Chapter 391

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:09:11
A+ A- Turn Off Light

December 30th morning.

Robbery and Murder Division, 1st Squadron office.

Luke held a morning meeting to summarize the leads of the case investigation.

Mary from the technical team also attended the meeting.

Mary took out a piece of information and said, “Yesterday, we searched Mr. and Mrs. Gray’s house and found large traces of treated blood in Mr. and Mrs. Gray’s house.

These blood traces were treated with disinfectant water and it was not possible to extract the complete DNA, only the blood type O could be identified.

And the deceased, Kiru Jones, also had blood type O.

In addition, we also found two drops of blood suspected to be that of the deceased in the bedroom, which were more subtle, so they were not cleaned up in time.

We extracted DNA from the blood and it was identified as a match to the DNA of the deceased, Kiru Jones.”

Blacky summarized, “That means that the bedroom in Gray’s house should be the scene of the killing of Kiru Jones.”

Mary said, “I’m just stating the evidence and identification results of the crime scene, and it’s up to you to decide if it’s the murder scene or not.”

Luke connected the bedroom with the case clues, and although it was not completely certain that the bedroom in Gray’s house was the murder scene, the available evidence pointed to it with a very high probability.

Luke asked, “Did you find the address of the Gray family’s vacation home in the suburbs?”

Jenny said, “Yes, we checked the property records in their names, and Mr. Gray does have a property in the suburbs of Los Angeles, most likely the vacation home the neighbors are talking about.”

If Mr. and Mrs. Gray were really murderers, then the suburban vacation home was most likely another one of their strongholds, and some evidence of the case might have been left there as well.

Luke immediately led a team to the suburban vacation home.

Los Angeles suburb.

Olive Villa area.

This place is located near the beach, beautiful scenery, many houses are built on the mid-levels, in the yard of their own villas can see the sea, the sunset afterglow sprinkled on the surface of the sea is like a fairyland.

Many rich people on vacation will come to come here for a few days to enjoy the scenery and tranquility of the holiday.

Luke led the team to rush to the Gray family’s vacation home, covering a large area, the yard is surrounded by vegetation, the yard is also planted with two tall palm trees, massage swimming pool, the yard is also planted with a variety of flowers and plants, very comfortable, quiet.

Luke walked to the door of the courtyard, press the visual doorbell, even pressed a few times but no response.

Afterwards, Luke pulled out his pistol and waved his hand to the team members behind him, ”Pay attention to the guard.

Ramon lead the men to search the yard.

The others follow me to search the interior of the villa.”

“YES, Sir.”

The wooden fence surrounding the outside of the courtyard was only a meter high, and the crowd easily tumbled into the courtyard.

Blackie took out his lock-picking toolkit and opened the villa door.

Porter was the first to rush inside the villa with a gun.

Inside the villa is very quiet, can not hear any movement, can vaguely hear the team’s light footsteps.

Soon the crowd searched the living room on the first floor: “Clear.”



The crowd split up and searched the villa and found no sign of anyone.

Luke checked the dining room and bedroom and found traces of habitation, with food and leftover red wine on the dining table.

Two red wine glasses and two servings of cutlery.

The food on the table was not yet rotten, indicating that it had not been very long since the last meal.

“Search the villa carefully and see if the suspect left any clues.” Luke, on the other hand, went to the garage, if Mr. and Mrs. Gray were going to escape they would definitely flee by car.

Luke had someone check before, the Gray couple had three vehicles in their name, a sedan, an SUV, and a pickup truck.

Among them, Mrs. Gray’s house in the city of Los Angeles only found a sedan, it is reasonable to say that the other two cars are likely to be placed in the vacation home.

Luke went into the garage to check it out, and there was only one pickup truck in the garage, and no SUV in Mrs. Gray’s name was found.

Porter called out, “Captain, we found a secret room inside the villa, there seems to be voices inside.”

Luke returned to the villa and was led by Porter to the door of the secret room.

The door of the secret room was hidden under the carpet, it was hard to find without careful searching, lifting the carpet you could see a one person high, eighty centimeters wide secret door, pulling open the secret door, below was a ladder.

Luke took the flashlight downward irradiation, along the steps down, there is another door inside, vaguely came from the sound of whimpering.

Luke pressed himself against the door and listened carefully, like someone calling for help after being gagged.

He looked aside to Blackie and asked, “Can you open the door?”

Blackie tapped on the dark blue iron door, “It will take some time.”

