Chapter 77: Reversing Time and Space

Release Date: 2024-07-12 11:45:08
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“This is the control of time and space?” Luo Feng felt the invisible force that bound him, it wasn’t time, it wasn’t space, it was a more elevated force.

The Blade River King slowly rose.

This moment –

It was as if the sun was slowly rising, so dazzling and eye-catching that it attracted the attention of hundreds of millions of inheritors.

And the Beast God of Thunder similarly looked down below, his thunderous eyes …… gazing at the Blade River King “Luo Feng” with a vague sense of goodwill and friendliness. And the original force that completely bound Luo Feng also dissipated out of thin air, causing Luo Feng to be somewhat stunned, and at this time …… only to see the Beast God of Thunder slowly open his mouth, once again emitting a rumbling sound.

“River of blades.” The Beast God of Thunder opened his mouth and shouted.

Luo Feng stood in mid air and even saluted respectfully, “Beast god!”

“Your strength, your progress, your will, all satisfy me.” The Beast God of Thunder looked down below, his gaze completely gathered on Luo Feng, “I have a treasure I wish to gift to you.”


The hundreds of millions of inheritors below were in an uproar, almost every single one of them showing shock and envy.

“Surprisingly, it’s really a public bestowal of a treasure.”

“The Beast God himself has descended to bestow treasures!”

“With such a big commotion, what is bestowed must be at the level of a supreme treasure, otherwise how could it be worthy of the towering Beast God’s status? This Blade River King is also too lucky to get another supreme treasure!” Those inheritors couldn’t help but quietly transmit their voices to each other, all of them very excited, and the Beast God of Thunder didn’t stop them.

It was delighted to see the envy and jealousy of the other inheritors.

“What’s the big deal, if you can kill the Barking Mirror King at the Immortal level, I’m afraid the Ancestral God Sect will also take special care of you and bestow you with treasures.”

“That’s on the same level as the Bug Expelling King.”

“The Worm Expelling King was publicly bestowed with treasures back then.”

“Work hard, cultivate hard, maybe one day you will also be publicly bestowed with treasures by the Ancestral God Sect.”

Luo Feng wasn’t able to hear any of the discussion below, he was also too lazy to listen, he was now completely filled with joyful anticipation.

“Thank you beast god!” Luo Feng respectfully saluted.

“And you continue to work hard, don’t slack off.” Beast god of thunder voice boomed, at the same time in front of him suddenly appeared a huge ball of lightning light, this ball of lightning light was about tens of thousands of kilometers in diameter, at the same time it also began to fall towards the bottom, precisely in the direction of Luo feng, just like a shooting star.

During the fall, the lightning gradually began to dissipate.

When falling to the sky above Luo Feng, the thunder and lightning has completely disappeared, only a huge about hundreds of kilometers in diameter of the ancient mirror, this mirror, in a round shape, the mirror body material is gold, and the mirror surface is hidden with a trace of golden light flow. This ancient mirror just slowly landed, and eventually hovered in front of Luo Feng.

Luo Feng stared blankly at the huge mirror in front of him.

“Mirror?” Luo Feng blinked his eyes.

“I believe he has great use for you, take it.” The Beast God of Thunder looked down below, one of its eyes was much larger than hundreds of kilometers of mirrors.


Luo Feng respectfully replied, at the same time, with a single movement of his mind, he gave this ancient mirror, which was mainly golden in color, and put it directly into his world ring. As for studying this treasure …… Luo Feng still planned to wait for this beast god to leave before studying it. After all, the Eight Beast God’s status in the Ancestral God Sect was extremely high.

“Blade River, don’t let me down.” The Beast God of Thunder opened his mouth with a hint of a smile and gave a command.

Then, boom!

Thunder vibrated in the heavens and earth, that Thunder Beast God’s gigantic figure disappeared into thin air, and the invisible pressure from before also disappeared, Thunder Island completely returned to normal, and the large number of Inheritors who were previously suppressed and could only be on the ground at this time all at once seemed to explode, and each of them exchanged their views over the matter that had just happened, a cacophony of noises.

“Blade River King, congratulations.”

“Blade River King, congratulations on obtaining another supreme treasure.” There were also quite a few foreign race inheritors who even came to strike up a conversation directly.

Luo Feng however just smiled and quickly left to return to his mansion.

Any other powerhouses that wanted to come and exchange words, Luo Feng was too lazy to pay attention, only leaving many inheritors puzzled.

“That mirror supreme treasure, what kind of treasure is it?”

“I don’t know, I’ve seen mirror type supreme treasures that assist in performing illusion attacks.”

“The Blade River King’s proficiency is in Nian Li weapon attacks, what is the Ancestral God teaching to give treasures that assist in illusion attacks?”

“You guys don’t guess, the appearance is mirror-like …… exactly what it does, except for that Knife River King, there are not many know.”

When there was a clamor on Zijing Island, and the news that the Beast God of Thunder had personally descended to bestow a treasure on Luo Feng, it spread rapidly, and almost simultaneously …… the Northern Border Alliance side had already received the news.

“Haha ……”

“Ancestral God Sect, since the birth of the universe, their tactics will always be so few tricks.” The four hoofed white furred creature slowly walked in the void and made a sound, “Now that they see that human Blade River King is very outstanding, they immediately start pulling him in. Oo…… Pei Feng, you remember correctly, that Barking Mirror King came here?”

