Chapter 83: Melee

Release Date: 2024-07-12 12:12:56
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Virtual Universe Thunder Island, in the study hall of Luo Feng’s palace.

The huge screen suspended in mid-air recorded detailed information about the movements of Venerable Tian Hua in recent years as well as his current coordinates.

“Number 02933 primordial star.” Luo Feng revealed a hint of a smile, “Over these years, it seems that Tian Hua zun-zhe has reaped quite a lot of rewards, just by being known by the strongest members of all the clans, there was one Higher supreme treasure harvested and nearly a dozen ordinary supreme treasures harvested as well. Tian Hua zun-zhe, if you will all of these treasures have been put back within the demon race community, then count your luck. Otherwise …… could fall into my hands.”

Although his consciousness was connected to the virtual universe, Luo Feng’s earthling essence left Zijing Island as soon as he got the news, and returned to the divine kingdom by divine teleportation first.

Because, he had to bring the Golden Horned Beast bilocation with him as well.

“This time, we’re going to the primordial star.”

“Primordial Star, even the Lord of the Universe and the strongest person in the universe can’t instantly move, I’ll have to fly slowly in the Primordial Star …… even if I’m discovered and the foreigners want to kill me.” Luo Feng secretly nodded, once some other places were discovered, the enemy might arrive very quickly, but the primordial star on the contrary, it was very hard to be able to directly reach Luo Feng.

“But after all, it’s the primordial star!”

“That place the universe billions of ethnic group powerhouses are there, can’t be careless.”

“This time is the battle of my fame.” Luo Feng went all out this time, taking the Golden Horned Beast and the Demon Slayer Clan split with him, and then he began traveling to the Primal Star.

Luo Feng advanced into primordial star number 03921 and then flew alone in this primordial star for about half a day before arriving at the vortex passage to primordial star 02933. This was the fastest way to reach that primordial star that Luo Feng realized after careful thought.

Number 02933 primordial star, above the vast ocean, there was a huge vortex passage from which a lanky burning flame figure was flying out.

He was about ten meters tall, his entire body was dark, and every inch of his divine body erupted flames from time to time.

“To this primordial star.” Luo Feng looked at his flaming body and smiled, he was rushing with his Demon Slayer clan detachment and had his Demon Slayer clan detachment use his natural secret method “copy” to directly copy one of the many special beings under the Blood Cloud Palace Lord’s command, he was also a Cosmic Hegemon.

Although the other cosmic overlords are not bad, there are very few with one head, two arms and two legs. Luo Feng was still used to humanoid form.

Behind him, he was carrying a six meter long sword, the supreme treasure sword “Bo He”.


The lanky flaming figure carrying the sword quickly broke through the air and flew across the ocean into the land range, flying over the vast swamps, and after flying for about a day, he began to approach the coordinates provided by the accustomed zun-zhei zun-zhei.

“It’s time to arrive.” Even though he had been flying for a day, Luo Feng still didn’t have a ripple in his heart.

Luo Feng’s speed started to slow down, at the same time he carefully observed the surroundings, the coordinates provided by the accustomed zun-zhei zun-zhei was after all the location when the Hong alliance powerhouses discovered zun-zhe Tianhua three days ago, three days had passed, it was likely that changes had occurred.

Careful observation all the way.

Half an hour later.

Luo Feng landed on a small lake in the swamp, his flame surrounded feet stepped on the surface of the lake, causing the water to snort up a mist of air.

“No, not there?” Luo Feng frowned, “I’ve looked all around an area, I didn’t find zunzi Tianhua at all.”


Immediately after Luo Feng rushed up into the sky and flew to extremely high altitude before starting to fly rapidly, once again conducting a larger scale search. After all, only three days had passed since the Hong alliance powerhouses had discovered Tian Hua zun-zhe, in three days time, Tian Hua zun-zhe wouldn’t have left this primordial star, he should be in the surrounding area.

Luo Feng expanded his search in a circle.

When the search was done after a small half hour, suddenly a special aura vastly diffused and transmitted in all directions, causing Luo Feng who was in the middle of searching to be stunned, he too had intruded in the primordial star, and naturally had experience, and instantly decided that this was the aura of treasures coming out.

“What a strong aura.”

“Very strong.”

“It must be a supreme treasure, most likely at the high supreme treasure level. I didn’t expect that when I came to look for Venerable Tian Hua, I would come across a supreme treasure coming out!” Luo Feng laughed, followed by a flash of light in his eyes, “Yes, I found a supreme treasure coming out, I found it, if venerable Tian Hua was in the surrounding area he would definitely find it as well! He will definitely rush over as fast as he can …… hahahaha ……”


Luo Feng immediately traced an arc and flew directly towards the source of that scent at a super high speed.

“It’s a supreme treasure, it should be a high level supreme treasure coming out.”


“Rush over.”

“Such a strong aura of a supreme treasure, quick, at the fastest speed, we’ll make a lot of money if we get it.”

“I hope we are the first to arrive.”

The aura spread out, some of those closest to the place where the treasure came out naturally discovered it first, and some a little farther away discovered it later, either before or after, a team of Exalted from all the major forces in the universe, solo Universe Hegemons, and top Universe Hegemons, all rushed quickly towards the source of the aura.

“Haha, my luck is really good, unexpectedly letting me come across a Higher Supreme Treasure coming out, this scent must be a Higher Supreme Treasure!” The alien powerhouse with snow-white hair all over his body, bowed at the waist, with a huge blood-red vertical eye on his face, emitting an endless bloody aura laughed.

He was Venerable Tian Hua!

A Skywolf who had taken over a special life!