Luke looked down at his watch, “I’ll give you ten minutes, if you can’t open it, just use the door breaker.”

“I’ll try.”

Blackie took out the lock picking tool and drummed it up again, this time opening the door actually took longer than opening the villa room door.

After a few minutes.

“Ka!” The sound of a crisp ring.

The lock opened and Black touched the sweat on his head and stepped aside, “I have to take a break, I’ll leave it to you guys.”

Porter kicked the steel door open and Jackson was the first to rush in with his gun, “LAPD!”

“Police, freeze!”

Porter, Luke, and the others followed, the secret room wasn’t very large and was lit up by flashlights.

Inside the chamber, a white woman in burgundy pajamas sat in the corner, her hands and feet handcuffed and her mouth taped shut, exposing her two long legs.

There was no one else in the room, and there was a safe and a plain wooden cabinet.

“Oooo……” the white woman struggled even more.

Jenny also entered the secret room and helped her untape her mouth, “Oooo……” the white woman cried out.

Jesus Christ, I thought I was going to die.

Thank you for saving me, thank you.

Where’s my husband?”

Luke came closer and comforted, “Ma’am, you don’t have to be nervous, we’re LAPD and you’ve been saved.

Who was it that held you captive here?”

“I don’t know ……

I woke up like this.”

“What happened before you passed out?”

“I was in a restaurant, dining with my husband, we had a little red wine and were talking about the Christmas party ……

Then I got a little dizzy.

He helped me to the bedroom to rest and then I didn’t know anything else.

Where is my husband?

How is he now?”

“Ma’am, we didn’t find your husband.”

“What does that mean?

Has something happened to him too?”

“We can’t be sure for now, we are looking for him.”

“That’s terrible, I thought I was going to die! Oooh ……” the white woman cried again.

Luke took her into the living room and with a change of scenery, the white woman calmed down a bit.

Jenny poured her a glass of water, which she picked up and drank in one gulp, “Can I have another glass? Thanks.”

Jenny nodded and turned to pour the water.

Luke asked, “Ma’am, what day was it when you passed out?”

“December 29th, we started dinner at 6:00 pm.”

Luke counted on his fingers, it hadn’t been long, only 18 hours had passed.

“What is your name, ma’am?”

“Georgia Gray.”

“Is Gray your husband’s last name?”

“Yes, my husband’s name is Ariel Gray.”

“Did you come here together?”


“When did you come?”

“Came on the morning of December 18th.”

“When did you decide to come to the vacation home?”

“We decided a long time ago and had the room cleaned on December 16th.”

“How did you guys get here?”

“By car.”

“What kind of car?”

“A Porsche Cayenne.”

“Where is the car?”

“The garage.”

Luke didn’t see the Porsche Cayenne in the garage, it had to have been driven away.

From what was available now, the person who took the car was most likely her husband, Ariel Gray.

Luke turned the tables, “Do you know Kiru Jones?”

Georgia Gray took the glass of water with both hands and took a big sip, “Yes, he was my piano teacher.”

“When was the last time you saw him?”

Georgia Gray took another sip of water, “I think it was the day before I came here, December 17th.”

“When did you meet?”

“In the evening.”

“What time?”

“It’s been more than ten days, I can’t remember.

Why did you inquire about him?

Did he have something to do with my coma?”

Luke stared at her expression and said, “He’s dead.”

Georgia Gray’s mouth grew into a shocked expression, “Dead!”

It was fake.

The shocked expression was slightly delayed.

In Luke’s experience, this expression of shock on her part was fake, not from the heart.

“You didn’t know he was dead?”


“You haven’t contacted him in the meantime?”

“Contacted, but couldn’t get through.

How did he die?”

“He was shot.”

“Jesus Christ, that’s terrible.” Georgia Gray closed her eyes and covered her cheeks with her hands.

“What are your thoughts on the death of Kiru Jones?”

Georgia Gray sighed, “He was a good man, still young, it’s really too bad.”

“Then why did you kill him?”

“What? What do you mean? What do you mean I want to kill him?” Georgia Gray’s eyes widened in a panicked look.

“We’ve been to your home and found a large amount of blood in your home, and although it was treated with disinfectant water, the blood cannot be completely removed.

The blood found in your home is an exact match to Kiru Jones’ DNA.

So, we’re not here to rescue you, we’re here to arrest you.”

“No, his death has nothing to do with me, I …… wouldn’t kill him.

I like him very much, how could I kill him.”

“But the truth now is that he died in your home, your bedroom to be exact.”

