Chapter 408

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:10:00
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Luke used an accuracy card and fired three shots in a row.

The first shot hit the right wrist, the second grazed the left arm and shot into the wall, and the third hit the left arm.

Mamba’s hands dropped and the M4 in his hand fell to the ground.

Luke’s eyes scanned the surrounding area, not seeing any other figures, and then Luke quickly stepped forward and kicked the M4 off the ground.

Mamba’s hands were down and his eyes stared hard at Luke.

Anthony also got up from the ground and rushed into the villa, seeing the gunshot wound on Mamba’s arm, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

A sudden gunshot would have confused even well-trained police officers and agents.

Luke, however, was able to stay alert and counterattacked while the gunman was in the middle of changing magazines, which required great courage and mobility.

If he was ten years younger, Anthony might have had this intrusion and vigor, but now he could only follow Luke’s back.

If Luke’s move to counterattack surprised him, the gunshot wound to Mamba’s arm was something he admired.

In a moment of crisis like that, most officers and agents would have chosen to hit the chest and empty their magazines, even he did the same.

This method was the most prudent and safest.

Because the other party also had a gun, if they couldn’t kill or subdue the other party in the first place, then the one who died might be themselves.

Hitting the chest was more probable than hitting the wrist or arm, and it was easier to kill an enemy with a gun than to subdue him.

Whichever way you look at it, shooting at the chest is the preferred option, and the vast majority of police officers and agents will choose that option as well.

Of course, that’s not to say that hitting the arm is wrong.

Quite the contrary, the professor wasn’t captured, the oil painting wasn’t found, and that’s when Mamba died and the trail broke.

So, it’s best for Mamba to be alive, and it’s also optimal to hit the arm so that she loses the ability to shoot.

But this optimal choice is too difficult, the price of failure is to be killed back.

Anthony would only choose this optimal choice if he was confident.

Anthony and Luke had not known each other for a short period of time, there was cooperation and competition between each other, with his understanding of Luke, the other party was not a reckless person who liked to show off heroes, otherwise he would not have been promoted to the captain of the Robbery and Murder Division’s 1st Squadron so quickly.

Then, there was only one outcome, Luke had full confidence in subduing Mamba.

That would be awesome.

In all fairness, Anthony didn’t think he could do it, and even the best in the field rarely did.

These thoughts passed in a flash; now was not the time to fret.

Other officers and agents rushed into the villa and grabbed the injured Mamba.

Luke continued to search the villa with a few officers, although they were here to arrest Mamba, who would dare to guarantee that Mamba was the only one in the house, in case there were other gunmen sneaking up on them, it would be a lot of fun.



“No suspicious persons found.”

After a search, no gunman was found in, and the crowd breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the police officers and agents are also flexible in the brain, recalling the scene just now can not help but have some fear, Mamba is definitely a vicious woman, David Marco was shot twice in the chest, there are two police officers holding down his chest to stop the bleeding, whether he can live or not is still unknown.

The other officers and agents were also injured, luckily everyone was wearing body armor, plus there was a wooden wall blocking them, the injuries weren’t very serious.

Even so, it made them lose face.

Thinking of Luke single-handedly subdued the Mamba, the crowd looked at him with more than a trace of awe, the people present have experienced the real gun, know how critical the situation was, killing each other is not easy let alone subdued.

No wonder people are young enough to become the captain of the first squadron of the robbery and murder division.

Indeed a powerful character.

Mamba was captured, but Luke was not idle, there were quite a number of police officers and agents injured at the scene and needed to be arranged for hospitalization.

At the same time, the suspects Mamba and David Marco had to be escorted to the hospital.

“Captain, there’s something here.” Jenny waved at Luke.

Anthony heard the greeting and in turn went over before Luke, “What kind of discovery?”

Jenny rolled her eyes and led the two into the checkroom, opening one of the innermost cupboards, which housed not clothes but a large number of weapons, handguns, rifles, shotguns, sniper rifles, grenades, daggers, bulletproof vests, and so on, an assortment of all sorts of firearms were available.

