Chapter 136

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:57:09
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CLUB Gun Club.

It was Ramon’s day off and Luke asked him to join him for gun practice.

After the two met, Ramon proposed to continue practicing moving targets.

After Luke was able to hit a full range of targets, he would then move on to the next item of training.

Luke used the Pistol Card [You can quickly learn knowledge related to pistols, including but not limited to theory and practical combat.

Learning efficiency is related to the level of the instructor, the learner’s attitude and qualification.

The statute of limitations for use is 5 hours.]

The two men each fired a round to find their hand.

Ramon 17 rounds, 17 centers.

Luke 17 rounds, 14 centers.

Last time they trained, Luke’s high was 17 rounds, 15 hits; it had been a while since he practiced, and he was rusty.

Subsequently, the two men taught one and learned the other.

Luke’s progress was rapid.

Near noon, it had reached 17 rounds, 17 hits, tying Ramon’s record.

Of course, there was definitely still a gap between the two men’s marksmanship.

For Luke, he had finally reached the standard of 17 rounds, 17 hits.

For Ramon on the other hand, it was because the standard was only so high.

At noon, the two ate at the club cafeteria.

Steak and lamb chops were available in unlimited quantities.

The highest Luke had ever eaten at home was around two hundred dollars for a buffet.

Steak was unlimited, but required a seat card to line up.

But very few restaurants had unlimited lamb, and even if there was lamb, it was a small amount of lamb kebabs that required a long line and had an average flavor.

It is reasonable to say that the price of beef and lamb is about the same, so there is no need to favor one over the other.

The variety of dishes in this club restaurant is not rich, but the beef and mutton is enough, which is relatively affordable.

Ramon took a sip of his coffee and said, “Luke, your progress amazes me, you were practically born to shoot.”

Luke took a sip of his orange juice, “What do you think about me competing in the next Olympics?”

“NoNo, your talent should be used in real combat, not standing around shooting at targets, that’s for kids, any random person in LA can do it.

We need a new training program this afternoon, live fire training.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

“Also, I noticed you’ve been using a Glock, have you tried any other handguns?”

Luke asked rhetorically, “Is it a bad gun?”

“It’s good, a lot of police officers like to use this gun, but if you want to become a firearms expert, you need to know and familiarize yourself with more guns, different guns have different characteristics, and you can only know which gun is suitable for you if you use more guns.

So, today’s training may be a bit longer, you have to be prepared.”

Lei Meng was willing to teach, what wouldn’t he be willing to learn, “I have no problem, I’ll learn well.”

After eating, the two of them, Ramon and Luke, went to choose a gun, the club’s stock of guns was only a little more than that of a gun store, where one could almost see most of the guns that could be bought on the market.

Luke saw a Desert Eagle as soon as he entered the door, this gun he was too familiar with, used to play CF’s favorite pistol.

The last time he was at the gun store selling the gun, he also saw this gun, the selling price was only about 400 dollars, only that the first two times he went to the gun store, he was with a mission, and he didn’t have the time to take a closer look at it.

Raymond said, “Seven rounds, high power, high recoil, large size, affects shooting speed. It’s fine for fun, not recommended for work.”

“Indeed not practical, but I want to try it, this big guy is so inviting.” Luke picked up a burgundy colored Desert Eagle, it was really pretty.

Luke went to the mobile range and fired two magazines in a row, 14 rounds.

After shooting, his hands were a little numb, the gun had a really big recoil and it felt bad for the first time, Luke only hit 9 out of 14 rounds and was shooting much slower than a Glock pistol.

Next, Luke tried the revolver.

Any gun can jam, and magazine pistols have more trouble dealing with jams and duds.

The revolver was just one less round.

Luke also quite liked the revolver, it was handsome, but the drawbacks were also obvious only six rounds of ammunition, compared to the Glock pistol with a load capacity of seventeen rounds of ammunition difference of nearly three times.

Luke was in the process of testing the gun, Raymond had been introducing the pistol, saying some practical knowledge of the pistol.

“Luke, how many pistols do you have?”


