Chapter 394

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:09:19
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Luke placed the floor plan of the Getty Museum on the projector, “Can anyone tell where this is?”

The crowd stared at the floor plan for a moment, Black shook his head, “It looks like a museum, art gallery, memorial or something like that, there are so many buildings like this in Los Angeles, I have absolutely no clue.”

Jenny frowned in thought, “Looks a little familiar.”

Jackson concurred, “That’s right, I also look somewhat familiar.”

Luke stopped selling the mystery and revealed it, “This is the floor plan of the Getty Museum.”

Jackson came to a realization, “That’s right, it’s the Getty Museum, I said why does it look so familiar.”

The lieutenant snapped his fingers, “I watched the news while I was eating breakfast, ten valuable paintings were taken from the Getty Museum in the early hours of the 30th.”

Luke said, “I heard the news too, and the museum is rumored to have offered a reward worth a lot of money.”

Black said, “The murdered police officer Jens Hauraige was killed on the night of December 25th, and the oil paintings were stolen in the early morning of December 30th, the two cases were only four days apart, could there be any connection during that time.

In addition, Constable Jens Hauragui’s storage unit was found to contain $200,000 in cash and a large number of Getty Museum floor plans, and as much as I don’t want to believe it, these ……” Blackie wore a look like you know what you’re talking about.

The lieutenant summarized, “You suspect that Constable Jens Haurage was involved in the theft of the Getty Museum paintings, and that he may have even been killed because of the paintings.”

Black spread his hands, “Don’t say you don’t think so.”

This time, Luke didn’t refute Blackie, if there was only $200,000 in the warehouse, it was not good to suspect his colleague without evidence.

But the floor plan of the Getty Museum was also found in the warehouse, and the painting of the Getty Museum had just been robbed, these three things together were very suspicious.

“Lieutenant, you took a statement with Jens Hauraige’s fiancée, did she show anything unusual?”

“No, didn’t see anything unusual about her, however, according to her, the deceased Jens Hauraige was a bit moody and busy in recent times, and seemed to be constantly troubled by work matters.

However, I questioned the patrolman who was traveling with him yesterday, and also checked Jens Hauraige’s duty record, and his recent duty hours were not much different from before, and there was not much of a problem with his work in the recent past.

Obviously what’s causing him problems should be something else.”

Luke asked, “Have you talked to Timo Jensen, Jens Haurage’s partner?”

“No. I heard that Jens Hauragee’s death hit him hard and he’s taking a temporary leave of absence.”

Suvina neighborhood.

Home of Constable Timo Jensen.

Patrol partners are very close to each other and are the most important helpers and support.

There are some things that the deceased, Jens Hauraige, may not tell his girlfriend, but certainly not his partner, Timo Jensen.

Luke rushes to the home of Constable Timo Jensen with Porter in tow.

Porter had also worked at the Southern Division before and would be close to each other when it came to communicating.

The two arrived at Timo Jensen’s door and Porter knocked on the door, “Knock knock ……”

A few moments later, the door opened.

Timo Jensen stood in the doorway, his hair was disheveled and he carried a smell of alcohol, he looked at Luke and then took a look at Potter, “You look familiar, I should have seen you before.”

“My name is Porter, I used to work in the Southern Division as well, I just transferred to the Detective Bureau not long ago.

I’m sorry to hear about Jens Hauraige.”

Timo Jensen stepped aside, “Come on in.”

Luke and Porter walked into the house, which was small, with a living room in front of the foyer and a dining room to the right, the style was uniform, in a word, messy.

Timo Jensen threw the takeout boxes and bottles of wine into the trash, “Sorry, I’ve been a little lazy lately and haven’t cleaned up in a while.”

Potter sighed, “Man, I’ve been in the same experience as you, and I know this time of year is tough and painful.

But you have to pull yourself together.

Jens Hauraki doesn’t want to see a disheveled you either.”

“I know.

Has there been any progress in the investigation of the case? Any clues to the killer?”

Luke said, “It’s complicated to say the least, Jens Haurage’s death may be involved in other cases, the pistol that killed Jens Haurage killed others on December 17th as well, we came over here today to get some information from you.”