Anthony praised, “It’s beautiful.”

“Exactly.” Luke picked up a shotgun and tried his hand, “It’s a good thing that woman wasn’t well-prepared, otherwise the police would have suffered more casualties.”

Anthony picked up a dagger and gestured a few times, “I’ve always wanted to have a similar arsenal in my house.”

Luke looked at the crow’s feet at the corners of his partner’s eyes, “I thought you already had.”

Anthony said, “I’ve been too busy and the idea has been in the thinking stage.”

Luke smiled, he also had similar plans, it’s just that it’s a rented house now that is not good for major changes, when he buys a house of his own, he’s definitely going to get a gun store.

The following morning.

Inside the 408 ward of Mary’s Hospital.

Mamba was lying on the bed, his feet were cuffed to the railing of the hospital bed.

“Cluck ……” Luke pushed the door and walked in.

Mamba twisted his head and looked over, his originally scattered gaze becoming sharp.

Luke greeted, “Hey, I heard your surgery went well, how are you feeling now?”

“Not great.” Mamba tried to raise his arm and grunted, “You’re not a bad shot, though.”

“Not bad, a little better than you.” Luke pulled up a chair and sat down.

Mamba bristled, “If I wasn’t changing magazines, you’d be the one dead.”

“If you hadn’t been changing magazines, I wouldn’t have rushed in, much less just shot you in the arm.”

“Then I’ll thank you for not killing me.”

“Just answer my questions properly.”

The black woman, Mamba, laughed, “You’re easy to satisfy.”

Luke spread his hands, “You’re not my type.”

“Is that why you can hit so well?”

Luke smiled and glanced at his watch, “The doctor has limited visiting hours, so we need to get down to business.

What’s your name?”

“Ania Osei.”

Luke said, “Were you involved in the Getty Museum painting robbery in the early hours of December 30th?”

Ania Osei was silent.

“The famous ‘Black’ Mamba dares to get into a firefight with the police, but is afraid to tell the truth?”

“Is this provocation?”

“I’m just stating the facts, the rest of the gang from the oil painting robbery are in the net, even if you don’t admit it, they’ll identify you just the same.

I don’t see the need for you to cover up.”

Anya Osei took a deep breath, “Yes, I was involved in the oil painting robbery.”

“Where is the oil painting?”

“I don’t know, the oil painting was handled by the professor.”

“Disposed of how?”

“Sold it and I split $600,000 dollars.”

“Including the cost of killing Patrolman Jens Haurage?”

Ania Osei pursed his thick lips, “Yes, I killed Jens Hauraige too.”

“Why did you kill him?”

“It was the Professor’s orders.”

“Jens Haurage was shot twice and you were there to fire four shots, you’re a terrible shot.”

Anya Osei laughed, “I did it on purpose.

The first two shots killed Jens Hauraige, and the remaining two were missed on purpose.

Did you think the shooter was a rookie?”

Luke nodded, “Where’s the murder weapon?”

“In my armory, it’s a silver pistol, beautiful, custom model, I love it.”

“The police found one of your strongholds in the Dalman neighborhood, there was an explosion when they searched the house, did you plant the bomb?”

“No, it wasn’t me.”

“Then who was it?”

“I don’t know.”

“Lying is not a good habit.”

Ania Osei laughed, “It was the professor.”

“You’re not very good at lying.”

“OK, I installed it.”

“Why did you do that?”

“The Professor’s orders.”

“Where is the professor?”

“I really don’t know.”

“If I knew where he was, he wouldn’t really be the professor.”

“Do you have a clue about the painting?”


“How soon after you robbed the painting did you get the money?”

“January 1st, in the morning.”

“Was it all cash?”


Ania Osei could not give a clue about the oil painting, but the time they got the money was a clue of sorts.

The oil paintings were robbed in the early hours of December 30th, and they were exchanged for money only a day later, a speed that was too fast, suggesting that the professor had found a buyer ahead of time, which matched his own earlier suspicions.

