Ghostbusters I: The Tomb Raider's Experience

Ancient civilizations, lost treasures, mysterious and unpredictable ancient tombs. What is the Nine-Layered Demon Tower under the great glacier in the Kunlun Mountains? Hidden in the tombs of the disappeared ancient demonic kings, bizarre martyrdom ditches, mysterious mica, nine underground "golden" towers, piles of dried skeletons in peculiar ancient costumes. What are the unknown creatures here? The fire-carrying ladybugs attacked the sky, and the huge mysterious crawling monsters. A group of people are in danger of dying! The story is led by a family heirloom secretary's remnants of a scroll, which tells of three contemporary gold touching lieutenants, in order to solve the ancient mystery of the tribe's disappearance, utilizing the secret art of feng shui to decipher the pulse of the world's great mountains and rivers, and to search for a place lost in the depths of the earth's dragon buildings and treasure halls. After all, those dragon-shaped tigers, uncovering the sky and pulling up the ground, overturning the sea and river moves, are very different from the vulgar, in the strange and bizarre underground world, the mystery of history is layer by layer to be unveiled ......

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Chapter 235: Appendix

Appendix: An actual incident

The Sichuan-Tibet Highway crosses the Kunlun Mountains and passes through the four major river systems of the Jinsha, Lancang, Nujiang and Yarlung Zangbo rivers. It is one of the most dangerous highways in the world.

Soldiers A and B of the People's Liberation Army were driving a military truck to deliver emergency supplies to the troops.

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