Chapter 17: Kill him!

Release Date: 2024-07-12 11:42:24
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The Chaos City Lord had a high status in the human community, and an extremely high status in the Hong Alliance, so many departments would send emails to the Chaos City Lord for some things to report, but the importance of the emails were also divided into levels, and only extremely important emails would be looked at immediately by the Chaos City Lord. Otherwise, they all waited until a certain time to focus on them.

The Shadow Monarch, who was the general head of the intelligence department of the Virtual Universe Corporation, and the general head of the intelligence department of the Hong Alliance, was a Universe Hegemony level existence.

The message that Luo Feng was the Blade River King was now known to the higher echelons of the human race, and the Shadow Monarch naturally knew about it as well.


“3,000 battles, surprisingly 2,979 wins just 21 losses?” The Chaos City Lord couldn’t help but be surprised even as he held the letter in his hand.

“Yes, City Lord.” The Shadow Monarch respectfully said.

“I didn’t expect him to be able to achieve this level.”

Chaos city lord was indeed surprised, the over 90 million legacy rankings that reached the top ranks were extremely close in strength, just like when Luo Feng fought against a certain powerhouse close in strength, I’m afraid that sometimes he won and sometimes he lost, there were no absolutes.

“Luo Feng he has a great future.” The Shadow Monarch, who was known for being “cold and terrifying”, the chief of the entire Hong alliance’s intelligence department, had a rare smile on his face.

“Hahaha …… over 620,000 battles, with such a win rate, how many glory points must be earned, every 100 glory points exchange for an inheritance opportunity, how many inheritance opportunities must be, that Ancestral God Sect is afraid that this time, it will have to cultivate a super strong person for my humanity.” The Chaos City Lord laughed freely, his laughter echoing in the great hall.

No one doubted it, even the Demon Race, the Prison Race, and other cosmic superpowers were of the opinion that if no one hindered allowing the Blade River King to grow up, then in the future, he would definitely be a superpower in the human race, a terrifying existence! At most, it would take a long time to say.

So, it had to be killed before it became truly powerful!

“City lord, Luo Feng winning like this is one, earning huge amounts of glory points having a large number of inheritance opportunities. Two, it’s also to show that he’s now extremely strong and has an extremely high sense of law.” The Shadow Monarch owed a slight bow, “There’s no doubt that the three peak communities of the insect, demon, and mechanical races are definitely anxious, when Luo Feng becomes a Cosmic Exalted then it’ll be harder for them to want to assassinate again, there’s bound to be assassinations in the near future……. City Lord, what should we do about it?”


Chaos city lord nodded, “The demon, insect and mechanical races have a wide variety of means, but my disciple is now in the Ancestral God Sect’s heavy ground, causing them to be able to use very few means, and they can’t use any other more powerful means. They can only order some powerful inheritors to kill Luo Feng. This is their only way.”

“Hmm.” The Shadow Monarch nodded.

The Ancestral God Sect’s heavy ground was not to be trespassed on, the demon race and other peak ethnic groups would rather let Luo Feng become a super powerhouse than send out a super being to trespass on the Ancestral God Sect’s heavy ground, that would have serious consequences.

“Leave this to me, you have to trust my disciple.” Chaos City Lord said.

The Shadow Monarch owed a slight bow, “Then my subordinate will retire.”

“Go.” Chaos City Lord nodded his head.

The Shadow Monarch, could become the general head of the Hong League’s intelligence department, mainly because he was from the lineage of the Virtual Universe Company, because the Virtual Universe had an extremely terrifying role in spreading messages, even the other peak communities in the universe were sparing no expense in placing one spy after another, arranging a classified transmission method, even though it was often cracked and sacrificed a great amount of money, the foreign races continued to do so.

So engage in intelligence, the chief of the intelligence department of his virtual universe company’s lineage, easily doubled as the chief of intelligence of the Hong alliance. The person of power …… can be no less than some other hall masters in the Hong League.

The insect race, the demon race, and the mechanical race all stopped watching at this time, and it was obvious that the insect race, which had long since begun planning, was the first to arrange everything.

In the virtual world erected within the Bug Race.

Endless clouds, a beautiful suspended island, a beautiful with butterfly-like feathers, body as if crystal condensation like white translucent, is as soft as water insect mother emperors, one is playing with each other, mother emperors each appearance can be described as stunningly beautiful, a look to let other beings heartache as if they want to guard her.

“Look, it’s a foreign race.”

“It’s the Kong Swastika Clan of our Insect Alliance.” The Mother Emperors all looked at the figure, it was a strong foreigner with horny layers all over his body, wearing a mask and an ancient black armor, this strong man of the Kong Swastika Clan soon arrived at the center of the suspended island, which had a palace carved out of trees.

The door of the palace was wide open.

The Kong Swastika Clan powerhouse stepped into the palace, and the guards did not stop him.

“Kong Swastika Clan Jue Guang, greetings to the Lord of the Universe.” The masked alien powerhouse bowed in the wooden hall, and on the wooden throne in the hall sat an unparalleled being whose appearance was so beautiful that it mesmerized the souls of the powerful, and whose entire body was shrouded in a hazy colored mist.

“Venerable Jue Guang, I need you to do something, you know?” The voice was somewhat crisp and clear.

“Already known.” Venerable Jue Guang respectfully answered.

“What do you need to say.” The being on the wooden throne asked.

