Chapter 99 – Luo Feng Battles the Realm Lord

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:27:31
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Siyon?” The silver-haired youth, Nako, and his father, were both distraught.

Si Yong, the World Lord of this side of the world, an emperor-like existence!

“Si Yong knows you guys are here and is on his way.” When Luo Feng killed that purple clothed woman, he found her communicator, he also let the auxiliary intelligent light brain he was wearing intrude and investigate, knowing quite a lot.

“How could it be discovered, I brought my father here and have been very careful.” Naka couldn’t believe it.

“Because your father has a communicator implanted in his body.” Luo Feng said.

“What?” Nako turned her head to look at her father, while that “Nabu” was also filled with suspicion. Naboo even exerted his mind to probe his father’s body, and finally found a small instrument on his father’s calf bone under careful probing, and immediately even said, “Dad, you bear with me, I’ll help you take that communicator.”

Naka had also heard of the existence of communicators after all these years of wandering around. Usually those who could be equipped with a communicator were domain level.

A flash of dark light cut across Nabu’s calf, a communicator was directly rolled out by the nimbus, followed by immediate nimbus pressure to stop the bleeding, and with father Nabu’s physique, this small injury was nothing.

Luo Feng however ordered the auxiliary intelligent light brain, “Signal detection, is there only one communicator in his body.”

“Yes master.” The intelligent light brain radiated a signal and scanned through, “Confirmed, only one, already taken out.”


Luo Feng looked at the father and son in front of him, “Nako, Nabu, you guys hurry up now and leave …… Oh yeah.” With a flip of his hand, a spatial ring appeared in his hand and threw it to Naco.

“This is?” Naco was stunned.

“Money.” Luo Feng said.

Since he was leaving the Blood Luo world, this Blood Luo world’s money brought outside was of course useless, but the …… hunting plan had caused Luo Feng to accumulate a very impressive amount of wealth, and now the …… given to Naco’s father and son was about 100 times the wealth of a city lord, and more Luo Feng didn’t Take it out.

Too much is not good for Xiao Na. He had given enough himself.

“You guys hurry up now.” Luo Feng drank lowly, “The farther you go, the better …… As for Siyon, I’ll help you guys stop!”

“Big brother peak!” Na Ke couldn’t help but shout.

“Lord Peak, you ……” Nabu was also a little disbelieving.

“Still not leaving!” Luo Feng frowned and drank coldly.

Nako and Nabu, both counted as sharpened are also both dry. At this point, there was no more talking.

Nako immediately brought his father, his feet stepped on a simple numinous weapon, transformed into a stream of light and directly left.

Watching Naco’s father and son leave, Luo Feng smiled.

“Little Naco, I came to the Blood Luo continent once, it’s a bit of fate with you. In the future, it’s up to you.” Luo Feng said softly, then he directly flew into the sky, then landed on a nearby mountain peak that was thousands of meters high, standing alone, looking at the distant sky, “Domain lord level isn’t the slightest bit challenging for me, only sector lords, are interesting!”

“Come on, Siyon!”

Luo Feng stood on top of the mountain peak, letting the wind blow, silently standing and waiting.

A silver and black barge flying saucer appeared over the 15th layer of clouds above this mountain range.

“According to the location shown on the communicator, it’s here.” As if the ocean’s long blue hair, wearing a black battlesuit Si Yong, thin lips, appearing cold, then behind him the spacecraft disappeared out of thin air, while he himself was transformed into a black stream of light, directly swooped down, even rushed the 15th layer, 14th layer ……

Until it broke through the 1st layer of clouds and swooped down towards that vast mountain forest.


He stopped in midair and frowned at the black clothed man standing at the highest point of the lofty mountain peak in front of him.

“My name is ……” the man in black stared at him from afar, “Peak!”

“Peak!” Si Yong’s face skin suddenly twitched slightly, “My disciple ……”

“Dead.” The man in black indifferently said.

Si Yong’s eyes were like electricity, immediately his face was hideous, growling, “In my territory you dare to kill my disciple, you are not just a small domain level ……”

“If you want to fight, then don’t talk nonsense, fight.” The black clothed man’s gaze was stern and full of battle intent.

Si Yong was stunned, domain level challenging world level? What a joke.

After the dismay came the fury!

“Haha, haha ……” Si Yong laughed in anger, “It’s you who are looking for death!”

The mountain wind whistled cold, but Luo Feng felt that the blood in his body was incomparably hot and constantly boiling. Because this blue haired black clothed man in front of him was a realm lord, and judging by his breath sense, he should be at the realm lord fourth stage fifth stage level.

Domain Master 9th rank, challenging a Realm Lord 4th rank 5th rank?

There was a big level in between?


Even the strongest geniuses amongst humans wouldn’t dare to be so arrogant, because the difference in level is too great, and in terms of pure power level, there is a difference of tens of times! What’s more,…… Realm Lords are able to form a party of worlds to suppress their opponents. Even the most powerful human geniuses wouldn’t dare to play like this and go crazy.

But Luo Feng dared! On the level of genius …… he was now comparable to Buran, and could be called the top human in the universe. And now he was also the darling of space, the strongest assassination ethnic group in the universe – the Demon Slayer clan detachment!

“Domain lord 9th rank, challenging sector lord 4th rank 5th rank?” Luo Feng stared in front of him, standing in mid-air, Si Yong, his battle intent became even more fervent.

The two suddenly fell silent.

One stood at the top of a lofty mountain peak, one stood in midair, facing each other from afar, both silent.

