Chapter 259

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:03:16
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Although the woman’s face was seen through the surveillance, she didn’t have a membership card and used cash payment, making it impossible to check her identity.

Through the surveillance outside the supermarket, it was found that the woman left on foot and did not drive a vehicle, so there was no way to check the license plate number.

All of the above reinforced Luke’s idea that the woman was problematic, deliberately avoiding police investigations, with a certain sense of counter-surveillance.

However, Luke did not immediately go to find this suspicious woman, not that he did not want to find, but there are more important things to do.

Checking the sales records, checking the surveillance, looking for every person who had bought Vixen brand mineral water from Mountain Source Supermarket.

These bought mineral water probably contained the highly toxic substance cyanide, and in order to avoid more tragedies, the police needed to remind these people not to drink the mineral water.

At around 1:00 p.m., Robbery and Murder Division’s 2nd Squadron Captain Clint Chan led the support team.

Captain Chan’s bald head was as bright as ever, and he was still unsmiling.

Luke did a handover with him and took Xiao Hei to eat, the two of them had been busy from checking the scene in the morning until now and still hadn’t eaten.

Xiao Hei was hungry and breathless and asked, “What are we going to eat?”

Luke swept his gaze around, “Get in the car, let’s go around the Korean neighborhood and see what’s good to eat.”

Blackie pointed not far away, “Isn’t there a Korean restaurant over there?”

“The ones over there aren’t authentic, not to mention the poisoning incident that just happened at the Shan Yuan Supermarket, the two stores are so close to each other, can you eat them?”

Blackie nodded, “You’re right.”

The two got into the car, Luke commanded, “Drive slower, I’ll see what’s good to eat in the neighborhood.”

Blacky had been Luke’s partner for so long that he was more or less familiar with Luke’s character, “Are you hiding something from me?”

“I just want to stop by and see if I can find that Korean woman who appeared at the Shan Yuan supermarket in the neighborhood.”

“How are you sure she’s Korean? Just because the neighborhood is a Korean community?”

“It’s just one of those things.”

Black continued to speculate, “Because of kimchi? I’ve also heard that Koreans like kimchi.”

“That’s a large percentage of the reason.”

“What other reasons are there?”

“I can tell.”

“Really?” Blackie was a bit unconvinced, “I feel that Korean, Chinese, and Japanese are all similar, how do you tell the difference?”

“Clothing, demeanor, looks, temperament ……,” Luke shook his head, “This you can’t learn.”

Blackie bristled, “OK, so how do you want to find her? I don’t know the identity, I don’t know the address, and I don’t have a license plate number.”

Luke analyzed, “This woman is a Korean, most likely living in the surrounding Korean community, and the fact that she doesn’t have a car means that her home is probably not far from the supermarket.

People of Korean descent are relatively united, and many of them know each other.

When we finish eating, let’s go and visit the surrounding area, we might be able to find the whereabouts of this Korean woman.”

Xiao Hei said, “That doesn’t sound too bad.”

The two of them chose a Korean restaurant to keep it simple since they had to investigate the case after eating.

Two orders of fried noodles, pot roast, grilled mackerel, fried chicken, dashi soup, and two complimentary side dishes, pickled radish and spicy cabbage.

Since I’m at a Korean restaurant how can you go wrong with kimchi.

Saying it is simple to eat, a little dish is more than enough, Luke and Blackie are foodies, even if they are investigating the case, they can’t lose their mouths.

The case is for others to check, the body is their own, Luke’s body in his last life is dry waste, the same loss, do not want to eat a second time.

A meal down, the overall feeling is not bad, is the fried noodles are a little sweet, not as good as the domestic flavor.

The grilled mackerel was not bad.

What impressed Luke the most was the golden pickled radish, biting into the crunchy and crispy, and the flavor was also good, counting as an unexpected pleasure.

After all, it was the Kingdom of Pickles, and there was something unique about it.

Taking advantage of the checkout, Luke took out the photo of the suspicious woman for the waiter to identify, but the other party had no impression.

Luke didn’t think of a hit and continued to visit and inquire.

Restaurants, convenience stores, gas stations, flower stores, bars, barbershops ……

Luke and Blackie strung around the nearby streets for a long time, asking many people, but no one recognized the Korean woman.

Blacky’s motivation faded, and Luke wondered a little if he had guessed wrong.

Afterwards, the two went into a nail salon, which was small in size, a rather narrow store that looked like it was only a few dozen square meters.