“The Lord of the Universe chose me because I am an inheritor, and secondly, because I am now making slow progress on the Beast God Dao, and have gradually given up on the Beast God Dao, preparing to take the most expansive avenue of ‘space and time’. This is also why I possess the art of separation, and four, as a member of the Kong Swastika Clan, I naturally specialize in the Way of Soul Control.” Venerable Jue Guang said, “The price I paid to assassinate that human Blade River King was minimal in comparison.”

“Right, looking over my Insect Alliance, you are the most suitable. In terms of the entire alliance, it’s best for you to go. However, for you, the price to pay is great. Losing a Cosmic Exalted bilocation and wanting to recover one again, the huge amount of divine power that would be needed alone would be a great cost. Moreover, you will never be able to go to that Ancestral God Sect again and lose the opportunity to receive the inheritance.”

Venerable Jue Guang stood there respectfully and listened.

“The Alliance will make up for everything you lose.” That stunningly beautiful figure said, “Regarding the assassination, what are your thoughts?”

“From what Jue Guang knows, that human Blade River King has been accepting challenges right now, so he has remained in his mansion.” Venerable Jue Guang respectfully said, “The Lord of the Universe also knows that every palace on that Zijing Island is the territory of every inheritor, that is the only territory that the inheritor has absolute control over, it is forbidden for other inheritors to trespass, and once trespassed on it will be attacked by the Lake of Five-colored Auroras, and instantly annihilated. So there is no way for me to trespass at all, I can only wait for that human to come out.”

“About luring him out? Considering from the perspective of preventing the human from being suspicious, luring him is not very suitable.”

“The dumbest way is also the best way, which is to wait quietly and wait for him to come out of that mansion on his own accord.” Venerable Jue Guang respectfully said.

On the great hall.

That stunningly beautiful figure looked down at Venerable Jue Guang with a hint of a smile that made the surrounding heaven and earth lose color: “You are very calm, what I need to remind you is that …… it is best for your soul to control that Blade River King! Once his soul is controlled, then the possibility of humans reversing time and space to resurrect him is eliminated.”

“Of course if there is no note of soul control, just kill it directly.”

“This human Knife River King must have had some very special encounters, the more special the encounters are, the greater the price paid to reverse time and space to resurrect him.” The absolutely beautiful being’s voice seemed to resound in that Jue Guang zun-zhe’s mind, “The Blade River King is special like this, I’m afraid that the cost of resurrecting him is higher than that of an ordinary universe zun-zhe, perhaps the price to be paid to resurrect him is comparable to that of a universe hegemon.”

“Soul control is the first choice. Killing is the second choice. Go!”

“Yes.” Zun Jue Guang looked to respectfully respond.

Violet Bauhinia Island.

As Venerable Jue Guang strolled forward, the other inheritors avoided moving away from a distance, showing some respect to the Cosmic Venerable, which was quite common, and this caused Venerable Jue Guang to have a hint of pleasure in his eyes, but when he remotely saw the Earth’s Jiangnan garden style mansion beside the river in the distance, he furrowed his brows.

“Venerable, I am a Cosmic Venerable. But in the eyes of the horde, in the eyes of the Bug Alliance, I am far less of a threat than that one human who is only a Realm Lord.

“I assassinated the Blade River King and then was annihilated by the Lake of Colorful Aurora.”

“The most frightening thing is that I’ll have to be more stealthy in the future, or stay in the Bug Clan Borderlands all the time, or else once I’m discovered by the human clans, I’m afraid that the super existences of the human clans will avenge their supreme geniuses and kill me.”


Venerable Jue Guang felt a pang of sadness, yet he was powerless to resist. Even his home colony was unable to resist the orders of the insect race, let alone him, a Cosmic Exalted. Perhaps in terms of individual strength, he was definitely considered an existence that spanned the universe, but compared to a group of existences at the very top of the universe, he was weak, small, and could only follow orders.

Two days later.

“Kill him and sacrifice me? The Lord of the Demon Race Skywolf promises to reverse time and space to resurrect me?”

“But even if I am resurrected, I will no longer have a chance to pass on my inheritance in the Beast God Dao, and I will also be on the list of people that the human race-like wants to kill.” A beast that looked like a gathering of mud stood at the top of a distant mountain peak, looking down, and the roar of the Lord of the Tian Lang seemed to ring in his ears “Kill him!”

The Mechanical Race, Demon Race, and Insect Race had all sent out strong individuals, but coincidentally they were all Fae Exalted, not their own races. Even so they had to pay a certain price to the foreign races, if they were too overbearing and bullying the foreign races, I’m afraid the alliance would have collapsed a long time ago.

Time passed. 1000 matches a day, Luo Feng still continued to fight on a very regular basis.

And the demon race, the insect race, and the mechanical race are waiting for good news, and they also know that …… humans will guess that they will assassinate to make preparations. However, in their opinion, unless that Sword River King has been hiding inside the mansion, or just out of the mansion, there is a venerable person who is always protected, otherwise they can always find an opportunity.

“Rumble ……”

In the battle world, above the bustling metropolis of steel and concrete that had been reduced to ruins, Luo Feng was dressed in black armor and boots, with black feathered wings on his back, and with a move of his left hand, the distant as a golden pearl flew back.

“All battles, over!” Luo Feng looked at the surging aftermath of divine power in the distance and said softly.

Nearly two years, over 620,000 battles, all over!

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