Chapter 1130 – Competition (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:48:51
A+ A- Turn Off Light

It’s not that Timur looks down on Zhuang Rui, it’s really the difference in size between the two is too big, standing next to Timur, Zhuang Rui is like a small child.

Seeing the table was moved over, Zhuang Rui walked to the side of the table, crossed his hands and moved his wrists, said: “Timur big brother, come on!”

“Timur, lighten up! Just win.”

Bartel is still a little uneasy, pulling Timur and whispered a few words, to know, this arm wrestling is also able to hurt people, if serious, is to lead to disability is not impossible.

“Bartel big brother, I know, will definitely not use force.”

Timur also did not feel Bartel said what is wrong, others are guests well, can not lose too bad, turn around must give Zhuang Rui to leave a few points of face, said this young man drinking is a hanzi.

“Old Ba, don’t underestimate my big brother, what if you guys lose?”

Peng Fei heard the conversation between the two, the heart is a little indignant, if than the strength, he and Zhuang Rui are worse than eight streets to go, do not look at this Timur tall, but definitely not enough for Zhuang Rui to see.

“Timur will lose? Impossible, Fei Zi, not to mention your big brother, even if you go up and arm wrestle with Timur, there will be no winners.”

Bartel on Peng Fei’s words are very unimpressed, Timur all day in the grasslands grazing horses, this hand force is also practiced, is not Zhuang Rui skinny city people can be compared?

Peng Fei hehehe laughed, said: “Old Ba, not to mention this, if you lose how to do, always have to be a little colorful, right?”

“You kid, still think you’re in the army?”

Bartel also smiled at his words, when he was in the army, the gang of soldier gangsters did not trouble him much, although he could not wrestle with himself, but he could always make up for it in shooting or free fighting and other items, Bartel’s worst time to a squad of people for a month of washing clothes.

“Good, if Brother Zhuang can win, I, Bartel, will lose a good horse to you.” When Bartel spoke, he purposely amplified his voice, and everyone around him heard it.

“Bartel, are you willing to give up that Red Blood of yours? If you’re willing to give it up, I’ll help Brother Zhuang go to the competition.”

“Yeah! What a good horse, there’s always something to say.”

“Stop it, Bartel can’t give up Red Blood, it’s his lifeblood.”

Bartel’s words, led to the field of people have been uproar, the topic of discussion is actually a horse called red blood, listen to the Peng Fei and Zhuang Rui are a little puzzled.

“Old Ba, what Red Blood ah? I’ve never heard you talk about it before!”

Although Peng Fei and Bartel are a few years apart, but the two of them are also teachers and friends with each other, the relationship is not generally good, he even knows that Bartel is still wetting the bed at the age of a few years old, but he doesn’t know that Bartel actually hides a good horse?

“Cough cough, that is I came back from the prairie set got, of course you do not know.”

Bartel was a bit embarrassed by the crowd’s words, it could be seen that he loved that Red Blood horse, but after answering Peng Fei’s words, Bartel stood in the middle of the field and said, “If Brother Zhuang wins, I promise to lose him a good horse that is not inferior to the Red Blood, my Bartel’s words, don’t you all believe them?”

“Hehehe, Old Ba, then you’ll wait to bring out the good horse!”

Peng Fei smiled at his words, this horse is also divided into three, six, nine classes, like the general domesticated horse, will absolutely be afraid of white lion vajra and other animals, but the wild horse of the prairie, but dares to fight with jackals and wolves, perhaps Zhuang Rui’s manor is going to have one more member.

Zhuang Rui this wine will be on the head, what do people’s humility and other virtues, has long forgotten to the clouds, after hearing Bartel and Peng Fei’s bet, can not help but say loudly: “Bartel big brother, then I can thank you first!”

When Bartel heard this, he cried and laughed, how can these two brothers be the same? Before the match, they decided that they would win, it’s good to have confidence, but if it’s over the top, then it’s arrogance.

“Brother Zhuang, let’s compare and say, if you can win me, I’ll give you my family’s ancestral sword.”

Timur was also said by Zhuang Rui some upset, in this hundred miles of Mongolian gathering place, he is a famous Hercules, in addition to Bartel who are not timid, now actually by Zhuang Rui to belittle.

“Good, if big brother Timur can win, this piece of jade is yours.”

Zhuang Rui is not ambiguous, from the waist to take down a piece of ancient jade with five kinds of percolating color, this is a brave carving, Zhuang Rui is in the Panjiayuan plucked, look good, has been brought in the body to play with, there are two years of work.

Don’t look at this object is not big, but like this color of ancient jade, in the market also want more than one million, Zhuang Rui out is also considered generous.

