Chapter 175

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:59:13
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The Becca neighborhood, Robert Sullivan’s house.

Robert Sullivan, a tall, old white man, wheeled the grill out of the garage at four in the afternoon.

The grill had been with him for ten years, and was like a friend to him, an old buddy who was essential to his life.

One by one, the grill, the cured meats, and the cold beer were carried to the yard by him.

For a big patriarch, family dinner day was indispensable and the best way to bond family members.

A black Mercedes-Benz G500 pulled up in front of the house, and a tall, dark-haired young man came down from the car.

Robert was a bit surprised, “Hi, Detective Luke, I didn’t expect you to be the first to arrive.”

Luke laughed, “I felt the call of the grill.

Grandpa, by the way, just a reminder that I’m now a lieutenant, Lieutenant Luke.”

“Seriously? You’ve been promoted again.”

“Of course, and don’t you see whose grandson I am.”

“Good boy, has my style, much better than your uncle.”

Robert whispered, “I even wonder sometimes. Is your grandmother cheating on me behind my back.”

Luke “……”

“Good thing your mom is like me.”

Luke “……”

“Boy, don’t just stand there, come over here and see how my marinated steak looks.”

Luke walked over to the table with tomahawk steak, lamb chops, tuna, and sausage.

“It’s excellent, practically Michelin caliber.”

Robert said, “I hear Maggie likes tuna.”

Hearing Robert talk about Fatty’s girlfriend without a clue, Luke was a little surprised, “Grandpa, why are you thinking about Maggie?”

“Because she’s coming to the potluck too.”

Luke was a little embarrassed, “Really?”

“Of course, I checked with Jack. We’re going to have a new addition to our family potluck. It’s definitely a day to remember.”

“True.” Luke sighed darkly and changed the subject, “Grandpa, is there anything I can do?”

“Go get the stereo out, we’re going to play some celebratory music later.”

“As you wish.”

A red Santana of some handful of cars pulled up to the door and a fat white man with a lo-beard got out, “Hi my dear nephew, it’s been a long time.”

Luke laughed, “Yes, it has indeed been a long time.”

“My dear old sister and the little fat man are not here yet?”

Robert said, “They’ll be here in a few minutes. Maggie will be here too, Val keep your eyes peeled in a while.”

Val slapped his forehead, “OH MY GOD, you’re not kidding.”

Robert pointed at him and warned, “If you screw up the party, I’ll throw you out of here.”

Val sighed and turned to Luke, “What about you, did you bring your girlfriend?”

Luke shrugged, “She’s been busy with work lately.”

Val breathed a sigh of relief, “Finally, I hear good news.”

Luke “……”

Val said, “Fatty actually brought his girlfriend to the party, don’t you think that’s too much?”

Luke didn’t answer, he just raised his chin at Grandpa.

Val sighed again, “Pulling two green bills out of his pocket and putting them in Luke’s hand. Returning yours, thanks.”

“Uncle, I’m in no hurry.”

“I’m rich now, I told you I wouldn’t stay that way, sooner or later the tide will turn.”

Luke asked, “Did you get a job?”

“Yes, a friend asked me to help write a song.” Val made a perfunctory comment, not wanting to get into the subject, “I heard Angela was killed, is that true?”

“You knew Angela too?”

“Sure, we were sort of contemporaries, no, I’d be considered her senior, having joined the band before her.

Never met, but more or less know the contemporaries, you know.”

Luke thought to himself, there are a lot of people who know Angela, and I know her.

Val gave a curious look, “Angela was really bitten by a vampire?”

“Angela did die, but not by a vampire.”

“Then how did she die, I’m kinda curious.”

Luke thought for a moment and briefly introduced, “You should know that Angela creates all vampire-themed music, and one of her fans, who is also a heavy vampire fan, hallucinated herself as a vampire after inhaling a solo product and then killed Angela.”

Case confidentiality was mainly aimed at the details of the investigation, and the general picture could still be told.

Val’s eyes widened, “I’m actually kinda envious of Angela, she has a loyal following.

That’s actually quite rare. Not everyone can have it.”