There were three Korean women, one in her twenties, one in her thirties, and one in her fifties.

Luke sized up the three, his eyes locking onto the Korean woman in her thirties, who he felt was more of an owner.

Sure enough, the Korean woman in her thirties spoke up, “Gentlemen, do you want a manicure as well?”

Xiao Hei stretched out his black hand and shook it, “Is it okay?”

“Of course, as long as you like.” The Korean woman laughed.

Blacky waved his hand and pulled out his badge as if by magic, “SORRY, to disappoint you, we’re not here for a manicure.

We’re LAPD and we’d like to get some information from you.”

The Asian woman frowned slightly, “Oh, we’re a fully documented and legal nail salon here.”

“Don’t be nervous, we just want to inquire about someone.” Luke took out his cell phone and tapped on the suspicious woman’s picture, “Do you guys recognize her?”

All three women came over to look.

Luke said, “She should live in a nearby neighborhood.”

Still no one said anything.

Luke said, “The looks on your faces already tell me that you know each other.”

The Korean woman in her thirties spoke up, “What’s wrong with her?”

“We’re investigating a case that she happened to be a witness to, and we’d like to ask her some questions. Are you familiar with her?”

“I do know her, but not very well. She only comes by the nail salon occasionally, and I only know her last name is Kim, but I don’t really know where she lives? Nor do I have her contact information.”

Luke didn’t take the woman’s words completely at face value, he knew more about Asian women, some of them might not tell you even if they knew, it wasn’t that she was a bad person, she was just more guarded and didn’t want to get into trouble.

“Do you know how to get to her?”

The Asian woman in her thirties walked over to the window and pointed outside, “After this intersection, there’s a Jiangnan Supermarket in front of you, I suggest you go there and ask around, you might be able to find her whereabouts.”

“Gangnam Supermarket?”


“Does she work at this supermarket?”

“I’m not really sure, I still suggest you guys go and ask yourselves.”

“OK, thanks.” Luke pointed to Blackie on the side, “When there’s a chance, my colleague will bring his wife here for a manicure.”


Blackie froze for a moment and asked back, “Can I get a discount?”

“Of course, I will give you the highest discount, 20%.” The Asian woman smiled and escorted the two out of the store.

The two walked a few steps away when Black asked rhetorically, “Why my wife?”

“Because I don’t have a wife.”

The two walked forward to an intersection and saw the Jiangnan Supermarket that the nail store owner had mentioned.

There were also many stores around the Gangnam Supermarket, and almost all of them were Korean style.

There were over 300,000 Koreans in Los Angeles, making it the largest concentration of Koreans overseas.

Gangnam Supermarket is located within the Korean community.

The Korean flavor here was very heavy, and you could see three kinds of characters in English, Korean, and Chinese, which could easily give people a feeling of crossing time and space.

When he entered the supermarket, a woman wearing a Korean uniform stood at the door greeting him with a smile, “Welcome to Jiangnan Supermarket.”

Xiao Hei spread his hands, “Why supermarket again? We’ve been dealing with supermarkets today.”

“This is good news, the discovery of the common thread of the case shows that our investigation is in the right direction, as long as we continue to investigate along this line, we might be able to find the truth of the case.”

Black asked back, “You mean this case belongs to peer competition?”

“It’s hard to say right now.” Luke made a perfunctory remark and started to look around the supermarket.

There were similarities and differences between this supermarket and the Shan Yuan Supermarket.

The two supermarkets were similar in size, and in terms of merchandise, there were both Korean and Western goods.

The difference is that Sanwon Supermarket is more westernized and the proportion of Korean goods only accounts for 30%.

While Gangnam Supermarket was dominated by Korean goods, almost all kinds of Korean food and goods could be found here.

Of course, there was also Vixen mineral water, which Luke was most concerned about.

After checking out the supermarket, Luke walked to the cashier and took out the photo of the suspicious Korean woman, “Hello, please, do you recognize this woman?”

The cashier, a Korean girl in her mid-twenties, glanced at the photo and then at Luke, “Yes, what do you want with her?”

“Can you tell me where she is?”

The female cashier shook her head, “SORRY, I don’t know you guys.”

Black flashed his badge, “LAPD, we’re investigating a criminal case and would like to get some information from her.”

“Whoa …… Please hold on a second.” The female cashier of Korean descent put down a word and walked towards the back of the supermarket.