“In exchange for the supreme treasure ‘White Needle’ in the clan, I offered almost all of my other supreme treasures to the clan, so I’m really poor. Now that the higher supreme treasure has come out, humph, the more powerful the supreme treasure, the slower it comes out, I’m afraid that it hasn’t even come out completely when I rush over there, this treasure must be mine.” Venerable Tian Hua laughed shrilly, while also transforming into a stream of light, quickly flying towards the source of the scent.

A team, either traveling solo or forming a squad of three or five, all rushed towards the source of that breath.


“Boom!” Berserk energy fluctuations traveled out in all directions.

Luo Feng hadn’t even arrived yet, he had already felt the intense energy fluctuations that were being transmitted, “Looks like the battle has already begun for the supreme treasure.”

And at this time, the consciousness of the Endless Spectral Sea, because it was connected to the virtual universe at all times, received an email just sent by the accustomed zunzui zunzhe – “Blade river, Blade river, number 02933 primordial star, not far from where I gave you the coordinates there is a battle going on, there are strong energy fluctuations, zunzui tianhua is currently at there, and is in the middle of the battle!”

“It’s really there!” Luo Feng revealed a joyful look, he continued to fly towards the source of the scent, in the distance was a vast forest, the battle was going on in the forest, at a glance, Luo Feng could see a team of foreign race zunis hovering above the forest, more than 20 foreign race zunis were gathered in mid air.

Luo Feng soon flew to the sky above the vast forest and looked down with a glance.

There were three figures down below.

One was covered in snow-white hair that was tyrannical and abnormal, grasping two divine hammers in his hands, smashing over towards the other two foreign race powerhouses in an unrivaled manner. The other two foreign race venerables …… were similarly tall in their godly bodies, also holding supreme treasures against them.

“Demon race Tian Hua venerable, Nine Domain Alliance’s Zawei Lord and Thousand Shadows venerable.” Luo Feng looked down and secretly nodded, “No wonder they didn’t budge at all, so they are two cosmic overlords!”

Venerable Tian Hua, even though he was strong, he was only strong at the life level, up to about 2000 times.

Lord Zawei and Venerable Thousand Shadows’ life gene levels were both 100 times, and their strength was clearly one level worse. However, at one level alone, both of their godly bodies are considered to be larger, and they are merely at a disadvantage. Lord Zawei is a martial artist school, and the Thousand Shadows Venerable One is a spiritual teacher school.

When the two joined forces, they were completely capable of fighting.

They weren’t seeking to defeat Venerable Tian Hua, they were only seeking to get their hands on that supreme treasure before it was released.

Now that the high supreme treasure had already come out for the most part, it was a supreme divine hammer that was blue in color, the handle of the hammer had been completely exposed, and the head of the hammer was in the process of slowly floating upwards.

“Top Universe Hegemon, and two more Universe Hegemons, the supreme treasure must have been obtained by one of their two parties.”

“What bad luck.”

“If there was just one Universe Hegemon it would still be possible to put up a fight, three, and there’s a top Universe Hegemon.”

Some of the other foreign race zunis high in the sky shook their heads helplessly, they didn’t dare to get involved, Tian Hua zuni’s attack, Zawei lord, thousand shadows zuni were able to resist it, but they, these universe zunis, resisted it and died!

Luo Feng was hovering high in the sky, silently looking down.

“Who is that?”

“I don’t recognize it, but the aura is quite powerful and it’s a solo traveler, it’s probably a universe overlord.”

“Looks like this Cosmic Overlord is waiting for an opportunity.”

Those Fae Exalted secretly discussed, they were also clear that this competition for treasures from the current level of the battle, these Exalted didn’t even have a chance to intervene!

“Lord Za Wei, Exalt Thousand Shadows, you two want to take my treasures as well?” Venerable Tian Hua roared, those blood-red vertical eyes incomparably fierce and crazy, “This time, what came out is the Divine Hammer Supreme Treasure, I’m the one who used the Divine Hammer, so I should be the one to get it. Don’t blame me for being unforgiving if you two push me!”

“What big words! Although the two of us are not your opponents, but to kill the two of us, dream on.”

“Will we be afraid of you?”

Lord Zawei and Venerable Thousand Shadows were also mad beyond measure, Lord Zawei went for hard resistance time and time again, and Venerable Thousand Shadows exerted his Nimensional Weapons into a thousand phantom shadows, spreading out over the sky and crazily entangling Venerable Tian Hua. Venerable Tian Hua could only use his giant hammer to blast away again and again, Lord Zha Wei and Venerable Thousand Shadows were not in the least bit anxious, both of them were waiting for an opportunity, waiting for that supreme treasure to come out to snatch it away immediately.

Time passed by.

The three of them kept on fighting, the group of foreign race zunis high in the air could only watch and didn’t dare to intervene, Luo Feng also watched silently.


“The supreme treasure is about to come out.” Lord Zha Wei, Venerable Thousand Shadows eyes all lit up, “Thousand Shadows, last chance, relying on you to grab it.”

“Leave it to me.” Venerable Thousand Shadows also had madness in his eyes.

When it was time to fight, one had to fight like crazy.

Treasures, it was all about sparring.

“You two want it, that’s a dream.” Venerable Tian Hua roared as he walked towards that treasure again and again, not wanting to leave the treasure too far, but Lord Zawei and Venerable Thousand Shadows’ attacks were too powerful, causing both parties to retreat violently every time. And that’s when Luo Feng slowly descended towards the bottom ……

“The treasure is out!”

“Out of the world!”

The group of foreign race zunis in the sky were instantly excited.


The fighting Venerable Tian Hua, Lord Zawei, and Venerable Thousand Shadows all moved at the same time, and a figure in midair had already lunged straight down.

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