Chapter 134

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:57:03
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“Officer Luke, what are you doing here?”

“I was waiting for you.”

“Waiting for me, what’s that supposed to mean?”

“In case you do something stupid, I think it’s time we had a talk.”

“What stupid things? Is there some kind of misunderstanding?”

Luke said with a straight face, “We’ve been investigating you for the past few days. We know all your actions and behaviors like the back of our hands.

If you are willing to voluntarily give an account, I am willing to offer you a good plea deal.”

Peter stared at Luke for a moment, “Sounds good, like what?”

“We can drop the charges about you coercing Boris into stripping.”

Luke guessed, “I assume the anonymous cell phone card you used to contact Boris is still in the phone.”

“Stripping is his freedom, how can I coerce that?”

Luke said, “I know that video exists, give it to the police and they won’t charge you with either coercion or blackmail.”

“How do you know that?” Peter showed surprise for the first time.

Luke was secretly relieved to have guessed correctly.

Luke guessed that Peter had a copy of the video mainly because of three points.

Point one, the removed car recorder.

The second point, the photo that had been modified and defocused, Luke couldn’t figure out why Peter had defocused the perimeter of the photo at first, but then it occurred to him that the photo was most likely a screenshot of the video, and the background pattern was most likely related to the victim, Courtney, which was why Peter had defocused the background.

The third point is that neither Peter nor Boris look gay, yet they coincidentally run to a gay bar.

One performs and the other watches, the one performing like he’s reluctant and the one watching very excited.

This suggests that Boris was probably coerced into performing, which means that Peter may have a copy of the video in his possession, which contains evidence of Boris’s crime.

As to why Peter didn’t just hand it over to the police, Luke had two guesses.

The first one, the video is from a questionable source and was probably taken through illegal means.

The second, Peter wanted to use the video to blackmail Boris.

Guessing, Luke’s heart was full of confidence, and he spoke louder: “The clues that the police have are far more than you think, you can use that video to coerce the other party to dance today, and tomorrow you may use the video to extort money.

That’s tantamount to harming yourself, you’re a dentist, you should have a great future.”

Peter shook his head, “I was ruined by that woman, I feel like a clown, a fool.”

“You made Boris dance in a gay bar just to humiliate him?”

“That’s right, it would make me feel a lot better inside, or at least not so stifled.”

Luke said, “Now that you’ve gotten your revenge, shouldn’t you think about your future, cooperating with the police is your best option.”

Peter nodded and followed Luke and Blackie to the car.

When they arrived at the police lounge, Peter opened the door and said, “I’m going to get a no-charge agreement.”

Luke said, “All I can guarantee you right now is that you will be exempt from charges for coercing Boris into dancing, but the rest will be decided after hearing your confession.”

“What if you guys flip out when I’m done?”

“You can make hypothetical statements, and without a plea bargain, nothing you say will be admissible in court.”



“Whew ……” Peter let out a long breath, “I do have a video, that was taken at Courtney’s house. It records Boris’s crime.

Afterward, I used the video to coerce Boris into dancing at the club, that’s all.

I can give you the video if you can give me a waiver of charges that doesn’t pursue the sneak peek and coercion of Boris.”

Luke asked rhetorically, “You installed surveillance at Courtney’s house?”

“Don’t look at me like that, I’m not a pervert. I just love Courtney so much that I give her most of my monthly income in order to fulfill her so-called dream of being an actress.

You have to realize that actors need a great deal of financial support in order to maintain their superficial glamor, Courtney isn’t very famous and doesn’t make a lot of money, but her usual spending is extremely high.

She simply can’t afford it on her own, and I’ve been subsidizing her with my own savings, spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on her over the past two years.”

“I don’t really care about money, and I’m willing to spend money on Courtney, but I always feel like her heart isn’t in me. Every time we met, it was a time she arranged, and when I wanted to see her, I either didn’t have the time or was filming, and I, the boyfriend, had to make an appointment in advance to see her.