“OK, ask away, I will have no reservations as long as it helps the case.

I just hope we can catch Jens’ murderer soon.” Timo Jensen scratched his head hard and said in a hoarse voice, “If ……

I had been able to be a bit smarter and hadn’t gone after that bastard, but had fought side by side with Jens ……

he probably wouldn’t have gotten into trouble.

I have never been able to face his fiancée, and this matter should have been told to her in person, but I didn’t have the courage ……

Please, you must catch Jens’ killer, you must.”

“We’ll do our best.” Luke responded and asked, “My colleague talked to Jens Hauraige’s fiancée, and according to her, Jens Hauraige has been a bit moody in recent times and has been working overtime a lot, so he might be experiencing some difficulties at work.

Anything like that?”

Timo Jensen thought for a moment, “No, our work in recent times has been very much the same as it was before, and he’s not experiencing any difficulties at work or anything in particular.”

Luke pressed, “Then why did Jens Hauraki’s fiancée say he’s been busy lately?”

Timo Jensen said, “Jens has been working part-time lately, so he would appear to be busy, and I think that would be the reason.”

“Why is he working part time?”

“Jens is engaged to his girlfriend and they are getting ready to get married next summer.

Jens loves his girlfriend very much and wants to give her an unforgettable wedding, which will require a considerable amount of money.

So he’s been secretly working part-time in preparation for surprising his girlfriend.”

“Where is he working part-time?”

“Working as a security guard at a museum.”

“What museum?”

“The Getty Museum, you should have been there.”

“That’s right, as a matter of fact I was there just a little while ago.”

“How’s his income as a security guard at the museum?”

“Not bad, it’s quite a bit more than the overtime the police department pays, and it’s much more relaxed and less dangerous.

You should know that a lot of police officers work as part-time security guards, and with experience, good marksmanship, no stage fright, and the ability to step up in a pinch, a lot of security teams hire police officers to work part-time.”

“Did you also work as a part-time security guard at the Getty Museum?”

“I haven’t done it at the Getty Museum, but I’ve done security elsewhere, and it’s a lot easier than being a police officer.”

“How long has Timo Jensen been working part-time at the Getty Museum?”

“About three months or so.”

“How much income do you think he’s gotten in that time?”

“I haven’t asked exactly how much, but it would be a few thousand dollars.” Timo Jensen finished, frowning slightly, “Why do you guys care about this? As far as I know many police officers have done similar part-time jobs, what’s the problem?”

Luke didn’t answer positively, doing a part-time job was definitely not a problem, but judging from the two hundred thousand dollars found in Jens Hauraige’s warehouse, this matter could be more than just doing a part-time job.

Jens Hauraige was working as a part-time security guard at the Getty Museum, which proved more and more that he might have something to do with the case of the robbery of the paintings at the Getty Museum.

Luke then pulls out photos of the people involved in the other murder for Timo Jensen to identify, but Timo Jensen hasn’t seen any of these people.

No common thread has been found between the two homicides, other than the fact that the victims were killed with the same handgun.

Now Jens Haurage is connected to the robbery of the Getty Museum painting.

If Jens Haurage was really killed because of the oil painting robbery, then the murderer of Jens Haurage and the person who robbed the oil painting may be closely related, and probably even the same person.

Luke felt the need to take an in-depth look at the oil painting robbery and even consider a parallel investigation.

In a black Ford Explorer.

Blackie was sitting in the passenger side, the window half open, his right hand holding a cigarette, a look of enjoyment.

Jackson, who was driving, looked at him, “Where are we going now?”

Blackie said, “The bar on the east side of Micklow Street.”

“Going there for what?”

“To find the Porsche Cayenne that was used to dump the body.”

Jackson stopped the car at a red light money, “Even if we find the car, we may not find the person, so why not save a step and go straight to the person.”

“Rookie, let me tell you why?” Xiao Hei pressed his cigarette out and said slowly, “To bury a corpse, all you need to do is dig a pit that is one meter deep, one meter and a half long, and 60 centimeters wide.

This is not a large amount of work, and one person will be able to handle it.

