Chapter 0873: Turmoil (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:37:55
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After leaving Yuquan Mountain, Zhuang Rui rushed to the museum again, gave an explanation to Huangfu Yun about the organization of the foundation, in addition to inquiring about the exchange of collections with the Forbidden City Museum, and didn’t return home until the evening.

The next few days, Zhuang Rui more and more leisure, every day in addition to going to Beijing University to listen to lectures, is at home with the children, watching the children grow day by day, Zhuang Rui heart full of the happiness of a father.

On weekends, Zhuang Rui will go to the museum or “Xuan Rui Zhai” around, in two months, the establishment of stereotypes foundation, and the first batch of three hundred poor mountainous children, the establishment of twelve hope elementary school, get the unanimous praise of the community.

All these things are Huangfu Yun, Zhuang Rui has been hidden behind the scenes, in addition to some people in the circle, few people know that this foundation is Zhuang Rui initiated.

“Dad …… dad hug ……”

Little Fangfang a swing to Zhuang Rui walked over, a pair of small hands can not stop clapping, behind him is also closely followed by his sister, the two little guys just passed the birthday, has been able to shout out “dad, mom, grandma, uncle” and many other words.

I don’t know if it is because Zhuang Rui often use the aura to comb their body’s sake, the little guy’s head, to be higher than the same age children, especially the skin, especially good, looks like two porcelain dolls in general.

Behind the two little ones, there are two small snow-white Tibetan Mastiffs following them, in addition Ouyang Wan is still looking at her grandchildren with a tense face, for fear that the two of them will fall.

“Come on, son, fragrance a mouthful ……”

Zhuang Rui picked up Fang Fang and put his face in the past, the other hand put his daughter also picked up, looking behind him nervous grandchildren Ouyang Wan said, “Mom, you are old, don’t follow them to run, isn’t there a King Kong looking at it?”

Ouyang Wan glanced at her son, and said in a good-natured manner, “You weren’t like this when you were a kid! Mom ran less? Well, but King Kong is understanding and is helping Peng Fei put up the couplets!”

This year’s New Year is a bit late, it’s going to be in the middle of February, after Zhuang Rui set up the courtyard, he brought the whole family to the manor, he’s going to spend this New Year in the manor this year.

“Ow ooh ooh ooh!”

Just talking about King Kong, that big guy ran over, looking at its dress, Zhuang Rui couldn’t help but “giggle” a laugh out.

I do not know who gave King Kong tailoring clothes, actually gave him a set of big red Tang suit cotton jacket cotton pants, head also wore a landlord hat, which if you turn your back to see, also really think it is a pugilist!

“To …… Jin Jin, to Jin Jin …….”

King Kong this came, the two little guys suddenly in Zhuang Rui’s arms restless up, are wringing the body open small hands to let King Kong hold.

“I say, who in the world is your father here!”

Zhuang Rui smiled bitterly and handed Fang Fang Yuan Yuan to King Kong, two little guys pulling the hair at the neck of King Kong, playing happily, see Zhuang Rui heart that call a jealous ah!

Two small Tibetan mastiffs around the King Kong playing around, with claws to grab the clothes of the King Kong would like to climb up, but it turns out that the dog indeed does not have the talent to climb the tree, are climbed to half on the fall down, see Zhuang Rui straight music.

“Ga …… Ga Ga!”

The golden feather hovering in the sky also flew down, with a sharp beak in the face of the two little ones rubbing, which if seen by outsiders, will be scared to death, but in Zhuang Rui’s home have been accustomed to.

Ouyang Wan’s eyes stared at the two grandchildren, her mouth asked Zhuang Rui, “Xiao Rui, Xuan Bing should also come back, right?”

“I’ll be back tomorrow, mom, you’ve asked a dozen times.”

Qin Xuan Bing started working last month, responsible for Qin Ruilin’s jewelry design, usually at home, but a few days ago went to Hong Kong, this year, Qin’s family is ready to all have to Beijing to celebrate the New Year.

“Okay, here I watch, you go to help sister-in-law Li and the girls, see if the room is packed up.”

The in-laws are coming, Ouyang Wan naturally want to give enough attention, the rooms in the manor that can be lived in are organized, these days are busy with these things.

Zhuang Rui smiled and said, “Got it, mom, don’t worry! The rooms here are better than a five-star hotel!”

“Right, where’s Peng Fei? He’s been out for more than half a month, right? Why hasn’t he come back yet? Xiao Qian has asked several times.” Zhuang Rui was about to turn around and leave when Ouyang Wan shouted behind him.

“Mom, Peng Fei is just these few days.”

When Zhuang Rui was talking, the cell phone in his pants pocket rang, took it out to see, Zhuang Rui said with a smile, “Nuo, your godson’s phone, every day there is a phone call in, worry about what ah?”

“Brat, I am afraid that you guys will be in any more danger and make mom worry.” Ouyang Wan glared at her son.

“Come on, I’ll answer the phone first.” Zhuang Rui walked to the side and pressed the answer button.

