Chapter 180.

Release Date: 2024-09-06 23:27:39
A+ A- Turn Off Light

It was true that Cheng Tianyang was not amongst these corpses.

But the others were there.

In addition to the traces of the fight around them, there were also many traces left behind by the traps.

“Cheng Tianyang and the others should have come to the Zhou Mansion to hand over darts, but were lured here to attack and kill with traps.

“The Zhou Mansion should be full of people from the Zuo Dao Zhuang.

“After killing the Tianyang Dart Bureau people, the things in the car were moved away …… and the bodies were abandoned.”

Tang Yuyi glanced at Jiang Ran after reading through the whole thing once:

“Cheng Tianyang’s martial arts skills are extremely high, and the Tianyang Dart Bureau, as the number one dart bureau in the Golden Cicada, is by no means a good match.

“But when fighting with this gang, it seems like there wasn’t even a bit of symbolic resistance.

“Zuo Dao Zhuang …… good ability ah!”

“How does it compare to the Demon Sect?”

Jiang Ran glanced at Tang Wuyi.

Tang Painting Yi smiled:

“Then you have to look at which people in the devil religion ……

“There are all sorts of people in the Devil Cult, and some of them would probably let Cheng Tianyang die without knowing anything, and their bodies wouldn’t even be left behind.

“But there are also some who will probably make a big fuss.

“All in all, there are actually quite a few people who can do this, but the means also determine the outcome.”

Jiang Ran nodded:

“Actually, I don’t care what the outcome is or what the means are.

“What I care about is why did they do it?

“According to the traces today, Cheng Tianyang and the others rushed their car into the mansion, and subsequently followed them to this side.

“Along the way, there was a great deal of trust in them.

“Normal reasoning, there is no need to drive the Tianyang Dart Bureau people to extinction.

“Just need to put things next …… let Cheng Tianyang they leave is, why bother with this?”

“The reasoning is indeed like that.”

Tang Yuyi said, “Unless, once Cheng Tianyang and the others have left, they will realize that this single dart is problematic. Going back and investigating it again might lead to some trouble. So, just simply do not do anything, do not rest …… directly kill the mouth.

“By the time the news from this place gets out, their so-called big event may have already been done.”

Jiang Ran stroked his chin:

“If they play the people of the Zhou Mansion, then the gatekeepers, household servants and maids, I think there are quite a lot of them.

“This circumference but did not leave traces of departure …… We have walked all the way, passersby also only saw the Tianyang Dart Bureau, but did not see other large groups of people ……

“Let’s go forward and see where this road will lead.”


Tang Yuyi’s posture was relaxed, even if the ground was full of corpses, it wouldn’t make her frown.

Bouncing around, she followed Jiang Ran:

“It’s quite silent around here, what a good place, even if you do something harmful, no one will find out.”


Jiang Ran glanced at Tang Yuyi, “What kind of hurtful things are you planning to do here?”

“I’m not going to hurt the heavens.”

Tang Wuyi pointed at those corpses from the Tianyang Dart Bureau, “I mean them.”


Jiang Ran sighed, “I wonder how Chief Bodyguard Cheng is doing.”

Of course Tang Yuyi couldn’t answer this question, she rubbed her hands together:

“If only I could pinch my fingers, I could give you an answer to anything you don’t understand with a pinch of my fingers.

“In that case, you would be bound to ask me for something every moment in the future,” she said.

“Then you can do whatever I want!”

“You still want to do whatever you want?”

Jiang Ran reached out and pinched one of the hair temples on her head, “You want to go blind, don’t you?”

“Brother-in-law brother-in-law, I’m wrong I’m wrong!”

Tang Yuyi begged for forgiveness, “I won’t dare next time, let go of my hair.”

“There’s a next time?”

Jiang Ran raised an eyebrow.

Tang Yuyi grinned straight away, “I’ll dare next time, right?”

Jiang Ran didn’t want to fight with her, and after ruthlessly pinching her face, he let her go.

Tang Yuyi’s eyes were starry from the pain, but she could only dare to be angry and not dare to say anything.

Following Jiang Ran all the way forward, there was still not the slightest trace around, but there was a forest that looked quite dense.

Jiang Ran looked around and sighed:

“Not chasing …… all the way here without traces, either guessed wrong, or chased the wrong.

“This kind of aimless wandering is just a waste of time.

“Come on, let’s go back.”

“Huh? Going back this way?”

Tang Yuyi touched her face, “It’s been a long time since I’ve shown people with my original face, I’m still really a bit reluctant to part with it.”

