Chapter 2 Original

Release Date: 2024-07-12 13:13:17
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Being looked at by the Lord of Darkness, as if a sinister song in the mind constantly echoing, so that people can not help but be affected. If the “illusory flow” is unknowingly penetrating others into the illusory realm, then the Lord of Darkness does not have the slightest concealment, everyone knows that his invisible influence …… can be very difficult to get rid of.

“Luo Feng, meet your master uncle.” Chaos City Lord said, as soon as his voice came out, the surrounding aura instantly became gentle, sweeping away that evil ghostly presence from before.

“Greetings senior uncle.” Luo Feng said.

“I heard that you’ve been practicing for over 100,000 years.” The dark lord scrutinized Luo Feng, “To be able to reach this level now in such a short period of time, it’s worthy of being senior brother’s most outstanding disciple since endless years.”

Luo Feng said, “Actually, my disciple has been practicing for much longer than a little over 100,000 years, he had practiced for a long time in a place where time flowed extremely fast.”

The friendly field including the Chaos City Lord nodded slightly.

They were then relieved, but time houses and the like consumed an extremely staggering amount of energy to keep running, and the greater the proportion of time flow, the more expensive and difficult it was to maintain! And since the universe diffusion years were already incomparably long, along with the fact that battles were the best way to sharpen, there were very few forces that arranged for geniuses to bury their heads in the sand somewhere.


The Chaos City Lord swept his gaze, “Now, the six universes of my Virtual Universe lineage are gathered.”

At that moment, the Lord of Dragonwalk, Lord of Ice Peak, Lord of Darkness, Lord of Psi-Hou, and Luo Feng who were present all looked over to listen to the Chaos City Lord speak. In terms of strength and status …… Chaos City Lord was naturally the leader of the virtual universe lineage.

“To be able to give birth to one more universe lord is a blessing for my virtual universe lineage and a blessing for my humanity.” Chaos City Lord laughed, “Moreover, this disciple of mine is feared to be among the top among all six of us in terms of survivability.”

“Oh?” The Lord of Darkness looked over.

The Lord of Ice Peak also looked at Luo Feng in silence.

“Really?” The Lord of the Pale Husbandry and the Lord of the Dragon Walkers both spoke up.

“Luo Feng …… one, has the ability to be gifted with a bilocation. Two, one of his split lives is similar to that Lord of the Nine Specters.” The Chaos City Lord said directly.

“The Lord of the Nine Sephiroths?”

The Lord of Darkness, the Lord of Dragonwalker, the Lord of Ice Peak, and the Lord of You Hou all looked at Luo Feng in surprise, Luo Feng said, “A fluke!” For his teacher to directly say this, Luo Feng didn’t have the slightest dissatisfaction, he was very clear …… that status was earned by strength! From what he could see now, the virtual universe lineage was extremely strong.

His surface strength should be at the end of the line and that Lord of the Psi Hou is close, slightly exposed means, natural status is different! Besides,…… Endless Psi Sea Split Exposed or not it doesn’t make a difference, just as in the case of the Lord of the Nine Psi-hou openly letting the whole universe know, there’s no one who can do anything about it.

“Luo Feng, how big is your divine body ocean?” The Lord of Darkness said curiously, and so did a few other universe lords.

After all, the Lord of Nine Specters’ “ocean divine body” was comparable to a supreme treasure, and he didn’t know how many strong people secretly envied it but couldn’t get it.

“My cultivation time is still short, my divine body ocean is still in the early stages of expansion.” Luo Feng said, “It’s only a few tens of billions of kilometers in diameter.”

“A few hundred …… billion???” The Lord of the Phantom Hou took a deep breath.

The Lord of Darkness, the Lord of Dragonwalker, and the Lord of Ice Peak were all shaken.


Divine bodies like the Dawn Volcano and the World Tree, which were already considered super large, were only over a billion kilometers. It had to be known that this kind of divine body was already enough to make the strongmen despair, as for the tens of billions of kilometers of divine body oceans, they could only stare in disbelief. The speed at which the strong men desperately attacked the depleting ocean was feared to be far less than the ocean’s own recovery speed.



“Such a large divine body!” The Lord of Darkness, the Lord of Ice Peak and the others all opened their mouths to praise and changed their perception of Luo Feng, before they just thought that the human community had another cosmic lord. But Luo Feng that combat power is still much lower than them, but with the additional item of the Endless Specter Sea …… suddenly made them raise Luo Feng status violently.

They must know, why is the Lord of the Nine Specters terrifying?

It was because the Lord of the Nine Specters dared to use his strongest natural secret method to fight for his life every time! Even if the Lord of the Nine Sephiroths blew himself up, a new Lord of the Nine Sephiroths would appear in the blink of an eye. However, even if the opponent had the talent to split up, the cost of recovering from the loss of a powerful divine body was extremely high. This made the Lord of Nine Specters an extremely difficult existence in the universe.

“Luo Feng.” The dark lord had a rare smile on his face, “You used your sea of ghosts detachment to perform that universe’s strongest talent secret method and then blew yourself up! This move is enough to allow you to traverse the universe.”

Luo Feng nodded with a smile.


Performing “I am the universe” required a lot of divine power, at the immortal level, only perfect genetic beings could perform it. After entering the universe venerable level, the divine power of the “sea of ghosts split” was ten times higher than the bottom line of performing “I am the universe”! With a volume of more than 9,000 kilometers, it was fully capable of performing the “I am the Universe”!

The ultimate means of attack is to directly carry out “micro universe destruction”. The reason why the Earthling and the Golden Horned Beast didn’t dare to use the “Micro Universe Destruction” is because the destructive explosion doesn’t discriminate between the enemy and us, and they could be annihilated.

