Chapter 57 Unearthed

Release Date: 2024-07-12 13:15:41
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Broken rocks crumbled in all directions, causing the surrounding space to distort, while the golden hoof claws passed through a large amount of crumbling rocks and had already reached Luo Feng’s eyes.

“Roll!” Luo Feng’s figure moved slightly.


Dazzling silver blade light instantly flashed, Luo Feng’s silver wings behind his back suddenly became bigger, and the edges of the wings were incomparably sharp……. He directly performed the blade technique “golden light” and chopped on the claw scales of that golden hoof claw, and that golden hoof claw was hard to touch! Splat! The silver-colored blade clashed with the scales!

With a loud rumbling sound, that golden unicorn lizard also slightly swayed towards the side, and then it was even more impacted by the flying rocks towards the back, while Luo Feng was also shocked back.

“Good feathers, even when used as a blade it’s so powerful!” The golden unicorn lizard hissed and swooped down again.

Luo Feng however smiled coldly.

Just kidding.

Ever since his Wusicide Feather produced a spirit and possessed some broken memories from the past, Luo Feng realized the true nature of the Wusicide Feather. Although Wusicide feather wing contains many functions, but it is mainly used for combat, as if a sword …… other five pairs of feathers are the back of the blade and other auxiliary parts, while the top pair of feathers is the “blade”.

The broken white feathers are the blade of the knife!

Of course one is the blade and the other is the back of the blade.

Can’t say that wu-slaying wings other several wings status is low, in terms of toughness instead of wu-slaying wings advantage, white wings “sharp” on the stronger, so after that battle, other wings is not broken, only this white wings broken.

The white feather wing is heavy in a “sharp”, Kingslayer Wu feather wing edge although already very sharp but can not be compared with the white feather wing.

After the source transformation, and then through the white feather wings released “feather wings sharp”, the power are big terrible. If the white feather wing itself is chopping, it is naturally even more terrifying.

The Wu-Slaying Feather Wing is not that powerful.

But at least it is also a part of the original feather wing treasure, and after absorbing the source energy to repair itself, it has already reached a level comparable to the level of wonders. Used as a battle sword alone, it was completely comparable to a peak supreme treasure battle sword!

“Clang!” Luo Feng instantly unsheathed the battle sword he was carrying behind him.

“Intuo, you think I’m afraid of you, isn’t it just a claim of immortality? But ravaging you is still no problem.” Luo Feng held his Jedi warrior battle sword, instantly transforming into a stream of light flying amongst the countless messy flying shattered rocks, as his feet violently stomped on a tens of thousands of kilometers of large rocks that were flying around in the air.


Directly rushing towards the golden unicorn lizard.

“Really crazy.” The golden unicorn lizard charged in anger, head lowered, its unicorn horn slammed directly towards Luo Feng, but what greeted him first was blazing endless flames ……

Sea of flames, golden kingdom, double overlay!


The golden blade light lit up, the silver light lit up!

Luo Feng’s Jieke war knife and the left edge of the feather behind him, at the same time to perform the secret method “golden light”, and in the sea of flames and the golden kingdom of dual-support, almost one after the other at the same time on the hard head of that golden one-horned lizard, the collision place are vaguely appearing cracked black space, followed by the golden one-horned lizard and Luo Feng were shocked and thrown away! and were even hit by some rocks flying at a hundred times the speed of light flying about.

“You had the dual enchantment of space-time and domain before you fought me to a draw. Obviously your God Body Secret Technique is weak, I don’t believe you won’t die in this God Destroying Stream!” The golden one-horned lizard roared.


Luo Feng looked at the golden one-horned lizard, his own battle until now can not play the real killer, his own control of the “golden kingdom” outbreak of power has been the degree of the first time into the cosmic sea, and did not really break out the most heavenly now its limit.

The Golden Kingdom plus the Sea of Flames had already been able to suppress the Lord of Eternity’s use of top-level domain-type treasures in the first place. Under normal circumstances, one would only be able to maintain this degree.

As for the limit?

The golden kingdom, once it exploded to its limit, was at the level of a wondrous object. The golden kingdom alone …… even if Luo Feng’s divine power was poor, it would be comparable to the Lord of the Universe using a peak domain type supreme treasure, and it wasn’t even the half-assed ones like the Lord of the Skywolf, it was the absolute top existences like the Lord of Chaos City and the Lord of the Star River.

“If I explode the golden kingdom limit might, I’m afraid that the might of the Wu Slayer Feather will be spread even more and will cause even more powerful people to covet it.” Luo Feng secretly said, “It’s better if I don’t use this stance without any more necessity.”

Luo Feng wasn’t afraid of being exposed.

So what if it’s exposed? Who can come and snatch it away no?

Just …… an Intuo, not qualified to force himself to use a stance.

“Intuo, you also this strength only, and you have fought you, enough, I’m lazy to waste time with you.” Luo Feng stood in mid air in the distance, his eyes condensed, at once the endless sea of flames immediately condensed a huge flame war knife, the flame war knife directly performed a sword technique, slashing towards that golden unicorn lizard.

Luo Feng himself turned his head and immediately flew, advancing at high speed, only to separate part of his consciousness to manipulate the flame war knife and that golden one-horned lizard in a battle.



The Flame Battle Blade was comparable to a top-tier supreme treasure, coupled with the golden kingdom enhancement, the fight was one step weaker though. It was also at the level of a third-order Master of the Universe. It couldn’t defeat the golden unicorn lizard, but it could at least hinder the golden unicorn lizard.

“Human, don’t run away.” The golden one-horned lizard hissed.


Luo Feng was still flying at super high speed, while the golden unicorn lizard behind him fought with the flaming warblade over and over again, yet he was still persevering and chasing after it to death?