Blackie asked, “Why do you always ask the cashier?”

Luke whispered, “Not every employee can be a cashier, being able to be a cashier at least means that the boss trusts her, either because of a close relationship or a stable job.

In addition, as long as the customers who bought something, they have to come over here to check out, they are in contact with more customers.

And the other staff of the supermarket are busy with their own business, but instead they don’t have much contact with the guests.”

Just then, a Korean woman in her thirties walked over, “Two gentlemen, my name is Sunmi Lee, I am the owner here.”

Luke sized up the other party, Sunmi Lee was wearing a black dress, with a faint smile on her face and a good temperament.

Luke took out the photo of the suspicious woman in his cell phone, “Boss Lee, do you recognize the woman in the photo?”

“Yes, she is my cousin, is there any problem?”

“Can you give us her contact information and address?”

“Uh ……” Lee Sun-mi was a little hesitant, “Can you tell me what’s going on?”

“We’re investigating a criminal case and would like to get some information from her.”

“I’m not at liberty to disclose her information, do you think this is okay? I’ll call directly and ask her to meet me at the supermarket.”


“You’re welcome, please come with me to the office.”

“It won’t affect your work, right.”

“It’s okay, my cousin is like my family, her business is my business.”

Luke and Blackie were brought into the office, which was similarly small and neatly tidied up in a typical Korean style, with a number of potted plants placed in the room.

Lee Sunmi asked, “What would you two officers like to drink? Coffee, green tea, black tea are all available here.”

Luke politely declined, “No need, we just had coffee before we came.”

“Then both of you wait a bit, I’ll go and call my cousin.” Lee Sun-mi left the office, leaving Luke and Blackie alone in the room.

Blackie got up and looked around, “I like this office, it’s much more comfortable than Osmond’s office. It feels like this supermarket lady boss is pretty nice.”

Blackie lowered his voice, “Do you think she could have something to do with the poisoning?”

“Can’t say.” These two supermarkets were relatively close to each other, and Luke also felt that there might be some ‘problems’ with the two supermarkets, as for what exactly was the problem it was still hard to say.

It was more of an intuition from years of being a police officer.

This was also the reason why Luke didn’t go straight to the door, but preferred to wait.

It wasn’t long before Lee Sun-mi walked into the office again, holding a tray in her hand, “Two officers, I’ve already contacted my cousin, she’ll be arriving at the supermarket soon.” As she spoke, she placed two cups of tea on the coffee table, “This is Korea’s unique ginseng tea, both of you please try it.”

“What is ginseng tea? It’s the first time I’ve heard of it.” Xiao Hei curiously picked up the teacup and took a look at it, then put it down again.

He was just a big and heartless personality, not stupid.

What they were investigating was the poisoning case, and since they had investigated this supermarket, it meant that there might be something wrong with this supermarket, and how could they drink the tea they gave them.

Luke revealed a touch of apology, “Thank you for the tea, but we have a rule that we can’t accept hospitality during the case.”

“SORRY, I was not aware of this rule, I just wanted to buy you guys a cup of tea.”

“Understood, kind words are appreciated.”

Li Shanmei sat on the sofa next to her, picked up a cup of ginseng tea and took a sip, “What are the names of the two officers?”

Black introduced, “I’m Detective Marcus from the Robbery Murder Division, and this is Lieutenant Luke.”

“Robbery Murder Division?” Lee Sun-mi looked puzzled, “I’m very close to my cousin and I know her better, it’s hard to imagine that she would have a connection with the Robbery Murder Division, can I ask what happened?”

This female boss gave Luke a good impression, but Luke thought about it and didn’t tell her the details, as she said herself, she was close to her cousin.

If he told her the reason for the investigation, the other party would probably get through to her cousin, and the police would be in a passive position instead.

Besides, her cousin was the one involved, and her cousin hadn’t even arrived yet, so what was the point of telling her herself?

But in about ten minutes, the door of the office was pushed open, and a Korean woman around forty years old walked in, the very same woman who was captured in the surveillance of the Mountain Source Supermarket.

The female owner, Lee Sunmi, stood up, ”Cousin, you’re here.

It’s these two officers looking for you, this is Lieutenant Luke from the Robbery Murder Division, and this is Detective Marcus.”

The woman of Korean descent nodded slightly and was a bit formal, “Hello officers, I’m Kim Soo Hye. What do you guys want to see me about?”

