Chapter 77 – Lord of the Tian Lang

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:51:07
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Ice Prison, in the palace where Tian Lang is located.

Tian Lang Zhen anxiously, worriedly and expectantly looked at his maid, who was connecting to the virtual universe to “verify”.

“I’ve been stuck here for endless epochs, whether or not I can get out depends on this time!” Sky wolf turquoise oil eyes can not help but burst ferocious aura, this is its nature, “must be connected, must be!” Time passed minute by minute, but the Sky Wolf felt a sense of seconds like years.

The maid opened her eyes from.

“Okay?” Sky Wolf growled lowly.

“Master, there has been a response.” The female servant said respectfully.

“There’s a response?” The Sky Wolf’s huge divine body was trembling slightly, the blood in his body boiled all of a sudden, he had never been so excited in all his long years.

“Hahaha, good, good, good.” Sky Wolf couldn’t help but tilt his head back and let out a wolf howl.

The howl traveled directly from the palace.

Luo Feng was however watching from the sidelines.

“Sky wolf.” Luo Feng opened his mouth.

“Haha, human, you’re really true to your word.” Skywolf looked down at Luo Feng, the so called “response” was naturally the news was confirmed to be sent to his teacher, knowing that he was about to go out, how could skywolf not be excited? The previous Sky Wolf was as calm as an iceberg, while the current Sky Wolf was full of fighting spirit, as if a volcano was about to erupt.

“Then I’ll leave first.” Luo Feng smiled.

“Haha ……” Skywolf let out a laugh, “I won’t see you off then.” Only a rumbling sound was heard as the main door of the palace opened.

Luo Feng looked at it, then his wings lifted and directly disappeared as a stream of light.

“Congratulations master, congratulations master.”

“Congratulations master.”

The servants in the great hall immediately celebrated each and every one of them.

Tian Lang is the voice to drink: “Do not need to say, although that the green 鍏� Kou venerable person can not always pay attention to the ‘ice prison’ within everything, but was found by him or some trouble, before going out …… shall not cause trouble, we wait silently, I believe that in this one or two days, we will be able to get out of here, we will be able to get out of here. I believe that just this one or two days, we will be able to go out.”

The sky wolf raised his head, through the palace door to look at the outside world of endless ice and snow, heart silently said: “human, I do not want to cause more trouble, this beast god inheritance order temporarily placed in your that moment. When my demon super existence descends …… Humph, the Beast God Inheritance Order will still be my offering to the demon race.”

“Hahaha ……” Tian Lang couldn’t help but let out a loud laugh, only this time he intentionally controlled it, the sound just echoed in the great hall.

Shortly after Luo Feng just flew out of the great hall, the Extreme Rainbow King appeared on his side and then instantly …… left far away.

Deep in the snowy land of the Eastern Ice Prison.

In Luo Feng’s lair.

“Beast god inheritance order, it’s already in hand.” Luo Feng’s heart was infinite with joy, “I didn’t expect that Ancestral God religion to be that powerful, the position of the eight beast god priesthoods …… By the way, that gold colored pool that the Seven Sword King took out back then had a beast god carving on it.”

Luo Feng’s mind suddenly recalled the scene when the subdued star came out and the mechanical race fateful meteor king led the strongest under his command to sneak attack the seven sword king, who took out a special golden colored pool.

“That should be related to the Ancestral God Cult.”

“It seems like the Seven Sword King has gotten a special inheritance as well.” Luo Feng grew more and more expectant, “I’ll also go and see how the Ancestral God Sect’s highest profile beast god inheritance place is.”

“Tian Lang.”

“I have to thank you this time.” Luo Feng looked up, but a smile surfaced, “I wonder which one of the demon race’s existences you, Skywolf, can invite to show up again, and if it can compare to my teacher, Chaos City Lord.”

The demon race did arrange quite a few intelligence networks in the human virtual universe, only, the general demon race immortal were not qualified to use the intelligence network, even the demon race sealed king immortal such as the elite of the community, under normal circumstances also prohibited the use of the intelligence network, only in special things, important moments can be used occasionally.

Because, every time one used the intelligence net, it was dangerous.

Even if one is already very cautious and uses many methods, the virtual universe system monitoring is omnipresent, but any little trace will be targeted, so every time one uses the virtual universe …… there is the possibility of exposing a certain intelligence network, and the cost is extremely high!

“Sbwa is surprisingly still alive!”

Demon race territory, a prosperous planet, living countless young demon races, but in the countless young demon races living on the planet is lurking in a demon royal race “Tian Lang clan” a powerful universe honored one.

“Sbwa is my third disciple, the disciple that I have just become a Cosmic Exalted, I don’t know how long it has been since I lost the news, but he, he is actually still alive.” A mere two-meter-long Celestial Wolf with greenish-colored feathers looked a bit happy in the quiet palace, letting out a low roar, “And he has also cultivated to the level of Seal King Invincible, hahahaha, stuck in a place like the Ice Prison, with no resources, without any teacher’s guidance, he was even able to cultivate to the level of Seal King Invincible. Haha, at first I thought that Sbwa was a very promising Cosmic Exalted amongst the Tian Lang Clan. It seems that my guess was really good.”

