Chapter 367

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:08:08
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Luke had recently earned a lot of money, and it didn’t hurt him to not spend it.

This thing called money, more is just a number, it’s only yours when you spend it.

Luke took advantage of the rest time, ready to go to buy some good wine storage.

There were many types of liquor in the United States, including red wine, whiskey, rum, brandy, champagne and so on.

Luke didn’t know much about these foreign wines, and they weren’t as easy to store as white wine.

This time the main goal of the purchase is still on the white wine, when Luke later bought a large house, and then specialize in building a wine cellar for easy storage, and then buy some foreign wine storage.

Buy wine in Los Angeles and domestic different, this side of the liquor do not have to worry about counterfeiting, directly in the large supermarkets and wineries to buy.

Luke bought two cases of red wine, two cases of whiskey, this usually drink yourself, guests can be.

Also bought four cases of Wuliangye, two cases of Guojiao 1573, two cases of Jiannanchun, two cases of Qinghua Fen 30.

These white wines have storage value, the more you put it, the more valuable it is.

Luke bought 14 cases of wine on this trip, his house is not big, put the storage room full, and then buy more can not be placed.


Daisy comes over to Luke’s house for dinner to taste the wine Luke purchased.

Luke made a couple of western dishes to go with the red wine.

Daisy comes a little earlier than expected and briefly washes up and sets up dinner with Luke.

It didn’t surprise Luke that Daisy came in late; it wasn’t uncommon for her to get off work early.

Luke asked, “Not busy today?”

“I met with my client this afternoon and there was nothing else going on at the law firm, so I came straight back.”

Daisy asked rhetorically, “Did you receive your commission from Danny Carter?”

“Yes, a very substantial one, no wonder you lawyers are so rich.”

“It’s not often we get cases like this.” Daisy smiled, put down her hand, and asked, “Do you want to make another extra buck?”

“You have a new commission?”

“No, still the Danny Carter X-assault case.

The plaintiff, Billie Warwick, has filed a civil suit.”

Luke guessed, “Billie Warwick is aiming for damages?”

Daisy said, “Yes. The odds are that this case will opt for a settlement.”

Luke said, “The police have already dropped the case for lack of evidence, and anyone with eyes can see that this so-called X assault case is more like a false accusation for money.

What happens in a normal court case if we don’t choose to settle?

What are the implications for Danny Carter?”

Daisy said, “The police’s decision not to prosecute does prove Danny Carter’s innocence to a certain extent.

However, the civil suit for damages is not as strict, and there is still some possibility of winning the case.

In addition, winning or losing the case is not the most important thing, Danny Carter is worried that the case may have a public hearing.

Danny Carter has to state what happened in the case, when, where, what he did, what he said, and even what position he was in ……

Danny Carter, as a celebrity, would be negatively impacted by voluntarily describing all of this in court.

Regardless of the outcome of the trial, he lost.”

Luke heard the crux of it, and in the end it was about avoiding court and settling early, “What can I do?”

“What we can do now is gather more favorable terms, take the initiative in the settlement, lower the settlement amount, and reduce Danny Carter’s losses.”

“How does the commission work?”

“If you’re interested, I can make an appointment to interview Danny Carter.”

Luke nodded his head, you have to finish what you start, last time it was to help Danny Carter get out of a criminal lawsuit, this time it was a civil lawsuit.

Moreover, he did still have some clues that might help Danny Carter take the initiative in the settlement.

The point is, the other party gave too much last time, and it was hard for Luke to refuse.

The following morning.

Luke finished eating and went to the open range to practice shooting.

The first thing Luke practiced was still the pistol, although the pistol is less powerful, but the advantage is that it is small, can be carried around, and the opportunity to use it is also the most.

Luke’s pistol level was already very high, the purpose of his practicing now was not to try to improve his shooting level, but to maintain a high level of proficiency to avoid raw hands.

In addition, Luke used a rifle learning card to practice in a simulated live shooting training ground.

This training ground was large and was a complete simulation of a real battle, with obstacles, suspect targets, hostages and companions that the trainer needed to identify on his or her own.

The training ground is divided into two scenarios, one indoor and one outdoor. The number of suspects is as high as more than 20, and one magazine is simply not enough, so the spare magazine usually has to be changed once in the middle.

