Chapter 249

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:02:50
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Four o’clock in the afternoon.

In addition to the DNA identification of the blood on the shoes, several other identifications came back one by one.

The technical team found Peck’s fingerprints on the pistol, consistent with a human shooting position.

Meanwhile, gunpowder residue was identified on Peck’s right hand and shirt.

The shoes found in the trash can were also identical to the footprints left at the crime scene.

With the above evidence, it has been basically determined that Peck is Jamie’s murderer.

This result surprised the rest of the case workers, who did not expect the murderer would be a ten-year-old boy.

With sufficient evidence, Luke decided to arraign Peck.

Robbery and Murder Division, Interrogation Room 1.

Peck was brought into the interrogation room, and with him were her grandmother and lawyer.

Upon seeing Luke, Peck couldn’t wait to ask, “Where’s my mom?”

“I’ve contacted your mother and she’s happy to learn that your siblings are safe and sound.”

“You didn’t lie to me, did you?”

“I’m a fair person, if you’re not lying to me, I’m not lying to you.”

“I want to see my mom.”

“I didn’t promise that before.”

“I demand to see my mom now.”

“It’s not up to me, you should get a lawyer.”

Peck gave an angry look, “You’re a liar.”

“I’ve never lied, I’ve always said I’d help contact your mother, I never said I’d let you mother and son meet. If you don’t believe me, we can play back the video from the law enforcement recorder.

To you, I don’t care to lie yet.”

“You so-called adults love to lull children with words.”

“At least it’s better than children who love to lie.”

“I didn’t lie.”

“You lied.”

“I did not.”

“I don’t want to rehash the past.

I’m going to ask you a few more questions. If you answer truthfully, I can find a way for you to meet your mom.”

Peck’s mood was a little resistant, “Didn’t you just say, I can get a lawyer to help me, it doesn’t have to be you.”

Luke smiled, “Maria’s case is also being investigated by our squadron, I don’t think it’s appropriate for her to receive visitation right now, although it’s not up to me to say, I’ll make a recommendation to the captain.

Mr. Lawyer, can you submit a request for visitation and see what our captain will decide?”

The lawyer looked down and whispered into Peck’s ear, “Relax, don’t be confrontational, the LAPD is only questioning you right now for the purpose of investigating the case, don’t let them turn on you, that won’t do the investigation of the case the slightest bit of good, do you understand?”

Peck’s grandmother also advised, “Peck, listen to Mr. Lawyer, don’t worry about your mother for now, I just want you to be safe and sound now.

Only if you get out of here can we help your mother.”

Peck took a deep breath to calm himself and turned to Luke, “Ask away.”

“What is your relationship with Jamie?”

“You asked, I told you, and you know.”

Luke said, “Peck, there’s a procedure for investigating a case, there’s a procedure for questioning, it’s not based on my subjective awareness, and if it’s just a matter of me knowing it, and convicting me on my subjective awareness, what’s the need for a prosecutor, a judge, or a jury?”

The attorney cautioned again, “Peck, if I feel the questioning is inappropriate, I will interrupt promptly to protect your rights.

But if I don’t do so, it would be smart to answer the officer’s questions honestly.”

Peck asked rhetorically, “Are you really my lawyer?”

The attorney spread his hands, “If you are not satisfied with my legal services, you can change your assistance attorney.”

Peck’s grandmother reprimanded, “Peck, do what the lawyer says!”

“Jamie is my mother’s boyfriend, I call him uncle.”

Luke pressed, “Is your relationship familiar?”

“Not too bad.”

“Do you live together?”

“He comes back to stay at my house occasionally.”

“How was your relationship?”

“It’s okay.”

“When did Jamie? On what grounds were you taken from your home?”

“August 3rd, three or four in the afternoon, I think, I can’t remember exactly.” Peck recalled for a moment and continued, “He cajoled us into saying that there was a really bad outbreak of an infectious disease out there and that he was taking us out of the house to get away.”

“What was your and Martha’s attitude at the time?”

“We were both terrified, I wanted to contact my mom, but Jamie wouldn’t agree, saying that my mom, as a nurse was rescuing contagious patients wasn’t in a position to take care of us, and told us to go with him first.

He took Martha and I to the car and then took us to live in the gray house, after which he kept cajoling us with the contagious disease, not allowing us to go out or contact our mom.

I felt …… at the time that I might have been kidnapped.

