Chapter 51: Top Cosmic Overlords

Release Date: 2024-07-12 12:11:32
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“Luo Feng, you really have guts, using yourself as bait to attract the foreign race zunis to surround you, then the universe overlord shows up to catalyze a domain type supreme treasure to trap the foreign race zunis and slaughter them.” A giant wolf with a silver-colored head was suspended in midair among the six teams of foreign race Exalted in the middle of the sky in the distance.

His divine body was about ten kilometers long as he looked distantly at Luo Feng standing on the golden waves in the distance.

“Thanks for the compliment, Venerable Bi Va.” Luo Feng nodded slightly, Venerable Bi Fah was even worse to mess with than the Venerable Zhong Zhan that he had killed earlier, for one, Venerable Bi Fah was from a true demon race and had more supreme treasures. Secondly, the Bi Favored Venerable One’s divine body is much larger …… To kill it would take a little more time.

“Roar ……” Bi Fah Venerable One let out a low roar in anger, “Which universe hegemon is so shameless in the end, since it can kill Zhong Zhan Venerable One so easily, it should not be an ordinary universe hegemon, is it your human race’s Which one? Heaven Eclipse Palace Lord? Ancestral Tree Exalted One? The Star Prison Demon Lord?”

“Any one of the three of you has a great reputation!”

“I respect all three of you, but using this Luo Feng as bait to attract us foreigners to slaughter, this tactic is dishonorable.” Venerable Bivar’s voice resounded through the heavens and earth, echoing in Luo Feng’s ears, which caused Luo Feng to smile, Heavenly Eclipse Palace Lord, Ancestral Tree Venerable, Star Prison Demon Lord ……


The human community had several universe overlords, it was just that because humans were born as ordinary beings, most universe overlords were of an ordinary caliber, similar to this Bi Fah venerable, Qi blood palace lord and so on. Like the Ancestral Tree Exalted One, the Star Prison Demon Lord, and the Heavenly Eclipse Palace Lord, all three of them were extremely powerful Universe Hegemons who had extremely special encounters and all had the ability to detach themselves!

Under normal circumstances–

The number of top Universe Hegemons and Masters of the Universe in a power should be about the same, and the human race had more than a dozen Masters of the Universe, but only three top Universe Hegemons. It was because the human race itself had a weak foundation.

Like the Ancestral God Cult, which had assembled a large number of special beings, instead, there were more topmost Universe Overlords instead.

Like the Northern Frontier Alliance, which had an extremely large number of communities, there were also quite a few top Universe Hegemons.

The six teams of foreign race reverends in the midair in the distance all murmured quietly to each other, outraged by the situation.

“Too much.”

“What a lowering of status, the human race is the peak race, those three no matter which one is hiding in that Luo Feng’s world ring are just too shameless. Their reputation has long since broken out …… If they see them, the other venerables would have avoided them long ago and wouldn’t have dared to bother them at all. But I didn’t expect them to play this trick.”

Although the six teams of foreign race Exalted were angry, each of them were in a distant place, so that they could immediately escape once they saw the situation.

“Ancestral Tree Exalted One? Star Prison Demon Lord?” That silver-colored giant wolf, Venerable Bi Fah, was still shouting loudly, “Heavenly Eclipse Palace Lord?” It seemed like he wanted to provoke that being to come out so that he could figure out who it really was.

“Venerable Bi Fah, all three are not here.” Luo Feng stepped on the golden waves and smiled, “It’s just me.”

“Hmph, just you.”

The silver colored giant wolf snorted.

The other 15 foreign race zunis also shook their heads, but they had all heard the mournful cries of “foreign beasts”, obviously it was one of the top universe overlords who could fight in foreign beast form.

“Which Universe Overlord is it, or show yourself.” The silver-colored giant wolf shouted again.

“Clattering ……”

The golden waves disappeared in an instant.

