Chapter 224

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:01:44
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Andersi Cole showed a shocked look, “You said all the blue spots on the ground are bloodstains?”

“Yes. Has there been blood here before?”

“No.” Andersi seemed to think of something, “Even Karma, could these be my wife’s blood, I told those two cops a long time ago that my wife couldn’t have run away from home, but they just wouldn’t listen.

Lieutenant Luke, could my wife be in danger?”

Luke took out a picture of a piece of cotton cloth which was the same piece of cloth that had been gagged in the dead man’s mouth, the cotton cloth had some cloud patterns printed on it, and it also left bloodstained handwriting on it.

“Have you seen this cotton cloth?”

Andersi picked up the picture and looked at it, reading, “Lowly people should not live in this world.” Andersi shook his head, “I haven’t seen this cotton rag, does it have anything to do with my wife?”

When things came to this point, Luke didn’t hide it anymore, “Andersi, I’m going to say something now, so don’t get excited.

We have found someone whose physical features are more like your wife’s, but we can’t be sure if she is your wife yet.”

Andersi picked up the photo on the coffee table and rubbed it gently with his right thumb, “This is my wife.”

Luke glanced at the woman in the photo and recalled the burnt and charred body, even though his observation skills were far beyond normal, he could not conclude whether it was the same person.

“Yesterday morning, we received a call about a fire in a resident’s house, and the firefighters found a female body while putting out the fire. It had been burned beyond recognition.

We could only match the body’s physical features with the missing persons database.

Once we find someone with similar physical features, we’ll proceed to the next step of verification.

That’s what we came here for today.”

Andersi’s teeth chattered and he said in a shaky voice, “You guys suspect that my wife is the one who was burned to death?”

Luke nodded slightly, “We only suspect that for now.

Your wife and the deceased disappeared at a similar time, and her age and physical features match, but with these it is certainly not enough.

If you wish, you can have the child undergo a DNA comparison for further confirmation.”

“Doubtful.” Andersi stood up and grabbed his head with both hands, walking back and forth in the room.

“Why is this happening? Why?

I told those two cops a long time ago, there’s no way my wife ran away from home.

Something must have happened to her.

But they just refused to believe it, deciding that my wife left home because of a fight, and that it was all their fault.

If they had rescued her in time, my wife would not have died.”

Luke said, “Complaining won’t solve the problem now, and there’s still no way to be sure that the deceased is your wife.

I will contact the technical team and ask them to conduct a scene investigation, perhaps they can find more valuable clues and evidence in order to thoroughly find out the reason for your wife’s disappearance.

You have to be calm, as long as a DNA test hasn’t been done yet, everything is possible, there are a lot of look-alikes in this world, maybe it’s just a coincidence.”

“I know, do the identification. I want to know the results sooner rather than later.”

Luke nodded and took out his cell phone to contact Susan, asking her to bring a tech team to the scene to investigate.

After making the call, Luke was also thinking about the connection between the two cases, if the deceased was really Nancy Cole, then this was probably the first scene where she suffered a hostage taking.

But Luke can’t figure out one thing, if the murderer wants to kill the other person, why doesn’t he just kill here, but chooses to kill the victim by bringing her to another house, which flattens out many risks in the transfer process.

At the same time, there is also the investigation statement of the previous police officers, two police officers do not think that her wife has been abducted, or even think that his house has been burglarized, but think that her wife took the money and left home.

As long as they weren’t particularly irresponsible police officers, the other party must have had some basis for coming to that conclusion.

Luke turned his gaze to Andersi Cole: “Mr. Cole, I’d like to ask you a few more questions.”

Andersi was a little hexed at this point and nodded, “Go ahead and ask.”

“Earlier, you said that your wife’s mood has been a bit abnormal lately, is she experiencing something troubling? And what was the reason for your quarrel?”

