Chapter 30 – Prisoners in the Jedi

Release Date: 2024-07-12 12:10:36
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Can’t sense the divine kingdom, can’t connect to the virtual universe, can’t speak into the dark universe, top speed can exceed the speed of light, no space fluctuation ……

“Where the hell is this?”

Luo Feng in the void relying on inertia while maintaining super high speed flight, at the same time looking at the surrounding starry sky, the distant starry sky a star shining brightly, still the same quiet beauty.

“Not right.”

“My speed has already exceeded the speed of light, it is reasonable that I can only see ahead. The rear should be dark.” Luo Feng looked behind him in confusion, the starry sky scenery behind him was still as clear as ever, this made Luo Feng instantly suspicious, immediately his mind moved, his divine power directly spread out.

Sensing the speed of a sliver of light.

“So fast.”

“This ……”

“The speed of light in this Jedi is not the same as the original universe speed of light.” Luo Feng quickly made a determination, the speed of light in the original universe was 300,000 kilometers per second! But the speed of light in this mysterious jedi was a hundred times faster, reaching around 30 million kilometers per second!

“The speed of divine power?” Luo Feng frowned slightly.


A trace of divine power violently extended towards the surroundings, which made Luo Feng secretly sigh, “In the universe, the fastest speed of divine power is 300,000 kilometers per second …… but in the middle of this Jedi, the speed of divine power extension has even reached a hundred times before.”

“Whoosh!” Luo Feng accelerated again and flew through the starry sky.

2x proto-universe speed of light, 3x proto-universe speed of light ……

Luo Feng’s speed kept soaring.

The rules of how the universe operated in this Jedi had completely changed, Luo Feng’s feeling at the moment was like when he was next to Sitting Mountain Guest, and like he was in the initial universe.

When he was beside Sitting Shanke, Sitting Shanke, as one of the strongest people in the universe, was completely able to change all the laws around him, their words followed the law!

In the initial universe, because it was a completely different universe, there were naturally some fundamental changes.

Luo Feng’s flying speed kept soaring, as his speed soared the pressure on his god body increased, this Demon Slayer Clan detachment’s god body was a hundred times that of an ordinary peak Seal King, but it was completely able to resist this pressure.

“Reaching a hundred times the speed of light of the original universe!”

“The speed can’t be increased anymore ……” Luo Feng tried his best, even burning his godly power couldn’t increase his speed by even a single bit, completely keeping it at the level of “100 times the speed of light of the original universe”. This is already the limit of the extension of divine power. This is already the limit of divine power extension, the speed of light in the middle of the Jedi.


The rear had become dark, Luo Feng could only see the starry sky in front of him.

“I didn’t enter the dark universe even when I reached my ultimate speed… It seems that this Jedi doesn’t have a ‘dark universe’.” Luo Feng was a bit puzzled.

“Take a good look ……”

“What kind of world is this Jedi.” Luo Feng kept flying at a hundred times the speed of light of the original universe ……

Luo Feng’s divine kingdom.

The endless sea of ghosts was vast, that in the golden divine hall over the sea of ghosts, Luo Feng’s earthling essence was sitting on his knees in the huge square in front of the divine kingdom.

“I’ve fallen into a desperate situation, yet the gains outweigh the losses!”

“At least I managed to obtain the fourth black metal plate of the Nine Tribulation Mysteries.” Luo Feng revealed a smile, that fourth black metal plate was inside the belly of that craftsman god mountain, when the golden horned beast swallowed the metal plate divine power in one bite and introduced it to recognize the master, the message in that black metal plate had been completely transmitted.

The first three metal plates caused Luo Feng to put together the cultivation method for the first five tribulations.

And this fourth black metal plate, which had a large amount of missing messages, and the first three pieces a combination of …… surprisingly got together the complete content of the cultivation method of the first seven robberies.

“The first seven robberies of the Nine Robberies Mysterious Code, I already have it.”

“Then the last black metal plate, I’m afraid that it will be able to make up for the last two robberies.”

“Start cultivating!”

The earthling principal began to cultivate the sixth robbery of the Nine Robberies Mysterious Code ……

And in the world ring carried in the starry sky by the Demon Slayer Race’s doppelganger that had been maintaining a hundred times the original universe’s speed of light, the Golden Horned Beast’s doppelganger was also cultivating the Sixth Heavens of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Canon.This Nine Heavens Mysterious Canon even if it failed halfway through, and his flesh transformed into fragments of flying ash, Luo Feng’s powerful divine body had long ago accomplished immortality.

A trace of debris can be resurrected!

Those fragments of flying ash will completely coalesce again …… So even in the Jedi, it is completely possible to cultivate the “Nine Tribulation Mysterious Canon” without fear of failing in the middle of the process.

Maintaining a hundred times the speed of light of the original universe, the flight lasted for more than a year.

Luo Feng had already flown into a star system at this time, there were three planets in this star system.

“These three planets are really beautiful.” Luo Feng secretly exclaimed, “One is turquoise, one is yellow and white, and one is fantastically colored.”

When Luo Feng flew to the hinterland of this star system ……

“Hahaha, there are even foreign races coming to the Jedi.” An old voice came out from that yellow planet, after a few seconds of transmission in the starry sky it had exploded in the starry sky around Luo Feng.

“How long have we been lonely, Venerable Drought Sword.” A ghostly voice with a faint echo came out from that dreamy colored planet.

“It’s been more than 60,000 epochs since we’ve seen a foreign race.” An icy cold voice came out from that turquoise planet.

Luo Feng’s face changed slightly.

“Boom!” A soul attack of invisible vaporized divine power instantly drilled into Luo Feng’s body, nay this demon slayer race detachment didn’t fear soul attacks at all.