“Yes, teacher.” Venerable Pei Feng was respectfully following behind, “The Vedic Mirror King did indeed come here and was standing in the square in front of my palace.”

“When.” The four hoofed white furred creature asked after him.

“Just three years ago also came.” Venerable Pei Feng said.


The four-hoofed white furred creature, slowly walked in the void, and soon landed on the wide yang in front of a palace suspended in the void in the distance.

Venerable Pei Feng also respectfully followed.

“Retreat first, I’m about to perform Reversal of Time and Space, don’t be within the range of my performance.” The four-footed white furred creature issued a voice.

“Yes.” Venerable Pei Feng’s eyes lit up, he even turned into a stream of light and flew to a distant place, at the same time, he also looked over in anticipation, although he was the existence of the Universe Hegemon, but he had only seen the scene of the Universe Lord’s display of Reversing Time and Space with his own eyes once, and this was going to be the second time that he had watched it.

The main reason was that reversing time and space caused too much commotion, and even the Master of the Universe would be injured as a result. If he was injured, it would be a rare opportunity for the enemy to take advantage of the opportunity to kill the Master of the Universe.

Therefore, generally the Lord of the Universe would cast it in secret.

Unless they were very trusting, or the degree of backlash caused by casting it was small, they would rarely allow other powerhouses to spectate.

“Roar …… roar roar roar roar ……” A faint low roar sounded from the mouth of the four hoofed white furred creature, which was calmly looking at its surroundings.

Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!

In the space-time within a certain range around them, time began to rapidly rewind!

As if rewinding a movie, and at a very fast speed in the rewinding, in this square, once many strong people came, only to see the surrounding scene changes …… a strong people flying are back to back flying, talking are the opposite of talking, such as respectfully shouting “Pei Feng honored one! For example, they respectfully shouted “Pei Feng Zun Zun”, but when played backward, it turned into “The Honorable Feng Pei”. ……

Time was rapidly regressing.

Everything is like an illusion.


The original regression of time suddenly stopped, and the surrounding space-time before the scene was constantly regressing and changing, but also violently stopped.

Only to see this stopped space-time …… Vedic Mirror King was conversing with Venerable Pei Feng.

“That’s me!” Far away beyond the reversed space-time, Venerable Pei Feng looked at the stopped scene in shock, and it was him who was with the Vedic Mirror King.

In the reversed space-time, everything was illusory.

Only the four-hoofed, white-furred creature was real.

“Barking Mirror King.” The four-hoofed white-haired creature’s gaze fell on the Barking Mirror King.

“Come on, boy!”

The four-hoofed white-haired creature shouted softly, and an invisible force quickly protected the Barking Mirror King.

“Return to time and space.”

Boom ……

The surrounding space-time that had originally regressed to this moment swiftly began to return.

It was as if a clockwork was constantly turning and rotating, and when it turned to a certain extent, he would automatically reverse and turn back again!

It was like a spring! It kept pressing down, pressing, pressing, but once it stopped pressing, the spring would also bounce back!

It’s a kind of rebound!

The universe has the ability to recover itself, and when the Master of the Universe “reverses time and space”, the universe itself will begin to return! And reversing space-time of every point in time are gone everything in the past, should not exist in the present, if forced to protect, naturally will be subject to the universe’s backlash.

“Ah ah ah ah ah ……” Barking Mirror King hissed, time and space to return, a strand of invisible force quickly acted on him again and again.

While the four hoofed white furred creature was calmly watching this scene, it protected the Barking Mirror King, causing the force of the cosmic backlash …… to speed through the Barking Mirror King to it. Its hallowed Lord of the Universe …… was completely able to resist this force of cosmic backlash.

“Ah ah ah ah ……” Barking Mirror King was howling miserably.


During the return of space and time, waves of cosmic backlash, each wave of backlash was enough to easily exterminate him! Reversing time and space and resurrecting, this was originally against the laws of the universe, and this would be punished. And this punishment was something that the Lord of the Universe took the initiative to bear!

Time and space were returning.

The scene within a few years was reversed before, and now it was accelerated and played back again, everything else was just illusory, only the four-hoofed white-haired creature and the Barking Mirror King remained eternal, traveling through each point in time.

For a moment–

The return of time and space finally stopped.

Everything returned to normal, finally returning to the original space-time node.

“I, this, this ……” The Vedic Mirror King stood frozen in the square looking around.

“Teacher.” Venerable Pei Feng quickly flew in.


The four hoofed white furred creature nodded slowly and looked at the Barking Mirror King, “Barking Mirror King, you have been resurrected, but …… don’t forget that you died once.”

“I, died once ……,” Barking Mirror King froze.

Suddenly the previous memories quickly flooded in, and everything everything was all restored to the heart.

“It’s him, it’s him, the Blade River King!!!” The Barking Mirror King’s eyes lit up with madness and unwillingness.

“Where is my supreme treasure, my supreme treasure.” The Barking Mirror King suddenly sensed something was wrong.

The four-footed, white-haired creature looked down at the Barking Mirror King and calmly said, “Barking Mirror King, reversing time and space, I am merely protecting you and bringing you back from the past time and space. I am not going to protect a single supreme treasure to bring it back, that would cost more than getting ten more supreme treasures. I am merely resurrecting you itself, all the other supreme treasures, heavy treasures, and so on have all dissipated in the return of time and space.”

After saying that.

The four-hoofed, white-haired creature walked through the void, and then it completely disappeared.

“Greetings, Teacher.” Venerable Pei Feng even bowed respectfully.

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