Andesi hesitated for a moment, “She’s been very short-tempered lately, and she’ll fight over the slightest little thing, not just talking about me, but sometimes reprimanding the children.

You know, as a man, always hope that his family atmosphere can be more harmonious, I try to avoid quarreling with her.

But sometimes …… it still happens.

I also asked her …… why she was in a bad mood.

At first she refused to tell me, she was in the air, I am not good to pursue.

When she was out of breath and I asked again, she said it was because of work.”

“What’s not going well at her job?”

“Just that the work was hard, the customers were difficult to deal with kind of thing, nothing special, I always felt that she was perfunctory, as if she was hiding something from me.

That’s the main reason I’m angry.”

“What kind of place does your wife work at?”

“As a nurse practitioner in a beauty parlor.”

“What’s the name and what’s the address?”

“It’s called Priscilla’s Beauty Salon, and it’s in Shop 105 on Wabana Street. The place is easy to find, you’ll see it when you get there.”

Luke pulled out a picture of Mr. and Mrs. Mastin Cage: “Do you recognize either of them?”

Andersi picked it up and looked at it, “No.

Do they have anything to do with my wife’s disappearance?”

“They were the owners of the house that burned down.”

Luke pulled out another picture of Gail, the Mastin lover, “Do you recognize her?”

Andersi shook her head, “No.”

Luke changed to another photo of a beautiful two-story house, “Have you seen this house?”

“No, I can’t even think of such a beautiful house. Is this the house that burned down?”

“Yes.” Luke put away the picture, “Have you couples offended anyone lately? Or gotten into any trouble?”

“No, we’re not rich, but we’ve been living hard and there’s no messing around.

We believe that with our own efforts and hands, we can get a better life in the future.

I just didn’t think Nancy ……

never thought about it.” Andersi’s eyes reddened and her voice choked.

“Did your wife say anything like divorce when you were fighting?” This question, Luke also did not want to ask so bluntly, but one of the spouses has an accident at home, the other party will often become the object of suspicion.

“No, our relationship as a couple has always been good, sometimes we fight, but that’s normal.

We don’t get divorced as a couple and it’s never gotten to that point, no way.”

Luke nodded and turned the conversation around, “Where are your other two children?”

“They’re both in school.”

“Can you call them back? I’d like to get a statement from them.”

Andersi thought for a moment, “I haven’t figured out how to tell them yet, and I don’t want them to be worried or scared.

I’d like to wait until the appraisal results come out …… tomorrow before I tell them.

I hope you understand that this isn’t easy for a family.” Andersi looked toward the house, “My little girl has been waiting for her mom to come back, and I don’t know …… or have any way …… to ask.”

Andersi wiped his eyes and looked very sad.

Luke didn’t push any further and searched the house.

The house is not large, a little shabby, only three rooms, the master bedroom is Mr. and Mrs. Andersi, the eldest and youngest daughters live in one room, and the son has a room, if Nancy died, this family is even worse.

Half an hour later, Susan led the team to the scene.

Three days had passed since Nancy’s disappearance, and the scene had been damaged to some extent.

There were few clues and evidence that could be obtained.

Even some of the evidence obtained could no longer be used in court.

Around seven in the evening, when the investigation of the case did not make much progress, Luke went home.

The main reason why he left work so early was because the DNA comparison of the deceased had not been completed, and it was still impossible to determine whether the deceased was Nancy or not.

Only when the DNA comparison results came out and the identity of the deceased was determined would the next step of the investigation make sense.

Instead of staying to work overtime, it would be better to go to work early tomorrow.

In the evening, when Luke returned home, he received a text message.

His cell phone bank transferred half a million dollars, and the remittance memo was MGM Group’s bravery bonus.

Luke originally thought that MGM Group would contact him after the transfer, but after waiting for half an hour there was no news.

No news or good, Luke now do not want to pick up the other side of the phone, we are not familiar with each other, pick up the phone do not know what to say.

As long as the money is received, it is better than anything else.

