Chapter 38.

Release Date: 2024-07-12 11:43:21
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The blood-colored airstream filled a side of the heaven and earth.

“I didn’t realize that the entire Nine Specters time and space was the territory of that Lord of Nine Specters.” Luo Feng was in the middle of the grass, “The Lord of the Nine Sephiroths would be called invincible in this Nine Sephiroths space and time, could it be that special environments have an amplifying effect on the strength of the strong?”

Luo Feng thought about it.

This was still relatively far away from him.


“What are they looking for me for?” Luo Feng immediately connected his consciousness to the glory world.

Glory world, open square.

As soon as Luo Feng appeared out of thin air, he instantly caused the countless inheritors in the open air square to look over.

“Look, it’s the Blade River King.”

“The Blade River King has appeared, he’s really powerful, it’s hard to kill him with his gifted split technique.”

Luo Feng was stared at in a somewhat baffling manner, what were all staring at him for? These inheritors were all supreme geniuses, the previous challenge storm of over 620,000 matches had long since passed, a few times before even if he entered the world of glory, only a small portion of the inheritors would pay attention to him, they wouldn’t crowd around him like they had seen a rare treasure.

“Knife River.” A corner of the open air plaza, King Charman even shouted.

Luo Feng immediately walked over.

Walking in the open air square, wherever Luo Feng went, he would attract a bunch of gazes, those inheritors were all secretly talking while looking at Luo Feng, which made Luo Feng more and more puzzled.

“Blade river king, is your supreme treasure feather still there?” Suddenly a shout rang out.

Luo Feng glanced at it, it was the alien inheritor of that huge group from the northern frontier alliance who opened his mouth and shouted playfully, that horny face had an expression that made Luo Feng disgusted.

Luo Feng ignored it instead quickly walked over to the Hong alliance group there.

“What’s going on?” Luo Feng sat directly at a table, next to him sat King Charman, King Li Shuo, and King Qian Yu, these three were also the closest to Luo Feng in the legacy Hong alliance group.

“Blade River, I heard that you were chased by the Barking Mirror King and got caught in that nine ghost vortex? Is there such a thing?” King Charman first isolated the sounds around him before even murmuring quietly.

Luo Feng was startled.

He had just fallen into that side of heaven and earth for how long point, the news had actually spread.

“Could it be true?” Thousand Rain King quickly recognized from Luo Feng’s expression.

“Right.” Luo Feng nodded.

The news was afraid that it had already spread, so there was no need to hide it.

“You actually really got caught in the Nine Hells vortex? That, that place is a place where even a universe reverend would find it hard to survive if he got caught in it.” Thousand Rain King even said, beside him, King Li Shuo and King Charman also looked at Luo Feng with worry, King Charman couldn’t help but say, “They all said that you were killed when you fell into a desperate situation, and that the supreme treasure feather landed in that dangerous place.”

“Where did you guys get the news?” Luo Feng couldn’t help but ask.

“Anyway, just talking to each other in this open square, it spread quickly.” King Charman said, “It’s all said that you were chased by the Barking Mirror King and had no way to escape, and that you got caught in the Nine Hells vortex.”

“You’re really in the Nine Hells Vortex? Dead?” King Li Shuo couldn’t help but ask as well.

Now many were speculating that Luo Feng had already died once and then resurrected again by relying on the talent split technique, but the supreme treasure had fallen in that desperate situation.

“I was caught in the nine ghosts vortex to a dangerous place, but I just entered that desperate situation, I’m still struggling, at least I didn’t die immediately.” Luo Feng shook his head, “I’ve only just fallen into that realm and you guys even have news, the rumor is really fast.” It must have been one or more of the Zi Crow Venerable, Barking Mirror King and the rest of them who spread the news.

“Where does that Nine Septic Vortex lead to?” King Tsaman asked after him.

“How dangerous is it?” King Li Shuo said.

King Qian Yu was even staring at Luo Feng.

This was classified information, only a handful of people could escape alive from there, the value of the information was extremely high, it was treated as a first class secret and not easily spread out. Only information that could be easily discovered by the inheritors would be spread.

“It’s dangerous there.” Luo Feng thought of that universe honored alien who was chasing after the Barking Mirror King and said in a low voice, “Can’t instantly move, can’t teleport from the divine realm, and there are so many strong people there, I’m struggling right now and I’m afraid it’ll be hard to escape from the chase.”

“Unable to instantly move, unable to divine Kingdom teleport?” King Charman, King Li Shuo, and King Qianyu’s expressions changed.

“This, isn’t this equivalent to a world of sealing type heavy treasures.” King Tsaman couldn’t help but say.

There was no way to escape.

Even if one didn’t die, it was tantamount to being imprisoned there for endless years, which was indeed terrifying for strong people.

“No more talking to you guys, I have to continue escaping.” Luo Feng said in a low voice, then disappeared into thin air.

This made King Charman, King Li Shuo, and King Qian Yu all silently take note, the secret of this nine ghost vortex was no ordinary information, if it wasn’t for the fact that Luo Feng was on good terms with them, he was afraid that he wouldn’t have easily revealed it.

Luo Feng was running for his life in that side of the world, trying to run as far away as possible.

While the glory world was talking about him.

“The Barking Mirror King is here.”

“It’s the Barking Mirror King.”

When the Vedic Mirror King appeared in the Glory World Piazza, he received the same treatment as Luo Feng and was surrounded by a large number of inheritors.

“Barking Mirror King, I heard that you chased after Blade River King? He got caught in the nine ghost vortex, is this true?” An inheritor immediately inquired.


Barking Mirror King, however, snorted coldly and didn’t say anything, instead, he directly walked towards the gathering place of the Northern Border Alliance group.

