Chapter 110

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:55:48
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Metzker’s Bar.


The members of Squadron One of the Robbery and Murder Division raised their glasses and shared a drink.

There were a total of nine people present, besides the men of Squadron One there was also Deputy Director Reed.

Deputy Director Reed was in charge of the Robbery-Murder Division and was also the Director.

Deputy Director Reed took a large gulp of beer, “I’m glad to be invited today, it’s been a long time since I’ve had such a good drink.”

The lieutenant bristled, “Your wife even controls the drinking now?”

“YEAH, you know how Kamosi is, she doesn’t like it when I drink.”

“Reed, I told you, the relationship between husband and wife isn’t equal, there’s always a strong side, if you just back down, she eats you to death and can pick on you even if you take one more bite of food.”

Reed shrugged, “It’s not as bad as you make it sound, I just don’t like to argue.”

“Exactly, that’s what she recognizes about you, she’s been trying to put you down. You need to toughen up so you can fight for a reasonable position.

If a man is afraid to take a big gulp of beer in his own home ……”

Susan interrupts, “Lieutenant, marriage isn’t a competitive relationship, it’s a cooperative and loving one.

Reed isn’t afraid of his wife, he loves her.”

Luke also felt that the vice squad was getting a little bent out of shape, he was talking painfully and it wasn’t good for him to hear what he shouldn’t have heard, revealing a curious look, “Chief, how long have you and the vice squad known each other?”

“Whoa whoa, this is something to talk about.” Reed nodded and looked aside to the lieutenant, “Can we talk about it?”

“What’s not to like.” The lieutenant shrugged.

Reed reminisced, “It would have been twenty years ago, and I was only in my mid-twenties, much like Luke is now, handsome, idealistic, ambitious ……”

The lieutenant interrupted, “You didn’t look like Luke at all when you were younger, more like Marcus now.”

Blacky was happy, “Really?”

Reed directly breaks his fantasy, “The vice squad is lying to you, I was much more powerful than you when I was young and solved many big cases. The director at the time admired me ……”

Xiao Hei “……”

“STOP! Don’t brag about yourself, it’s better for me to speak.” The vice squad grabbed the words, “He just came to the Detective Bureau or a brat, didn’t know shit, I was already an experienced detective at that time.

I was the one who brought him in then, Detective Vince, Detective Reed.

Like David and Luke now. ……

A few years later it became Detective Vince, Detective Reed.

Another couple years, Detective Vince, Lieutenant Reed.

A few more years, Inspector Vince, Captain Reed ……

All the way up to now, you all know.”

The crowd listened, wanting to laugh but not daring to.

Luke sympathized a little with the lieutenant, what had he been through all those years? What a strong heart one had to have to remain working in the Heist and Murder Division.

David, who was originally chewing nuts, froze when he heard this and looked at the vice squad and Reed, then at Luke ……

The atmosphere was a little awkward, and Reed laughed, “I’ve always respected you, even though I’m in a higher position than you.

Learned a lot from you about what to do and what not to do.

You have a lot to do with me being where I am today.”

The lieutenant snickered, “Are you trying to say that green is better than blue?No, I wouldn’t admit it.”

Reed laughed, “You’re right, you have more experience solving crimes than anyone else, I can’t compete. But, I didn’t do any of those things I shouldn’t have.”

“OK, that’s the end of the party for today.” The lieutenant stood up and made to leave.

Chief Reed hurriedly pulled him back, “Come on, I was just kidding.”

“I’ll take a forfeit.” Reed downed half his beer in one shot.

The lieutenant sat down again, the two men had known each other for twenty years and were former partners, so naturally they weren’t really offended and were soon chatting again.

Luke turned to David, who was off to the side, and asked, “How’d it go?”

“I sent her to rehab.”

“You know what I’m asking?”

David took a sip of his drink, “She offered to mention it and I acquiesced.”


David didn’t seem to want to talk about it, “When are you going to buy a car?”

“Still researching, what do you think of a Porsche Cayenne?”