I have to say, MGM Group’s operation makes Luke’s impression better.

Give money when you say give money, transfer money directly, and don’t beep more.

This is more high-end than the practice of giving money and hanging around in front of you every day, fearing that you will forget his favor.

Not to say that he is the president of a large group of companies.

This is a beautiful thing to do.

Luke was in a good mood, full of silver fish.

He took out his cell phone and made a video call to Daisy, asking her when she was not busy and asking her to have dinner with him.

After dinner, you can also play poker.

Luke is just the age of blood and vigor, the feelings can be diluted, the cannon can not not be played.

This can not be less.

Home is not convenient, go to the hotel can also be, more interesting.

As for the hotel to spend money.

Money is nothing, Luke is not short of money now.

The next day.

Detective Bureau.

The technical team sent the identification report early in the morning.

After DNA identification comparison, the deceased and Nancy’s daughter are mother and daughter.

The identity of the deceased was determined and the case entered the next stage of investigation.

Susan gathered everyone together to discuss the direction of the investigation of the case.

Susan held a piece of information in her hand: ”The bloodstains found in the living room of the deceased’s house were treated by the murderer and could no longer be DNA matched.

However, the blood type of the injured person can be detected, which is consistent with the blood type of the deceased Nancy.

Given that the victims in both cases are the same person, the two cases are being investigated together.”

Susan continued, “From the available information, it is likely that the deceased Nancy was abducted from her home, and was then held hostage by the murderer at the home of Mastin Cage, who destroyed her body three days later.

What happened during those three days? It’s not clear.

The suspect’s motive for the crime cannot be determined at this time either.

Considering that Nancy’s belongings were stolen from her home, I personally feel that the suspect may have sneaked into Nancy’s home to steal her belongings.

In the process, Nancy happened to return home and was injured in a confrontation with the suspect, and the theft turned into a robbery.

To avoid Nancy calling the police, the suspect kidnapped Nancy along with him and eventually killed her.”

Susan finished and scanned the others, “What else do you have to say?”

Lieutenant Vince said, “I’ve read the statement of the deceased’s husband, Andersi.

According to Andersi’s own account, he had been arguing with his wife a lot in recent times, which would indicate that there was a rift in their relationship, and that it was likely to lead to conflict.

Then look at his account of July 7th, when he received a call from a neighbor saying that his daughter had left school and that his wife, who was supposed to be resting, was not at home.

He then dropped his work and returned home first thing.

Assuming, hypothetically, that his wife returned at this time as well, it is likely that she was delayed by something and didn’t get to her child.

I’m sure the man who returned home after the delay would be very angry.

A conflict between the two is inevitable. In his rage, the husband injures his wife and things get out of hand.

In order to escape justice, the husband faked the scene of the robbery and abducted his wife elsewhere.

It was what we saw afterward.”

Xiao Hei thought for a moment, “That’s not right, since both the husband and wife were there to pick up the child, it means that the child should have been home at the time as well, and if the father injured the mother and hijacked her, the child should have known about it as well.”

The vice squad shook their heads, “The words of a child can sometimes be believed, sometimes not, because their worldview is still immature, there are some things they can’t fully understand.

Sometimes when an adult coaxes, scares and bluffs, a child may tell a lie.

I have come across a similar situation in my investigation. The father killed the mother, and the child even helped to perjure himself.

At first, the father did not agree that we should have access to the child alone, so the case was stalled for a long time, and then the child’s grandfather and grandmother arrived from out of town, and we were given the opportunity to have access to the child alone.

It was only then that he revealed the actual situation.

So, what we have to do now is to talk to that child alone.”

Blacky heard it in his heart, “I’m afraid that’s not quite right, she’s not an adult yet, and if we’re going to give her a statement, we’ll need a guardian to be present.”

“NoNoNo, I just said to talk, I didn’t say to make a statement, it’s just like chatting like a friend.