“Jesus Christ, why would that be?” Georgia Gray let out another cry.

“Georgia Gray, we have ample evidence and there is no point in running away.

If you can be truthful, I can consider getting you a favorable plea deal.”

“No, I had nothing to do with his death!”

“A neighbor testified that he heard gunshots coming from your house that night.”

“I didn’t fire that shot!” Georgia Gray blurted out, her lips quivering a little as she choked out, “It really wasn’t me.”

“Then who was it?”

Jenny encouraged, “Georgia Gray, we’re the ones who got you out of the chamber, we’re not here to harm you.

You can only help us if you tell the truth.”

Georgia Gray took a deep breath, “It was my husband.”

Luke confirmed, “It was Ariel Grey who killed Kiru Jones?”


“Why did your husband kill Kiru Jones?”

Georgia Gray held her forehead with her right hand, “I ……

Kiru Jones was more than just my piano teacher.

No, I did want to learn the piano at first, but in the process …… the two of us were alone a lot, and he taught me by hand ……

Then something subtle changed in our relationship.

One day, he asked me to resign.

I was surprised and asked him why.

He refused to say at first, saying only that he had to leave.

It was only after my repeated questions that he told me he was in love with me!” Georgia Gray tears slid down the corners of her eyes, “I didn’t realize I was in love with him either, and I knew it wasn’t right, but I wanted to see him.

Didn’t want him to leave.

And then the two of us got together.”

“How long have you two been together?”

“Officially together for about a month.” Georgia Gray wiped a tear from her eye, “Since my husband and I were planning a vacation over here on the 18th, he had a date with a friend for drinks on the night of the 17th, and I had a date with Kiru Jones to practice the piano.

But …… we didn’t have control ……

My husband came back early and saw the two of us together.

He was furious.

Then, took a gun out of a drawer ……

and fired, and he fired just one shot ……”

Georgia Gray grew more emotional, “I regret it.

If it wasn’t for me, this thing wouldn’t have turned out like this.

Kiru Jones wouldn’t be dead.

My husband wouldn’t have gone on a murderous rampage.

It’s all because of me ……”

Luke pressed, “What did you do after the murder?”

“At first I wanted to call the police ……

But my husband wouldn’t agree, he begged me, said he didn’t want to go to jail, didn’t want to die.

He knelt down to me …… It broke me.

This is all my fault.

Kiru Jones is dead.

I don’t want another accident to happen to my husband.

I was the one who had wronged him.

Instead of choosing to call the police, I disposed of the body with him.”

“Disposed of how?”

“We loaded the body into the car and were going to bury it near Highway 1, but we were both terrified at the time, and when we arrived we realized that we didn’t have shovels with us to dig a hole, and we didn’t dare to stay long for fear of discovery, so we had to cover the body with some vegetation.”

“You also went to the scene of the body dumping?”


“What kind of shoes were worn?”

“Leather shoes.”

“Why did you wear leather shoes?”

“I was originally wearing high heels, but there was no way to get down the slope in heels, so I changed into Kiru Jones’ leather shoes.

I knew it was wrong, but my husband kept begging me.

I couldn’t be decisive.”

Luke made a note in his book that this matched the footprint identification.

“Where did you hide Kiru Jones’ clothes, cell phone, shoes, and the pistol that killed Kiru Jones?”

“I don’t know, those were handled by my husband.”

“Which vehicle did you use to move the body?”

“A Porsche Cayenne.”

“Where is the car?”

“It should be in the garage.”

“Where is your husband?”

“I don’t know, like I said, I was passed out ……”

“And did you ever wonder why you passed out?”

Georgia Gray covered her mouth with her hand, “Could it have been him?

How could he have done this to me?”

“Was there anything unusual about your husband yesterday?”

“He’s been depressed and preoccupied since that incident.

I’ve been the same.

Yesterday afternoon, he got a call on his cell phone ……

Then his face turned ugly.

I pressed him to ask what was wrong.

He said it was something at work and told me not to worry.

Then, also prepared dinner and red wine …… “Georgia Gray said, as if she also understood: “Is it really him who bewitched me?

Why did he do that?


Luke’s mind did have some guesses, yesterday the police went to the Gray family’s Los Angeles mansion to search, but also visited the surrounding neighbors, it is likely that a well-connected neighbor contacted Airedale Gray.

Learning that the police had traced it to his house, Airell Gray, fearing that his murder had been exposed, had bewitched his wife and taken the opportunity to escape.

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