“Brother Zhuang, things are all done, I’m on a flight back to Beijing the day after tomorrow.”

Peng Fei’s voice came out from the microphone, there seemed to be quite a few people next to him, it was a bit noisy, and what was being said wasn’t even Chinese.

“No one noticed you, right? Make sure you stay safe, Zhang Qian has been chanting about you for the past few days, go give her a call.”

Zhang Qian is also pregnant for more than two months, if not for Peng Fei knowing Japanese and doing things smartly, Zhuang Rui really won’t let him go out this time.

On the matter of Peng Fei to Japan, from more than a month ago to start.

In the beginning of 2007, the Japanese archaeological community, suddenly spread the news that they found a thousand years of history of the ancient kiln site, and unearthed two pieces of complete porcelain from the inside.

After a number of Japanese ceramics experts and historians, the two pieces of porcelain is indeed a thousand years ago, and to the world to declare that Japan in a thousand years ago, ceramic firing technology, has caught up with China.

At the same time, they threw out a theory, that is, in China for a long time in the magnet state kiln porcelain, the earliest from Japan to China.

This reversal of black and white news, into the country, immediately caused a furor, a number of domestic ceramics experts to Japan, to test the two so-called technically “catch up” with China’s porcelain.

Just let a person some frustration is, even those experts, also have no way to identify the authenticity of these two pieces of porcelain.

And with the porcelain base scraped off the porcelain powder made of carbon 14 surface, these two pieces of porcelain is indeed more than a thousand years ago, a variety of evidence for the Chinese side are very unfavorable.

Just at this time, people suddenly remembered that auction last year, but that is not a formal auction, and there is no video proof, even if some people jumped out to speak, there is no meaning.

Li Dali this period of time anxious like ants on the hot pot, every day from all over the country is scolding phone calls, if not for the concern that he himself is a former gangster, I’m afraid that some people would have hit the door.

Zhuang Rui was also called to the old man reprimanded, let him come up with ideas to solve this matter, so Zhuang Rui this let Peng Fei secretly go to Japan, he has long predicted that the little kid will be out of a bit of catnip, has prepared a backhand.

“Dad, you take a break and give Fang Fang to me! This kid is too naughty.”

At noon, Zhuang Rui and Hao Long drove two cars and picked up all of Master Qin’s family, of course, it was limited to Zhuang Rui’s father-in-law and mother-in-law and the old man, as for the two uncles, they all stayed in Hong Kong.

Qin Haoran loved the two grandchildren, from the time he arrived at home, he didn’t let go of his hand, he kept hugging the little one, and this time Fang Fang was reaching out to tug on Grandpa’s glasses!

“Not tired, not tired, can’t you see, the old man is not tired, can I be tired?”

Qin Haoran was talking about his old man, Master Qin was sitting on the sofa, his body was also wrapped around a little person, he was laughing with joy!

“Friends of the audience, now live broadcast is the Chinese ceramics experts organized by the Tokyo conference, we all know that recently, due to the Japanese side announced the unearthed a thousand years ago, the ancient porcelain, attracted the attention of all parties! And the Chinese side propaganda, they have enough evidence in their hands to prove that the Japanese hands of porcelain is fake, we can see, the president of the Japanese Yamagi Corporation, with two pieces of porcelain into the press conference.”

The Phoenix TV that was broadcasting, suddenly inserted in a program that attracted the attention of several men in the living room.

“These Japanese, obviously have little history, they have to make a fuss, it’s also the fault of some of our country’s people who don’t compete, sold the national treasures to them, which gave the Japanese a chance, really ungrateful children!”

Looking at the picture on the TV, Mr. Qin is pained, while sitting across from him Zhuang Rui, is red in the face, the thing is he sold, this is not in front of the monk scolded the bald donkey it?

“Dad, that thing may not be true, our country’s ceramic experts did not say, they have evidence in hand.”

Qin Haoran look at the problem is more objective, after saying these words look to Zhuang Rui, said: “Xiao Rui, you are playing antiques, how do you see the problem of these two pieces of porcelain?”


Zhuang Rui froze for a moment, did not expect his father-in-law to ask about himself, and was about to reply when he suddenly saw a familiar figure from the TV, and quickly said, “Dad, just watch the TV and you’ll know, the results will be out soon!”

The person who appeared in the TV was the researcher Tian Fan of the Palace Museum, who traveled to Japan as an expert on ceramics, and it was also Tian Fan who requested this press conference.

“Dear friends of the media, I’m glad that you can attend this press conference.”

Tian researcher who has always given Zhuang Rui the feeling of being a bit mute, actually acted in a very stylish manner, and after a short speech, he then said, “For this time, the so-called ancient kiln site of porcelain unearthed by the Japanese side, I would like to make it clear that those are two forgeries, which are modern artifacts.”

Tian Fan’s words were like a bomb thrown into the crowd, whether it was the audience in front of the TV set, or the press conference site reporters, all stood up.

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