Chapter 49: The Prey

Release Date: 2024-07-12 12:11:26
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The four hoofed foreigners quietly transmitted their voices, and the two Cosmic Exalted next to them listened carefully, and in less than a second they had already told the whole plan. Although they were talking in the dark but they had been quietly staring at Luo Feng flying in mid air …… that was their prey, it was easier than them fighting for any of the supreme treasures ah.

“Out–” the four hoofed alien had just ordered and was suddenly stunned.

Boom! Boom!

Each of the two directions in the distance had a figure that was rapidly flying towards Luo Feng, with the Four Hoofed Fey, Ji Qi venerable one’s eyesight they naturally had a glance at …… that from both directions turned into streams of light to kill Luo Feng, one of the god bodies was hundreds of meters tall with dozens of hoofs and claws, his entire body’s fur almost covered his knees, and his one turquoise eye was full of a fierce aura and greed. A single turquoise eye full of ferocity and greed.

The other alien was similar to a humanoid insect race, extremely thin, but his hands were in the shape of swords.

“Preempted!” Venerable Ji Qi glared.

“It’s from the Northern Border Alliance, our plan ……” another Exalted One said anxiously.

The Four-Hoofed Fey roared, “Forget about the plan, hurry up and do it!”

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Three streams of light quickly rose up from the ground and directly flew towards Luo Feng as well.

This scene also caused those two universe zunis of the Northern Border Alliance in the distance to look at them with great urgency, the foreign beast zuni with drooping fur roared lowly and transmitted, “It’s those bastards from the Thorn Ring Alliance, we discovered this Luo Feng first, don’t let them get away with it.”

“It must be ours.” That lean foreign race zuni showed his teeth, exuding an endless ferocious aura.

Luo Feng, however, was the calmest one, not flying fast or slow high in the air, when a foreign race zuni flew in from two directions at the same time, one in front of the other.

“Venerable Ke Bi and Venerable Ba Huo from the northern frontier alliance.” Luo Feng recognized it at a glance, “Hegemonic Hugh Venerable God body is huge, much bigger than the prosperous light lord I killed before, prosperous light lord is over ten meters high, but he is over a hundred meters …… but guess he shouldn’t have supreme armor, to kill it, one move should be able to do it.”

In terms of defense, if you don’t use moves to resist outside, the divine body alone is hard to resist.

Cosmic hegemon than the universe Higher Exalted does not have much advantage …… is generally on the basis of having a supreme treasure armor! Normal hegemon kill, ordinary treasure armor is enough …… but if encountered like “world tree” “cold whale” “purple rain venerable “and so on some heavenly special life universe hegemon, general ordinary supreme treasure armor is not enough to see, need high supreme treasure armor protection is not to one move was killed.

Of course if the God body can be like the Golden Horn Beast that has thousands of kilometers, relying on the God body is big, even if the ordinary supreme treasure armor …… can live a little longer.

If the divine body is not big enough and there is no higher supreme treasure armor.

In front of the top group of cosmic overlords “World Tree”, “Cold Whale”, “Venerable Purple Rain” and “Luo Feng”, it would be a death sentence. It’s just a death sentence. Of course, no one on the primordial star knows Luo Feng’s power, the only one who knows is the prosperous light lord and has already perished, in their eyes, Luo Feng is a personalized mobile treasure trove.

“Three more?” Luo Feng swept his gaze, “It’s the …… Ji Qi venerable, Broussonetia venerable, and Xun Jie venerable from the Stinging Ring Alliance. All Cosmic Higher Exalted, no threat.”


Luo Feng’s wings revved up, even transforming into streams of light directly traced an arc speed began to soar violently, rapidly escaping.

“He’s escaping.”

“Don’t let this human Luo Feng escape.”

“Quick, that direction.”