If the spare magazine ran out, the pistol had to be switched to use it, simulating as much as possible the scenarios in real combat.

It was close to noon before Luke finished his training, tired, hungry and dirty.

Luke ate a simple buffet in the cafeteria and got a call from Daisy to meet Danny Carter at the hotel at 2:00 PM.

Luke went home and took a shower, then picked up Daisy at the law firm to rush to the Marriott.

Inside the Marriott hotel room.

Danny Carter was exercising on a treadmill, occasionally wiping his sweaty forehead with a towel.

“Bang Bang ……”

The feet were rhythmic on the treadmill.

“Dingdong.” The doorbell rang.

Danny Carter turned off the treadmill, wiped his sweat with a towel, and walked to the door to check it before he opened the door of the room smoothly and smiled, “Luke, Counselor Ellis, it’s a pleasure to see your group of golden partners again.”

Luke surveyed the other man, “You’re looking good this time.”

“Much easier with the police dropping the charges and proving my innocence. As for the civil suit …… I have plenty of money.”

Daisy said, “Then the problem will be simple, just pay a large amount of compensation, and there’s no need to invite Luke.”

“NoNoNo, I do have money, but I don’t want to give it to that woman, it will make me feel suffocated.

Besides, if I compromise this time, the others will think I’m a bully.

There might be another situation like this, so I have to fight back hard, preferably so she doesn’t get a penny.”

Daisy shook her head, “That’s not realistic.”

“I know, that’s why I invited you guys.” Danny Carter made a gesture of invitation, signaling for Luke and Daisy to sit down.

Luke asked, “Danny, tell me what you think and see what I can do?”

“OK, then I’ll get right to it.

My bottom line for compensation is one million dollars, and I’ll leave the rest to you to negotiate.

If the compensation is higher than a million dollars, I won’t pay a single penny of hire money.

If the compensation is less than a million dollars, I’ll take fifty percent of the money saved, and the remaining fifty percent is yours.

How’s that for an idea?” Danny Carter looked at Luke and then at Daisy.

Luke laughed, “Are you motivating us?”

“Of course, live by your skills.

The lower the damages are pressed, the less I lose and the more you two make.

Seems reasonable to me.”

Luke and Daisy looked at each other and said, “OK, that’s fine with me.”

Daisy said, “I’ll write up a new employment agreement.”

After leaving the hotel, Luke and Daisy sat in the car discussing the case.

Luke looked aside at Daisy, the settlement ended up being negotiated by a lawyer and Luke had no similar experience and asked, “What’s your plan?”

Daisy said, “Billie Worley filed a civil suit in civil court against Danny Carter for intent to injure, unlawful restraint of liberty, and X-rape.

Civil damages are held to a more lenient standard than criminal charges, and even if there is no tangible evidence, a jury may still award damages if they find Danny Carter guilty of negligence and criminal intent.

The bottom line is that the case could go to a public hearing, which is what would be most damaging to Danny Carter.

So, we settle before then.

To take the initiative in the settlement, find the clues that work in Danny Carter’s favor and the clues that work against Billie Worley.

Make Billie Worley realize that she can’t possibly win, thus lowering her expectations for the settlement amount.”

Luke said, “You also just said that Danny Carter’s real concern is not the outcome of the trial, but the public hearing.

So does it even matter if we win the case or not?”

Daisy said, “We know Danny Carter’s thoughts and bottom line, but Billie Worley doesn’t.

Previously after Billie Worley called the police, Danny was faced with a potentially serious criminal penalty situation, but passed up the opportunity to settle.

Looking at this move by Danny Carter from now on it was the right one and would have given an impression of non-compromise.

So, Billie Worley can’t be sure of Danny Carter’s resolve to settle now.

Even less certain that Danny Carter will fear a public hearing and compromise.

In fact, the initiative is still in our hands, and Billie Worley is also worried that Danny Carter’s bachelor’s temper is back.

In case she doesn’t settle and loses the civil suit, she won’t get a dime.”

Daisy continued, “So, what we need to do now is to find positive information about Danny Carter and collect negative information about Billie Worley.

Then use the disparity of information to combat her expectations of the amount of compensation.”