I’ve never felt much security, but I’ve always advised myself that Courtney is just fulfilling her dream and that I should support her.

Until a while ago, a friend of mine saw her with a man in Las Vegas.

I contacted Courtney and she didn’t answer her phone at the time and told me afterward that she was filming.

I just love her, it’s not like I’m stupid.

So, a few days before her accident, I installed surveillance at her house to see if she had another man.

If so, then it was time to be done with her once and for all.

I’m tired of waiting, wondering, and being upset every day.

I’ve been afraid of losing her, and it’s a really torturous feeling.”

Peter recalled and continued, “I did return home at twelve o’clock on the night of April 30th, and I tried to delete the video of us clapping for love, only to be met with an angry, horrifying scene.”

“On the very bed where Courtney and I were clapping for love, there was now an additional man, and Courtney was clapping for love with that man, even in the same position.

I was on fire as I watched, sure enough, she had betrayed me after all.

And so impatiently, just as I left, she got another man to clap for love.

I was almost pissed off.

In what way am I no better than that bald asshole.

However the next scene almost scared me to death.

The man choked Courtney, who struggled at first, but soon stopped moving.

Then the man took a knife and plunged it into Courtney’s chest.

What’s even weirder is the back.

The man also hid in the closet and left the door open.

And finally, hung Courtney up.

I was scared silly after watching it.

He was simply a pervert.

I wanted to call the police right then and there, but I held back.

If I called the police, then the fact that I stole the video would come out.

Courtney is a bad woman and not worth what I did for her.”

Hearing this, Luke was also a bit surprised, it turned out that the murderer was Boris, only that he deliberately changed the scene and used the charge of destroying the corpse to cover up the evil act of murder.

What a cunning guy.

Luke asked, “Where did you install the camera?”

Peter said, “I installed it in the corner of the curtains, it’s hard to find.

Also, I was worried about the police finding out and I arrived at Courtney’s house early the next morning to remove it. After that, I couldn’t pretend that nothing had happened, so I chose to call the police.

Later, I thought that you police would be able to catch Boris so that you wouldn’t have to hand over the video and it wouldn’t implicate me.

I was also always curious about the progress of the investigation of the case, but I didn’t dare to pursue it too closely, and I didn’t dare to inquire about anything related to Boris, for fear of being found out by you guys on a regular basis.

But I could not suppress curiosity, so I went to the detective agency to investigate Boris.

It turned out that Boris was actually released on bail.

I was dumbfounded.

Wasn’t the man arrested? How come he was released again.

Then I remembered Boris’s tawdry operation that night, and I realized that the purpose of his operation was so that he could be cleared of suspicion after being arrested.

I was furious.

This bald bastard who had greenmailed me and killed my favorite woman had walked out of the door of the police station unscathed.

It was so ironic.

The LAPD was so trashy.

I was furious.

I want revenge.

At first, I was thinking of blackmailing him for money to make up for all the money I spent on Courtney.

But I just thought about it and didn’t dare.

I knew it was a felony.

But I had that video in my hand, and I felt particularly stifled if I did nothing.

It’s like having a nuclear bomb in your hand, people touching your wife and punching you in the face, but you don’t dare to fight back, you can only pretend to keep a low profile.

I was dying of suffocation.

Then I contacted him and asked him to go to a gay bar and do a striptease, and as long as he did it for a week in a row, I wouldn’t report him, or else I’d give the video to the LAPD.

He agreed.”

Luke laughed, “You’re a real talent too.”

Peter asked, “So that’s what happened, did we reach a plea bargain?

There was no blackmail, no coercion, and no sneak peeks. Just a video that will help the LAPD solve a homicide.”

Luke thought back to Peter, “I’ll relay your confession to the prosecution to turn you into a tainted witness, not a hundred percent guarantee, but not a big problem.”

“Thanks.” Peter finished, and then wondered a little, “How did you get on to me?”

