Chapter 35

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:51:51
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Five minutes later.

The two cars entered the Gobi looking for the Mercedes Benz car positioning location, the farther away from the highway the worse the signal became, the back directly cut off the signal, unable to contact the outside world.

At the beginning the three would still chat, the further they drove the more silent they became.

Fortunately, two cars traveling together, even if one car breaks down, there is a car to support the bottom.

Otherwise, with Luke’s caution really dare not easily enter the Gobi.

After driving for half an hour, the positioning system can not be used, only with the drive and direction of the presumption, the Mercedes should be in this neighborhood.

The two cars began to patrol the neighborhood, Luke opened the sunroof to look out, holding a bottle of mineral water, from time to time to drink a mouthful.

After searching for another twenty minutes or so, Luke vaguely saw a matchbox-sized black spot up ahead.

Luke rubbed his eyes to make sure it wasn’t his own eyesight.

Under his guidance, the two cars drove in the direction of the black spot, the car did not drive fast, and after a few more minutes of forward movement, it was already recognizable as a car.

Luke revealed a look of excitement, finally he had fucking found it.

At this point the three instead became vigilant, parking, checking their guns, wearing bulletproof vests.

Driving again, they stopped a dozen meters away from the Mercedes.

The trio looked around and found no unusual movement.

David took the lead, Luke and Marcus covered on both sides, and the three of them advanced forward in a triangle.

Close to the front of the car, they could see the inside of the car through the windshield and did not find anyone in the car.

The driver’s door was open and it was possible to see that no one could be hidden under the front seat.

David stood at the front of the car, gun in both hands, his eyes fixed dead center on the interior of the cabin.

Luke and Marcus came to the side of the car, Marcus gestured twice and Luke nodded slightly.

Marcus yanked on the back door of the car and Luke searched it with his gun, still finding nothing.

The three men were lost and relieved at the same time.

David came to the rear of the car and slapped the butt out of habit, “Bang!”


“Thud ……”

There was a rattling and whimpering sound from the trunk of the car.

The trio tensed up again.

Luke found the button to open the trunk from the car and David and Marcus stood by the trunk with their guns on guard.

The trunk opened and both men raised their guns at the same time signaling that

“LAPD! raise your hands.”

There was a man huddled in the trunk, his mouth gagged with a towel, his hands pinned behind his back in handcuffs, and his legs wrapped in thick duct tape.


A ‘whimpering’ cry for help escaped the man’s mouth.

“Whoa whoa, if it isn’t Mr. Lawyer.” Marcus approached the trunk to check it out, Dave’s face was visibly bruised, his demeanor a little too hyper, snot and tears coming out of his nose.

Dave put away his pistol, “Get him out of there.”

Marcus walked up and helped Dave to his feet, wrinkling his nose and taking two steps back, “FUCK, what a great smell of piss, you pissed your pants.”

Marcus looked up to Dave’s crotch, there were some yellow stains that should have dried out after a long interval.

“Oh.” Marcus grimaced, a look of disgust on his face.

David yanked the towel out of Dave’s mouth, “Are you okay?”

“Water! Water! I need water ……” Dave coughed dryly as his lips went dry and cracked.

Luke pulled a side of mineral water out of the trunk, unscrewed the cap, and handed it to his mouth.

“Gulp …… “Dave fiercely poured a few mouthfuls, his face had a few more blood color: “Thank you, thank you for saving me. I thought I was going to be stuck here.

That asshole Steven, I @#$%……”

“Where’s Steven?”

“I don’t know, that asshole put me in the trunk and I don’t know anything.

I begged him to leave me alone, but the asshole didn’t even respond, I don’t even know where I am?”

Marcus unlocked the handcuffs, unwrapped the thick bandage from Dave’s leg, and helped him out of the car with a disgusted look on his face.

Dave’s legs went weak and he sat straight down on the ground, “Got any food? Give me something to eat.”

David handed him a loaf of bread, “Why did Steven arrest you?”

“When I got out of the police station, I asked Steven for his lawyer’s fee and he said he was going to the house to get the money.

I dropped him off at the house and the asshole flipped out and threatened me directly with a gun.

I said I didn’t want the money, but he wouldn’t leave me alone, handcuffed me and tied my feet with duct tape.

After that, the son of a bitch got worse and asked me for money instead.

When I said I didn’t have any, he beat me up and burned my chest with a cigarette and stiffly extorted 40,000 dollars from me.

This asshole is not a human being. I saved him from the police station, and he harmed me instead.

Son of a bitch, I was almost suffocated to death by him.

Three officers, you must catch him. I’m willing to testify against him! Let him die of old age in prison.”

Luke pressed, “On second thought, did Steven leave any other clues, like his escape plan? Or maybe wanted to defect to someone?”

“After I was planted in the trunk, my mind went blank and I don’t remember anything.” Dave had a pained look on his face.

“Have you guys ever tried that feeling? The confined space, the darkness, I really thought I was going to die in there.

I never thought I’d have this kind of suffocating death, I’m not afraid of Steve, but this feeling of waiting to die broke me.

I don’t want to remember it, ever.”

Dave’s emotions hadn’t eased from his fear and there was little point in giving him a statement now.

David called Marcus aside, “Luke and I will stand guard here, you take Dave back to the gas station and contact the captain to send backup.

Marcus shook his head, “No, I’m not letting a guy who pissed his pants ride in my car, the smell of urine makes me sick just thinking about it.”

“Then you stay here while Luke and I take him back.”

“I don’t want to stay in this shithole by myself.”

David was getting a little impatient, “So what do you say?”

“Let the guy who pissed his pants stay here with you guys and I’ll go back and get reinforcements on my own.”

David warned, “You get lost and you’re dead, understand?”

Marcus was unimpressed, “Hey, I watch Master Bey and Master Tak all the time, so even if I get lost, I won’t be in danger. I know how to find food and water in the Gobi.”

David pointed at Marcus’ chest, “Your danger is me, and if you can’t find reinforcements, I’ll kill you.”

Marcus shrugged, “I won’t give you that chance.”

David glanced at his watch, “I’ve timed it, no reinforcements for three hours, so be careful.”

Marcus muttered under his breath and walked quickly back to his car, starting it up as he greeted Luke, “Hey man, wait for my good news.”

“Hey, hey, where’d he go? Why didn’t you take me?” Dave was getting antsy, he didn’t want to stay in this hellhole.

“I’m going back to L.A., that’s where the world belongs to me, not staying here and eating sand.”

Dave stood up and tried to give chase, but his limbs were too weak to run.

“Save your strength, he’s not going to pull you.” Dave said.

Dave looked puzzled, “Why? It’s not like I’ve sinned against him?”

“He’s sick of you pissing your pants.” David didn’t know the meaning of innuendo.

“Pfft ……”

Luke couldn’t help but laugh, he’d smelled the odor and had been standing far away.

Dave’s face was suffocating red and froze, he couldn’t say a word, perhaps this was the most embarrassing moment of his life.

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