“Do you think Billie Worley cheating counts?”

“Sure. It might not count as evidence in a criminal proceeding, but it’s important in a civil suit.

It indirectly shows that Billie Worley’s relationship with her boyfriend was not as good as she portrayed it to be.

Also, it would show that she has character issues, doesn’t take her relationships seriously, and is a more spontaneous and open-minded person.

The jury would also be more inclined to find Danny Carter not at fault.”

Daisy asked rhetorically, “Can you get definitive proof of her cheating?”

“Could try.”

Luke pulled out his cell phone and made a call, “Hello, Quentin Haggas? It’s me.”

Quentin Haggas was the man who had stolen Danny Carter’s sports car.

He and was a friend of Billie Worley’s boyfriend, but privately got involved with Billie Worley, that night while Billie Worley’s boyfriend was working the night shift, he sneaked to the door of Billie Worley’s house and waited for him, and just happened to see Danny Carter drove a sports car to send Billie Worley, and the two of them went into Billie Worley’s house together.

In a fit of rage, Quentin Haggiske stole Danny Carter’s sports car, and the car’s tachograph recorded video that could have exonerated Danny Carter, so Luke found him and taught him a lesson.

Quentin Haggiske asked rhetorically, “Who are you?”

Luke laughed, “Can’t you hear me that fast?”

“FUCK, is that the asshole who pointed a gun at me and sneaked up on me from behind?

How dare you call!

I’m @#$%……,” Quentin Haggis burst out in a fit of stink.

“Hey, the last time we met, you were still well-behaved, why have you suddenly become so cranky.”

Quentin Haggas said in annoyance, “If you weren’t pointing that broken gun at me, I would have fucked you to death.”

“I knew you weren’t convinced.”

“That’s right, I’m just not convinced by you, if you have the ability to fight squarely, I will make you regret coming to this world.”

“OK, then I’ll name a place and we’ll fight again.

Sort of give you another chance for revenge?”

“You’re telling the truth?”

“You’re scared?”

“Rubbish, I can’t wait to kick your ass right now.”

“Then I’ll name a place, let’s meet up and talk later.”

“No, that’s not fair, why should you say where.

I say the place, you set the time.

One on one.”

“Nine o’clock tonight.”

“East side of Sarich Street and Born Avenue, out of sight.”

“If you lose this time, don’t renege.”

“You’re going to lose.” Quentin Haggas was breathing heavily, and seemed determined to get out of the way and get his revenge.

Eight forty in the evening.

East side of Sarich Street and Born Avenue.

A black sedan slowed to a stop, and the men in it did not get out at once.

After a while, two black men came this way, talking and laughing.

The door of the black sedan opens and Quentin Hagsucker steps out of the car and greets the two black men in a fist bump salute.

“Hey man, thanks for coming.”

One of the black men wearing a gold chain asked, “Quentin, what did you offend?”

“Just a nobody.”

Another black man with a lip ring said, “If you’re a nobody, why did you call us for help?”

Quentin Haggiske laughed, “The kid is a white skinned pig, he just looks like a sandbag, I just asked you guys to come and have some fun, beat him up and then go to the bar for a drink.”

“Hey, hey, sounds good.” The black guy with the gold chain said.

Quentin Haggiske asked, “Did you guys bring your guys?”


“Good, you guys hide in the car first so he doesn’t get scared off.

We’ll surprise him when he gets close.”

“Haha, good idea, I love beating up white-skinned pigs.” The black man wearing a lip ring laughed exaggeratedly.

Both black men who had come to help then got into the car and hid.

Quentin Haggiske revealed a cold smile, “Bastard, how dare you torture me, you’re dead this time.

I will definitely not let you off.”

Last time, he was scared and hated after being cleaned up by Luke.

He knew that Luke was a ruthless character.

But as time passed, the hatred gradually overpowered the fear, and with that phone call from Luke today, all the hatred was released.

He decided to give Luke a lesson to vent his anger.

At the same time, he remembered the last time he was ‘waterboarded’ by Luke and had some palpitations, that’s why he sought the help of his two little brothers.

Looking at the two minions in the car, Quentin Haggiske’s face revealed a touch of ruthlessness.

“Bastard, hurry up and come to die!”

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