“On the night of April 30th, there was a tachograph on your Lexus, but on the morning of May 1st the tachograph disappeared.” In fact, the video Luke thought at first was captured through the CarLog didn’t realize that Peter would have installed surveillance at Courtney’s home.

“Just because I took off the CarLog, you realized something was wrong?” Peter was a little different.

“It’s a small thing to you, it’s definitely a problem to the police. If I’m not mistaken, that car recorder must have captured something.”

Peter nodded, “That’s the camera I drove to Courtney’s house to install the other day, and I’m worried about the police finding out.”

Luke pressed, “Where’s the video?”

That’s what matters.

Boris’ house.

“Ding-dong ……”

The doorbell rang.

Boris walks to the door and looks out through the door monitor, “Who’s out there?”

“Dancer, it’s me, I know you live here, I like you, open the door.” Outside stood a drunken, muscular man.

“FUCK!” cried Boris, furious, “The thought of being coerced into dancing in a gay bar made him furious, if he found the asshole who threatened me, he’d be dead.”

“Hey baby, open the door, I love you.” The muscle-bound man’s face was scarlet and his voice was loud, and that sappy tone was disgusting.

If it were usual, Boris would have chosen to call the police, but today was different, it wasn’t something honorable, and he didn’t dare to call the police.

“Cluck ……” Boris opened the door wanting to drive away the drunken man, like this kind of pussy, he can beat several by himself.

However, as soon as the door opened, several men rushed in on either side, “LAPD!”

“Get your hands up!”


Boris was directly controlled without reacting.

“FUCK! Why are you arresting me?”

Luke came over, “Hey Boris, Peter told me to say hello.”

“Peter, FUCK, it’s really this asshole.”

“Looks like you’ve got it.” Luke laughed as he escorted him to the police car.

“I want a lawyer, and I’m not saying anything until I get one.”

Luke grunted, “No one can save you this time, not even Dumbledore.”

Detective Bureau.

Robbery and Murder Division, Interrogation Room One.

Boris was leaned back in his seat, his lawyer sitting at his side.

Before Luke could speak, Attorney Potter asked rhetorically, “Why have you arrested my client again? Just because he was dancing in a bar?”

Blackie laughed, “You should have seen it, he was a good dancer and had a nice bow tie around his neck.”

Boris didn’t say anything, just looked at Black with a shady look on his face.

Luke said, “Since we can arrest you for the second time, it proves that we already have enough evidence, I’ll give you a chance to voluntarily confess, as long as you’re willing to admit to murdering Courtney, you can be exempted from the charge of destroying the corpse.”

Boris said lightly, “I didn’t kill anyone.”

Luke took out a screenshot of a surveillance video of Boris choking Courtney with his hand, upon seeing the video both the lawyer and Boris’ faces became very ugly.

Porter spoke in a low tone, “Detective, I’d like to speak to Boris alone.”

“OK, the usual, five minutes, I hope you can convince him.”

Luke and Blackie left the interrogation room.

Potter pointed to the photo, “What’s going on here?”

Five minutes later, it returned again.

Attorney Porter volunteered, “Inspector Luke, Boris is willing to plead guilty as long as there is a consensus of exoneration.”

“What exculpatory agreement?”

“Second degree murder.”

Luke laughed, “Are you kidding? I’ve even got a good look at his pants.

There’s only going to be one chance, and when I pull out that picture there will be no more plea bargains in this case.

What you can fight for now is a guilty plea.

Making a good impression on the police, the prosecution, and the judge is all you can fight for now.”

Boris stared at Luke as if fire could come out of his eyes.

Porter whispered in his ear, “Boris, he’s right, you have no choice now.

Plead guilty.”

“Bang!” Boris clenched his fist and pounded the table.

Black grinned widely, “Our Green Arrow is angry.”

“I’m not the Green Arrow, I killed Courtney, she deserved to die.

Spending my money, letting my money pave the way for her acting career, but what did she do to me?