North Border Alliance’s Venerable Kobi and Venerable Bashu were all anxious, although they didn’t fear those three of the Thorn Ring Alliance, but after all, the other party had three of them just two …… plus the gap in each other’s strengths weren’t too big, the other party casually sent out two of them and they were able to stalemate, I’m afraid that Luo Feng, this human shaped mobile treasure trove, was about to be taken away by the other party.

“Chase.” “Quick.”

“Let’s split up and surround him.”

Venerable Ji Qi, the four hoofed alien and the other three venerable members of the piercing ring alliance immediately split into three routes, wanting to encircle from both sides, also even chasing towards Luo Feng, the speed of the three of them constantly soaring.

“Buzz ……” “Buzz ……”

The time law domain and space law domain all descended, crazily hindering Luo Feng.

“Trying to escape? Hahaha, human Luo Feng, you came to the primordial star just to die.” Na Ke Bi venerable laughed fiercely a circle suddenly appeared in his hand, violently flinging …… wow …… the circle quickly grew larger under the manipulation of the virtualization divine power to fly at the speed of light directly chasing after Luo Feng, the speed was astonishingly fast.

The three universe honors of the piercing ring alliance were anxious, but the universe honors of the northern frontier alliance had numinous weapons, they couldn’t do anything about it.

“It’s fine, that Luo Feng has the Nihility weapon supreme treasure.” Venerable Ji Qi even said expectantly, the three of them were at a bit of a disadvantage due to their later departure, resulting in a slight distance from Luo Feng.

“Yes, Luo Feng has a Nian Li weapon supreme treasure.”

“Trying to capture me?” Luo Feng roared angrily.


Luo Feng flung his right hand, only to see a star quickly break through the air and fly away, only to see thousands of stars covered in dense secret law threads, under the manipulation of the virtualization divine power it quickly formed a huge beast god! The Beast God tilted its head and roared, directly darting to kill that circle.

The Beast God’s tail whipped violently, turning into streams of light, so fast that it directly smacked the circle that couldn’t dodge.

The circle will be directly pumped tumbling and flying into the distance, the tumbling circle in the Ke Bi venerable manipulation and then quickly flew back …… want to go around the beast god, but the beast god once again ruthlessly pumped it away.

“Worthy of being a numinous weapon supreme treasure, powerful enough.” Venerable Kobi gritted his teeth.

“Hahaha, you can’t escape.” That god body was the most massive hair covered Bashu venerable emitted a majestic voice and directly suppressed his head to intercept towards Luo Feng.

Luo Feng immediately turned.

The three universe reverends from the Thorn Ring Alliance were also rapidly approaching from three directions.

Only to see high in the air, five universe reverends frantically surrounded Luo Feng, while Luo Feng seemed like prey about to be caught in a net, struggling frantically to run around, occasionally maneuvering his numinous weaponry supreme treasures to block his enemies.



The collision of the Nian Force Weapons also produced a huge commotion that traveled in all directions.

“Eh? There are energy fluctuations!”

“It’s killing each other.”

“It must be a top-tier heavy treasure set or a supreme treasure coming out, causing a fight, hurry over.” On this primordial star with the transmission of these fluctuations immediately attracted a distant place of strong people, while Luo Feng was still like a scared bird, anxiously and frantically running around, time and time again using the idea weapon to do his best to block.

“Quick, stop him.”

“The Stinging Ring Alliance s …… movement of this exchange has already spread, although some other alien venerable teams are farther away from here, the longer the delay, I am afraid that those alien teams will also follow the energy fluctuations and rush here. At that time, it is not you and I two parties to fight for …… I am afraid it is the parties big melee. I’m afraid we won’t have any benefits. In my opinion – how about we join forces?” That Venerable Ba Huo transmitted his voice.


The three foreign race zunis from the piercing ring alliance were also anxious, but Luo Feng was just too flexible, with his Wuicide Feather steering shifting and accelerating extremely fast! And there is that Nian Li weapon supreme treasure time and time again influence blocking …… has not been able to let the five of them form an encirclement, how can not block Luo Feng.

