Chapter 359

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:07:46
A+ A- Turn Off Light

A few minutes later, two cars pulled into the neighborhood street.

The cars were spaced some distance apart, one faster and the other slower, and appeared as if they had nothing to do with each other.

The cars circled the neighborhood twice and found no suspicious persons or vehicles.

Blackie pointed to Parley Jones’ house and said, “Captain, the gray sedan sitting outside the garage is Parley Jones’ house.

When I saw Pari Jones before, she was driving this gray sedan.

Since the car is there, that means they are probably at the house.”

Luke signaled Jackson to park nearby and took out his binoculars to observe the house; light could be seen through the windows, but there was no sign of anyone.

According to the description of another suspect, Randy Silva, there were four suspects in this kidnapping of Parley Jones, and they only drove a black Chevrolet sedan, and after the capture of Parley Jones, Kuka and another accomplice drove Parley Jones’ car.

And Randy Silva and the accomplice who was killed drove the other black Chevrolet sedan.

They carried five handguns, two AKs, and a shotgun this time.

In addition to the handguns they were carrying, the AKs and shotgun were in the black Chevy sedan, which has now been seized by police.

Luke surmised that Kuka and the other accomplice should have been carrying three handguns on them.

Figuring out the weaponry of the other party, Luke could also be more assured and bold in carrying out the arrest.

In addition to the people from the 1st Squadron, there were also eight patrolmen who arrived at the scene to support them. In order to avoid being discovered by the suspects in advance, Luke gathered the people at a slightly distant location to set up the tasks and prepare the equipment.

Among them, Luke also met the old rookies John and Lucy, who happened to be patrolling in the neighborhood and rushed over to help.

John said, “Luke, thanks for the gift last time, Lucy and I love it, thanks.”

Luke laughed, “You guys still owe me a drink.”

“No problem, I still have a nice bottle of wine in my collection, let’s get together when everyone is not busy.”

“Be safe in a while.” Luke patted him on the shoulder and Lucy greeted him and started to put on his gear, changing into his body armor and M4A1 rifle.

While getting ready, Jenny took charge of watching the house, but there had been no sign of the suspect.

The Parley-Jones family lived in a bungalow with three bedrooms and two bathrooms, a master bedroom, guest bedroom, and den, and the lights in the living room and master bedroom were always on.

Luke guessed that the suspect was either in the living room or the master bedroom.

Of course, there was another possibility that the suspect had escaped.

After considering all the possibilities, Luke picked the best option.

Among them, Blackie and Porter attacked from the front door, Blackie was more familiar with the situation of Parley Jones’ house, he led the team to carry out the arrest.

At the same time, Ramon and Jenny entered the room from the master bedroom.

Luke and Jackson staked out the back door with two patrolmen.

At Luke’s command, one of the patrolmen used a door breaker to ram right through the front door.

Blackie led the break-in at Parley Jones’ house.




Luke stood in the backyard of Parley Jones’s house, his eyes scanning the surroundings, he hadn’t been able to hear any gunshots, which was a good thing and a bad thing.

The good thing was not having to worry about anyone getting hurt.

However, it was just as likely that the suspect had escaped.

Soon, Luke’s walkie-talkie went off, “Captain, we searched the room and found no sign of Parley Jones or the suspect.

But we found something else.”

“Got it.” Luke answered and said to Jackson who was beside him, “Keep an eye on the surroundings, if you find any suspicious cars and people, report to me immediately.”


Luke entered the house, the living room was a bit cluttered, there were traces of being rummaged through, and there was a puddle of blood on the sofa, indicating that something did happen here.

Blackie pointed in the direction of the dining room, “Captain, there is a laptop on the dining table facing the direction of the living room, and the video function has just been cut off.

I’m guessing someone is watching what’s going on here.”

Luke walked over to check the computer, from this angle the camera did just catch the view of the living room, he guessed that the suspect most likely realized the abnormality and left early with Pari Jones.

The computer was also left to monitor the house, and if it was the two suspects who returned, it would tell the suspects the new rendezvous point.

If there was an accident, it could also be seen through the camera and run as far away as possible.