Promiscuous j-stinking woman.” Boris gritted his teeth.

Boris looked a little crazy, and Black looked at him instead.

Luke said, “Boris, tell us a little bit about your crime process.”

“Haven’t you guys already seen it clearly? Is it still necessary to say?”

“You’re right, the evidence we have now is enough to put you in the electric chair. Is there no need to go through the procedure and just hold you down in the electric chair. What do you think, Counselor Porter?”

Porter cautioned, “Boris, watch your tone, your current admission of guilt determines whether or not you will go to the electric chair, put on some smarts.”

Boris recalled, “That night I went to Courtney’s house and saw the men’s slippers sitting in the foyer and Courtney and I had a big argument.

She denied it and cried and cried that I had wronged her and that she had taken the shoes out because she wanted to scrub them for me.

She’s a great actress and really good at lying …… And, she’s really sexy.

Once again, I was mesmerized by her.

Later, we started to clap for love and it felt great, and I was even thinking that if she really cheated on me and was willing to come back to me again, it wasn’t unforgivable.

Just then, she suddenly called out another man’s name, Peter.

Hurry up.

I felt a wave of anger rush to my head at that moment.” Boris’s hands made involuntary pinching motions, “It wasn’t long before she stopped moving, and I knew I’d killed someone, that I’d made a big mistake.

At first, I wanted to run.

But I knew the police might be onto me.

With my motive and my visit to Courtney’s house, the police would probably decide that I had killed Courtney.

So I had to do both.

It would be best if the police didn’t find me.

If they did, how could I get away with it?

In the end, I finalized a plan.

Avoid the major charge and settle for the minor one.

Plead guilty to a misdemeanor so that even if the police found out that I was a suspect and knew that I had a motive for coming to Courtney’s neighborhood, it would still make sense.

I began to set the scene by stabbing Courtney in the chest with a fruit knife.

If the police pursued the case, I would say that I killed the man with the knife, and that the confession and the evidence at the scene conflicted so that the police couldn’t get a conviction.

After that, I also opened the closet door to create the illusion that someone was hiding in the closet to make the scene look more complicated.

Finally, I hung Courtney according to the plot in the Vanishing Lovers novel, so that it could be linked to the case of the hero being buried alive, in short, so that the police couldn’t find out about me.

But with all my calculations, I didn’t expect that idiot to install surveillance at Courtney’s house.

If I’d been allowed to track him down, I would have ……”

Attorney Porter hurriedly reminded, “Boris, watch what you say.”

Boris took a deep breath and continued, “That Peter guy blackmailed me into going to a gay bar and stripping, I’m going to call the police on him and he’s committing a criminal act.

He’s a pervert and deserves to go to jail too.”

The case was successfully solved.

The coworkers also congratulate Luke, this case is his discovery of Peter’s abnormality, only step by step to dig out the truth.

But Luke couldn’t be happy; Boris had prejudged his speculation, and it made him upset.

He had thought that he had the experience of being a police officer in his past life, and with the Sleuth System, he was supposedly already very gripping.

Yet, he was set up by the other party.

At the same time, he was also somewhat glad that he had obtained the ‘Observation Card’, which made his observation power stronger, and this was how he discovered the problem with the car recorder on Peter’s car, otherwise, it was likely that this case would not be successfully solved.

From this aspect, there was still room for improvement in Luke’s ability to solve cases.

A familiar voice came to mind, [Congratulations to the host for detecting the ‘Actor’s Murder Case’ and successfully apprehending 1 suspect, rewarded with 30 draw opportunities].

This case was not too dangerous, but it was more complicated, rewarding thirty lucky draw opportunities was still reasonable.

The lucky draw interface appeared in his brain.


After 30 draws, he won two observation cards, a profiling card, and 27,000 dollars.

The profiling card belonged to the learning type new card, which could learn criminal profiling skills.

Luke was a bit surprised, this was a very gripping skill.

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