“It’s not enough, you are in real danger, one pistol can’t handle it. There are all sorts of problems that the police may encounter in the course of enforcing the law, such as someone trying to grab a gun, a bullet jamming, or running out of bullets.

The best thing to do is to pick up a backup handgun and don’t let anyone except those who are particularly close know about the existence of this handgun.

It could save your life in a pinch.

That’s why I brought you to test the gun.”

“I see.” Luke tried the Desert Eagle, then the Revolver, and the problem with both guns was that they had too few bullets.

There used to be a lot of LAPD officers who used revolvers, but now they were basically replaced by semi-automatic pistols, and if there was only one gun there would still be a jamming problem to consider, with a backup gun there was no need to worry about it.

Glock pistol jam rate is very low, two guns jam at the same time is almost impossible.

All Luke had to do now was pick a backup gun.

The overall performance was no worse than the Glock pistol, and it was small and easy to carry.

Luke finally picked, after some trial and error, the Beretta NANo pistol. A lot of agents like to use this gun, and it’s common on TV.

Handsome looking, small and easy to carry, the gun is 143mm long, 23mm wide, 106mm high and has an empty gun mass of 0.57kg.

The gun comes with a standard 6-round magazine.

There is also an 8-round magazine that features a wide magazine base, which equates to an extended grip for those with large hands.

Luke tried it out and preferred the feel of the 8-round magazine, and it had more rounds.

After choosing a gun, the statute of limitations of one pistol card had expired, Luke used the second pistol card.

More or less heartbreaking, but worth it, next will be live fire training.

The next practical shooting, Luke equipped with two guns, Glock pistol equipped with the right side of the waist, encountering danger can be the first time to draw and shoot.

The Beretta NANo pistol is smaller, Luke equipped it to the right rear side, as a life preservation gun.

This was followed by the much-anticipated live-fire training.

The two men came to a constructed field of actual combat.

Luke asked, “What are the requirements?”

“Just hit all the targets as fast as you can.”

“You follow along and I’ll walk you through the demonstration.”


Afterwards, Lei Meng entered the actual combat field, the field was also open-air, only it was separated, kind of like a maze feeling, every time he turned a corner and entered the next field, he would encounter a different target.

There would also be jumping targets, which really added a lot of difficulty.

However, these had little effect on Ramon, who completed the practical training very smoothly, hitting every single target.

Next, it was Luke’s turn for practical training.

At first, it looked easy for Ramon to shoot, but the real operation was found to be much more difficult.

Before shooting the moving target, the person was in a fixed position and did not have to move, but now it was different, the person was constantly moving, and needed to constantly assume the shooting position, aiming, and there might be a certain amount of error.

“Bang Bang Bang!”

Luke did his best to complete the shooting training.

There were a total of fifteen targets in the practical training, and he only hit ten of them, mainly because the venue had become complicated, and some of the targets were located very far away, which was somewhat inapplicable to him.

Raymond glanced at his watch and was slightly dissatisfied, ”Fifteen targets, hit 10 targets, not bad for a first achievement.

However, you actually took three minutes, that’s too slow.

The suspects are not markers, they will counterattack, it’s likely that the first suspect you encountered has already been taken out by the other side.

Why are you shooting so slowly?”

Luke put away his pistol and replied, “Draw, aim, control your breathing, pull the trigger, that’s how I always do it.”

“Uh-huh, pretty standard Weevil shooting style. It’s also the way a lot of people commonly shoot, but there’s a problem with that, you’re not facing a target, you’re facing a suspect.

Suspects don’t follow a draw, aim, control your breathing, pull the trigger sequence when facing the police.

They just draw their gun and


Two less steps, just faster than you.

Don’t talk to me about accuracy.

The suspect across the street may be only ten meters, five meters, or even three meters away from you. Whoever shoots first at this distance is the one standing, you know what I mean?

Quick! Quick! Quickly!

That’s the standard for staying alive.

The hit rate is on the basis of fast.

In an alley fight, with each other’s sides so close together, if you don’t shoot, you probably won’t have a chance to shoot, and there’s no way to talk about the hit rate.”

“I see.” Luke took a deep breath, simple to say, but not easy to change shooting habits.

“Good, do it again.”