“We are investigating a criminal case and would like to find you for some information.”

Kim Soo Hye was a little nervous, “A criminal case, are you guys mistaken?”

Luke looked to the side at Lee Sun-mi, “Boss Lee, can you give us a moment alone?”

“Sure.” Lee Sun-mi answered and patted her cousin’s arm, then went out of the office.

Kim Soo Hye looked at Luke and then at Blackie, “I …… haven’t done anything illegal.”

“Ms. Kim, you look a little nervous.”

“Isn’t it normal to be nervous when facing the police?”

“Relax, we’re just asking a few questions, you just have to answer truthfully.” Luke said.

Kim Soo Hye nodded her head.

Luke got right to the point, “Do you know the Mountain Source Supermarket?”

“Yes, it’s not far from the neighborhood I live in, what’s the problem?”

“Have you been to that supermarket recently?”

“Uh …… seems like it.”

“When did you go?”

“I can’t remember.”

“Then recall carefully.”

“I think it was …… August 22nd.”

“What did you do at that supermarket? How long did you stay?”

“What can I do when I go to the supermarket? Shopping of course, I can’t remember how long I stayed.”

“Just shopping? No other purpose?” Luke looked at the other party with a sharp gaze.

“Yes.” Kim Soo Hye’s eyes averted and she twisted her head slightly.


Luke continued to inquire, “Your cousin also owns a supermarket, why didn’t you come to your cousin’s house if you needed to buy something?”

Kim Soo Hye thought for a moment, “I like to eat soupy rice, but I can’t eat it every day, and I occasionally eat steak.

Supermarkets are the same, sometimes I don’t necessarily need to buy something, I just want to browse, and my cousin’s supermarket is too familiar.

It’s not unusual for me to want to visit a new supermarket.

Is that a problem?”

“If it was just that of course there wouldn’t be a problem, and our Robbery and Murder Division wouldn’t be here, but the problem right now is that someone has poisoned the Mountain Source Supermarket, resulting in the death of one customer and the injury of another.

The owner and clerks of the Shan Yuan Supermarket think you’re suspicious, and that’s why we’re here.”

“Poisoning at the Shan Yuan Supermarket? And people died?” Kim Soo Hye grew her mouth, as if she was a little startled, and

“NoNoNo, this has nothing to do with me, I just went to the supermarket, there’s no way it could be related to a murder case.

There are more customers who go to that supermarket, what makes you guys suspect me?”

Luke didn’t answer directly because they really didn’t have any direct evidence to prove that Kim Soo Hye was related to the poisoning case, and with a twist of words, he asked, “Ms. Kim, did you ever come into contact with Vixen-branded mineral water in the Mountain Source Supermarket?”

“Mineral water?” Kim Soo Hye frowned slightly, seemingly recalling, “I can’t remember, isn’t it normal to pick something at the supermarket? Besides, there’s more than one mineral water brand in the supermarket, I can’t remember.”

Luke saw no obvious signs of lying from her face.

If the other party was the poisoner, it was impossible for her to be so calm after hearing the Vixen brand of mineral water.

Could it be that he was mistaken and she had nothing to do with the poisoning case?

“Ms. Jin, what we are investigating now is a case that seriously jeopardizes public safety, and emergency action can be taken when necessary, even without a search warrant or arrest warrant.

A second’s delay in the case could add another dead person to the list, so I hope you can make things clear.

I’m a police officer, I deal with criminals every day, and I’ve seen all kinds of liars.

I can tell at a glance if you’re lying or not, if you’re hiding something or not.

If you lie, it will affect the progress of the investigation, and it’s like being indirectly involved in this case, which is not a good thing.

I’m only saying this in the hope that you realize the seriousness of the matter.”

Kim Soo Hye’s face changed and changed, her originally fair face, because of the sweat dripping off her makeup was a bit blurred, “I …… I did have other purposes for going to the Mountain Source Supermarket that day ……” Kim Soo Hye wanted to say something.

“What purpose?”

Kim Soo Hye looked outside the office and whispered, “It was my cousin who told me to go.”

“What did she ask you to do?”

“She asked me to check the prices and types of items in the Mountain Source Supermarket, that’s the purpose of my visit to the Mountain Source Supermarket, I haven’t done anything else illegal.”

“Why did you do that?”

“The two supermarkets are relatively close to each other, and the main customers are residents in the neighborhood, so people will definitely have a comparison, and if the prices are set too high, the customers may not come and go to Shan Yuan Supermarket instead.