Only to see Luo Feng with silver armor and silver wings, carrying a battle sword on his back, he laughed, “Venerable Bivar, as I said, it’s just me.”

“Hmph, no matter which one of the three of you had endless prestige long ago, hmph, it’s not worthy of a treacherous human to do such things.” Venerable Bi Fah snorted.

“Venerable Bi Fah, are you looking for death?” Luo Feng violently bellowed.


Directly turned into a silver stream of light and rushed towards venerable Bi Fah, frighteningly, venerable Bi Fah turned his head with a low growl and immediately accelerated and flew away, he knew very well that the distance between him and that human Luo Feng must be kept far enough, otherwise that Luo Feng would be able to instantly unleash that domain type supreme treasure, at that time when he was caught in the domain, he was also in danger, his strength and venerable Zhong Zhan were close.



Venerable Bi Va turned his head and fled, the other foreign race venerables naturally scattered and quickly flew away.

Luo Feng slowed down and stopped immediately after, hovering in mid-air looking around at the fleeing foreign race zunis, he laughed softly, “I wanted to have a good chat with you all at a close distance, the distance is far away, chatting is also troublesome. But since you all don’t have this kind of interest, then I will leave.”


Turning into a silver color, he directly broke through the air and left, no longer chasing after any of the foreign races.

“Hmph.” Venerable Bi Va twisted his head in the distance to look at the stream of light and roared lowly, “How dare he be so arrogant on the strength of being accompanied by a top Universe Hegemon. If he was alone, in this primordial star, he would have been killed and torn apart to seize the treasure.”

Luo Feng slaughtering 13 alien zunis actually caused quite a storm, after all, in the primordial star even if an ordinary supreme treasure came out usually perishing one or two universe zunis was about right. I’m afraid that the higher supreme treasure and even the top supreme treasure came out, only appeared super strong people mass perishing scenario.

Thorn Ring Alliance, inside a lofty palace in the void.

“Greetings to the Lord of the Universe.” Venerable Ji Qi stood respectfully at the bottom of the great hall.

“Ji Qi.” A clear and cold voice came from the great hall, “You reported the news that 13 Cosmic Exalted were directly killed?”

“Yes.” Venerable Ji Qi respectfully said, “Of these 13 Cosmic Exalted, they include my Stinging Ring Alliance, Insect Alliance, Northern Border Alliance, Demon Alliance, and Nine Domains Alliance. One of the Cosmic Overlords is Venerable Zhong Zhan from the Insect Alliance.Of the 13, I’m the only one who has the ability to be gifted with the ability to detach, so I immediately reported it, I’m afraid that the other parties aren’t clear on the details of the matter yet.”

Venerable Ji Qi, also one of those killed.

“Who struck? The Star Prison Demon Lord? Heavenly Eclipse Palace Lord? Ancestral Tree Exalted One?” A clear and cold voice from the great hall said.

“Reporting to the Lord of the Universe, the one who made the move was a black foreign beast that was extremely terrifying, it should be a strong person who practiced the Beast God Way of Gold.” Venerable Ji Qi respectfully said, “And this foreign beast has extremely high attainments in the Beast God Way of Gold, it feels like it should be extremely close to a ‘Beast God’, I was instantly killed.”

“Beast God Way? Could it be the Star Prison Demon Lord, but the Star Domain Demon Lord isn’t on the Beast God Path of Gold.” The cool voice was doubtful.

“I’m pretty sure it’s a black beast, his attacks are mysterious and unpredictable, at least in terms of realm far exceeds me.” Venerable Ji Qi respectfully said.

“You think that black foreign beast can kill Venerable Zhong Zhan?” The cool voice asked.

“Can, absolutely.”

Venerable Ji Qi nodded his head, “Even if Venerable Zhong Zhan wanted to kill me, he wouldn’t be able to make me defenseless! But in front of that black foreign beast I am truly defenseless …… one move was destroyed, and I feel that that foreign beast did not even pour out his strength, he should be able to kill if he is dealing with Venerable Zhong Zhan …….”