“If he was able to be supplied with resources and receive guidance within the clan, I’m afraid he would have become a Cosmic Exalted long ago.”


This ordinary-looking Heavenly Wolf walked back and forth on all four hooves.

Suddenly a voice came, “Teacher, you’re out of the gate?” Only to see the main hall of the lofty palace, a ten kilometers long celestial wolf slowly appeared, and then quickly shrunk, also turned into more than two meters long, this Sealed King Immortal Celestial Wolf …… is another disciple of this Universe Exalted One, and is also the owner of the entire planet.

“I still have things to do.” The green-colored Celestial Wolf let out a low roar and then disappeared into thin air, “I will return in a few days.”

“Yes, teacher.”

Deep in the Demon Clan’s territory, a palace was suspended in the endless starry sky, surrounded by flames, a ball of black, white, purple, red, green, blue …… flames of various colors, each ball of flames was like the size of a star, circling around the palace.

If one was farther away, one would not be able to see all of this at all.

Obviously the space-time around the palace has been distorted, forming its own side of space-time.

This levitating palace shape was also similar to a solidified flame, the palace was silent and dead, in the huge square in front of the palace, hazy light appeared out of thin air, and then coalesced into a green sky wolf that was about ten kilometers long.

“Chief.” The green-colored heavenly wolf prostrated respectfully.

This solidified flame palace, the eye-like carvings however suddenly blinked, and the entire palace let out a rumbling sound, “Say something.”

“Chief, I just got a message from my disciple, this disciple of mine was the disciple I took in when I just became a Cosmic Exalted back then, and I was most optimistic about him, but …… not long after becoming my disciple, he disappeared.” Cyan Skywolf respectfully said, “His name is Sbwa.”

“I ……” the rumbling voice said, “know of him, a long, long time ago, there was him on the Reverse Time Resurrection List, I tried to reverse time and resurrect him, but… . failed, could not be resurrected, at first thought that he was controlled by the soul of another strong person, it turned out to be still alive.”

Sbwa disappeared, back then, although the strength was not as heavenly as this now, but back then, as a rising genius within the Tian Lang clan, the strength of that strong also qualified to be resurrected by the clan to reverse time and space, but unfortunately, the resurrection failed, and naturally forgotten into the recesses and corners of the world.

“I got his news.” The green-colored sky wolf prostrated and respectfully said, “He is currently in the ice prison of the Uwah Mysterious Realm, for endless years, he has been trapped in the ice prison.”

“The Ice Prison of the Violet and the Green Knights?” The rumbling voice said.

“Yes, chief.”

The green colored sky wolf respectfully prostrated, “He was imprisoned in the ice prison without resources and without strong guidance, and now he has cultivated to the level of Sealed King Invincible.”

“Sealed King Invincible?” Rumble’s voice was slightly surprised.

“He doesn’t dare to lie.” Cyan Skywolf said, “Chief, I want to go and save my disciple, however, facing that Venerable Green Kou and Venerable Purple Kou …… especially Venerable Purple Kou, that’s one of the 72 God Generals of the Ancestral God Sect, I don’t have the slightest certainty of being able to pick up my disciple from there, so I would like to ask the ‘Venerable Tian Hua’, I’m just worried that Venerable Tian Hua won’t give me face, so I’m asking you, Chief, to say something.”

Tianhua venerable, is the demon race Tianwolf clan in the second ranking of the existence of the strength is extremely powerful, although it is the limit of the universe venerable but has a rival to the ordinary universe of the Lord of the war power …… is definitely considered a “cosmic hegemony”.

The first ranking of the Tian Lang Clan is the Lord of Tian Lang!

He is also the owner of this palace.

“If Tian Hua is the one to step forward, coupled with the deterrence of my demon race …… then Venerable Green Kou and Venerable Purple Kou will definitely not dare to not give face.” Cyan Skywolf said.

“Tian Hua is in a dangerous place, and I can’t contact him, he left the Original Universe this time, and to come back, I don’t know when he’ll have to wait.” A rumbling voice came from the palace, “Since it’s a Seal King Invincible of my Skywolf Clan, I’ll go there myself.”

“Chief, you personally go, this ……” The green colored Sky Wolf even prostrated in gratitude, “Sbwa knows, must be thrilled grateful and honorable beyond compare.”

“I also have not seen that purple 鍏� kou for a long time.”


This suspended around the palace, that a group of stellar large flame began to quickly fly towards the palace, each group of flames near the palace are rapidly compressed and reduced, into a flame like, quickly into the palace solidified flame carving, once integrated, the entire palace breath began to become more and more strong.

Just a moment, the palace around the countless colors of the flame all disappeared, while the palace itself those solidified flame carvings, but vaguely around the flame.

“This is the supreme treasure.” Seeing this, the Cyan Celestial Wolf secretly envied in his heart.

This palace ……

It was the greatest treasure of the entire Celestial Wolf Clan, the Celestial Wolf Palace, a treasure that the Celestial Wolf Lord had obtained not long after the birth of the universe.

“I’m going.”

The entire palace disappeared into thin air.

The only thing left in the starry sky was the green-colored Celestial Wolf still suspended in the starry sky, his turquoise eyes full of joy, “The chief will go and will definitely be able to bring back Sbwa.”

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