I didn’t expect this and I don’t know why he did it?

I was scared that he would hurt me and my sister.”

“Did you guys try to leave?”

“Yes, but he caught me back. He also threatened to tie me up with a rope if I tried to run away again.

He was mean and seemed like a different person, no longer the Uncle Jamie I knew.”

“What happened after that?”

“Last night I heard a scuffle outside, as if some outsiders were coming.

After that I heard two gunshots, and I was too frightened to go out, so I stayed with my sister.

It was a long time before I had the guts to come out and look, and I realized that Jamie had a lot of blood coming out of his body, and I freaked out and tried to take my sister and leave.

I couldn’t find my cell phone and had to drive to the hospital where my mom worked ……

I’m sorry about the drive-by, that wasn’t my intention.”

Luke thought for a moment, “Did you go near Jamie after you found him dead?”


“Has there been any contact with anything else.”


“Have you ever worn Jamie’s leather shoes?”



By these questions, Peck was a little nervous, flustered, and showed signs of lying.

The first time they met, Peck ran over a dozen demonstrators and was in a highly volatile emotional state of fear, nervousness, anger, and guilt ……

All sorts of complex emotions blended together, it was hard to tell if there were signs of lying.

But this time is different, Peck has calmed down, this time and then ask some Min G questions, but instead, it is easy to see the mood swings and horse feet.

The purpose of interrogation is to find out the facts.

If he refused to confess, find loopholes in what he said to prove that he was lying and force him to confess.

Luke took out a clear plastic bag from his briefcase, which contained a black pistol, “Does this gun look familiar?”

“I haven’t seen it before.”

“It’s Jamie’s gun, and we found your fingerprints on it, which means you’ve not only seen it, but you’ve even touched it and used it!”

The lawyer waved his hand, “Peck, hold your tongue for a moment.” The lawyer looked at Luke again, “Lieutenant Luke, we are here to assist the LAPD in their investigation to find Jamie’s killer. But that doesn’t mean the police are free to smear my client.”

“What’s the name, Mr. Lawyer?”


“Attorney Sylster, we don’t want to suspect Peck either, but the evidence available is very much against him. This gun not only has Peck’s fingerprints on it, but it’s also the murder weapon that killed Jamie!

I think you know exactly what that means.”

Attorney Sylster said, “Even if my client touched the gun, it doesn’t mean he fired it.”

Luke asked, “Peck, have you ever fired a gun?”


“But we did a gunpowder test on you and found gunpowder residue on your right hand, arm, and shirt.

How do you explain that?”

In Peck’s defense: “I wasn’t the one who fired the shots, there were other people who had been there.

I also found a bloody footprint at the scene, so if you don’t believe me, you can check it out.”

“You’re right, we did find bloody footprints at the scene, and if I’m not mistaken, that bloody footprint would have been left by you.”

“NoNoNo, those weren’t my shoes, and I can’t wear shoes that big.”

Luke laughed, “That bloody footprint was indeed left by an adult’s shoe, the first thing that would make people think that it was an adult who committed the crime, and it played a misleading role in the police’s investigation.

But the problem now is that we have locked your suspicion, and your feet could have worn those leather shoes.

And since we found your fingerprints on the shoes, the deck is now stacked against you.”

Attorney Sylster interrupted Luke again, “Lieutenant Luke, my client is only ten years old, I don’t think he’s capable of doing something like shooting an adult.”

“Then you should have seen the scene where he ran over a dozen protesting citizens with his car, and I heard that one of the victims may have to have his leg amputated, Counselor Sylster, the police don’t interrogate a ten year old lightly if they don’t have enough evidence.”

Luke pointed to the evidence on the table, “Peck had motive, time of day, and evidence of a handgun, gunpowder residue, and leather shoes pointing to him.

That’s enough evidence for a jury to convict him.”

Attorney Sylster sighed and glanced at Peck, “I’d like to speak to my client alone.”

“No problem, you have ten minutes.” Luke finished and walked out of the interrogation room with the information and evidence.

The three of them, the lawyer, Peck and Grandma Peck, began a heated discussion.

Luke and Blackie returned to the office.

Luke poured a cup of coffee to drink.

The lieutenant asked, “How did the interrogation go?”

“We’ve said what we need to say, it’s up to the lawyers next.”

The lieutenant bristled, “Better not get your hopes up then.”