“Knowing that you can’t catch up and can’t help me at all, you’re still chasing after me?” Luo Feng’s eyebrows slightly wrinkled, his eyes looked at the distant front, the magma whirlpool in front of him became more and more terrifying, the black rocky earth cracked, a large number of huge rocks rotated in mid air and flew at high speeds, Luo Feng looked at him and laughed, “This old guy, originally he wanted to bully me into not knowing the real secret of the magma whirlpool, let me planted on this?”

Letting the flame battle sword slash again and again, the golden unicorn lizard was persistent, chasing after it to death.

“Intuo, do you think …… that I don’t know the danger of the central area of that magma whirlpool – the annihilation whirlwind?” Luo Feng’s voice resounded directly around that golden unicorn lizard.

The golden unicorn lizard shook and froze for a long time.

“How does he know, he, he, it’s impossible! That annihilation whirlwind is formless and colorless, and at the very core of the magma whirlpool it’s simply impossible to probe, generally strong people who discover the danger in the central area of the magma whirlpool will dodge, they won’t foolishly barge into the very core. Even my Ancestral God Sect, is also this reincarnation era just know this secret.” Intuo was shocked, “I had planned that when he bypassed from the central zone there, I would directly cast a secret technique to invoke the annihilation whirlwind at the core and ripple into him! Hmph, my divine body is powerfully gifted with a special talent to barely escape the annihilation whirlwind. Most universe lords, once caught in that invisible annihilation whirlwind, would be instantly strangled and annihilated, unable to escape. But he is–”

Luo Feng functionally knew, naturally he wouldn’t be trapped, plus Luo Feng manipulated the domain, he wouldn’t even let him have the chance to cast a secret method to invoke the annihilation cyclone.

“How did he know?”

“This, this …… Even the many forces of the Second Reincarnation Era have very few knowers. And the primordial universe forces’ exploration of the three great Jedi is still very little, how …… is this secret,” Intuo was angry and furious.

It must be known that the Lord of the Universe kill each other, it is very difficult to kill the opponent.

But in the three great Jedi, if one side of the ability to survive stronger, as well as the three great Jedi danger to understand more, can use the Jedi itself some terrible danger will be the other side to “death”.

“Hahaha ……”

Luo Feng, however, laughed out loud and turned into a stream of light, directly flying towards the distance.

Right at this moment-

That magma whirlpool caused by the central area of the black rocky earth has been a large number of rocks broken and thrown away, surprisingly revealed before by a large number of black rock cover a dark blue airship, just this dark blue airship has a large number of broken scars, at the moment in the gusty winds, this broken dark blue airship also gradually slowly began to detach from the ground, from the endless black rocky earth slowly towards the outward emergence of the.

“Supreme Treasure!” The golden one-horned lizard directly rushed towards it.

“It’s a supreme treasure!” Luo Feng was slightly stunned, followed closely by even rushing towards it as well. The three great jedi, there were originally a large amount of supreme treasures that came out, even the giant axe founders were able to obtain a supreme supreme treasure in the inner domain of the tilted peak realm. However, after so many years of entering the Cosmic Boat himself, it was the first time he had seen a supreme treasure.

“Although it’s a broken supreme treasure, but the breath is very powerful, and the environment of the god extermination stream is harsh, there are many dangers, almost supreme treasures would have shattered long ago, and judging from the breath, it’s also estimated that it’s a top level palace type supreme treasure.” Luo Feng quickly made a judgment, “It doesn’t matter if it’s slightly broken, Teacher Sitting Mountain Guest is afraid that he can easily repair it. Even if it’s used for the future white feather to devour and repair, that’s still good.”

Ordinary ordinary supreme treasures and higher supreme treasures couldn’t even exist in the environment of the God Destroying Stream.

“It’s mine.” Intuo roared.

“Haha, if you say it’s yours, it’s yours?” Luo Feng snorted, he was the closest to that core area and he was in control of the domain.

Wow ……

When the huge dark blue airship supreme treasure had just emerged from the black rocky earth, it was bound by hazy golden light flying towards Luo Feng here, followed by a trace of divine power that quickly penetrated into that dark blue airship.

“Bastard.” Intuo gritted his teeth at the sight.

He hated na.

Why had he stayed so long in the God extermination run? It was because the Exterminating God Stream was the top dangerous place in the inner domain of the Cosmic Boat, and the more dangerous the place, the more powerful the treasure that appeared was generally! He did not have the patience to enter the core place, so the long term in the Demolition God Stream …… is to wait for the opportunity, he also knows that the magma vortex will be “Demolition God Stream” stirred up the sky and the earth, there will be a supreme treasure, but I did not expect to be so coincidental, at this time out of the world.

“Hahaha …… top flight palace class treasure ah, although it is broken, but also harvest enough, really unexpected harvest. This Intuo, is really my lucky star.” Luo Feng maneuvered the dark blue airship towards himself.

In the direction of the other side of the magma whirlpool, the same ground deep cavern suddenly sprang out two figures, transforming into two streams of light were rapidly flying towards the magma whirlpool, it was the two God’s eye race men and women.

“The magma whirlpool has appeared, stirring up countless rocks to shatter, it is likely that a supreme treasure has appeared, look, that dark blue airship is the supreme treasure.”

“Lord of the Five Huns, look, there is a golden unicorn lizard …… Oh, it should be Intuo, an Intuo …… is nothing to the Lord of the Five Huns.”

“Huh, there is another person?”

The two God’s Eye Clan powerhouses who had also been stationed at the God Destruction Stream for a long time and sensed the magma whirlpool after it appeared both quickly discovered a being closest to that dark blue spaceship supreme treasure – a human.

“Golden Light? Silver wings? It’s that Silverwing Lord!”

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