Chapter 0081: The Potala Monastery

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:03:37
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Tibet’s most famous Buddhist buildings should be the Potala Palace, that is when Princess Wencheng into Tibet for the Princess built the palace, the Tibetan King Songtsen Gampo married Nepal Shak Zun Princess and Princess Wencheng of the Tang Dynasty, the two princesses were brought to the Sakyamuni 8-year-old statue of the same, and Sakyamuni 12-year-old statue of the same, as well as a large number of Buddhist scriptures, Songtsen Gampo in the two princesses under the influence of converting to Buddhism and the construction of today’s Dazhao Monastery and small Zhao Temple.

Originally Zhuang Rui wanted to go to the Potala Palace tour first, did not think that the peddler a toss, actually first to the Showa Temple, and also exempted dozens of dollars in ticket money.

Tibetan people have “the first Showa Temple, after the city of Lhasa,” said the Showa Temple in Lhasa City has a central position, not only geographic location. It is also the level of social life.

For Da Zhao Temple, there are many beautiful legends, according to legend, built Da Zhao Temple, several times were flooded. Princess Wencheng explained that the entire Tibetan Plateau is a supine Rakshasa woman, so Princess Wencheng said that the Dazhao Temple must fill the lake to build the temple, first of all, the heart of the witch to suppress. Then Princess Wencheng also recommended at the same time another twelve small monasteries in remote areas, suppress the witch’s limbs and various joints, a total of thirteen monasteries.

According to the location chosen by Princess Wencheng, the building of the temple first required the filling of the lake. The main means of transportation at that time was to rely on goats carrying bags filled with sand and earth. In this way the lake to fill, to the great zhaosi laid the foundation, today’s Lhasa the two words are evolved from the great zhaosi.

Around the center of the Shakyamuni Buddha Temple in a circle known as the “sac contour” around the outer wall of the Showa Temple in a circle known as the “eight contours” outside the Showa Temple radiates out of the street called “Barkhor Street” that Zhuang Rui and others. Shopping octagonal street, to the center of the Great Buddha Temple, the Potala Palace, Medicine Buddha Mountain, the Small Buddha Temple, including a large circle known as the “Lin Kou” which is from the inside to the outside of the three ring, is the Tibetan people line transmigration rituals of the route.

Zhuang Rui see, in the Da Zhao Temple outside, there are many clockwise around the Da Zhao Temple kowtow long pious Tibetans, mouth chanting the six words of truth, hands together raised above the head, a step forward. Hands keep hands together and move to the forehead, and then take another step. The hands continue to move to the chest and take a third step. Land on your knees and then crouch your whole body on the ground, palms down and hands straight forward to stroke the ground. Buckle your forehead lightly against the ground. Rise up and repeat the process.

These pious Tibetans, hands and knees wearing protective gear, full of frost, dusty, body prostrate on the ground, palms forward paddling the ground, the sound of rustling, relying on strong beliefs, with the body to measure the land, three steps a worship, slowly around, even if it is just clockwise around the Da Zhao Temple to walk around, these people, is Zhuang Rui came to Lhasa on the road to see the Tibetan people believers.

Tibetan believers from far away, trekking along the way, wind and water, all the way to kowtow long head, may have to spend years to arrive at the heart of the holy land, encountered to wade through the water, but also in the river bank kowtow full of the river width of the distance. Then try to cross the river. And next to the Da Zhao Monastery, there is also a group of in situ kowtow long head of Tibetans, although they do not need to walk, but everyone believes that at least to kowtow full of 10,000 times, in order to express piety.

Seeing that the Tibetans have flocked into the Dazhao Temple, Gegu Lama waved at Zhuang Rui, and took the lead from a small door next to the main gate of the Dazhao Temple, and walked into the Dazhao Temple.

Zhuang Rui is also very frank, he did not do anything bad, although it is the first to hit people, but the Buddha also preaches to punish the evil and promote goodness, I think these lamas will not do anything to themselves, see Zhuang Rui is with the Gegul Lama together, the lama who watched the door rushed to the Zhuang Rui hands clasped together, smiled a little bit, and then let him in.

“This is the place where ‘Geshe’ was created, well, ‘Geshe’ means Dr. in your Han Chinese.”

Walking into the Da Zhao Temple, Zhuang Rui saw a patio-style courtyard, and the Gegu Lama obviously did not treat him as a villain, but also gave him an explanation of the origin of this courtyard, in the east side of the courtyard there are several rows of ghee lamps, even if it is now daytime, these ghee lamps are still long and bright is estimated to be a special someone responsible for adding ghee.

Behind the ghee lamps is the main hall of the main door of the Da Zhao Temple, Da Zhao Temple, the earliest buildings are from this door to start, outside the courtyard are later constructed, expanded, this main hall is only more than 1,400 years ago, due to many years of believers friction, the doorway of the stone floor has been as bright as a mirror.

Zhuang Rui saw. The believers who had just passed through the transepts, constantly entering and exiting from here, either slowly or quickly returned to the famous transepts of the Da Zhao Temple, circling around week after week, regardless of men and women, old and young, all of them have a pious and grave face, and this moment is natural and harmonious.

After entering the hall, Zhuang Rui first saw, is the left and right two huge statues of Buddha, the left side of the founder of the Red Church Tantric Master Lotus, the right side of the future Buddha, the right side of the entrance to the hall passage is about the story of the founding of the Dazhao Temple frescoes, murals vividly painted in the 7th century A.D. the appearance of early Potala Palace, as well as the year to fill in the lake to build the Dazhao Temple scenarios.