Before Val could finish his sentence, a car drove right up to the front door of the house.

Linda was just about to get out of the car when Robert called out, “Linda take your car into the garage and stay out of Luke’s way.”

Linda rolled her eyes, but didn’t say anything.

The chubby little man got out of the car and said in an exaggerated tone, “Hi, Grandpa, Uncle, and Older Brother, look who’s here.”

Maggie stepped out of the back of the car, wearing a pink dress, and seemed to have made a point of dressing up.

The little fat man also walked over very attentively to assist.

Robert greeted him with a smile, “Hi Maggie, welcome.”

“Hello, Mr. Sullivan. This is my gift to you.” Maggie handed over a box.

Robert opened it to see it contained a bottle of champagne, “Thank you, I like it very much.

Jack, show Maggie around, the roast will be ready in a minute.”

“Hi Maggie.”


Val and Luke both greeted in unison, and then both stood around a little awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

Little Fatty took Maggie on a tour of the house.

Robert sneaked a thumbs up to Fatty Jr.

Linda said to her brother and eldest son, “Doesn’t it suddenly seem like you’re a little redundant?

That’s okay, you’ll get used to it.”

Luke and Val looked at each other.

“Grandpa I’ll grill the meat.”

“Dad I’ll grill for you.”

The two shouted in unison.

“No, you two guys stay away from my grill.

What the hell?” Robert was a bit puzzled as to how the two lazy guys suddenly became attentive.

Half an hour later, the party party officially started.

Because there was one more member joining, Robert looked very happy and opened a bottle of red wine that had been treasured for 10 years.

The little fat guy was also happy and was hovering around Maggie like an attentive bee.

Val, a little embarrassed at first, drank two beers and instead let loose, taking the initiative to take out his guitar from the house and trying to sing a song.

But was unceremoniously turned down by Linda.

Maggie was an outgoing nature and blended smoothly into the house party.

Luke was also impressed with her and was soon chatting away.

Telling her about Little Fatty’s ugly childhood stories made Maggie laugh.

It was Fatty’s turn to be embarrassed.

“Dingdong ……” Luke’s cell phone rang.

Tapping it open it was a message from Matthew.

The content of the message was Rollins Miller’s information.

Name, Rollins Miller.

Gender, male

Date of birth, March 3, 1963

Cell phone number, 626 576 2342

Social Security Number, 623-52-7387

Marital Status, Divorced.

Ex-wife, Claudia Miller.

Daughter, Daisy Miller.

Maryandale Bay Marina.

The morning was breezy, clear, and blue, a perfect day for sailing.

Luke stood on the beach, looking into the distance.

In the distance, the sea and the sky looked like a line.

He liked the sea very much, every time he saw the vast sea, his heart would calm down, giving people a very small feeling, originally a lot of things that he couldn’t think of or put down, also diluted with the sea water.

“Hi, Luke.” A pickup truck pulled up alongside and Jones poked his head out to say hello.

Luke took a look at the pickup’s cabin, “Captain Jones, you’re here for sea fishing too.”

“That puts me in my place, first time I’ve seen one younger than me, I assume you know how to sail a boat?”

Luke “……”

Is that all I your sister is good for?

After waiting for about a few minutes, Reed arrived as well, and with him were two other men.

A middle-aged white man with a serious face, short hair, a big mustache, and a slim, somewhat serious looking body.

A woman in her forties, with thin, cool brown curly hair, wearing a casual blue dress, had an aura about her.

Reed said, “Guys, the usual rules apply, I’ve booked a yacht for sailing, AA for everyone.

First, let’s introduce the new captain, Lieutenant Luke of the Heist and Murder Division.”

Jones patted him on the shoulder and said in a come-hither tone, “Mate, if there’s anything you don’t understand, ask me.”

“Thanks.” Luke responded insincerely.

Reed pointed to the man and introduced, “This is LAPD Internal Affairs Sergeant, Percy Beech.”

Pointing to the brunette again, he introduced, “Mercedes Marceau, Western Division Superintendent.”

