Chapter 32 – The Barking Mirror King

Release Date: 2024-07-12 11:43:05
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“It must be the strongest world tree!” Inside a small remote and silent cave on the barren stone island, Luo Feng’s eyes were but full of shock.

The Demon Slayer clan bilocation had been subjected to that horrific attack before, and the despair it faced …… Luo Feng Earthling’s original body also felt the same. It was as if a towering being blew a breath and crushed an ant to death, and the Demon Slayer Race bilocation was that ant, and the one who could reach this level must be the strongest World Tree.

“He actually made a move?”

“Although he is only a Cosmic Exalted, his identity as a special being and his frighteningly large size make him possess the battle power of a Cosmic Lord! Such an existence actually struck out at the Demon Slayer clan split.” Luo Feng felt incredulous, according to his prediction, the Demon Slayer Clan bilocation instantly appeared to grab the branch before instantly escaping.

The time before and after was extremely short, even the immortal level world tree was afraid that it would be too late to stop it.

“I’ll just take away a branch and leaf, and that explosion was only a light injury to that World Tree, is it necessary to kill me? Or did the strongest world tree personally take action.” Luo Feng had a belly full of anger, he was about to get his hands on his third branch, as long as the third branch was successfully conceived, then he would no longer delay to immediately break through into immortality!

But now it seems that the trouble is big!

“The strongest world tree will even make a move, my demon slayer clan bilocation has already been destroyed twice in a row, that world tree is definitely on alert, what should I do then?” Luo Feng anxiously meditated.

The more he thought, the more furious he became.

“Strongest world tree, you that kind of status, why bother with me, not just a little branch, that world tree’s crown is over a hundred million kilometers in diameter, one or two branches and leaves can’t even be counted as a hair of the ninth cow, if you make a move, aren’t you dropping the price.” Luo Feng’s biggest headache right now was that strongest world tree.

It was comparable to the Lord of the Universe!

With the natural means of “controlling space and time”, with the strength of the strongest world tree, its control over space and time would not be inferior to a true universe lord.

“The power of Time Stasis must be terrifying, I’m afraid it can even reverse space-time.

As long as that Strongest World Tree blocks it and time stands completely still, with that little ability of the Demon Slayer Clan’s detachment there is no way to escape.

“What to do?” Luo Feng thought bitterly.

Luo Feng actually didn’t know that the strongest world tree and the eight world liners under his command had a special relationship – a father-son relationship.

It was as if a large tree grew in the dirt, and as time passed, some saplings would grow around it.

This was the instinct of trees!

The Strongest World Tree was a unique existence in the universe, and as a tree, he was also able to make saplings grow around him, all at his will. It must be known that he only needed to branch out a little bit to turn into a powerful tree of life, and as the Strongest World Tree filled with endless life force, its life essence was extremely powerful.

Because of his loneliness, he wanted to cultivate the saplings properly, so eight saplings were born around him, and he even passed the part of his life essence to the eight saplings.

It was like the heart of space passing the essence to the Demon Slaying Race.

This “strongest world tree” would rather reduce its own potential, but also properly cultivate eight saplings …… So in essence, he is like a father, has been caring for eight children, cultivating eight children, and tree life nature does not like to move, infinite years have been In this.

He was closer to his eight children than the father-child relationship of many ethnic groups in the universe.

It was only natural that he would spoil and pamper them.

Desolate stone island, inside the cave.

Luo Feng came up with several scenarios in his mind, all of which had a certain probability of success, but none of which could guarantee 100% success.

“Conception successful.” Luo Feng sensed that in the distant human frontier, in the primordial secret realm, his own protocore inner world had already succeeded in breeding the demon slayer clan split once again.

In just a few seconds.

A hoary golden light lit up, it was the divine kingdom teleportation, from the distant human frontier to the primordial mystic realm in just a few seconds.


The Demon Slayer Race bilocation took one step and appeared in the cave.

“Depart.” The Demon Slayer Race detachment directly performed an instantaneous transfer and disappeared, and when it reappeared, it had already reached the sky above the Sea of the Nine Specters, and was able to see the tree island from afar.

“Choose the most conservative approach with the highest probability.” The Demon Slayer Clan’s doppelganger disappeared once again.

Among the countless plant seeds “pom-poms” floating on the tree island, one more seed was silently added.

The pom-poms slowly drifted towards that once again.

“I just need to spend more than five months to float over again and land at the edge of the World Tree, and at that time …… I’ll have another Peak Seal King Slave make a move to first throw the Fire God Source Crystal and then grab the branches and leaves.” The Demon Slayer Clan’s detachment secretly said, “If we use a peak Seal King slave to grab it, I’m afraid that the end will be to end up being killed!”

“But those World Trees, they must have thought that my peak Seal King slave was the mastermind.”

“In that battle, there will definitely be branches and leaves blowing up and flying around, and there will definitely be a lot of branches and leaves being blown out of the aperture range.”

“At that time, this pom-pom of mine will float down on a branch or leaf.”

“And then immediately perform an instantaneous transfer! Carrying a leaf and disappearing …… Hmph, even if that existence with the battle power of the Master of the Universe, without discovering the pom-pom’s special circumstances beforehand, after I cast an instantaneous transfer and slipped away, it would already be too late for him to discover it again.” The Demon Slayer Clan’s doppelganger secretly said.

This was the new plan.

Treating a peak King Seal slave as a discard was also to achieve the goal of “blowing up a large number of branches and leaves”.