Jenny said, “Guys, I do have some good news on my end. Quinnell’s mother has arrived in Los Angeles and is on her way to the police station to identify the body.”

The vice squad was a bit surprised, “She actually came! To be honest, I am indeed a bit surprised.”

Black waved his fist, “I win.”

The vice squad shrugged, “I wasn’t betting with you.”

“I wasn’t betting against you, I was betting a hundred dollars on humanity.

I know you guys don’t trust Quinnell’s mother and think she’s lying and trying to scam her out of money.

You’re all right in thinking that it’s more rational.

But when I think of what happened to Quenelle ……

I think …… the world needs some sentimental people.”

Luke glanced at his watch, “Man, good point, break time is over.

We should head back to the interrogation room.”

A few minutes later, the two men returned to the interrogation room once again.

Luke sat across the interrogation table, “How did the discussion go?”

Attorney Sylster and Peck looked at each other, “Lieutenant Luke, hypothetically, and I mean hypothetically, what kind of plea deal could Peck get if he pleaded guilty.”

Luke asked back, “What kind of deal do you want?”

“Justifiable defense.”

“Tell us your reasoning.”

“Jamie Brady is a wanted man who kidnapped my client and my client’s sister, took them into custody, restricted their freedom, didn’t allow them to leave, and even threatened to kill them if they tried to leave that house.

My client tried to leave and was severely beaten.

That night, my client tried to escape once again, and because of his sister’s young age, he decided to go out alone first to see if Jamie was asleep.

He went to Jamie’s room and saw Jamie lying in bed asleep, he tried to retrieve his cell phone and opened the first drawer of the nightstand, he didn’t see a cell phone but he did see a gun.

At this time, Jamie woke up.

My client freaked out and grabbed the gun in passing, trying to defend himself.

This time Jamie cursed at him and threatened to kill the siblings.

My client shot out of fear and self-preservation.

That’s what happened.”

Luke nodded, “Nice hypothetical statement, but no plea bargain. Since you guys feel it was self-defense, why don’t you just admit that Peck killed Jamie.

You guys can get a self-defense deal from the prosecution.

Even if the prosecution doesn’t agree, you guys have the option of pleading guilty in court, and I’m sure with a good plea, the judge and jury will give a reasonable trial.”

“We want a justifiable defense plea deal now.”

“I don’t have one here.

But I can tell you that if Peck doesn’t admit to killing Jamie Brady, we’ll be looking for more evidence.

His refusal to admit to the killing will also affect the jury’s determination of self-defense.

You’re a lawyer, you should know better than I do what would be better for him.”

Luke’s idea was simple, if you feel you were acting in self-defense, then admit that you killed Jamie first.

If you don’t admit that you killed Jamie, then it’s up to the police to find you guilty of murder, a situation that would certainly leave a bad taste in the mouths of the prosecution and the jury, as well as affecting the self-defense determination.

The reason Luke didn’t give a plea deal was because this case was unique.

One, Peck is a minor.

Two Peck and his sister were restricted in their personal liberty.

Three Jamie was a dangerous and wanted man.

Four Jamie did not die in his bed, but under it, indicating that Jamie probably made a move to threaten Peck.

Combining these four scenarios, the jury found a high probability of self-defense.

But because Peck had faked the scene, Luke didn’t want to give him a plea deal.

You want to be found guilty of self-defense, you admit to the murder on my watch, and it’s up to the prosecutor and the jury as to whether or not you can get a self-defense conviction.

Luke was adamant and didn’t waver.

Grandma Peck and the lawyer talked it over again and finally convinced Peck.

He sighed, “I …… admit I killed Jamie Brady.”

“GOOD,” Luke nodded, “Describe your course of action carefully.”

Peck began to narrate the murder process, which was roughly the same as what the lawyer had described before, except that some details were more detailed ……

The murder of Jamie Brady was also declared solved.

Jamie is dead and the trail of the counterfeit money case is broken.

It didn’t affect Luke and the others much though, they had knocked out the printing syndicate’s nest in Los Angeles, fulfilling their mission and duty.

As for the other members of the counterfeit money organization and the counterfeit money manufactured, that was the FBI’s responsibility.

The LAPD had no law enforcement authority outside of Los Angeles and had no obligation to police what was going on out there.



“We want to – breathe free!”

The impact of George’s incident grew.

At first it was just a local demonstration in Los Angeles.

Then, it spread to the entire state of California, and even the entire United States.