After trying to get the Blade River King’s supreme treasure failed, he was planning an expedition in the Nine Specters time and space, but suddenly he received emails, which were sent to him by some of his friends through the Glory World, and the Barking Mirror King realized that …… what had happened before had actually all spread in the Glory World.

“Bastard, it’s either Venerable Z Crow or those five scumbags. But those five scumbags, they shouldn’t have that kind of guts, it’s likely that Venerable Z Crow is the one putting out the news.”

“Hmph, looks like he’s not an idiot either, the news of the Blade River King possessing a soul-type supreme treasure is a new piece of information, and he’s smart enough not to spread it.” The Vedic Mirror King said darkly, while also walking to the Northern Border Alliance group and casually sitting down.

The Barking Mirror King looked at the many inheritors around him.

“I know, everyone is curious about this.”

The Barking Mirror King grinned a hideous grin, “Although I’m not sure about the news that scumbag passed out, but …… right, that Blade River King was indeed hunted down by me and fled into that Nine Specters Maelstrom. Haha, that’s the Nine Secrets Vortex, plunged into it, even a Universe Exalted would have difficulty surviving, that Knife River King, even if he has the gift of detachment, but at least his supreme treasure is definitely going to fall there.”

The Barking Mirror King was arrogant and flamboyant, directly admitting everything of his own accord.

Six days later.

On Zijing Island, a palace building in the style of each race.

“Boom …… “A powerful Origin Laws aura that caused the entire Zijing Island to vibrate directly descended, which provoked many inheritors on the entire Zijing Island to immediately fly out and remotely look towards the center of the strongest Origin Laws aura a grating was that mansion belonging to True Difficulty King The center of the most intense aura of origin law was the mansion belonging to the True Diffusion King.

In the sky above the mansion, multicolored vortexes appeared.

Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, the five laws of the breath are compatible with each other, causing a more noble and majestic “space origin law” breath, the core of the colorful vortex …… is a void, like a mysterious channel connecting the universe origin place, the endless divine power directly into the True Diffusion King’s residence. Endless divine power directly entered the True Diffusion King’s residence.

“A breakthrough?”

“Space law!”

“Who is this, to have realized the complete Laws of Space and become a Cosmic Exalted.” One could only see a figure rise up in the air on Zijing Island, all looking at this scene with shock and envy.

Over a hundred million inheritors on Zijing Island were stuck at that step, all longing for this day.

“Whose mansion is this?”

“I don’t know.”

“I don’t know either.”

“Who is it, who broke through and became a Cosmic Exalted?”

“I don’t know.”

Countless inheritors surprisingly did not have a few who knew, and most of the Hong Alliance group did not know either, or King Charman said, “That mansion is together with the Blade River King’s mansion, and it is the other of the two inheritors sent by our human group this time, the two sent this time, one is the Blade River King, and the other is the True Diffusion King.”

“True Diffusion King?”

“True Diffusion King has broken through to become a Cosmic Exalted?” This caused many inheritors in the Hong League group to be shocked.

“True Diffusion King has been stuck at that step for endless years, he has finally broken through, we have to pay a visit as a form of congratulations.”

“There’s no rush, right now the True Diffusion King is at the most critical moment of absorbing divine power, we can’t waste a bit of time.”

On the path of the strong, becoming immortal, becoming a Cosmic Exalted, and becoming the Lord of the Universe, at these three critical moments, the Laws of Cosmic Origin will come down, especially the first time …… that is the transformation of the body towards a divine body, and one can absorb enough divine power at once as much as one wants. But the second and third times are not so lucky.

Of course the moment of becoming a Cosmic Exalted and the moment of becoming a Cosmic Lord …… these two critical moments, although it is impossible to absorb as much as you want, it is also much more special than the usual absorption of divine power.

Because the Origin Laws descended, it was like completely connecting to the “Ocean of Laws”, and could be absorbed at will, but unfortunately, the time for the Origin Laws to descend was limited! To a certain time, the origin law will disappear, so can desperately absorb the divine power is only a short moment of critical moment.

A few moments later, all the fluctuations had dissipated.

At that moment, some of the inheritors in the Hong League group were mutual universe honored beings, and all of them went to pay a visit.

“Creak.” The door opened.

True Diffusion Exalted One was smiling and looking out, “Hahaha, please come in.”

“Congratulations True Diffusion King …… No, True Diffusion Exalted One.”

“True Diffusion, congratulations, you’ve also crossed over to the Cosmic Exalted layer.” Unlike Luo Feng, King True Diffusion had far more friends, many Universe Exalted had some friendship with King True Diffusion.

“Yeah, long years, finally crossed into this layer.” Venerable True Diffusion nodded his head, no more twilight, instead, he was full of vigor.

“How much divine power did you absorb this time?”

“Not bad, taking advantage of the descent of the Origin Laws to ruthlessly absorb a pass, my divine body improved to 92% of its current limit.” Venerable True Diffusion said.

“Surprisingly, it’s not 100%, our human body size is small, storing divine power is originally small, taking advantage of this opportunity should be able to absorb 100% of it.”

The larger the body size, the harder it would be to store divine power to 100%.

For example, like the World Tree, with such a large size, if it crossed over into the “Cosmic Exalted One”, in the short period of time when the Origin Laws descended, it might be able to absorb more divine power than the True Diffusion King, but compared to the size of the World Tree, it would be just a drop in the bucket. One would still have to rely on the long time in the future to slowly accumulate divine power to improve.

“True Diffusion’s life gene level, which had evolved early on, is 10 times, right? After reaching Cosmic Exalt, the limit of the divine body is also high, it’s good to be able to store 92%.”

Exalted Zhen Yan exchanged words with the other powerhouses and was a bit puzzled as to why his disciple Luo Feng didn’t come when he broke through as a Cosmic Exalted.

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