Chapter 0095 – Mastiff Conceptualization

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:04:16
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Fatty Ma somewhat suspiciously surveyed Zhuang Rui for half a day. Until Zhuang Rui looked a little hairy, only then opened his mouth and said: “I do business for more than twenty years, from running errands for people to miscellaneous, to contracting a small coal kiln, the development of today, in other people’s eyes, it is also considered a successful person! Seen all kinds of characters, but for Xiao Zhuang you, I really can not see through, you say this is true or false regardless of, but the old horse made you these friends, in the future to Shanxi, something despite to find me.”

Hear the fat horse not mention this, Zhuang Rui heart a sigh of relief, this person is also The terrible point, pretending to be a pig eating a tiger, not to mention, simply can put people’s psychological speculation of a clear, and he stayed together for a long time, I’m afraid that the heart of the secret hidden in what will be set out of this fat man.

Car to Lhasa. First sent Fatty Ma to the hotel where he stayed, but I do not know what Fatty Ma is harboring in mind, had to invite the three to dinner, dinner and asked for a few people’s contact information, a meal down, is already the evening, Zhuang Rui and Liu Chuan Zhou Rui discussed, decided to stay another night, the next day drive back.

As Qin Xuanbing and Bo Mengan and other people are flying away, the three of them simply re-open a suite, live together, which will serve the two little ancestors, Liu Chuan is watching TV Zhou Rui said: “Zhou brother, you do in Sichuan how? Comfortable or not? Are you interested in going to Pengcheng with my little brother to develop? I’m really missing an outside run, before it is my own run outside, can not take care of the store, if you come, brother I will be much easier.”

This period of time we are also familiar with, Liu Chuan know Zhou Rui is Shaanxi, because his hometown is in the countryside, the family only some land, a year down the income is not much money, so from the army out of the Zhou Rui has been working in Sichuan and other places, security runners salesman and so on, what all have done, and now with a boss. To him is not bad, at least can give this one million dollars of car to him, is also a kind of trust.

“Hire me? But I don’t know anything else except driving!”

Zhou Rui some puzzlement, he knows himself better than anyone, in addition to a good body in the army practiced, the world is a little bit seems to be not resourceful enough, used to do business, others get three or four thousand a month, he can only get a guaranteed salary of more than three hundred dollars, knowing that is not a piece of material to do business with, he did not understand Liu Chuan in which he looked at the body.

To say that Zhou Rui on the current job, also slightly dissatisfied, the reason is that the wages are a little low, he is now doing the driver and the boss bodyguard, less than two thousand dollars per month, although more than the general income of workers in the factory, but Zhou Rui’s family is large, three younger siblings are still attending school, expenses are also large, especially in the younger brother at the university. Monthly living expenses are several hundred, not counting more than 10,000 tuition fees a year.

Zhou Rui has been looking for opportunities in the past few years, want to come out to do something on their own, but those things learned in the army, to the local completely useless, and he was sixteen years old as a soldier, to twenty-seven years old, in the army to stay longer, more simple-minded, and also do not adapt to some of the companies in the fight, want to do business on their own, but the two eyes are black, do not know what to do.

“Zhou brother, our brothers all the way to a good, your character, we can see a little, although not much to say, but people really, Dachuan this is a sincere desire to invite you to go, as long as you go, his pet store, you accounted for 20% of the dry shares, take dividends every year, it should not be less than 100,000 yuan.”

Zhuang Rui on the side to help, he and Liu Chuan has long been discussed, seems to be 20% of the shares quite a lot, but Liu Chuan is now most of the time each year, are spent in the south of the world to find sources of goods, these years down. And many of the old customers have a relatively stable relationship, later you can let Zhou Rui across the country to run these old customers, Liu Chuan stayed in Pangcheng to develop the market, the business is certainly better than now on several times.

A more important point is that, in Liu Chuan acquaintance to the grassland friend, Liu Chuan heart produced an idea, that is, in Pangcheng to do a mastiff park, slowly the center of gravity of the pet store, the development of Tibetan mastiff business.

Mastiff park, although the initial investment in a big point, but the profits of this business, to be far greater than the sale of ordinary pets, and then you can work with Rinzheng Tsom, strict control of the Tibetan mastiff’s pedigree to the resources on the prairie, it can be done into a mastiff with considerable influence.

And whether Zhou RuiLa to do together, also is the mastiff can do up, very critical point, because Rinchen Tsom is still living a nomadic life, which also led to Liu Chuan and his communication, and will not be very smooth, so that the need for an extremely understanding of Tibet, will speak Tibetan, stable character. And can mingle with the Tibetans, and this candidate, in addition to Zhou Rui, Liu Chuan and Zhuang Rui really can not think of anyone more suitable than him.