If the price is set low, the supermarket itself can not make money, so my cousin wants to find out the price of items in the mountain source supermarket.

But, after all, she is the boss of Jiangnan Supermarket, it is not appropriate for her to go by herself, and she does not trust others, so she let me help.

The two of us are very close, and I’m not an employee of Jiangnan Supermarket, so it doesn’t matter even if Shan Yuan Supermarket finds out.”

“Then why didn’t you tell the truth in the beginning?”

“I’m sorry, I was just afraid of the impact on my cousin’s business. What I did is not illegal, but it’s very taboo among peers.

And it’s true that I didn’t poison the Mountain Source Supermarket, I have a clear conscience and didn’t lie about that.”

“Ms. Jin, I can understand your thoughts before, what I want to know is whether you have lied now?”


“Can I trust you?”

“Of course.”

“How did you investigate the price then? How did you keep track? I’m afraid I can’t remember that many prices just from memory.”

“Uh ……,” Kim Soo Hye once again showed a hesitant look.

Luke raised an eyebrow, “Ms. Kim, don’t let me down?”

“My cousin prepared a miniature camera beforehand and put it in my purse, I just need to walk around with my purse and keep changing positions to capture the supermarket’s images and also record the prices and types of goods.”

Blackie laughed, “A miniature camera? Sounds like something only perverts would use.”

Kim Soo Hye retorted, “I’m not a pervert, I’m just doing my family a favor.”

Luke asked, “Where are the cameras and the videos taken?”

“It’s all at my cousin’s place, there’s no use in me wanting those things.”

“Did your cousin pay you?”

“How could I?

She’s my family, I wouldn’t ask her for money, the purpose of our filming is just to investigate supermarket prices, it shouldn’t be illegal, right?”

“I don’t know if it’s illegal or not, and I don’t know much about the relevant laws, but it’s good that you chose to confess to the police.

Based on that alone, I won’t pursue this matter.

Of course, the premise is that it’s merely a sneak peek and not for any other ulterior motives.”

Kim Soo Hye breathed a sigh of relief, “Thank God for the two officers, there really isn’t any more.”

Luke got up, opened the door to his office, and looked out to find the supermarket owner, Lee Sun-mi, standing not far away, “Boss Lee, we’re done talking, can I talk to you for a few minutes?”

“Me?” Lee Sun-mi hesitated and nodded, “Yes.”

“Ms. Kim, thank you for your assistance, I thank you on behalf of the LAPD.” Luke made a please gesture, signaling the other party to go out first.

Kim Soo Hye walked to the door and whispered in Korean.

Lee Sun-mi patted her back and comforted her, signaling her to go out first.

At this time, only Luke, Blackie and Lee Sun-mi were left in the office.

Luke laughed, “Boss Lee, I envy your relationship with your cousin.”

Li Shan Mei sat on the sofa and nodded slightly, “My cousin takes good care of me, she was the one who brought me to Los Angeles back then.

Officer Luke, you guys came to investigate my cousin because of the Mountain Source Supermarket matter?”

“Your cousin told you everything just now?”

“No, I guessed it, my cousin is a good person and I can’t think of anything the police would want with her other than this.

However, I just asked her to find out the prices and types of items in the Mountain Source Supermarket, it shouldn’t be considered a big deal.

Why would it alarm the two of you to come to my door to investigate?”

Luke smiled, “Boss Li, there are no outsiders here, I hope we can be more honest.

We are police officers, we carry law enforcement recorders every day, this thing is indeed able to capture law enforcement footage, but it’s hard to capture the smallest things clearly.

For example, it is difficult to film clearly the prices and varieties on the labels of goods.

I do not think it is a good idea to use miniature cameras if we only know the prices and varieties of goods.

It’s even more of a hassle if you get caught by the supermarket owner.

This operation of yours is a bit puzzling to me, can you explain?”

Lee Sun-mi looked a little nervous and lowered her voice, “Uh …… you’re right, in fact, having my cousin bring the miniature camera to the Shan Yuan Supermarket has another purpose.

However, my cousin doesn’t know about it, can you help me keep it a secret?”

Xiao Hei skimmed his mouth, some disdain in his heart, really, capitalists don’t have a good thing.

Luke also slandered, well, just now also sisterly love, women ah.

“As long as it does not affect the police investigation, I can promise.”

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