But the sea of ghosts branch was unconcerned.

However, in Luo Feng’s opinion, he is now only a universe honored one, the power of the “sea of ghosts incarnation” to perform this move of cosmic destruction is not strong enough, when he crosses the threshold of the universe lord …… then this move will really make other powerhouses afraid.

“The Underworld sea split” is enough for Luo Feng to gain a special status.

Chaos city lord smiled, “The highest level meeting of the human race will be held later, before that, Luo Feng, do you have any plans for your Lord of the universe title?”

“Lord of the universe title?” Luo Feng pondered slightly.

“Blade River King was just an identity you disguised back then, now the various races of the universe call you the Lord of Blade River. You can use Lord of the River of Knives or change it yourself.” Chaos city lord said, “After becoming a universe lord, perhaps there are some ideas, so most universe lords will change to a new title, like me, I was entrusted by my teacher to sit in Chaos city, in order for me to never forget my teacher’s instructions, so I changed it to ‘Chaos city lord’ for myself. ”

Luo Feng nodded.

He understood.

When some universe lords were weak, they didn’t dare to take up some title that was too counter-intuitive, this would cause some other existences to despise them. And with their own strength being different, ambitions goals and such would also change, changing universe titles were all over the place.

“Title?” Luo Feng said silently.

Some strong people, they use their own specialized weapon to create a title.

Some, they honor their hometown, or a certain obsession in their heart.

Some, it was purely some ambition and so on.

“Galaxy Lord.” Luo Feng laughed, “I’ll be the Galaxy Lord.” Still remember the scene of looking up to the sky at the endless galaxy of stars when he was on earth, the Milky Way, there is his hometown, he has come to this point today, isn’t it just to guard his loved ones? Guard the hometown? Lord …… also represents that is their own territory, to defend their own territory!

“Galaxy Lord.”

The five Cosmic Lords present thought briefly, then all nodded.

Titles were just codenames, and other powerhouses wouldn’t interfere if they set their own titles. Unless it was too unpleasant or taboo, such as “Lord of the Extermination of Humanity” would naturally cause dissatisfaction among the other strongest members of the human race, generally as long as it did not violate the taboo, no matter how strange it was, it was fine.

“Good, then my virtual universe lineage’s sixth universe lord is the Galaxy Lord.” Chaos City Lord stood up boldly, “Let’s go, go and meet the founding member of my Virtual Universe lineage.”

“Virtual universe lineage founder?” Luo Feng was shocked in his heart.

Giant axe founders, were giant axe martial arts arena founders.

Who exactly was the founder of the virtual universe? Luo Feng had looked into it but could never find out, he didn’t have enough authority.

“Let’s go, meet the teacher.” The Dark Lord also got up.

“Go see teacher.” The Lord of Ice Peak also rose.

All of a sudden, the six universe lords flew directly towards the endless chaotic airflow high up in the sky and kept moving along the endless airflow.

“Luo Feng.”

The Chaos City Lord said as he flew, “I, Darkness, and Ice Peak, are all disciples of teacher. Teacher has made great contributions to my human race, if it wasn’t for teacher, the human race wouldn’t have become a peak race so easily, even the giant axe founders were instructed by teacher him, and were favored by him.”

“He was the first Universe Strongest Person of my human race!”

“Because of him, I, Darkness, and Ice Peak, are where we are today.”

Along with the Chaos City Lord’s voice, the Lord of Dragonwalker next to him also said, “I’m also favored by senior’s guidance.”

Luo Feng held his breath.

He knew …… that he had touched the extremely hidden message of the human race, all these years, he only knew that the human race had giant axe founders. Even from the mountain sitter, he only knew about the giant axe founders! He only knew that the strongest human was a Giant Axe Founding Founder, and he had not heard that there was another one.

“Teacher, the name is ‘Original’.” Chaos City Lord said, “Back then, my human race was just a powerful race, under the leadership of the teacher, he kept growing stronger and stronger, the teacher crossed the universe, broke into the cosmic sea, killed countless people, and his fame was endless! So that my human community power is also constantly strong.”

“In my primordial universe, there are several strongest people in the universe, but the teacher is unrivaled, and other strongest people in the universe can only avoid the teacher from afar.”

“Even the Vertical Universe Sea …… is the most prestigious.”


“None of them can be comparable to teacher.” The Chaos City Lord’s eyes had a trace of admiration in them, seemingly recalling the scenes of that year, and even the Lord of Darkness, the Lord of Ice Peak, and the Lord of Dragon Walk were silent, each immersed in the memories of that year.

“Back then, the human race could be called the number one power in the universe. Even the Ancestral God Cult, which had a cosmic origin to guard it, was unwilling to mess with my human race.”

“At that time, it was when my human race was the most powerful!”

The six powerhouses broke through the air, the surrounding chaotic air currents kept separating, there was silence, only the Chaos City Lord’s voice, Luo Feng was also completely immersed in that imagination, what a heaven defying existence, the primordial universe and even the cosmic sea, all claimed to be invincible. Even the strongest of the other universes were avoided from afar.

“Arrived!” The Chaos City Lord said.

The endless air currents around him had thinned out, and in the distance of the endless void, there was a towering statue of infinite height.

Luo Feng looked up, air flow surrounded, that high not know how much endless lofty statue …… is having endless law fluctuation, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, lightning, light, space, time, gold air, wood air, water air …… many laws and even operation! Law fluctuations all surged out from that endless statue.

In a trance, Luo Feng felt that this endless majestic statue was similar to the “origin of the universe”.

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