Luke checked the magazines and entered the actual field, bouncing off a target and drawing his gun without the slightest hesitation.




This time, Luke was 40 seconds faster through the actual combat field, hitting 7 out of 15 targets, less than half.

The speed was up, but the hit rate was down.

Ramon said, “Very good, practice like this, increase the accuracy on top of the speed.”

“Understood.” Luke adjusted slightly and entered the actual field again.

The two of them stayed in the training ground for an entire day until the statute of limitations for the second pistol card arrived, and only then did they end their training for the day.

Luke was nearly paralyzed with exhaustion, his arms were numb and he smelled like gunpowder.

The good news was that his training level was improving quickly, and his last live training pass was reduced to 1 minute and 50 seconds, an improvement of 1 minute and 10 seconds over his first speed.

Fifteen targets and 13 hits, also a considerable improvement over the first time when he hit 10 out of 15 targets, and that’s still an increase in hit rate with a significant increase in shooting speed.

In Ramon’s words, it was hard to do, and he was simply a genius.

There was a pistol store right next to the club gun club, and Luke went straight to the store and bought a black Beretta NANo pistol.

In the future, he would carry two pistols with him.

Today’s training was great, the only thing Luke felt a little sorry for was not being able to practice with his rifle.

In Ramon’s words, one step at a time, you can’t chew on greed.

Luke took three days off in a row.

The third day didn’t go anywhere, just stayed home.

After getting up, he skipped to the community square to eat breakfast and went to the supermarket.

This supermarket is also run by Chinese people, and almost everything that is available at home can be bought here.

Luke also saw crude oil sheep’s loin, which was good and genuine.

The big purchase home, Luke bought the home projector also arrived, with the little fat man’s mountain bike together with the order.

He installed the projector in the second bedroom, making the second bedroom a small theater.

At noon, Luke didn’t eat.

While watching the movie, he ate popcorn, Coke, and Haagen-Dazs.

It felt superb to have the theater all to himself.

Just after four in the afternoon, Daisy arrived.

Luke gave her a tour of his little theater, but didn’t invite her to watch the movie with him because there were more important things to do today.

Next up was the delightful BBQ.

Luke super loved it and will be coming once a week from now on.

The ingredients were steak, lamb loin, polenta, oysters, chicken wings, shiitake mushrooms, eggplant, leeks, that’s all he prepared, too much for two people.

Luke lit the coals and Daisy took the ingredients from the refrigerator.

“You prepared quite a lot? Are there other guests?”

Luke wrapped his arm around her waist, “No, these are for you alone.”

Daisy pointed to the lamb loin, “What’s this? It’s the first time I’ve seen it.”

“Lamb loin, roasted for dinner, tastes superb.”

Daisy gave a worried look, “Are you sure?”

“Of course, I super love it.”

The two grilled and chatted.

Daisy opened a beer and handed it to him, “I’ve been to the Canyon Precinct to find out what’s going on, the suspect who stole the Harley has been released on bail, I’m going to hire a detective to check on his family, it may cost me some money.”

“How much?”

“About two thousand dollars.”

“Seems like there’s money to be made in the detective business.”

“I’m looking for a detective agency that I work with regularly, and that price is already low.”

“I know, but I have a better idea.” Luke pulled out his cell phone and called Matthew.

“Dude, what’s busy?”

“I’m helping my neighbor fix his computer, why do people always assume that if they know computers, they must know how to fix them.

I’m so clueless when it comes to this stuff, but I can’t not help, what do you think I should do?”

“It’s simple, just fix the computer.”

“Will that work?”

“At least you won’t be approached next time.”

“That doesn’t sound too bad.”

“It takes a little finesse to operate, so put your head down and be smart.”

“I understand, by the way, what did you want to see me about?”

“Almost forgot the main thing, when I was arresting Elizabeth, the suspect in the buried body case, there was a man named Cabin Portia next to her, help me find out more about this man.

I suspect that this man may also have something to do with the case, I’ll need some detailed information, including his family status, lest the case be dismissed due to problems with evidence, you know.”

“No problem, I’ll give it to you after work.”

“Thanks man.”