“Then you play here for a while? I’ll …… myself.”

He was about to say a ‘go’, but suddenly paused.

Tang Yuyi followed his gaze, and saw that a tree in that forest had broken a branch.

In normal times, this didn’t seem like a big deal.

Jiang Ran, on the other hand, shifted his body and took the branch in his hand:

“It just broke.”

“We found the right direction?”

Tang Yuyi was also quite energized.

The two of them immediately moved forward in the direction where the branch trace was located.

Perhaps it was because they had already gotten so far out, and at that time, those people felt that even if someone searched, it would be impossible to search such a place.

Therefore the traces left along the way began to become more numerous.

The two of them followed the traces and walked forward through the woods, but after that, there was a narrow road.

Following the road soon enough, they could already see the residence.

But the path did not go into the crowd, but turned on the spot, from these homes, extending into the distance.

As we continue to move forward, the surrounding residential more and more, and finally walked under the walk, which converged into the street of the Evergreen Mansion.

Looking up, one could see the southern city gate of Evergreen Mansion.

Jiang Ran and Tang Wuyi stood on the street, looking this way and that way.

Glancing at each other:

“They left the city?”

But when they asked the people around them if they had seen a group of people carrying many boxes passing by.

The answer they got was no.

“There are carriages passing by here, but there are no people carrying boxes.”

A tea store’s junior said:

“At the entrance of this southern city, there are quite a lot of people coming from the south to the north.

“If there are so many people waving through, as you two say, then there must be an impression.

“Besides, if so many boxes wanted to go out of the city, those officials at the gate alone would have to check them for a while.

“It could never have been this silent.

“If the two of you are looking for someone, you’re most likely looking in the wrong place.”

Both Jiang Ran and Tang Yuyi were somewhat silent.

Such a group of people could never disappear without a trace ……

If no one had noticed it, then it could only have been turned into a whole.

Nowadays, Jiang Ran and the others didn’t know what exactly was in this batch of dart items, nor did they know what big thing this group of people were doing after getting this batch of dart items.

This thing is actually in the city, or outside the city?

Therefore, whether or not this gang had gone out of the city was always between a rock and a hard place.

“I think there’s a high possibility that they’re out of the city.”

Tang Yuyi said, “The manpower is dispersed and organized into small groups, so they can leave through the four directions of the city gates. Things can be prepared in advance for carriages, also divided into pieces, and leave the city in order.”

“What about the reason?”

Jiang Ran asked.


Tang Yuyi rationalized.

Jiang Ran sighed deeply, his face full of helplessness.

“What kind of expression is that? Looking down on my intuition?”

Tang Yingyi glared.

Jiang Ran shook his head:

“I’m feeling sad …… that my intuition is even the same as yours.”

Tang Yuyi instantly turned angry to happy: “Then let’s go look for it?”

“Finding a needle in a haystack?”

After leaving the city gates, the roads were all over the place, not to mention two people, even if it was twenty people, two hundred people, it would still be a needle in a haystack.


Jiang Ran stood up:

“We’re not familiar with the Evergreen Mansion’s territory, with the two of us, it’s impossible to find them.

“We need to find help.”

“You still have acquaintances in the Evergreen Mansion?”

Tang Wuyi glanced at Jiang Ran, feeling incredulous:

“How do I remember, this is the first time you’ve traveled far since you were a child.”


Jiang Ran wanted to pinch her face again.

However, this time, Tang Puyi anticipated the enemy first, and had already made preparations, as soon as Jiang Ran raised his hand, she scurried out three feet away, proudly sticking out her tongue at Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran grinned and beckoned to her:

“Come over.”

“What for?”

Tang Yuyi cautiously looked at Jiang Ran.

“You come over and talk about business.”

Jiang Ran spoke with a straight face.

Tang Wuyi moved her steps with trust and came to Jiang Ran’s front:

“What kind of person are you looking for help?”

“Naturally, it’s the Evergreen Prefect.”

Jiang Ran took out the knife catching order from his pocket:

“This thing, I think it’s of some use, not to mention the origin of this Zhou Mansion they always know right, this gang of people in the Zhou Mansion turtled up, ask the Evergreen Prefect to help provide a little clue shouldn’t be difficult …… don’t you think so?”


Tang Yuyi was nodding her head when she caught a glimpse of heavy finger shadows out of the corner of her eye.

In a flash, it was too late to run again.