“Good brand, not cheap.”

“I checked, it’s about the same price as a BMW 7.” In his previous life, Luke had heard that cars abroad were cheap, but he didn’t realize how cheap until he arrived in Los Angeles. The BMW 7 and Porsche Cayenne in only cost about eighty thousand dollars.

It was half cheaper than at home.

“All good cars, depends on what kind you like.”

A black head came over, “Whoa whoa, which one of you wants to buy a car?”

“Me, any suggestions?”

“Hey, that’s a no-brainer, a Cadillac Escalade of course, is there a better car than that?” Blackie looked like he was taking it for granted.

David shrugged, “I knew it.”

Cadillacs have a high status in the black music scene.

Counting the world, there are upwards of 2,000 songs with ‘Cadillac’ written on them, and there’s an unwritten law in the music business – you need a Cadillac to make a powerful music video.

Cadillac influences the hip-hop culture represented by black people, where luxury cars have always been an important component of rap music.

Cadillac infiltrated the inexhaustible longing in the hearts of countless black Rappers, pouring out the unyielding ideals of black people.

Luke nodded, “I’ll think about it.”

In reality, he has already passed it off, the car is too big, seven-person seats, he usually drives alone so much space for what?

Blackie laughed, “If you want to sell your Harley, remember to consider me.”

“Don’t even think about it, I’m not selling the Harley.” Just because Luke bought a new car because there was a need for it didn’t mean he didn’t like motorcycles.

It was still cool to ride around on a motorcycle during the holidays.

At ten p.m., the party was over.

Reed was too drunk to drive himself and the lieutenant drove him home.

Luke said goodbye to the crowd and went looking for his motorcycle.

He looked around and didn’t see it.

What the hell?

Luke was drunk and sober, how come the Harley was gone?

David asked, “What are you standing there for? Don’t you have a bike? Do you need a ride?”

“My Harley is gone.”

“What do you mean?” David was confused too.

“Some idiot stole my bike!”

Five minutes later.

A patrol car pulled up to the side of the road.

Driving the car was a black female patrolman with short hair and a serious looking expression.

A white patrolman, who looked to be in his forties, came out from the passenger side of the car.

“Who called the police?”

“It was me.” Luke sized up the middle-aged patrolman, his eyes landing on his shoulder patch, “You sure you’re not wearing the wrong uniform?”

The middle-aged patrolman shrugged, “I just switched to being a patrolman, you know.”

The black female patrolman next to him put her hands on her police belt, “You lost a motorcycle?”

“Yes, it was parked right here.”

“Was it locked?”

“Of course, I wouldn’t make such a cheap mistake.”

“When did you park the motorcycle here? When did you realize it was stolen?”

“Around 7:10 p.m., my coworker and I came to the Metzker Bar.

Parked the Harley near the front of the bar, and as soon as it broke up at 10:00 p.m., I came out and realized the motorcycle was gone, then I called the police.”

“Name the model, color, and license plate number of the motorcycle, any special markings, etc.?”

Luke sighed, uncomfortable with this feeling, he used to be the one asking others, now he was the one being questioned instead, “2021 Harley Fatboy, black, license plate number, 8LkL518.”

“Show me your driver’s license and cell phone number.”

Luke handed her his driver’s license and gave his cell phone number.

The black female patrolwoman took down the identification information, “OK, Mr. Luke, we understand the situation of the motorcycle, we will notify the other patrolwomen to help look for it, and we will notify you when we find it.”

“What do you call yourselves?”

The white middle-aged patrolman said, “My name is John, and this is my instructor, Officer Aphra.”

Luke asked, “Can you leave me a contact information?”

John handed over a business card.

“Thanks for the hard work, I’ll buy you guys a drink some day.” Luke took the card and waved it away.

He didn’t mention that he was also LAPD.

A group of senior detectives came out to party and lost their car after the meeting broke up.

He wasn’t the only one who was humiliated.

“FUCK, fucking car thieves.”

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