Of course there was another reason why the two parties, the piercing ring alliance and the northern frontier alliance, were not united, neither wanted the other to capture Luo Feng, that’s why it was delayed like this.

“Good, let’s join forces.”

“Let’s join forces to kill Luo Feng, as for the treasure it’s up to both of us.” The four hoofed alien venerable voices transmitted.

“Good.” Venerable Bashu also answered.

They wouldn’t say 50/50 split, that was all a lie, the two sides were in different camps …… If they believed in any 50/50 split, that would be a joke.

The five universe reverends from the Thorn Ring Alliance and North Border Alliance officially cooperated, cooperating with each other and starting to intercept Luo Feng from all directions. Constantly pressing Luo Feng, causing Luo Feng’s room for maneuver to become smaller and smaller! Moreover, that Venerable Kobi and Venerable Ji Qi both had Nian Li weapons to hinder …… even more so, causing Luo Feng to be in a difficult and precarious situation.

“Boom ……”

Golden waves suddenly appeared in the sky and earth, the waves rolled and swept thirty million kilometers in diameter, completely enveloping those five universe reverends.

“It’s a domain!”

“It’s a domain type treasure …… Not good, can’t catch him anymore, letting him escape the encirclement.” Venerable Ji Qi was in a great hurry.

“The domain obstruction power is not strong, it should be just a domain type heavy treasure. And it’s not even a top-tier heavy treasure.”

“Quickly, catch him.”

Suddenly plunged into the endless waves, these five universe reverends from the Northern Border Alliance and Thorn Ring Alliance were also shocked at the resistance ordering Luo Feng to escape their encirclement, but they quickly realized that the resistance of this golden wave wasn’t that great, it wasn’t even a domain class top heavy treasure! If it’s a domain class top heavy treasure then the value is a bit higher than the average ordinary supreme treasure ……

“The resistance is not big.”

“Catch up to him.”

The five universe honored masters desperately surrounded although the resistance wasn’t much, but it also made it significantly easier for Luo Feng, in this domain, Luo Feng dodged again and again to stall for time.

“Hahaha …… look, it’s human Luo Feng.”

“It’s human Luo Feng!”


Different directions vaguely three teams flew in, these three teams looked at from afar, in that golden waves is difficult to see inside the figure, but that fleeing the most frantic Luo Feng …… although they look vaguely fuzzy, can be through the supreme treasure feather wings, Nian Li weapon formation of the Beast God will quickly make a determination.

“Human Luo Feng unexpectedly also came to Primordial Star.”

“Look, it’s the Stinging Ring Alliance, hahaha, there’s also Venerable Bastard Hugh from the Northern Border Alliance and the rest of them. No wonder they’re frantically besieging ah, it’s human Luo Feng.”

“Hurry up, Luo Feng but he has at least six supreme treasures, there’s especially a soul type supreme treasure.”


These three arriving alien teams had a total of eight universe reverends who were madly rushing over and soon rushed into the golden waves as well.

Amidst the endless waves of the Nine Roaring Tiger River, Luo Feng seemed to be in a sorry state but his heart was serene.

“Eight more have come, well, from the Demon Race Alliance, the Nine Domains Alliance, and the Insect Race Alliance. Oh …… seven cosmic High Exalted strength, oh, there’s even a cosmic overlord.” Luo Feng secretly nodded, “Hmm, before and after that adds up to a total of 12 universe high reverends and 1 universe hegemon …… can close the net!”

Luo Feng who had been only catalyzing some of the power of the Nine Tiger River finally went all out.


The burning divine power crazily poured into the Nine Roars River, while the “Laws of Gold domain” also suddenly descended, completely overlapping with the Nine Roars River.

“Rumbling ……” The golden waves that originally had little resistance suddenly became fiercely ferocious, and at the same time, they also became dense, as if they had changed from streams to powerful glue! The resistance power was violently added three levels in an instant …… making the 12 cosmic High Exalted almost flying difficult.

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