“Timur, go for it!”

“Timur, can not lose ah! Or else you won’t be allowed to go back to your aunt-in-law’s bed at night.”

After Zhuang Rui and Timur stood on both sides of the table, the crowd’s cheering sounds rang in their ears, but when both arms were on the table, the sounds stopped.

“Does this even need to be compared? It’s not even in the same class!”

“Yes! Look at Timur’s arm, it’s twice as thick as that one.”

“That’s right, two hands probably can’t even grip it.”

After seeing Zhuang Rui and Timur’s arms set up on the table, the onlookers whispered, and even Timur felt a bit bullied by himself.

Timur’s small arm is almost twice as thick as Zhuang Rui’s, not to mention, and his big bushy hand and Zhuang Rui together, more like Zhuang Rui’s hand is delicate like a woman, it would be strange if this can be looked upon favorably!

“Timur, brother Zhuang, just say when you can’t, don’t hold on!”

Bartel as the referee of this competition, he knows that arm wrestling also has many skills, if you know how to turn the wrist, even if the hand strength is smaller, you can hold on strongly not to lose, but if the other side is forced to break down, it will make his wrist broken, so Bartel has such a sentence to explain.

“Got it.”

“Don’t worry! Big brother Bartel.”

The two people at the table were both confident, a large and a small hand clasped together, waiting for Bartel to announce the start of the match.


When Bartel called out, the muscles on the two arms that were originally both somewhat flaccid, suddenly tensed up, especially Timur’s small arm sinews burst out, like thick earthworms.

“Brother Zhuang, just say something if you can’t.”

The reason Timur still had the energy left over to speak when he was exerting himself was because he only used a quarter of his strength, and wasn’t afraid of speaking resulting in a slackening of his chi.

No matter what, Zhuang Rui was also a guest, Timur wanted to overwhelm Zhuang Rui after holding each other for a while, so that Zhuang Rui would have a face.

“Oh, Timur big brother, you can be a little more forceful.”

Although Zhuang Rui felt a huge force coming from the other hand, but compared to King Kong, that difference is not half a star, if Zhuang Rui wants, he can almost wrap his palm all to crush off.


After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Timur’s face changed for a moment, along with the sound of Zhuang Rui’s words, he clearly felt that the other party’s original soft hand, even became as hard as iron, actually pinched his own fingers vaguely painful.

Timur’s face became serious, took a deep breath, and gradually increased the strength of his small arm, but as he increased his strength, the other party’s hand became harder and harder, and the chakra emitted was completely on par with his own.


Timur shouted, the left side of his body, his right hand violently to his own direction to break, this time he used nearly half of his body’s strength, but also explosive force, in Timur thought, must be able to break Zhuang Rui.

Just let Timur how hard, Zhuang Rui’s right hand, actually not moving, and their own directly opposite Zhuang Rui, in addition to some scarlet face, seems to have not seen how much force to make.

In this way, not only is Timur’s heart stunned, even the onlookers also feel surprised, the original strength difference so much than the test, actually played into an even match, not …… seems Zhuang Rui also prevailed.

“Timur big brother, careful, I’m going to add strength.”

Zhuang Rui’s words rang in Timur’s ears, just Timur this will no longer have time to reply, he knows that he has just sucked in this breath can not slacken, otherwise directly will be Zhuang Rui overwhelmed.

Just Timur did not expect, even if he used his whole body strength to defend Zhuang Rui’s attack, or feel a right arm came from a mountain of force.

Did not wait for Timur to react to, that huge impact on the direct collapse of all his defenses, the large arm fell down, shocked the wooden table issued “bam” a loud sound.



Incredibly quiet.

When the results of the competition came out, the scene was quiet, in addition to the sound of the bonfire firewood, quiet, almost a pin drop to hear.

Those who were cheering and encouraging had already held their breath at this moment, not daring to look at what was happening in the field with disbelief.

In addition to Peng Fei, no one thought that the “thin” Zhuang Rui actually won the “strong” Timur, which is like a sheep eating a wolf on the prairie general disbelief.

Timur at this time brain seems to be a little bit not awake, looking at the small arm was Zhuang Rui pressed below, raised his head and asked blankly: “I …… I lost?”

“Timur even lost?”

“How is this …… possible?”

“I didn’t see wrong, right? Our grassland warrior actually lost?”

This result is really a little bit out of the crowd’s expectation, after Timur asked that sentence, the field suddenly drummed up, the crowd could not believe what happened in front of them.

“Timur, you are losing.”

Although Bartel was also surprised, but reacted quickly, looked to Zhuang Rui and said, “Zhuang brother, want …… us to compare again?”

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