She may inadvertently reveal something that might help get to the bottom of the case.”

Susan nodded, “That’s a good idea, Lieutenant Vince, you have more experience, you’ll be in charge of talking to the kid.”

Lieutenant Vince said, “No problem, the kids kinda like me.”

Jenny stood up and walked over to the projector, “We looked at the surveillance around the neighborhood and found surveillance of the deceased’s family car leaving the neighborhood on July 7th.

It was a black Toyota sedan, and the person seen driving the car on the surveillance was Nancy herself.

That’s one of the reasons the patrolman decided she had run away from home in the first place.”

Luke scrutinized the surveillance, “This surveillance video only shows that it was Nancy who was driving the car, there is no way to conclude if she was under duress.

Finding out what happened to this car and the stolen goods might lead us to the suspect.”

Susan then began to arrange the tasks, and the people split up to investigate.

One of the key investigation directions was the stolen loot and the car, and the other was the deceased’s husband.

Half an hour later, Luke met Mr. and Mrs. Mastin Cage in the lounge.

Luke put down a file and politely said, “What would you two like to drink? Coffee or tea?”

Mastin was a bit nervous and glanced at his wife, “No need, I’m not used to drinking coffee from the police station, I just want to know the progress of the investigation of the case right now, have we caught the murderer? So that we can apply for homeowner’s insurance compensation.”

“I invited you here today because I want you to assist in the investigation and find the murderer’s whereabouts as soon as possible.

We have already identified the deceased.” Luke would open the information and find the photo of the deceased Nancy, “Do you guys recognize her?”

Mastin took a look, “No.”

Mastin’s wife, Larina Cage, looked at it, “She’s the woman who died in my house?”


“How old was she?”

“Forty-six.” Luke responded and asked rhetorically, “Did you know her?”

“No, don’t recognize her.”

Black said, “That’s interesting, why would someone you don’t know be in your home? And was also killed by fire in your home.”

Mastin was a bit disgruntled, “Hey, that’s not good, do you think we want that? This falls under the category of unwarranted death.”

Luke pulled out another picture of the dead man’s husband Andersi, “Did you guys recognize him?”


“Did you have any items in your home that were valuable and not easily burned?”

Luke looked at the couple without looking like they were lying and thought of another possibility.

Suppose, and Susan’s earlier surmise was correct, that a burglar had entered Nancy’s home and stole just in time to be seen by Nancy, and then the burglary turned into a robbery, and a confrontation ensued in which Nancy was overpowered by the burglar.

Nancy sees the thief, who hijacks Nancy and takes her away for her own safety.

The thief then went to Mr. and Mrs. Cage’s house with the same purpose of stealing.

Before leaving after stealing, he kills and destroys Nancy’s body.

This reasoning makes sense in theory, linking the two cases together.

Justin Cage said, “What’s worth money and can’t be burned easily, then it’s not gold or silver jewelry? Honey, do you keep any valuable jewelry in that house?”

“I don’t even live in that house, so how could I keep valuable jewelry in that house. On the contrary, aren’t you the one who occasionally visits the house? Ever put anything there, like a watch or something.”

Mastin thought for a moment, “I can’t remember.”

Luke pulled out the picture of Nancy’s car again, “Have you ever seen this car?”

“No.” The two men spoke in unison.

The two men pulled out another stolen item from Nancy’s house and both men still hadn’t seen it.

Luke was a little depressed, these two families have a big gap between rich and poor, completely different class, according to reason there should not be any intersection.

The inquiry also did not find relevant clues.

After making a statement, Luke sent the two out of the office.

As soon as he returned to his seat, Matthew exclaimed, “Guys, I found a major clue.”

Lieutenant Vince asked, “What major clue?”

Matthew cocked his head, “Guess?”

The lieutenant laughed, “Next time you whet anyone’s appetite, I’ll go right over there and kick your ass.”