George just became the Luther King of the 21st century.

Not only are Americans concerned about this, the whole world is concerned.

I Can’t Breathe has become a global taunt to America.

The murder of Quinnell has been solved and George has pleaded guilty.

The forces behind wanting to use the LAPD’s violent law enforcement and George’s murder to make an issue have also been bubbling up one after another, with clowns from all sides taking the stage one after another.

August 9th.

LAPD, Detective Bureau decided to hold a press conference on the case to publicize the events and circumstances surrounding George’s arrest.


Outside the Detective Bureau was surrounded by a crowd of demonstrators, reporters also rushed to the press conference site, the whole world is concerned about this case of violent law enforcement.

Ten o’clock in the morning.

Reed arrived at the site of the press conference.

In the distance, a demonstration sounded once again.



“We want to-breathe free!”

The chants rose and fell, silencing Reed’s voice.

The police were also heavily armed and on standby, ready to quell the demonstration.

It was only after the clamor had passed that Reed laughed slowly, “When did the bar for heroes get so low? Do you guys know George Bamberts?

If he’s considered a hero, then every police officer in the crowd can receive a Medal of Valor from the President himself.”

As Reed’s words fell, the crowd of demonstrators caused a bit of an uproar as some began to protest loudly and others began to storm the doors of the police station.

The LAPD was no slouch, and the riot police, armed to the teeth, disliked them outright.

Helmets, body armor, blast shields, batons, pistols, and rifles, this group stood in a line of people with swords and guns to spare.

Reed continued, “I can tell you unequivocally that George Bamberts is not a hero, but a criminal.”

A black female reporter questioned in an angry tone, “Chief Reed, it’s not up to the police to say whether George is a criminal or not.

Only a judge and jury are qualified to find him guilty, and before that, you LAPD killed him in a brutal way.

I can’t believe this could happen in 21st century Los Angeles, and it’s a step backwards for civilization that this happened.

And a disgrace to the LAPD.

You are responsible for George’s death, you should repent for George, the LAPD is guilty, and you are the ones who should be judged by the public the most.

In that respect, George is a ‘hero’!”


“Hero!” The crowd of demonstrators was greatly encouraged and cheered again.

Reed stared at her and questioned, “What’s your name, and what TV station are you from?”

The female reporter puffed out her chest and said proudly, “I’m Mario Finch, a reporter for EBC TV.”

“Are you really a reporter?”

“Of course.”

Reed shook his head, “I’ve never been able to figure out why this is such a big deal. Why do people think George Bamberts is dead?

Turns out, it’s you journalists who are pushing it.

Freedom of the press is your right, I have no objection.

But I hope you can broadcast real news, not fake news that catches people’s attention for the sake of heat and gimmicks.

I hereby solemnly declare that all the news about George’s death is fake news, George is not dead.”

“lol ……”

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

Because of Reid’s words, a boiling wave was set off around him.

The entire Los Angeles, the entire United States, and even the whole world was boiling.

Reed stood straight and scanned the crowd.

LAPD had no fear of anyone.

The female reporter, Mario Finch, was also dumbfounded, “Chief Reed, is what you just said true?”

“Of course.”

“Then may I ask where George is now?”

“He is suspected of being involved in a homicide and counterfeiting case and is assisting the police in their investigation.

Also, he has signed a plea agreement for second-degree murder, and he is indeed a criminal now.”

As Reed’s words fell, the surroundings once again stirred.

Some of the leaders of the demonstrating crowd once again organized themselves and shouted, “George, the hero!”

“We don’t believe it!”

“George is not a criminal, George is a hero!”

The crowd chanted George’s name once again; this had been brewing for days, and it was impossible to squash it just because of Reed’s words.

They wouldn’t easily believe Reed either, many Americans were used to conspiracy theories.

Just then, a gaunt-faced black woman walked on stage and grabbed Reed’s microphone, and

“I have something to say!

My name is Naci Bolt.

I am a black mother.

But I’m not a certified mother.

I got addicted to drugs and lost custody of my son.

My son’s name is Quinnell Bolt ……

He’s only fourteen years old and he loves me and wants to live with me ……” Naci Bolt’s voice was hoarse and tears slid down the corners of her eyes, “But I failed him ……

He has left me and the world forever.

And the man who killed him was the great hero ‘George’ as you call him.

He was no hero.

He was a murderer!”

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