Chapter 381

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:08:44
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Early morning.

Luke got up a little later than usual.

With the case solved and no urgent work on the team, Luke could be lazy and go late.

Luke poured a cup of coffee and sat in the yard while sipping it and soaking up the sunlight, occasionally people would pass by in front of the door, runners and dog walkers.

Although mostly Chinese, Luke didn’t cross paths with his neighbors much, partly because he was busy, and partly because he was renting a house and wasn’t likely to move any day.

Next door, a white man dragged his suitcase out of the house and greeted, “Mr. Lee, good morning.”

“Mr. Smith, is this a business trip?” Luke sized up the neighbor, although he had moved over for a while, the other party often traveled on business and didn’t have many encounters with each other.

“Got some business to talk about over in Hawaii, and spending Christmas there on the side.” Smith put his luggage in the trunk of the car as he spoke.

The two chatted briefly, and Smith drove off in a gray Volvo.

Luke glanced at his watch, finished his coffee, and packed his things to go out as well.

Last time, Luke had purchased Christmas decorations at the supermarket, and because of the investigation, he hadn’t bothered to deliver them to his mom and grandpa’s house.

Christmas tree model has three kinds, large, medium, small, Luke bought three medium, a large, in the home left a medium-sized Christmas tree, have time to decorate their own, there must be some festive atmosphere.

The other three boxes of Christmas trees and decorations were put in the trunk, and drove to the Eno community.

Christmas has been a holiday, the road cars and pedestrians are obviously more than usual, many are dragging their families out of the house, because the Christmas holiday is longer, many people will choose this time of the year to vacation.

Entering the Ino neighborhood, Luke lowered the speed of his car, as he didn’t intend to stay for a long time, and parked the car on the side of the road.

Just as soon as he got out of the car, he saw the little fat man carrying a backpack and pushing a mountain bike outside: “Older brother, are you on vacation yet?”

“Not yet.

Where are you going?”

“The library.”

“Coincidentally, I’m also about to go to the library to borrow a book, it’s just as well that you’re on your way to help me borrow it back.”

Little Fatty “……”

“I’m not going to the library.”

Luke gave an I knew it look, “Don’t open your mouth, next time you lie I’ll tell mom.

She should be happy to use that excuse to dock your allowance.”

The little fat man seemed to be afraid that Linda would hear it, and hurriedly looked in the direction of the house, “In fact, I was preparing to go on a date with Maggie …… but uncle came just now, and I was afraid of irritating him. I didn’t mean to lie.”

Luke also spotted Val’s car, “What’s Uncle doing here today?”

“I don’t know, talking to mom in the living room, looking secretive, I guess he didn’t want me to hear, and I wasn’t interested.” The little fat man got on his bike and greeted Luke and left.

Luke opened the trunk of his car and walked towards the house with the Christmas tree and decorations ……

The living room.

The two siblings were sitting on the couch and it didn’t look like the atmosphere was friendly.

Val scratched her hair and said helplessly, “What do I do now?”

“Promise her?”


Linda was disgruntled, “What were you doing earlier?

You’ve already said yes, and you’re coming over here to ask me what I’m going to do?”

“I didn’t want to promise …… either,” Val sighed, “Yesterday afternoon, when I got off work from the supermarket, I was shocked to see her waiting at the door.

Before I could say a few words, she put her arm around me and went to the restaurant to eat.

Then, she said ……

How do I say no?”

Linda asked, “I thought you guys broke off contact.”

“We hadn’t been in touch for a long time, and when I got a steady job a while back, I broke the news to her ……”

“She came to you, why didn’t she tell me?”

“It’s not like it’s a good thing, and I was afraid you guys would fight …… So, I originally wanted to solve it myself.”

“Then you solve it yourself, why come to me again?”

“I couldn’t think of a way, so I thought I’d discuss it with you.”

“NoNoNo, don’t try to get me to share the fire for you.”

“Then help me out.” Val looked like I was counting on you.

“It’s almost Christmas ……,” Linda pinched her forehead as if remembering something, “Is she short of money? Did she ask you for money?”

“I just bought a car, where’s the money ……”

“Cluck ……” Just then, the door to the room opened and Luke walked in carrying something, “Mom, I brought the Christmas decorations.

If you get off work early, come over and decorate together.”

Linda asked, “Are you on vacation?”

“Tomorrow is vacation, if there are no accidents ……”

“Then go to work and let Jack get it when he gets back. He can go up ten pounds a Christmas if he doesn’t get him some work.”

“Are you on vacation, uncle?”

“Yes, I’m starting backwards today.”

“I bought Grandpa a Christmas tree, you can bring it back later.”


“What were you guys talking about? Christmas stuff?”