But it’s not that easy to destroy a car.

If you want to bury the car underground, you’ll have to dig an extra-large pit, and it’s likely that the police will already be found before the pit is finished.

If the car were to be burned, the smoke would also attract attention.

So the car is more likely to be found, and if it’s found by the good guys, the police will likely be notified.

If it’s found by the bad guys, it’s likely to be resold to the stolen car market.

Do you have any idea where we’re going now?”

Jackson shrugged, “This is the first time I’ve heard of a stolen car market opening in a bar.”

“There’s no stolen car market in a bar, but there are my informants.

We’re cops, it’s not good to run straight into a stolen car market.

It’s out of order, and no one will want to deal with us in the future, got it?


“OK, who made you detective.” Jackson didn’t argue any further, although in terms of overall ability as a detective, Jackson felt that he was better than Marcus, but in terms of dealing with gang members, he was nowhere near as good, not to mention him, and that was something that even Luke was convinced of.

Soon the car drove down the streets of Michelob and pulled up in front of a bar.

The name of the bar was DOC, which was easy to remember.

Blacky checked his pistol in the car before stepping out of the car, his eyes scanning around as he led Jackson into the bar.

Sitting at a table against the wall on the right side of the bar was a bald black man with a glass in his right hand raising his glass to Blackie.

Blacky walked over to the balding black man and bumped fists and hugged the other man, “Hey, you’ve gained weight again you asshole, I can barely hold you.”

“That’s what my wife says.” The bald black man laughed and looked to the side at Jackson, “Is this kid with you?”

Black waved his hand, unimpressed, “Don’t mind him.”

Instead of sitting at a table with the two, Jackson sat at the next table over.

Blacky ordered a whiskey and asked the bald black man, “Michael, how’s business these days?”

“Hey, thanks to you, it’s not bad.”

“Listen, I invited you here today because I want you to do me a favor.”

Michael put his glass down, “Go ahead.”

“I’d like to ask for your help in finding a missing car, a dark blue Porsche Cayenne, lost most likely around the Olive Villa area ……

Actually, we’re not sure of the exact location, anyway, it’s an outward expansion centered on the Olive Villa area.”

Michael skimmed his thick lips, “Wow wow, that’s a big range, sounds like it’s not easy to find.”

“It’s true that the location of the missing car is hard to find, but there are only a few places that deal with missing vehicles, either at your used car dealership or a few others, a proper car dealership wouldn’t dare take a car like that.” Black took a sip from his glass and squeezed his eyes, “Man, honestly is it at your place?”

“No, my guys haven’t confiscated a Porsche Cayenne lately.”

Blacky waved his hand, “No need to rush a reply, it’s the same old rules, if one of your guys collected it, I’ll give you an immunity agreement.

If someone else collected it, give me the name.”

Michael lifted his glass and clinked it with Blacky, “No problem, I’ll poke around when I get back.”

Blacky stood up and patted him on the shoulder, “Wait for your news.

This cup is on me.”

After saying that, Blacky left twenty dollars and took Jackson out of the bar.

After getting into the car, Jackson asked, “That’s it?”

Blackie stretched and changed to a comfortable position, “What else do you want?”

“What guarantees do you have that he’s going to help out with the poking around and what’s in it for him? This guy doesn’t look like he’s short of money, that little informant fee might not be able to buy him off.”

“Didn’t I just say, if it’s his people who collected it, as long as he hands over the car, he’ll get de facto immunity from punishment for the crime.

If it wasn’t collected by his people, then it was collected by his rivals, and there are familiar people between them, so it’s not hard to pry for information.

The market for stolen cars is that big, and with his associates down, he can expand and grow his business.

Isn’t that a benefit?”

“In other words, your informants are also using the police to fight their own competitors, and this is how you enlist your informants?”

Kuro put his right hand next to his chin and posed, “Although I’m very charismatic, it’s hard to establish a stable channel of relationship with them without enough benefits.

Besides, this is just one of the ways, dealing with these guys is not as easy as one would think.”

Jackson automatically ignored the previous words, “What if the other party is not willing to help?”

Blacky was unimpressed, “Then go to his competitors.”

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