Gegu lama seems to be very prestigious, passing by him a few lamas and travelers, are slightly bent over to greet him, bring Zhuang Rui into the main hall, after the Gegu lama said to Zhuang Rui: “young people, you can visit here, to follow the direction of those who walk, do not trespass.”

Gegu seemed to have something else to do and walked away after explaining to Zhuang Rui. It seemed as if he had forgotten all about the original purpose of bringing him here, and didn’t even ask about the disputes that had occurred while at the market.

In the main hall, there are many life-like wood carvings painted on the walls, after Zhuang Rui’s eyes saw these wood carvings, his heart slightly moved, his feet took a few steps, close to the wall, and he gazed at the aura in his eyes which was already very thin, and released it towards the wood carving image.

“Huh? How did that happen?”

Just as the aura in his eyes penetrated the wooden carving picture, Zhuang Rui immediately felt that inside these wooden carvings. It contained a large amount of aura, even when the aura in his eyes was at its fullest, compared to it, I’m afraid that it was just a drop of water in the ocean.

But let Zhuang Rui surprised, and deeply helpless is, although he can feel the existence of these aura, but there is no way to absorb to, this is the first time Zhuang Rui encountered.

Those murals in the aura, so that Zhuang Rui suddenly had an illusion, it seems that their own aura is water, and carved wood murals in the aura is oil, water and oil although both can coexist in a container, but there is no way to integrate.

“Could it be because the amount of aura in one’s eyes, is too scarce to fuse the aura in the mural?”

Zhuang Rui withdrew the aura in his eyes, looked at the mural in front of him and pondered, the aura in his eyes, although it had been used frequently over the past few days, the quantity was much scarcer, but it could still penetrate to the depth of the wood by about one centimeter, there was no difference when compared to before.

But in the previous invincible aura, now can not be absorbed into this mural in a trace of breath, which makes Zhuang Rui surprised in the midst of feeling deep disappointment, this is like entering the treasure mountain, but found that they have no way to take away a thing from the inside, that kind of feeling is going to make people crazy.

Zhuang Rui do not die and try again, is still no success, depressed he is almost about to shout out loud, always calm Zhuang Rui, at this time are itching to pounce on, smash these murals, will be inside the aura to release out.

“Oooh ……”

In Zhuang Rui heart like being scratched by a cat like difficult time, his arms of the little white lion “oooh” called up, small paws desperately pickpocket Zhuang Rui’s clothes, seems to want to come down to the ground, Zhuang Rui some strange. This little thing in his arms, never very docile, today how to seem so irritable.

Zhuang Rui at this time in his mind is all the desire for the mural in the aura, also can not care about this little guy, at the moment also did not think carefully, put the white lion on the ground.

Little white lion walking has been very stable, down to the ground, immediately to the corner of the hall of a staircase ran over, only it is too small, say anything can not climb up, anxious there “oooh” screaming, make was already a little annoyed Zhuang Rui, this is even more disturbed.

“Alas, perhaps I have no affinity with the aura here!”

Zhuang Rui secretly sighed in his heart, but there is not the slightest way, as the saying goes, out of sight, out of mind, can no longer think of any way Zhuang Rui, ready to leave here.


Surrounding a survey, Zhuang Rui found that the little thing actually climbed to the stairs than its height are much higher than the stairs, just this wooden stairs are more than twenty steps, the little white lion is now just climbed on the first step, but it is up and down not it, the plush body in the wide staircase walking back and forth, a force rushed in the direction of Zhuang Rui called out, the little guy’s behavior, but also let a lot of tourists and believers pay attention to The little guy’s behavior also brought the attention of many tourists and believers.

Seeing this little guy acting strange, Zhuang Rui’s depression in his heart was also washed away some, this little thing is very understanding, these days, pooping and peeing never let Zhuang Rui annoyed, but run to Liu Chuan prepared place to solve, coupled with its lovely appearance, but will be the envy of Qin Xuan Bing and others, just the little white lion in addition to Zhuang Rui outside, do not allow anyone to contact, even Qin Xuan Bing, but only under Zhuang Rui’s mandatory order. Zhuang Rui mandatory order, can only hold teasing for a while.

Shook his head, Zhuang Rui walked over, he thought that this little thing may be hungry, bent down to hold the little white lion up, eyes unintentionally skimmed, could not help but eat a shock, because Zhuang Rui found that this wooden staircase material, actually sandalwood made, although not that rare small-leaf sandalwood, but this row of stairs with more material, is also precious.

“Dang …… dang ……”

Zhuang Rui stretched out his hand and knocked on the surface of the stairs, actually came out the sound of metal hitting each other, the heart could not help but produce a hint of interest in the top of this staircase.

Looked at the arms are still tearing their clothes of the little white lion, Zhuang Rui slightly hesitated, Ge Gu Lama when he left, urged him not to break into, this will not be above the Da Zhao Temple of the forbidden land, Zhuang Rui also do not know, he stood here for half a day, did not see a visitor to go up, but the lama of the coming and going, and there is not a person to come over to stop or ask him.

After all, the curiosity of the unknown prevailed, Zhuang Rui picked up the little white lion, holding the hand carved with fine patterns of the staircase handrail, slowly walking up.

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