Val opened his mouth to say something when Linda beat him to it, “Yes, we were talking about Christmas preparations.”

“We’re still spending the holiday at the Foreigner’s house this year, aren’t we?”


You go to work.

Get your work organized ahead of time, I don’t want you to miss Christmas Eve.”

“I know.” Luke and Val both headed out of the house.

Luke carried the Christmas tree to Val’s car, “Is something wrong?”

Val took a deep breath, “It’s better if you don’t know.”

“OK, call me if anything happens.” Since it was an elder’s business, Luke didn’t ask too many questions.

Val waved his hand and watched Luke leave.

Robbery and Murder Division, office.

Luke carried the Christmas tree and ornaments into the office and placed them on the vacant desk, “Guys, who’s got time, set up the tree.”

“Leave it to me.”

“And me, I put up our family’s Christmas decorations every year.”

Blacky and Jackson both volunteered to take the job.

Luke went to his office and came out again with a cup in his hand.

Blacky said, “Captain, when are we going on vacation?”

Luke took the hot water and brewed green tea, “Everyone take care of the work at hand and take tomorrow off.”

The lieutenant asked, “Do we need to schedule any overtime?”

“I talked to Reed and he’s arranged for 3rd and 4th squadrons to be on duty.”

Black smiled, “Good job.”

Jenny shrugged, “It’s about time we had a good vacation, or else the guys from the Mutual Aid Society will be on to us, no doubt.”

Jackson put the Christmas tree together and placed it in the southeast corner of the office, “I also think that murderer, Park Jung-min, is mentally ill, and isn’t that Mutual Aid Society a bit of an X-cult.”

The lieutenant rolled his eyes, “Kid, there are good guys and bad guys in any organization, you can’t beat the Worker’s Mutual Aid Association to death just because of one Park Jung-min.

In a country as rolled up as the United States, without the Workers’ Compensation Mutual Aid Association, there’s no way you’d have more than a hundred days of vacation a year, and overtime pay would shrink considerably.

The existence of this mutual aid association is still necessary.

Every one of us is enjoying the benefits of this mutual aid society.”

If Luke had just come to the United States, hearing the vice squad’s words might have been amusing; if this was called a roll in the United States, then the East Asian countries wouldn’t be rolled to death.

But after spending some time in America and then hearing this, it was understandable.

Most Americans do not care about East Asian countries, not contempt, but people do not care.

Most of the people in the United States simply do not care about international events, even if it is a domestic matter, there is no strong will to understand, they are only concerned about their own lives.

Therefore, when most Americans talk about things, they seldom think about East Asian countries and usually compare them with other Western countries.

And compared to other Western countries, Americans do fall into the category of diligent, hard-working, and introspective.

Many people are no strangers to the term American Dream.

Many Americans or immigrants want to achieve success through personal efforts, to realize the class leap and break the monopoly of the aristocracy.

And few people in Europe take earning money as their dream.

The United States in the western countries belong to the more diligent, more roll, which is similar to the East Asian countries.

“Congratulations to the host for successfully solving the ‘Mutual Aid Society Murder Case’, rewarding 80 points.” A familiar voice rang in Luke’s head.

Luke was not short of cards right now and did not exchange them for the time being.

He was prepared to store some points for a rainy day.

Under Xiao Hei and Jackson’s arrangement, the Christmas tree, lights, and hangings were installed, the curtains were drawn, the switch was turned on, and the house was lit up with decorations and colored lights, giving it a bit of a festive atmosphere.

The next day, the first squadron was on vacation.

Luke stayed home to clean up, set up the Christmas tree, and get all of his family’s presents out.

He was going to his grandpa’s house for the holidays, and the house was simply decorated with a Christmas tree and colored lights.

Luke asks Daisy to join him for dinner, and tomorrow Daisy is going to her mother’s house to spend the holiday together as well.

December 24th.

In the morning, Luke took the Christmas gifts for his family and drove to the Eno neighborhood, picking up his mom and brother to go to Grandpa’s house.

On the way the little fat boy looked excited, looking out the window from time to time, all the families had already prepared for Christmas, the festive atmosphere was very strong.

“Mom, are we going to the mall today?”

Although many stores were closed, there were still some large shopping malls that would hold Christmas events and the delightful Santa Claus.

Linda rolled her eyes, usually letting Little Fatty go to the mall with her coaxing and cheating, what’s so great about the mall at this time of year?

Although she didn’t receive a response, Little Fatty was still full of vigor, revealing a pleasing look, “Mommy, what kind of gift did you prepare for me?”

“You’ll know tomorrow.”

“Tell me, I want to know now, even if it’s revealed a little.”

“It’s not Christmas.” Linda finished, craning her head to look out the window with an air of familiarity.