“Rumble ……” Suddenly the sky and earth changed color, a black battle suit Si Yong hanging in the air, long hair flying, eyes bursting out dazzling white light, laughed loudly, “Just you still want to fight with me? ” At once the surrounding mountains and rocks, including a lofty peak under Luo Feng’s feet crumbled and shattered in battle.

Countless broken rocks rose up and suspended in midair.

Densely packed stones were suspended everywhere.

“Go!” Si Yong pointed at Luo Feng from afar and droned coldly.

Whew ……

As if the wind was howling, countless stones pierced through the void, ten million times more violent than the ten million arrows that broke through the sky and shot rapidly, all enveloping Luo Feng, as if they were going to shoot Luo Feng’s entire person into a sieve! Si Yong was a realm lord fifth rank, although he was manipulating so many stones, each stone had the power to kill a domain lord ninth rank, so many of them gathered together, the power could be imagined!

Purely using force to suppress others!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Countless stones bombarded down, causing the surrounding mountains to crumble, a mountain peak collapsed, countless trees fell, each stone produced shockwaves, shockwaves and shockwaves hit each other, thousands of kilometers around were rippling with countless high-pressure shockwaves, sweeping down, a destructive scene.

“Your stones, they’re flying too slowly.” A voice rang out.

Si Yong suddenly turned his head and looked at Luo Feng standing in the distance to his left, secretly shocked: “This guy called ‘Peak’, so fast, instant burst of speed …… is definitely much faster than me! It’s a lot faster!”

“Show some real skill, otherwise killing you would be too pointless.” Luo Feng flipped in his hand, the blood shadow battle sword appeared, looking at his opponent from afar, his eyes burning with the flames of battle intent.


Luo Feng instantly charged forward, a forward dash, incredibly fast. Even though his heart was prepared, Siyon was still taken aback, almost reflexively, Siyon projected his internal world, the vast world power directly reversed the surrounding space by thousands of miles, changing everything!

The scenery suddenly changed, before it was a ragged mountain range in the darkness of the night.

But now it had turned into an endless ocean, with some small icebergs floating in the ocean water below.

“Eh?” Luo Feng instantly felt terrifyingly oppressed, the entire person seemed to have a shackle on him.

“This is the symbol of the realm lord, the strongest reliance of the realm lord to forcefully oppress the domain lord …… a side of the world? It’s really powerful, under the world oppression, my strength in every aspect is going to drop!” Luo Feng licked against his lips, but his eyes became even more blazing, “This is only interesting, fight with all your strength!”


Under the pressure of the world power, tens of thousands of Luo Feng suddenly appeared over the ocean, so densely packed that it made even Si Yong jump in fear.

“My god, tens of thousands of phantom bodies can form even under my world oppression? This, this …… his spatial law comprehension, what point has he reached?” Si Yong was completely shocked, not to mention the Blood Luo World, even amongst the universe there weren’t many such perverted characters.


A brilliant blade light lit up, bright and dazzling, incomparably mesmerizing, and while the blade light lit up, even the surrounding space seemed to be subject to manipulation, the invisible power of space was oppressing the area around Si Yong. Through space oppression …… is completely comparable to the oppression of this side of the world!

“What point has his spatial laws reached in the end?” While Si Yong was shocked, two pointed cones, one black and one white, instantly surfaced in front of his body.


The white spiked cones carried an endless icy aura, ice crystals drifting snow formed all around them and directly impacted on Luo Feng’s slash!

“Pfft!” Luo Feng felt his body shaken, and blood uncontrollably spewed out of his mouth, while at the same time he shouted lowly, “Spectral shadow!”


Luo Feng’s figure instantly became strangely blurred, forming an ethereal piece of fuzzy shadow around him, which caused Si Yong’s face to look solemn, suddenly a fuzzy shadow appeared on his side almost as if it was an instantaneous movement, at the same time a knife with a bleak vicious and violent aura slashed directly at Si Yong.

“Block.” While retreating violently, Si Yong even maneuvered the black spike next to his body to resist.


This ferocious knife even cleaved back from the black spike, and then the momentum was even stronger, and straightly cleaved Si Yong’s neck.

“Boom!” Four shields appeared out of thin air in front of Si Yong, four shields suspended around, Luo Feng this knife split on the shield directly in front of him …… splitting Si Yong’s entire body instantly stormed back hundreds of kilometers.

Demon slayer clan detachment strongest stance!

Spectral Shadow Seven Blades of Death – Burial!

Before coming to the Blood Luo World, the strongest stance was the “Blip”. Because the Golden Horned Beast has been studying the “Heaven Tearing Claw” all these years, and has realized the “Heaven Tearing Claw” very quickly, this “Heaven Tearing Claw” has become Luo Feng’s strongest stance. The “Heaven Tearing Claw” and “Burying Body” were close in many ways.

The “Tear the sky a claw”, so Luo Feng in the “burial” this knife sense soared, eighty years later, this move has become the strongest move of the magic killing clan!

Burying the body, what is burying the body?

The most powerful, most violent and most ferocious strike is performed by sacrificing oneself with all one’s strength! Incredibly ferocious!

Siyon who was chopped back violently, his face was ugly, looking at the four shields and two-colored spikes in front of him, “I was actually forced to use my world, defense weapon, and attacking Nian Li weapon in a short period of time. This, this ……” Before this, Si Yong would never have thought in his death that he would be forced by a Domain Lord to take out all his moves.

“Yaaaaaaaah!!!” Si Yong’s face was red, roaring in anger, staring at Luo Feng in the distance, “Kid, I’ll let you know that it’s impossible for a domain lord to defeat a sector lord, it’s impossible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

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