Luke smiled, “Sheriff and Superintendent, it’s an honor to meet you.”

Percy smiled, “Lieutenant Luke, I’ve heard a lot about you, and I finally get to meet me in person today.”

Luke was surprised, this Sheriff Percy was a big shot in the Department of Internal Affairs, how could he use the words I’ve heard a lot about you? This is not a good sign.

“Sheriff Percy, you’ve heard of me?”

Percy laughed, “Some time ago, when you investigated the school Y shooting case, there were quite a few citizens who complained about your revealing clothes, if not for that press conference to turn things around, according to the procedure, we definitely need to talk to you.”

Luke shrugged, “Thank you for your highhandedness.”

Percy shook his head, “None of my business.”

Reed spread his hands, “OK, ladies and gentlemen, our yacht has arrived.”

The crowd boarded the yacht and the three bigwigs laid down on the deck loungers to catch the sea breeze.

Luke steered the boat.

Jones throws him a cold beer.

Luke opened the beer and took a sip, “You talked to David?”

“Yeah.” Jones nodded.

“Did he say yes?”

“He said he’d have to think about it, but I’m sure he’ll say yes.”

“Where’s the confidence.” Even Luke, his old partner, couldn’t get David’s thoughts, and David hadn’t communicated with him since leaving the bar that day.

Jones laughed, “Thinking about Lieutenant Vince, and looking at you as an old partner, if I were David I would definitely choose to transfer to another department as a lieutenant.

You know, David is quite a bit older than you, his age is a watershed, if he can be promoted to vice team, there is still potential to rise.

If he can’t be promoted to vice squad, he’ll likely be another Vince vice squad in the future.

It would be best for him.”

Luke was curious, “What do you see in David?”

“Our Gang and Narcotics Division is more dangerous than the Robbery and Murder Division, we have to deal with gangs and drug dinners all day long, and these are guys who are vicious scum. The only way to deter them is to be harder and tougher than they are.

Some of David’s shortcomings will become strengths in our Division instead, won’t they?”

As David’s partner, Luke was the most aware of his style of handling cases, being more reckless and irritable in the process of investigating a case, which could easily be complained by the subject of the investigation.

This was one of the reasons why he was delayed in being promoted to vice squad.

If the law enforcement process confronts gangs or drug meals, such complaints will be much less frequent.

From a certain point of view, the Gang and Narcotics Division might indeed be more suitable for David’s character.

Of course, people didn’t develop their personalities in a day, and to Luke’s speculation, the reason why David’s temper was more irritable had something to do with his ex-wife as well.

Since the divorce between the two parties, David’s temper had gotten a lot better.

It used to be a regular outburst, but now it was of an irregular nature.

After driving a dozen nautical miles, Luke stopped the boat, dropped the anchor, and the people started sea fishing.

Reed raised his glass in greeting, “Hard work.”

Luke was unimpressed, “I kinda like driving the boat.”

He wasn’t being polite, at least not now that the novelty had worn off for him.

The crowd got off the hook.

Started sitting on the deck chatting.

It was very peaceful with the sea breeze, beer and fruit.

Percy asked, “Lieutenant Luke, I heard that you guys just solved a murder case related to ‘vampires’, I’m kinda interested, can you tell us about it.”

Luke looked to the side at Reed.

The latter nodded his head.

The boss had spoken, and those present were also fellow members of the police system, and the case had already been solved, so it didn’t matter too much to talk about it.

Luke recounted the situation of the ‘Holy Blood’ case.

After listening to it, Percy said with some envy, ”I’ve always felt that the work of the Robbery and Murder Division is more …… It’s a bit inappropriate to say wonderful, but compared to the Ministry of the Interior, it’s really not that boring.

I thought about joining the Detective Bureau when I was younger, but ended up in Internal Affairs for various reasons.”

Reed laughed, “Are you serious? I can’t believe you want to join the detective bureau?”

“Of course. Most of the movies and TV shows about police subjects, both in our day and in this day and age, have to do with detectives.

Have you ever seen a drama on the subject of Internal Affairs?