“Strange, when did the human community have such a Fae Beast Exalted One?” The cool voice was puzzled.

Only to see the figure that was on the great hall slowly walk down.

This was a female Lord of the Universe wearing dark purple armor, with a sharp horn on her head that looked like a long needle, hundreds of sharp horns, her face was demonic with a strong charm, but her whole body was naturally emitting a gust of icy coldness, causing Venerable Ji Qi to feel chills.

This Master of the Universe was the “Lord of the Prickly Heart” in the Prickly Ring Alliance who was responsible for many matters in the alliance, and her status was equivalent to the Chaos City Master in the Hong Alliance.

“Strange.” The Prickly Heart Lord said softly, “According to you it’s not any of those three, could it be Luo Feng himself who practiced the Beast God of Gold path?”

“That’s not right, Luo Feng is still weak. Even if this Luo Feng becomes a Universe Exalted, his law sense is still very low, estimated to be around the fourth or fifth level of the Beast God Way! With such a low sense of law, he can’t even create a universe hegemonic ultimate secret method. It’s not so much that even you think it’s unfathomable.”

Venerable Ji Qi even nodded his head, “It’s definitely not that Luo Feng, no matter if he has become a Universe Exalted or not, he doesn’t have this kind of law perception realm.”

“Well, there’s no information on the side of Zijing Island that he showed up to receive the inheritance of the Beast God’s way either.” The Lord of the Prickly Heart frowned, “Could it be that the …… Chaos City Lord has arranged for some superpower in order to protect his disciple?”

“There are still hidden super powerhouses in the human race?” Venerable Ji Qi said softly.

The Lord of the Piercing Heart glanced at him, “No, although the human community only has a mere three top Universe Hegemons, there are more than that in the Hong Alliance.”

Venerable Ji Qi awoke with a start.

Yes ……

The Hong Alliance was an alliance of many ethnic groups with the human ethnic group at its core, and there were still many alien powerhouses.

“Lord of the Universe, that top Universe Hegemon actually used this trick to carry out a massacre, care?” Venerable Ji Qi couldn’t help but say, “The top Universe Overlord is already very close to the Lord of the Universe, dealing with us is slaughter.”

“How do you care?”

The Lord of the Piercing Heart laughed softly, “It’s not them who slaughtered you, it’s you who went to siege out of greed and were then slaughtered. If a Cosmic Lord, a top Cosmic Overlord deliberately went to slaughter a group of strong people, this would cause public outrage. But if you guys take the initiative to provoke …… then no one has anything to say.”

The news spread extremely fast, but none of the major forces took it as an important matter, in their opinion, it was a group of alien zunis who went to throw themselves into the net because of greed, and they had nothing to say if they were killed.

And except for the Stinging Ring Alliance, the other parties are not even clear about what kind of that top Universe Hegemon is in the end, and what means he cultivates. After all, resurrecting the universe Higher Exalted …… is generally centralized and assigned to a certain Universe Lord, and then only when the Universe Lord has the time will he strike.

Virtual Universe, Hong League City’s highest power center …… Hong League Hall.

“Hahaha …… interesting.”

“It’s quite interesting, wanting to hunt that Luo Feng but ended up being killed all together. All the other parties know have nothing to say.”

“Chaos city lord, it must be you who arranged it, without you arranging it, how would that top universe hegemon be willing to be within Luo Feng’s world ring, tell me, which universe hegemon is hidden in Luo Feng’s world ring when he entered the primordial star his world ring? We’ve thought about it and haven’t determined exactly who it is.”

A full six hall lords sat on their thrones, laughing and talking to each other.

The Chaos City Lord maintained his smile even as he listened.

In fact, he was also puzzled ……

He didn’t know either!

“Could it be that Luo Feng has befriended a certain top universe overlord buddy?” Chaos City Lord secretly thought.

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