“It’s an energy being that doesn’t fear soul attacks.” That ghostly voice echoed in the starry sky.

“Leave it to me.” The old voice was however full of excited anticipation.

Luo Feng looked at the three directions, only to see a figure flying out from each of the three planets, their speeds were rapidly soaring a few moments later they arrived at “100 times the speed of light of the original universe”, directly approaching Luo Feng.

“I can’t fight with this Demon Slayer Clan doppelganger.”


The golden horned beast that was about a meter long spread its wings and hovered in the air, while the Demon Slaying Race bilocation was quickly drilled into the world ring and was put away by the golden horned beast.

“Oh, it’s actually a Starry Sky Beast?”

“It’s the Golden Horn Beast.”

“It’s even better that it’s a Golden Horned Beast.” That turquoise figure’s voice was cold and vast, carrying endless killing intent.

Golden Horned Beast suspended in the air, paying attention to the three directions, carefully recognizing …… instantly recognized, these three alien powerhouses are all quite famous and powerful “universe overlords” in the universe, but all of them disappeared a long, long time ago, and there is no more news of them. There was no more news of them.

They were Venerable Drought Sword, Venerable Cetian, and Lord Feather Ember.

“Venerable Drought Sword, Venerable Cetian, and Lord Feather Ember …… didn’t expect the three of you to still be alive!” The Golden Horn Beast’s voice was immense and carried across the endless starry sky.

Those three figures gradually slowed down, all stopping tens of thousands of kilometers away from Luo Feng.

The three great powerhouses all seemed stunned.

“The outside world still remembers us.”

“We haven’t been forgotten.” The old voice of the Cetian Sovereign and the ghostly voice of the Feather Ember Lord both rang out.

The turquoise figure of Venerable Drought Sword, on the other hand, looked at the distant Golden Horn Beast with eyes full of indifference and coldly droned, “Speak, what exactly has happened in the outside world over these nearly 200,000 epochs?”

Venerable Cetian and Lord Feather Ember also stared at the golden horned beast.

“Venerable Drought Sword.” The Golden-Horned Beast roared, “Are you commanding your servants? I dislike your tone of voice …… although I pity what has happened to you all and am willing to explain it to you. But your tone upsets me.”

“Seek death!”

The Drought Sword Venerable One’s those vertical eyes were filled with ice, “If you don’t want to speak …… then you will kill until you do!” Boom, only to see his divine body burning instantly, his vertical eye filled with indifference.


A turquoise sword light instantly cut through the cosmic stars, passing through tens of thousands of kilometers of distance to directly cleave towards the golden horned beast.

Luo Feng also didn’t expect this Drought Sword Venerable to be so crazy, if the Drought Sword Venerable was polite and courteous, Luo Feng would have said so, and in the bottom of his heart …… Luo Feng also wanted to have a good chat with these three cosmic overlords who had been trapped in the Jedi for endless years, but it seemed that the Drought Sword Venerable didn’t even put himself in the same position.

“Do it.” Venerable Cetian instantly also held a long dark stick, directly sweeping it, that long stick directly transformed into tens of thousands of kilometers long sweeping towards Luo Feng.

“Hahaha ……”

Feather Ember Lord laughed loudly, but the sound kept drilling into the Golden Horn Beast’s body, even though Luo Feng’s will and consciousness were all at the Universe Hegemon level, he was still vaguely affected, the Golden Horn Beast couldn’t care less about anything else and even burned up his godly body, and his wings immediately vibrated in a bid to dodge away, but the icy cold sword light was astonishingly fast.

“Throttle!” The Golden Horned Beast flew backwards with a direct sword chop.


The heavy stick, which was like splitting the universe, smashed onto the Golden Horned Beast’s head almost immediately afterward.

Drought Sword Venerable, Cetian Venerable with the skillful, especially there is the Feather Ember Lord always affect Luo Feng’s will consciousness …… a time to make the Golden Horned Beast completely besieged, one, the Golden Horned Beast itself fighting strength is weaker than these three cosmic hegemonic masters, secondly, his divine body is still in a state of serious injury, strength only before 10% is only able to take a beating.

“His feathers are a supreme treasure!” Cetian zunigong even shouted.

“He has a supreme treasure armor on his body.” Feather Ember Lord also even said, “The three of us surrounded him and he was able to resist it, this Golden Horn Beast must be carrying Higher Supreme Treasure Armor.”

“Kill it.”

“Seize the treasure.”

“The supreme treasure armor is mine, you guys split the rest.” Venerable Drought Sword indifferently said.

Zetian Exalted One and Feather Ember Lord were slightly annoyed, but they knew full well that the Drought Sword Exalted One was a bit stronger than them …… Not to mention that up until now, they hadn’t found a way to leave the Jedi.



Venerable Cetian and Lord Feather Ember all nodded their heads.

“Golden Horn Beast, what’s happening outside, it doesn’t mean much to us if you tell us or not, your supreme treasure is more important to us.” Venerable Drought Sword looked at the Golden Horned Beast indifferently, “Die.”

“Roar ……”

A heaven shaking roar rang out.

Clattering …… endless golden river water diffused out of thin air, shrouding the surrounding starry sky in the range of tens of millions of kilometers, only to see that there were nine foreign beasts wandering in this endless golden river water and that Golden Horned Giant Beast was in its center.

“Domain-type supreme treasure.” Lord Feather Ember, Venerable Cetian, and Venerable Drought Sword were all startled.

“Kill me for the treasure?” Under the pressure of the endless golden river, the three Cosmic Hegemons were unable to touch the Golden Horned Beast at all, and the Golden Horned Beast’s eyes that burned with endless fury swept over, “Let’s see, who dies!”

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