Of course, these things, Liu Chuan did not say now, this time to say a little too early, Zhou Rui have not agreed to resign from the work in Sichuan, and he did it together!

After hearing the words of Zhuang Rui, Zhou Rui really some heart, to know. His big brother in college, there is a little brother in high school, and academic performance is very good, it is estimated that the university is also ten to nine stable, another sister is reading junior high school, and academic performance is also very good.

Just the family rely on that a few acres of thin land, it is difficult to contribute up to three people to study, Zhou Rui’s sister dropped out of school last year, to stay at home to help their parents to do farm work, and then he went home to know later, forced his sister to go back to school.

Money, for people like Fatty Ma, may be just a symbol, a string of bank figures, but for Zhou Rui, that is extremely important, if he does not send money home for a month, I’m afraid that my little sister will not be able to go to school, and the family’s house has long been dilapidated, there is no money to repair, so Zhuang Rui said these words, especially that 100,000 yuan a few words, Zhou Rui’s psyche, produced a strong impact. Strong impact.

“Da Chuan, Zhuang Rui, let me think about it!”

Zhou Rui did not agree on the spot, he is a more calm person, now he is worried about, Liu Chuan words are credible, in case this side of the job quit, and go to Pangcheng, and not as good as Liu Chuan said, that can be a basket of water is empty.

Already nearly thirty, Zhou Rui has not seriously talked about a girlfriend, although the family introduced a few, but the women saw their family situation, all backed off. Parents and brothers feel that the family dragged him down, every time he went home, he could feel the guilt from his parents, looking at the age of just over fifty, but because of the heavy pressure of life, resulting in the hair has been white parents, Zhou Rui heart is also extremely bad.

In the jungle mud can sleep Zhou Rui, today lying in the hotel suite on the luxury Simmons, but the first time insomnia.

The next morning, a few people on the hotel room back, driving back to Sichuan, just Zhou Rui’s spirit is obviously not very good, in front of this section of the road by Zhuang Rui first open.

On the way back, at the request of Liu Chuan, they deliberately went to Rinchen Tsom where the “winter nest” Liu Chuan this is to pave the way for future cooperation, brought a lot of grassland herdsmen need gifts, naturally very popular, singing and dancing for a day after the brother three all drunk, in the tent stayed overnight, the next day before saying goodbye! The next day before bidding farewell to the enthusiastic Rincheng Tsom family, return to Sichuan.

Liu Chuan this trip can be said to be a huge harvest, although Tibetans do not kill dogs, do not eat dog meat, each other if you need a Tibetan mastiff, but also will not trade, most are exchanged for goods.

But after Liu Chuan that three-inch tongue of encouragement, coupled with Rinchen Tsom on the outside world also has some understanding, and his parents have not been living in the pastoral area, are inside the city of Naqu, they are also sooner or later to say goodbye to the grassland life, and now do some things to pave the way for the future, Rinchen Tsom does not oppose.

The two finally reached some cooperation intention, set up by Liu Chuan mastiff, and then Rinchen Tsom provides adult Tibetan mastiff, adult Tibetan mastiff ownership to Rinchen Tsom, after the birth of young mastiffs to sell out, the interests of all in accordance with the number of shares to share.

Although now there is no very clear talk about the distribution of shares, but at least one point, is that the golden mastiff king of the harem life, in the future will be the end of the tragic, because to control the Tibetan mastiff’s purity and pedigree.


“Damn, this is life! I say Woody, save some for me, don’t eat it all.”

Coming out of the foggy pool, Zhuang Rui, Liu Chuan and Zhou Rui’s bodies were all red from the pool water, a few people lay naked on the bathhouse’s pass-through, drinking hot tea and eating crisp radish in their mouths, the dust of the journey, washed clean.

They were in the morning rushed back to Chengdu, at noon ate a little meal to rest a little, Liu Chuan noisy want to come to soak in the bath, Zhou Rui also and his boss asked for instructions, the night in Chengdu to stay overnight, tomorrow morning and then drove to Chongqing, is why he also along with the two came to the bathhouse, just Shaanxi bathhouse, now there are still a lot of bathhouses, he did not have the two so much feeling just.

“Brother Zhou, tomorrow our brothers will go their separate ways, brother I this trip to Tibet, can successfully search for the Tibetan mastiff, thanks to your help, and so on will go back to the hotel, I prepared a little gift to you, you can not refuse ah!”

Liu Chuan and Zhuang Rui in the past few days did not bring up the matter of letting Zhou Rui into the gang again, they know that Zhou Rui is an extremely opinionated person, since he promised them that he would consider it, at the time of his departure, he will definitely give them an answer.

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