Luke said, “Ramon put the computer away and see if the tech team can follow up on the lead.”

“Got it.”

Luke looked to the side at Blackie again, “You’re more familiar with this place than I am, what’s your take on it?”

Blacky replied, “There is a small safe in Parley Jones’ bedroom closet, if the suspects are here for something, then Parley Jones will most likely put it in the safe.”

As he spoke, Blackie walked into the bedroom, opened the closet, and indeed found a small safe, however, the safe was open and it was empty.

Blacky sighed, “The suspect should have already taken the information.”

Luke thought about it, if the suspects had really found the information, then Pari Jones would have no value, it would be easier to just kill her off, why bother to take her away, that group of suspects didn’t look like people with a soft heart.

“Continue the search, extend the search to the yard.” As far as Luke was concerned, it was either find the information or the body of Parley Jones.

Luke walked out into the yard and yawned, it was now almost one in the morning and he was already a little sleepy, he got into his car and smoked a cigarette.

Luke rested a bit and got out of the car to check on the situation, “Anything?”

Jackson shook his head, “No signs of new digging in the yard.”

Blackie said, “No new clues found in the house either.”

Luke couldn’t help but feel a little depressed, was it all for nothing again?

John came over, “Luke, I’ve got something?”

“What findings?”

“You know.

I’ve been in the home building business before I became a cop, and I’ve noticed something structurally wrong with this house.”

“What kind of problem?”

“I suspect there may be a mezzanine in the house.”

“Kind of interesting, show me.”

“Come on, where the den is.”

John led Luke into the study and the others followed curiously.

The den was decorated rather simply, desk, bookshelves and storage cabinets, John walked over to the side of the bookshelves and knocked on the wall next to the bookshelves, “Knock knock.”

Another knock on the next wall “Thud.”

John pointed to the wall to the side of the bookshelf, “The planks of this wall are much thinner than the planks of the other walls, and the dimensions of this study are not right, it should be about three square meters smaller.”

Luke looked to the side at Blackie, “Do you know?”

“I …… “Blackie wanted to explain something, but there are some words that are not good to say, shaking his head, “No, I don’t know about architecture.”

Luke turned to John, who was off to the side, “Over to you.”

“OK,” John fumbled around in the study and didn’t seem to find an entrance, then left the study to go outside.

Outside the study was the living room, which had a brown wine cooler, and John observed it for a moment, fumbling around on the wine cooler shelves.


It seemed to flick a switch.

A smirk appeared on John’s face as he flicked the switch at each tier of the wine cooler, before yanking outward on the wooden frame of the wine cooler, the boards on the inside of the wine cooler rotated outward, revealing a roughly fifty centimeter passageway, not large, but large enough to allow access.

John took out his flashlight and shone it inward, “Captain, this is it.”

John stepped aside and Luke stepped in to check it out, the mezzanine was nearly a meter wide and over two meters long and held a simple shelf with several information packets on it and a suitcase with cash and a pistol in it.

Luke found a packet that said Natasha on it, with photos, and information.

“John, congratulations, another credit.”

The following morning.

Robbery and Murder Division office.

At nine o’clock in the morning, Luke called a meeting with a cup of coffee.

Everyone from the 1st Squadron had already arrived, but most of them were yawning, everyone stayed up until midnight last night before going home.

Luke put the information he obtained last night on the table, “Guys, this is the information we got from Parley Jones’ house last night.

From what the information says, Parley Jones is investigating border smuggling and Natasha’s death is most likely related to that as well.”

Jackson said, “It’s not uncommon to smuggle people across the border, so why take such a big risk and make a big deal out of killing someone?”

Luke said, “According to the information, Pari Jones was investigating a criminal organization called ‘Posta’, which not only organizes large-scale stowaways, but also engages in other criminal acts, such as selling silver, smuggling, and fraud.”

Black was puzzled, “Pari Jones is a journalist, I can understand her investigating this, but then what does it have to do with the deceased Natasha?”

Luke said, “There is a piece of information about Natasha in the file, if the record on it is true, Natasha also came to Los Angeles through smuggling, she was only a teenager at that time, not yet an adult.”