“OK,” Matthew spread his hands, “I looked into the deceased’s information and found that she had purchased personal accident insurance that covered up to a million dollars. That’s enough money to improve a family’s life, or even make a family leapfrog.”

The lieutenant asked, “Who was the beneficiary?”

“The deceased’s husband, Andersi.”

The lieutenant slapped his face, “What did I say? What did I say!

Luke, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and make the arrest.”

Half an hour later, in a black Ford Explorer.

While driving, Blackie said, “You know what? I’ve long seen that Nancy’s husband is the murderer.

Luke, do you remember? I kept an eye on Nancy’s husband when I was at her house.

I knew there was something wrong with the guy.

I remember now, his whole personality changed when he saw the blood.

Yep, he definitely has a problem.”

Luke laughed and didn’t bother with the horseplay.

Jackson looked on a bit, “Aren’t you thinking too arbitrarily.

Just because the deceased bought insurance and the beneficiary was her husband, we can’t conclude that her husband was the murderer.

There are more people who buy insurance, and insurance policies are not evidence of murder.”

Blackie’s eyes widened, “You kid is being stubborn with me again, right, uh-huh, then who do you think the murderer is?”

Jackson shrugged, “I don’t know, I just think you’re being too arbitrary.

Nancy’s death may not have anything to do with personal accident insurance.”

“I’m sure it definitely has something to do with it.” Blackie looked aside at Luke, “Which one of us do you think is right?”

Luke raised his chin, “It’s just up ahead to Andersi’s house, just go and ask.”

Blacky parked the car near the dead man’s house.

Luke made a simple setup, still he and Blacky went to knock on the door while Jackson waited in the car for backup.

Blacky then went to the door and knocked, but no one answered.

Blacky continued to knock, still no movement.

Just then, a black man stepped out of the house next to them, with gray hair and a pair of glasses, a cup of coffee in his hand, “Hey, you guys here to see Andersi?”

Luke flashed his badge, “Yes, I’m Lieutenant Luke from the Robbery Murder Division, investigating his wife’s case, is he home?”

“No, Andersi drove off with the kids early this morning.”

“They’re all gone?”


“Do you know where they went?”

“No. I was in the window when I saw them and didn’t come out to ask.” The black man finished with a curious look, “I heard his wife is missing, what’s the situation now?”

Luke didn’t hide it, “Nancy was killed.”

“Even buy Karma, this is terrible, she is a good person, still young, and there are three children ……,” the black man sighed.

“What is your name, sir?”

“Just call me Myke.”

“Are you close to the Andersons?”

“Not too bad, we party together on the occasional weekend and the couple is pretty nice.”

Luke pressed, “Has there been anything unusual about the couple in recent times?”

“Uh ……,” Myke wanted to say.

“Myke, you can rest assured that I promise not to tell anyone.” Luke sounded sincere.

Myke hesitated for a moment and said in a low voice, “In recent times, they did quarrel a lot, and one time it got quite violent and even attracted the police.”

“Do you know the reason for their quarrel?”

“That time it seems to be because of their eldest daughter’s matter, the eldest daughter is the daughter of Andersi and his ex-wife, she is not very close to Nancy per se, and now she is at the age of puberty, she is more rebellious.”

“How is Nancy’s relationship with her other two children?”

“Pretty good, she’s a good mother.

And a good person, shouldn’t have had this happen to her, this family’s going to have a harder time in the future ……” Myke finished, when he heard his wife call out to him from inside the house.

“SORRY, my wife is calling me for dinner.”

After saying that, Myke turned around and left.

Blackie came over, “I just looked in the window, and the room looked like it had been cleaned up.

Andersi most likely escaped!”

Luke had a different opinion, “No, he won’t run away.”


Luke swept his gaze around, “First possibility, he’s not a murderer, no need to run.

Second possibility, he’s a murderer, killing for Nancy’s personal accident insurance.

He won’t leave until he collects the insurance payout.”

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