Hanging up his cell phone, Luke patted Daisy’s hip, “It’s settled, I’ll give you the information in person when I get it.”

“Sounds pretty good, much more efficient than a detective agency.”

“True, but it’s okay once in a while, not too often.”

“I understand.”

Luke sniffled, “The roast is almost ready, we can start eating.”

The BBQ that belonged to the two of them then officially began.

Beef, lamb loin, lobster, oysters, and leeks were all good.

Tonight, got to get some exercise.

“Ringing ……”

The cell phone rang.

Luke pressed the answer button, “Chief, what are your orders?”

Reed’s voice came from the cell phone, “I don’t have any orders, I just want to remind you to remember to wear your police uniform tomorrow.”

A large indoor arena.

Early in the morning, police cars were parked all around the arena.

Ten o’clock in the morning.

A vague melody sounded in the hall.

“The wind is picking up outside the window, I’m leaving on this day, I want to throw my arms around you. Embrace you, Los Angeles ……”

As the music played, rows of men in dark blue police uniforms entered, with confident smiles on their faces; they weren’t personable enough to be in the public eye, but they could give criminals a powerful sense of oppression.

Luke was one of them, and this was the first time he officially wore the LAPD uniform.

Police rank promotion ceremonies like this one are held about every quarter.

This sense of ceremony also strengthens the cohesion of the LAPD, making them a strong backbone of the city.

Officers who are promoted to the rank of police officer will sit in the lobby surrounded by high level viewing galleries of family members who have been invited to attend.

The honor belonged not only to them personally, but to their families as well.

Linda, Robert, and Val all attended, and Fatty wanted to come, but Linda wouldn’t take time off work for him.

LAPD Chief Frank Regan stepped up to the podium, a big, burly, thickly bearded man with a great deal of gravitas.

“I stand at the podium in a body of praise, gratitude, and blessing that you are well-trained, well-trained, world-class police officers, always ready to protect and guard Los Angeles.

You are the heroes of this city.

I am honored to preside over this rank promotion ceremony ……”

After Frank’s heartfelt speech, the police rank promotion ceremony officially began.

Luke also mounted the podium to confer his rank, which was upgraded from Detective First Class to Detective Second Class.

He was considered one of the younger ones in the same batch of those who were awarded the rank, and his outstanding performance in solving crimes recently saved him the time of staying on top of his years.

Frank shook Luke’s hand and even patted him on the shoulder, “I’ve heard Reed talk about you, a fine young man, do well.”

“I will, sir.”

Luke was a bit surprised, he didn’t expect that with so many people promoted to the rank of police, Chief Frank actually knew him.

This is the boss of the Los Angeles City Bureau. (Equivalent to the Director of the Magic City Public Security Department.)

Of course, it must be Deputy Director Reed who played a key role, and from this, it could be seen that Reed really valued Luke.

This also makes sense, Reed also walked out from the Robbery and Murder Division’s Squadron 1, and is now also the Director of the Robbery and Murder Division, belonging to Luke’s top boss.

Moreover, Reed and the Vice Squadron had partnered up before, and Luke was now a member of the First Squadron, belonging to his own people with the right roots.

Luke was able to solve cases and knew how to handle people, Reed had no reason not to promote him.

After the investiture ceremony, the police officers and their families gathered together, it was a cozy time for them.

Robert, Linda, and Val also find Luke.

Robert gave Luke a hug, “I’m so proud of you, it’s been a long time since I’ve been to a decent awards ceremony, our family needs similar honors.

You are a true man of this family, hmmmm.”

Val “……”

“My son, I’m proud of you.” Linda hugs Luke as well and chokes up, “I’m really happy to see what you’ve accomplished today.

You know what?

There was a time when you were really like Val, the same ……

I’ve been worried that you ……

It’s all nearly over, and the person you are now is the best.

I’m so proud of you.”

Val “……”

“Grandpa, Mom, and Uncle Val, thank you for coming to my rank promotion ceremony.

This honor is a part of you too.” After all this time together, Luke had already integrated into this not particularly harmonious family.

“Luke, thank you for remembering me, I thought I was invisible.” Val already regretted it.

He shouldn’t have come.

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