I’m guessing no one wants to make it, much less watch it.” Percy gave a bitter smile.

Mercedes Marceau chimed in, “I agree with Percy, there are also very few movies and TV dramas on the subject of patrol officers.

It’s clearly our job that’s closest to the lives of the public.”

“Maybe it’s precisely because it’s closer to life that it’s less mysterious.” Reed responded with a chuckle, and the conversation turned.

“Percy, I heard your son became a cop too, how did he do?

Any of the style you had back then?”

Percy made a gesture of invitation, “That should be asked to Superintendent Mercedes Marceau, my son is now a soldier under her.”

Mercedes said, “Percy’s son is excellent, it can be said that he is better than blue, he broke several records in the police academy, and when he entered the Western Division, he was also the top ranked in the same batch of trainee police officers.

It is a rare talent.

Of course, from what I know of him, he’s not a good fit for Internal Affairs.”

Percy spread his hands, “You’re right, and I’ve talked to him, he’s not very keen on joining Internal Affairs.”

Reed snickered, “Looks like your idea of taking over your father’s job is out the window.”

Percy was a bit helpless, “Young people nowadays have their own ideas, I can’t control them, let him be.”

Luke was sea fishing while listening to the three gossiping.

These three big men, except Reed who was chatting while busy with sea fishing, the remaining two didn’t look like they liked sea fishing in any way.

At this point, Luke wouldn’t be stupid enough to think that everyone was really here to simply sea fish.

Perhaps, it was someone who liked sea fishing, but there must be other reasons.

Luke began to analyze the trio’s conversation, which wasn’t too difficult for him.

The first step was to connect the dots between the three men.

Reed, Deputy Chief of Detectives, in charge of the Robbery-Murder Division.

Percy, LAPD Internal Affairs bigwig.

Mercedes, head of the Patrol Division of the Western Division.

Of these, Reed and Percy seemed more familiar.

And Percy’s son is under Mercedes.

The patrol police belonged to a relatively basic department, and most of the officers would intern and serve in the patrol department, after which some would remain in the patrol department and some would be reassigned to other departments.

From what Percy had just said, Percy had the intention of helping his son adjust to the department, but his son didn’t want to go to Internal Affairs.

Then Reed’s role is obvious.

It was likely that Percy’s son wanted to be transferred to the Detective Bureau, or even the Robbery and Murder Division.

If that was the case, then why was Jones, the captain of the Robbery and Narcotics Division, here?

That’s it.


The Robbery and Murder Division is also a carrot.

David transferred out in order to logically enter the newcomers.

As for himself, the newly promoted lieutenant, perhaps he was hoping he could take care of Percy’s son.

However, Susan was also from the Detective Bureau’s Internal Affairs Department, and even if they didn’t work together, she and Percy should know each other.

Why didn’t Percy ask her for help?

Luke looked like he had no intention of chiming in, “Superintendent Mercedes, I know a rookie named John, I think he’s from your precinct too.”

Mercedes laughed, “That’s right, he’s an interesting guy, used to work as a real estate remodeling contractor before switching careers in his forties.

He and Percy’s son were contemporaries and the oldest trainee officers in recent years, and at one point their superintendent tried to get him to leave, thinking he couldn’t do the job.

But he stuck it out and got excellent grades.

I think highly of him.”

Luke laughed, “I’ve dealt with him a couple of times and it’s really quite interesting.”

The two made small talk for a few moments before Luke looked over at Percy, “Sergeant Percy, do you know our Captain Susan?”

“Of course, although we don’t work in the same police station, we often have a handover in terms of work.

She’s a somewhat serious person, perfect for Internal Affairs.

I’m sure even if one of her relatives violated the police department’s rules, she’d be just as ironclad.

To be honest, I’m kinda surprised that she transferred from the Internal Affairs Department.”

Percy’s words resolved Luke’s doubts.

Susan was too ‘iron-faced’ to let go of her relatives even if they made mistakes, let alone Percy’s son.

So, himself, the recently promoted lieutenant, was the best candidate instead.

Figuring out the general situation, Luke began to step down and fish ……

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