Only feeling a tightness in her shoulder well point, she immediately looked up:

“You Pei …… oooh oooh ……”

The two small faces were all taken into Jiang Ran’s grasp, rubbing them fiercely, and a face was given a rubbed face, and the five features were hideous.

Just heard Jiang Ran hatefully said:

“I let you run, you run ah, you run again ah, still run or not?”

Poor Tang Yuyi couldn’t even speak, she could only whimper and let out some syllables of unknown significance.

It was only after rubbing her face to a reddish color that Jiang Ran let go of her, and in the process, unlocked her acupoints.

“Jiang Ran, I’ll fight you!!!”

After suddenly unlocking her confinement, Tang Yuyi wanted to rush up and fight for her life.

Jiang Ran’s eyes swept, “Oh?”

“There’s no harm in fighting another day.”

Tang Wuyi rubbed her face, feeling her cheeks burning, unable to resist glaring at Jiang Ran again:

“I’m so good looking, why are you so cruel?”

“In the face of you, a demonic little demoness, what’s so ruthless about it?”

Jiang Ran hummed:

“Go, go to the government office.”

Tang Wuyi followed Jiang Ran’s tone of voice and movement, mimicking it wordlessly, rolling her eyes in the process, and was about to follow Jiang Ran forward, but she didn’t expect Jiang Ran to suddenly stop in her tracks.

His head suddenly hit Jiang Ran’s back.

“Aigoo…… what are you doing? How come you’re not walking?”

Tang Yuyi was a little confused, tilting her head to look over in front of Jiang Ran.

She saw a few young men who didn’t know when they were standing there, and the leader bowed to Jiang Ran:

“May I ask if your honor is the Amazing God Sword, Jiang Ran, Young Scholar Jiang?”


Jiang Ran shook his head categorically, “You all may have recognized the wrong person.”


The young man in the lead was dumbfounded and let out a bitter smile:

“Don’t joke about it, young warrior Jiang, we were ordered by our master to come and invite young warrior Jiang to a meeting, so naturally we won’t recognize the wrong person.”

“Won’t recognize the wrong person, what else to ask ……”

Tang Yuyi rolled her eyes, “Which one is your master again? If we don’t go, are you still planning to forcefully tie us over?”

“Miss is joking, we invited you as a courtesy, how would we dare to force us?

“If young warrior Jiang is unwilling, we can only wait until next time to ask for an invitation.”

When the man in the lead said this, he suddenly took out a post from his sleeve:

“My master has said that this is the first time I’ve come into contact with Young Warrior Jiang, so, presenting a gift to meet you.”

After saying that, he handed it over with both hands.

Jiang Ran raised his eyebrows slightly and unhurriedly took out the deerskin gloves from his arms and put them on.

The few men and women behind that young man were a bit indignant when they saw Jiang Ran acting like this.

Only, they had big rules, and they didn’t dare to talk nonsense before the person in charge spoke.

Jiang Ran received the post, into his hand slightly sunk, but smiled:

“Your master is rich and generous ah, this post is even made of jade as paper and sealed with gold.”

“This is the gold and jade seal.”

Tang Yuyi glanced at it before looking at the several people across the table:

“You guys are from the Hundred Treasures Society? And which one is your master?”

“Going out, I don’t dare to talk about my master’s name. If you two want to know, feel free to follow us.”

The man raised his head, a warm jade-like smile still hanging on his face.

Tang Yuyi then said to Jiang Ran:

“The Golden Jade Badge is a token of the Hundred Treasures Society, and it is said that each copy has its own mystery on it, and the people of the Hundred Treasures Society can ascertain the authenticity.

“Holding this token into any store within the Hundred Treasures Society to buy something, no matter what you buy, it will be 70% of the original price.

“And it will be treated as a guest of honor by the shopkeeper on his behalf, even if he doesn’t buy anything and eats or drinks, he is still given what he wants.”

Jiang Ran nodded: “I see so …… this meeting to give such a good thing, but it makes me a little embarrassed not to see your master.

“That’s just it, since it’s like this, then I’ll trouble a few of you, lead the way ahead.”

“Thank you, Young Warrior Jiang for the honor.”

The man at the head smiled and stepped aside, revealing the carriage behind them:

“Both of you, please get on the carriage.”

Only then did Jiang Ran notice that this carriage was no ordinary carriage either.

The horse was a good horse, one black and one white were both thousand mile colts.

The car was a good car, with good wood and gold trim.

Open the door, the space inside is not small, in the middle there is a jade table, on top of which there are fruits and snacks, fragrant tea and wine, it can be said to be complete.