Luke glanced in the rearview mirror, he could sense that Linda was having a bit of a bad day and wisely didn’t interject.

Soon, the trio arrived at Grandpa Robert’s house.

Robert and Val had already started decorating the yard.

Unlike the simple decorations at Luke’s house, Robert’s house had a much larger yard, and a real Christmas tree had been transplanted in the yard ten days ago.

The crowd then divided up the work.

Linda and Val were in charge of preparing the Christmas food.

Robert took Luke and Jack to set up the Christmas decorations.

Robert’s house was one of the later ones to set up, most of the surrounding neighbors had already done so.

Robert’s yard was much bigger than the one Luke rented, so not only the tree had to be decorated, but the whole yard and house had to be decorated with colored lights.

After decorating the yard, the house had to be decorated as well, the living room had a fake Christmas tree that Luke had bought, with ornaments and colored lights hanging from it, and underneath the tree were presents that would not be opened until tomorrow.

It was a little after three in the afternoon before Luke and the others were done decorating.

Linda poured a pot of black tea, and the people drank tea and chatted.

Luke took Fatty to video with his father’s relatives. Although the Chinese community cared more about the Chinese New Year, it was good to have a holiday for family reunion, and many of them integrated into the local culture and followed the customs of the country for Christmas.

What makes Luke laugh and cry is that a large family is sitting around making dumplings on the other side of the video.

Luke’s grandmother and uncle even yelled at him to go back and eat dumplings.

Going back is definitely necessary, but not now, Luke is ready to bring the little fat man back to stay for a few days in the Spring Festival, although it is not good to take a vacation, but it is more of a festive atmosphere.

In the evening, the family also began to prepare dinner.

Dinner was plentiful, roast chicken, jalapeño cheese sauce, beans in gravy, baked sausage, cornmeal vegetables, cranberry sauce, stewed potatoes, cabbage.

Luke had also splurged on a Spanish ham, which was a wonderful downer.

After the meal, Val played games with Humpty Dumpty, with a Christmas hat on his head.

Luke, Linda, and Robert played cards, with sliced ham and red wine at the table.

The TV in the living room was also on, and Luke occasionally watched it.

Suddenly, a singing voice came from outside.

Linda stood up and commanded, “The choir is here, I’ll prepare refreshments and you guys go outside to greet them.”

Little Fatty also faintly heard the Christmas carols and frowned, “Mom, is it necessary to do this every year?”

Linda pointed at Little Fatty and Luke, “Quite necessary, and in a moment you’ll have to go and ‘chime in’ as well.”



The two brothers spoke in unison.

Linda frowned, disgruntled, “Why don’t you go?

Now on my command, I’ll prepare the refreshments and you guys get the door.”

Just as the atmosphere was somewhat stagnant, the doorbell rang.

“Ding-dong ……”

Linda rejoiced, “Is that the choir coming?”

“Doesn’t sound like it.” Luke could hear the choir and should be some distance from Grandpa’s house.

Besides, if the choir was really here, there was no need to ring the doorbell.

“I’ll go take a look.” Little Fatty sprang up from the floor and ran to the door to open it.

The choir went into the next door neighbor’s house, there was no one in their own yard, and a large cardboard box was placed not far from the door.

Little Fatty wondered a little, “There’s a box outside, is that your delivery?”

Val got up from the ground and walked over, “Don’t be silly, no one makes deliveries this time of day.”

Luke, Linda, and Robert walked over as well.

The little fat man was at the age of curiosity and walked straight over to the box to look left and right, stretching out his right hand ready to touch it.

“Don’t move.” Luke grabbed his arm and dragged him behind him.

The big holiday, the courier is also on vacation, a big box appeared at the door in the cold, and there is no suspected box delivery person around, how to look a little wrong.

Luke waved his hand, signaling the crowd to go back to the house first, pulled out the dagger his father gave him, and walked around the box to check it out.

Suddenly, the chest moved and suddenly lifted into the air.

Luke instinctively took a few steps back, and with a sweep of his eyes, he realized that there were two legs underneath the chest.


The crate was thrown aside onto the lawn, revealing a woman underneath it, an old white woman in her sixties to be exact, stylishly dressed and wearing a Santa hat on her head.

The crowd was taken aback.

Val’s eyes widened in surprise and some alarm, “Mom, what are you doing here?”

Linda slapped her forehead and sighed softly.

Little Fatty rubbed his eyes, “Grandma?”

Luke put away his dagger.

Robert’s face sank and he turned to enter the house.

The old white woman opened her arms, “That’s right, it’s me, the most beautiful Santa Claus in the world.


NoNoNoNo, I’m not an old man.

It should be Christmas Beauty.

Babies, I missed you, Merry Christmas!”

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