Chapter 0803 – Acupuncture (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:34:52
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“Xiao Rui, it’s really effective, this needle is much better than any massage and medicine, it’s okay to help mom with acupuncture more often.”

Fang Yi moved her shoulders again and felt much more relaxed, even if it was a psychological effect she recognized it.

“In-laws mother, don’t praise him, this child doesn’t study proper academics, but goes to learn acupuncture, not doing proper work.”

The Chinese tradition is that no matter how good their children are, when parents have to lecture a few times, of course, when Ouyang Wan said this, her face was full of smiles.

“Mom, you are still a teacher, this acupuncture is also our country’s traditional culture! For my master’s thesis, I’m going to write about ancient gold and silver needles unearthed from tombs, arguing about the form of medical development at that time.”

Zhuang Rui is not talking nonsense, he found from the archaeological literature of the College of Arts and Sciences of Beijing University, in many ancient tombs, there are gold and silver needles unearthed for acupuncture.

Like the Mawangdui burial complex, there are several gold needles dedicated to acupuncture unearthed, and in the Han tombs in Manchuria, Hebei, not only unearthed different styles of gold and silver needles, and even a record of the earliest documentation of qigong in China …… the early years of the Warring States period of the jade carving of the “line of qi Jade Pei Inscription”.

Including later unearthed, such as “Suwen”, “Lingshu”, which are jointly known as “Huangdi Neijing” part of the annotated works, after the introduction, immediately became the most authoritative books of acupuncture in ancient China, and all the writings on the theory of acupuncture in the future generations, all from these two books.

These things came out, showing that the ancient Chinese medical process, acupuncture is occupying an absolutely dominant position, from the emperor to the generals, down to the common people, in the case of illness, all are relying on Chinese medicine acupuncture to cure the disease conditioning.

But unfortunately, the “spiritual center” nine volumes, eighty-one articles, in later generations have been lost or damaged, now can see, most of the famous doctors of all generations of annotations, but there is no longer unearthed the original writings.

Zhuang Rui is still learning the knowledge of archaeological theory, he is ready to wait until he began his internship, to see if you can from the unearthed tombs, to find the complete “Spiritual Pivot” nine volumes, but also can be considered to fill a gap in the Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion.

“Xiao Rui ah! Go back to your grandparents and try a few needles to see if there is any effect.”

Although he had been treated by Zhuang Rui several times and the results were remarkable, but the age of Elder Ouyang had almost reached the limit, plus Zhuang Rui didn’t have the chance to groom the two old men regularly, the old man’s spirit wasn’t very good during this period of time.

As the saying goes, cat winter, every winter, for the elderly is a hurdle, especially like Ouyang old man this age, is every year is decreasing, when the red kid, is now also dying.

Don’t look at Ouyang Zhenshan has entered the center, but the backbone of the Ouyang family, or the old master, as long as others are there, that will allow a lot of people with bad intentions to hide their minds, the effect is almost the same as nuclear deterrence.

So as the weather gets cooler, the old master’s physical problems, it becomes the top priority of the Ouyang family, there is the in-laws mother to take care of her daughter-in-law, Ouyang Wan also go to the old master’s side from time to time to stay for a few days, but it is obvious that the old master’s essence is not as good as the spring and summer seasons.

After Zhuang Rui sterilized the silver needle, he put it away and said, “Mom, can those doctors agree to give Grandpa a needle?”

Those who live on Mount Yuquan, before leaving retirement, the lowest is also a deputy state-level leaders, the country’s importance to them, far more than the national treasure pandas, each of them is a specific health care expert group to protect their physical health, and these expert group doctors, are not ordinary people.

Yuquan Mountain live in those medical personnel, casually out of a, are in a professional area inside the top people, many of which are proficient in Chinese medicine and acupuncture experts, with Zhuang Rui will only be an acupuncture point “acupuncture” said out is a joke.

And to the old man’s status, even if it is to change a kind of medicine to eat, that all have to be reported to the layers of approval before, not to mention is to let a layman needle, the old man is not like these people in the courtyard, Zhuang Rui can take a needle randomly zapped.

Zhuang Rui asked this, but also has the meaning of the desire to escape, otherwise he rushed to the old man’s treatment, the effect is also good words, that will certainly cause the suspicion of the doctors, so that the mother raised the most appropriate.

Sure enough, after hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, although Ouyang Wan also hesitated for a moment, but she had personally experienced the effect of silver needles, after thinking for a while, she said: “Tomorrow happens to be the weekend, you should not have classes, right? Go with me to see your grandpa, and discuss with Dr. Dou then.”

The next day to go to the Yuquan Mountain, not only Zhuang Rui mother and son, Qin Xuan Bing also with a big belly to follow, Ouyang Jun is the wife and son with, the elderly like children, with the past is also to the old man to amuse a fun.

“Aigoo, this child, long really spirit.”

