, I skyrocketed by tens of thousands of followers, and the police arrived on the scene and made me shut down the broadcast.

Jesus! I have so much to lose.”

Luke wrenched him back again and continued, “What exactly did you find out?”

“I tied a rope around the powerful magnet and threw it to the bottom of the river, I felt like I had found something so heavy I thought I was going to be rich.

I yanked it out of the water with all my might, it was a black bag, I fished the bag out onto the bridge and opened it up to find a pile of stinky meat, the smell I still remember vividly, it toppled me right over.

I was also confused, why would I fish up these things? I boldly walked over to look, the black bag also contained a large iron block, pressed on top of the crushed meat, I also saw half a finger.

That’s when I realized what I had found.”

“Uh ……” said Rory Russell as he began to vomit in disgust.

Luke handed him a couple tissues and asked, “Where did you salvage this?”

Rory Russell wiped his mouth and pointed to the bridge over the river, “Right over there, where the black bag was put.”

“Uh ……,” he said, once again, vomiting in disgust.

Luke walked towards the black bag, there was already a forensic scientist working next to it, Luke didn’t bother them, he just stood and watched.

The black bag had been opened, and it contained some rotting scraps of flesh and bone crumbs.

The half finger, which was already considered the most complete, should be an adult by the thickness of the finger.

The black bag wasn’t too big, it couldn’t possibly contain the broken flesh of an adult corpse.

It should only be a part of the corpse.

Luke swept his eyes around; there were no security cameras mounted above the bridge.

He walked over to Rory Russell again, “Man, can I ask you a favor?”

“Just keep me away from that black bag.” Rory Russell went a little pale.

“We’d like to borrow your magnet.”

Rory Russell frowned and seemed to think of something, “You guys are going to keep salvaging bodies?”

Luke nodded, “There’s likely other evidence at the bottom of the river.”

Rory Russell took a deep breath and calmed down, “OK, that magnet is yours, do whatever you want, just don’t tell me.”

Luke spoke, “We won’t take your magnet, we’re just borrowing it.”

“No, I don’t want it anymore, I’m going to find a new magnet, one that brings me good luck.”

“Thanks.” Luke, what more can be said?

Seeing Luke about to leave, Rory Russell rushed to stop him, “Hey, Idol, can I get a picture with you.”

“I’m sorry about that, I’m in the middle of a workday and I’m not a public figure.” Luke nodded his head in apology and turned to Jackson, who was standing by, “What are you waiting for? Your treasure hunt is about to begin, Come, on.”

Jackson was a bit resistant, “Captain, why me?”

Black patted him on the shoulder and smiled, “Because you’re the only one who’s seen the show, you’re the most experienced, looking forward to your performance.”

Jackson wanted to slap himself.

Told you to talk too much.

But there was no way around it, the crowd was staring at him, so he had no choice but to tough it out.

The tool for the treasure hunt was very simple, it was a strong magnet with a thick wire tied to it, tie one end of the thick wire to your left hand, and use your right hand to throw the end with the magnet tied to it into the bottom of the river.

There are two essentials to this, the first is to throw it far, and the second, to stick it to the bottom of the river so that it can suck up more items.

The first time Jackson fished up a discarded bicycle handlebar.

The second time he fished up a metal box, which had nothing in it but some sludge.

The third time he fished up a black bag identical to the one Rory Russell had found earlier.

“Captain, I found it.” Jackson volunteered to take credit.

Luke gave a thumbs up, “Good job, keep going.”

Jackson “……”

Jackson salvaged a few more times using the same method, but this time didn’t suck up any more black bags.

Luke surveyed the size of the black bag and roughly estimated that it could hold only forty to fifty pounds of minced meat and bone crumbs, two bags wouldn’t be enough.

Just then, came the voice of the forensic scientist, Sheila, “Captain Luke.”

“Sheila, what have you found?”

“It can be determined that the broken body in the bag is indeed human tissue, the time of death should be more than 24 hours, and the owner of the body should be an adult male, these two black bags, one weighing 43 pounds and the other weighing 47 pounds.

It should only be part of the body, and the other bodies need to be found as soon as possible.”

“I will.” Luke nodded, “How did the body get like this?”

“It should have been cut with a machine.”

Blackie said with some disgust, “I bet this murderer is a pervert.

A normal person would never be able to do such a thing.”

Luke pursued, “Any clues to the identity of the body?”

“Not at the moment, you’ll need to do your own investigation.” Sheila looked at the two black bags, “I’ll go back and try to put it together, maybe I can find some clues.

If it’s still put together.”

“Good luck, I’ll get the rest of the bodies as soon as I can.” Luke was feeling stressed, not only did he have to deal with a psychopathic murderer, but more importantly, Rory Russell was doing a live broadcast at the time, and the case could have gone viral on the internet, triggering a panic among the public at any time.

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