Although this information was not recorded in detail, there were some things that could be inferred from this only information.

First of all, Natasha was not even 14 years old at the time, and there is no way that any responsible parent would let their child sneak across the border alone.

And an irresponsible parent wouldn’t have gone through the trouble of sending their daughter to Los Angeles.

Something should have happened here, the biggest possibility was that Natasha’s parents also carried out the smuggling, only that an accident happened during the smuggling, and Natasha was sent to the orphanage.

Luke had read the information and felt that the information was not comprehensive, and if he wanted to know more clues, it was estimated that he would have to find Parley Jones herself.

However, from the existing information, it could also be surmised that Natasha’s murder was most likely related to the smuggling organization called ‘Posta’.

Blackie said, “In other words, Pari Jones should have been hijacked by this smuggling organization called ‘Posta’?”

Jenny frowned, “I haven’t heard of this organization, do they belong to an LA gang too?”

Luke took a sip of his coffee and began to organize his tasks, “Marcus, you go to the Gang and Narcotics Enforcement Division and ask around, they know more about gangs.”

“Lieutenant, study this information again, especially the information about the Posta organization, I’ve always felt there was something wrong with this information.”

“Ramon, Jackson, Jenny, you track down the red sedan that attacked us, there’s an unlucky guy I shot and will probably go to a black clinic for treatment.”

“YES, Sir.”

Potter pointed to himself, “Captain, what about me?”

“You’re on my team, other arrangements have been made.”

Wilkie Hospital.

Christian Soddy was sent to this hospital for treatment of his injuries.

The 5th floor of the hospital.

A black police officer was guarding outside ward 509.

Suddenly, a female nurse hurried over, “Sir, there’s a disturbance downstairs, can you go take a look?”

“Why is there a disturbance?”

“He wants some psychotropic medication, but the doctor doesn’t agree, he’s emotionally unstable right now.”

The black officer glanced at the ward, “I’m sorry, I have an assignment.”

“The people causing trouble downstairs have guns on them, it’s dangerous, at any time a doctor or patient could be injured, you’re just going to stand by and do nothing?” The female nurse revealed an anxious look.

Upon hearing that there were guns, the black police officer’s face changed: “OK, you lead the way for me.”

The nursemaid hurriedly agreed and led the black constable towards the stairwell, “The troublemaker is on the 2nd floor, a black man, wearing a red top.”

The black constable took out his pistol and followed the nursemaid down the stairs.

Shortly after the black constable left, a male doctor wearing a mask approached and walked straight to ward 509, looked in through the door and window, slowly opened the door and walked in.

The masked doctor walked over to the hospital bed and violently lifted the covers.

“Police, don’t move!” The man in the bed turned around, a gun in his hand.

The doctor wearing a mask said in a hurry, “Don’t shoot, I’m a doctor, I’m here to check the room.”

The man lying in the hospital bed was none other than Constable Porter, the newest addition to the Robbery Murder Division.

Luke also came out of the restroom with his pistol, “Take off your mask.

Move slowly and don’t make any unnecessary movements.”

The male doctor slowly removed his mask as Luke instructed, “I’m really a doctor, you shouldn’t be pointing guns at me.”

Luke looked at the Latino man in front of him and smiled, “We haven’t met, but we caught your accomplice.

If I guessed correctly, you would be ‘Kuka’.”

“You guys have mistaken me for someone else, I’m not.” The male doctor hurriedly denied it.

Luke said, “Are you from the Posta Organization?”

The male doctor didn’t answer.

Porter walked over and directly cuffed his hands and retrieved a pistol from him, “Doctor, is this what you use to treat your patients?”

Upon seeing the pistol, Luke became more and more certain and continued, “Natasha and Parley Jones were investigating your organization, so you decided to silence them.

Killed Natasha with a bomb and went to her home to search for information that should be important to your organization.

But unfortunately you guys didn’t find it.

This time, you guys set your sights on Parley Jones again and kidnapped her, but again, you didn’t find the information.” Luke took a picture of him and sent it to the group and continued.

“I knew you guys wouldn’t stop there, and sure enough, you guys set your sights on Christian Soddy again.”

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