After seeing Ouyang Jun’s child, the old lady’s eyes are smiling squinted up, directly lying on the side of the bassinet car, teasing the child, the old man who wants to see his grandchildren, are squeezed on one side.

“Old woman, make way, let me see.” The old man was anxious, simply stretched out his arm and pushed people.

The old lady did not comply and said, “What are you looking at! A fierce face, don’t scare the child.”

“What do you mean! I don’t eat people.”

The old man unreasonable old companion pushed away, a wrinkled face, looking to the cradle of the little guy, big hand also in the crotch of the little thing fiddled twice, but unexpectedly by the little guy’s feet to stomp away.


The little guy can’t speak yet, but both hands clenched his little fists, very dissatisfied with this old man who fiddled with his little dd.

“Good, good boy, dare to stomp on old me me, have guts!”

The old man laughed out loud, this generation is all messed up can not find the north, after teasing the little child for a while, turned his face and saw Ouyang Jun, could not help but tense up his face, scolded: “Brat, when the father is still so unproductive.”

The old man saw Ouyang Jun, is still not much good face, this kid is too ungrateful, when he sent him to the army, actually did a deserter, if this is in the battlefield, the old man may directly take the gun to shoot him.

Always sharp-tongued young master Ouyang, in front of Ouyang Gang, that is absolutely honest like a good boy general, lowered his head atmosphere do not dare to breathe, until the old master scolded enough, this only gray slinking run to the grandmother.

“Grandpa, your old voice is still so loud!”

Zhuang Rui smiled and came to the old master’s side, in the Ouyang family, he was the only one who dared to talk to the old master like this, without any scruples at all.

“That’s of course ……”

The old master proudly raised his head, the voice is big on behalf of the mid-air foot, still alive in those old fellows, no one than his body great.

“Oh, don’t know also thought your old ears are not good!”

Zhuang Rui know grandfather a little old child’s temper, can not help but tease him a sentence, angry old man for the shortness of breath.

“This child, how to talk!”

Ouyang Wan couldn’t look away, knocked a blow on Zhuang Rui’s head and said, “Dad, Xiao Rui was learning acupuncture some time ago, and gave us a try yesterday, the effect is not bad, why don’t we give you a shot to try?”

“Acupuncture? That’s passed down from the old ancestors, very good, very good ……”

The old man looked at Zhuang Rui with new curiosity, he only knew that this grandson was engaged in those antique paintings that were too rough to wipe his ass, he didn’t think that he was still learning this stuff, but the old man just nodded his head and said yes, but didn’t promise to let Zhuang Rui give him a needle.

“Dad, you try it! It’s very comfortable.”

Ouyang Wan saw that the old man was noncommittal, and couldn’t help but advise, that feeling of aura entering the body would really make people float, and their minds would be a few points clearer than usual.

“I don’t need that, usually Xiao Dou has also given me acupuncture, there’s nothing to feel.”

The old man waved his big hand, in the past when he couldn’t get out of bed, he relied on physical massage and acupuncture to move his leg muscles, he was no stranger to acupuncture.

Seeing that the old man refused to give in, Zhuang Rui laughed wickedly from the sidelines and said, “Mom, forget it, Grandpa is afraid of pain, maybe he cried when it was zapped for him!”

“Put your mother’s stink …… stink ……”

Ouyang Gang expletive export, only to remember Zhuang Rui his mother, is not precisely his own daughter well, that sentence is not cursed out.

The old man he was ten or so years old when the army enlisted, in the war years, big battles and small battles fought countless, also do not know how many times I have suffered injuries, to the end, was actually said to be afraid of pain, which makes the old man burst into a rage.

“Xiao Rui, not allowed to be so rude, how can you talk about your grandpa like that?”

Ouyang Wan hastily reprimanded Zhuang Rui, the old man was the most aggressive in his life, if this was placed in his younger days, it would have been to the waist to touch the robbery.

“Then why don’t you dare to let me stab the needle ah!” Zhuang Rui unconvinced muttered a sentence, the voice is not loud, but just let the old man heard.

“Bullshit, what I dare not, zap on zap.”

As the saying goes, the old child, that is to say that when people get older, their character becomes the same as a child, the old man is like that, at that moment, he did the recliner, began to roll up his pants, in his impression, acupuncture seems to be on the legs.

“Chief, what are you doing?”

That special nurse had just seen the chief talking to his daughter’s grandson, so he was a bit far away, but seeing the old man’s sudden agitation, he hurriedly ran over, just in time to catch the old man rolling up his pants.

“This brat actually said that I am afraid of pain, think of when I ……”

The old master caught the opportunity to give Zhuang Rui and the others another war education lesson, and also lifted his clothes to let Zhuang Rui look at the scars on his stomach, obviously very dissatisfied with Zhuang Rui’s remark.

“Chief, this can’t be done, your health is the responsibility of the expert group, this …… this ……”

Zhuang Rui gave the old man acupuncture, this is out of order, that nursing very experienced intensive care, immediately felt very difficult.

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