Time passed, and the pom-pom that the Demon Slayer Clan’s alter ego had transformed into slowly drifted and kept drifting towards that place.

For the most powerful world tree, the previous period of time is only a small episode, after all, the nine ghosts of space and time is often the arrival of the inheritors, such as before the devil kills the detachment of the robbing means of a threat is very small, a lot of inheritors have the strength to kill the world tree of the realm master level.

What the strongest world tree has to do is simply to protect the trunk of the eight children! As long as the main trunk was fine, then the loss of branches and leaves could also be quickly recovered.

“Floating, floating, I guess there’s still a month to go.” The pom-pom floated with the wind, mixing in with the countless drifting plant seeds in the scenic tree island.

In the void outside the Nine Specters of Time and Space.


A full seven strong figures of different races appeared at the same time, with both large and small sizes, there was a crawling immortal powerhouse with a divine body length of more than 10 kilometers, belonging to the largest body size. The smallest was merely a half-meter tall alien powerhouse with wings.

“It’s the Nine Specters Space-Time.”

“It’s arrived at the Nine Spectral Time.”

The seven foreign race powerhouses all looked at the Nine Spectral Time and Space, full of anticipation.

“So fast, it only took time to eat a meal to arrive at the Nine Spectral Time and Space.”

“It’s all thanks to Venerable Zi Crow’s transients, each of which is hundreds or even thousands of light-years, skimming over vast swathes of dangerous areas. If it wasn’t for Venerable Zi Crow, it would probably take us quite a while to arrive at the Nine Specters Space-Time, and we might even encounter dangers in the middle of it.”

“Yes, all thanks to Venerable Zi Crow.”

Amidst a sea of voices.

Suddenly a voice that was sharp as if it pierced through the eardrums rang out, “Yes, we do have to thank Venerable Z Crow.” The moment this voice came out, all of the other Fae powerhouses quieted down.

The one who spoke was a foreigner who had been standing with his back bowed, his hands and feet were in the shape of sharp claws, his whole body had dense scale armor, the scale armor was covered with golden secret patterns, his face had a golden mane, and he had a pair of golden eyes, as soon as this foreigner spoke out, the other powerhouses were quieted down.

“Venerable Zi Crow, am I right?” This foreign race powerhouse looked towards Venerable Z Crow.

Venerable Zi Crow was about six meters tall, had six pairs of feathered wings with black feathers, his entire body had a hidden layer of blood light, his mouth was like a sharp knife, and his eyes were even blood red. He …… is the “Zi Crow Venerable” among the hundreds of millions of inheritors on Bauhinia Island.

Zi Crow Venerable One grinned: “I can also play a role in catching up, until the Nine Sepulchral Time and Space, still have to rely on Barking Mirror King you.”

“The Nine Underworld Time and Space is full of dangers, with you, Vedic Mirror King, we have a much higher chance of surviving.

“Yes, we are trapped in the limit for endless years, Barking Mirror King you want to set off this time, but many inheritors want to come together, in the end, we still take advantage of the benefits, if we find treasures in the Nine Spectral Time and Space, it will be the Barking Mirror King, Venerable Crow, you guys pick first, we’re not in a hurry.”

“According to the merits, it’s only right for the Vedic Mirror King to pick first.”

The other five foreign powerhouses all said.

Of the seven present, there was a total of one Cosmic Exalt and six Immortal Inheritors. Venerable Zi Crow was that Cosmic Exalted, and Vedic Mirror King was one of the Immortals.

“Hahaha …… don’t worry, everything is according to merit, I naturally won’t rob what you guys get.” The Vedic Mirror King laughed.

Venerable Zi Crow also laughed at the side.

The other five also concurred.

“This Vedic Mirror King is notorious for being crazy, ruthless, and greedy.” Venerable Zi Crow saw this but secretly snorted, “If it wasn’t for the fact that his probing methods are indeed unique in the universe and are a natural talent, I wouldn’t have teamed up with him to come here. As for those five Immortal Inheritors, humph, how would a truly important treasure fall into their hands? But this Barking Mirror King, I have to be careful, don’t plant your head and fulfill his reputation.”

Venerable Zi Crow was very jealous of the Barking Mirror King.

The Barking Mirror King …… ranked in the top ten among hundreds of millions of immortal inheritors!

To know that the inheritors on Zijing Island, that is from the birth of the universe since the continuous accumulation, with the passage of time a large number of brushed off, perhaps the vast majority of the level belongs to the normal level, but ranked in the top ten …… that is definitely since the birth of the universe, by the Ancestral God Sect collection of the first class of the absolute genius.

For example, the Bug King, as a unique and special life in the universe, is only ranked in the top three.

Barking Mirror King, also a special life in the universe, the life level alone is 2000 times that of ordinary life! Moreover, his two major natural secret methods …… are unique in the universe, and he was absorbed by one of the super powers in the universe, the “Northern Border Alliance”, and was given a supreme treasure and a set of heavy treasure to protect his body, so in terms of combat strength, although he is slightly weaker than the Bug Chasing King, he is also strong enough to compete with many Cosmic Exalted Masters. In terms of battle power, although he was slightly weaker than the Worm Banishing King, he was still strong enough to compete with many Universe Exalted.

“Let’s enter the Nine Septic Time and Space.” The Barking Mirror King said, “First, we’ll go to the safest Desolate Stone Island.”

“Well, let’s set off.”

Venerable Zi Crow immediately performed an instantaneous transfer, and the seven of them …… directly arrived at that Desolate Stone Island.

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