“Worthy of being the Hundred Treasures Society.”

Jiang Ran got on the carriage and sat down, his heart gently sighed:

“This is what will spend money and enjoy ……”

“Why don’t you get one too?”

Tang Yuyi said:

“Riding a horse every day to catch up, my legs have given way to thick skin.”

Jiang Ran subconsciously glanced at Tang Yuyi’s legs, and then thought that the place where horseback riding rubbed was actually the inner side of the two thighs, and was immediately stunned, and then hurriedly moved his gaze away.

“Brother-in-law, what are you thinking about?”

Tang Yuyi’s eyes suddenly lifted, and there was a hidden smile in her eyes.

“None of your business.”

Jiang Ran turned back, picked up the wine pot next to him, opened the lid and sniffed it, then his eyes lit up:

“What kind of wine is this? It smells so good.”

Tang Yuyi had wanted to tease Jiang Ran, yet after smelling the flavor, she was stunned:

“This seems to be Thousand Yum Villa’s [Indulgence].”

“Thousand蕴山庄? Indulgence?”

Jiang Ran gave Tang Yuyi a somewhat puzzled look.

“Lonely and uninformed, aren’t you.”

Tang Yuyi burst out laughing.

“…… Who do I blame for being insular?”

Jiang Ran spat out a breath, “It’s not the old drunkard, who doesn’t teach me anything?”

“That’s true.”

Tang Yuyi nodded:

“But there aren’t many people in Jianghu who know about Zongyi ……

“There are people from all walks of life in this Jianghu, and the Thousand Yums Villa is quite special, they brew wine.

“Specializing in brewing all kinds of fine wines, the value is extremely high.

“If this wine is Indulgence, then just this one pot would cost at least two hundred taels of silver.”

“Two hundred taels of silver!?”

Even if Jiang Ran was rich and powerful, his hand shivered when he heard this and he almost didn’t throw the bottle:

“Poor and extravagant.”

Saying that, he flipped open the wine cup and poured a glass.

Only after carefully checking it did he pick up the glass and drink it all in one go.

The wine entered his throat like a silk thread, but he hadn’t tasted how indulgent it was, but it was really more special than all the wines he had drunk in the past.

Tang Yuyi came over with her wine cup:

“I want it too.”

“What kind of wine does a child drink?”

Jiang Ran hurriedly hid the wine, thought for a moment, and then picked up his own wine gourd.

Tilting his head tons and tons and tons, in a few moments, the gourd’s fine wine was finished.

Then he took that wine pot and poured it into his own gourd.


Tang Yuyi hated her with itching teeth, “Are you as far as that?”

“Why not, and aren’t you never a drinker on weekdays? What’s the point of grabbing it from me for nothing?”

After Jiang Ran had smoothed the entire pot of Indulgence into the gourd, he gently shook it and put down the wine pot with satisfaction.

“Zong Yi isn’t another wine …… such a good wine, how could I let it go?”

Tang Painting Yi glanced at the gourd in Jiang Ran’s hand and suddenly looked up at him:

“Brother-in-law …… give me a sip, okay?”

Jiang Ran sniffed and only felt his head sink, subconsciously about to give the wine gourd away.

In the next moment, the Creation Positive Heart Sutra turned, and his mind was suddenly clear.

But at the same time also secretly bad, not surprisingly a light hand, and then looked up, the wine gourd has fallen into the hands of Tang Wuyi.

She beautifully looked at Jiang Ran a glance, then mouth a drink, with the sound of swallowing sound, face also appeared intoxicated color.

After drinking a large mouthful, she took away the gourd and returned it to Jiang Ran:

“Good wine indeed.”

Jiang Ran looked at the drool on the gourd and then at Tang Yuyi:

“I just drank it, you drink it too, don’t you mind it being dirty?”

“How could brother-in-law be dirty?”

Tang Yuyi really didn’t drink much on a regular basis, and after this mouthful entered her stomach, a few shades of red immediately appeared on her face.

She tilted her head to scrutinize Jiang Ran:

“Brother-in-law, you’re so good-looking.”

“Just had a sip of wine and you’re starting to play drunk?”

Jiang Ran was speechless for a while, “You’re not afraid of people poisoning the wine.”

“Haven’t you checked everything?

“And the hallowed Hundred Treasures Society isn’t above practicing such underhanded tactics.”

Tang Yuyi moved her butt and rubbed up against Jiang Ran’s side, pulling his arm over and wrapping it in her arms:

“Brother-in-law, let me lean on you for a while.”

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