Ania Osei asked, “How is David Marco?”

“Resuscitated, his life is currently not in danger.”

Ania Osei smiled, his expression obscure, “What a lucky bastard.”

Whether David Marco was considered lucky or not Luke didn’t know, but the nickname ‘Black’ Mamba wasn’t for nothing, it was indeed ruthless enough.

After making a statement, Luke returned to the police station and went straight to the chief’s office to report the situation.

After the technical team’s identification, the silver pistol found in Ania Osei’s armory was the murder weapon used to kill Jens Howe Reggie and Kiru Jones.

Both the killer and the murder weapon in the Highway 1 Body Dump and the Patrolman’s Shooting have been found and are ready to go into the closing phase.

However, the main culprit in the oil painting heist, the Professor, is currently at large with his whereabouts unknown.

The whereabouts of the ten robbed oil paintings are also unknown.

In response to these two situations, Luke returned to his office and held a case summarization meeting.

First, he collected all the clues about the professor, who is known to be a white man with a medium build, blonde hair, blue eyes, wearing a black-framed glasses with a thick beard, and he has some problems with his right leg, walking with a slight limp.

Luke had also given a few of the gang a forensic sketch and had a basic idea of what the professor looked like without seeing the other man rubbing his shoulders.

Luke asked the vice squad about the other two suspected ‘buyers’ of the oil painting, and the vice squad didn’t find much wrong with them either.

For a while, the trail of both the professor and the oil painting was broken.


Luke returned home to take a hot bath and didn’t think about the case of the robbery of the oil painting.

He had been staring at the case for this period of time, and had hardly had any rest.

Although the case hadn’t been completely solved, Reed and the police department leaders were already very satisfied with the progress of the case.

Luke was also able to take a breather and give himself some relaxation.

A hot bath and a glass of red wine to let his brain empty for a while.

He always felt as if he had missed some clue ……

Hit the floor.

Can’t think about the case.

Luke pulled his thoughts back and flipped open his phone app, ready to read some fiction.

He liked reading novels, he just had a tricky taste and only read the best ones.

It was enjoyable and exciting to be able to find his favorite book in a library of thousands.

But at the same time, it was also agonizing, because once he found his favorite novel, he would become addicted to it, even reading it all night long.

The next day would definitely be sleepy and difficult.

Happy and agonizing.

“Ringing ……”

Luke’s cell phone rang, and the number of his father, Li Zhaofeng, was displayed on the screen.

“Hey, Dad.”

“Luke, off work yet?

I heard from Jack that you’ve been busy lately?”

“Indeed, there is a backlog of two or three cases on my hands, and this is pretty much taken care of now, I’m at home now, is there something wrong?”

“It’s New Year’s Eve, can you take a vacation?

I’d like to ask you and Jack to come to New York for New Year’s.”

Luke pinched his fingers, “I should be okay with taking a vacation.”

“How about booking you guys plane tickets for January 19th?”


“Your grandpa and grandma will be happy to know that.”

“I’m also looking forward to seeing you guys sooner.”

“OK, you have an early night.”

“Good night.”

Luke hung up his cell phone and sighed softly, it’s been a long time since he’s seen his next of kin, though, and muttered, “New York.”

Got to get the case out of the way before then.

Black Gill’s Bar.

The bar was brightly lit with people drinking, talking, and twirling on the dance floor, everyone looking high.

At a small round table in the corner sat a man and a woman.

The man was a white man about 180 tall with a pair of black-rimmed glasses and no beard.

The woman was a black man with a ponytail, average looking and a hot body.

The two men were drinking and talking in low voices.

Not far away, a black man waddled over with a glass of wine in his hand, looking like he’d had too much to drink.

The black man sat next to the black ponytailed woman, his eyes sizing up the other’s hot body, “Hey, your eyes look like my first love, can I buy you a drink?”

The black ponytailed woman glanced at her, “Do I know you?”

“I didn’t know you before, but I can now, by way of introduction, my name is Marcus.”

A flash of dissatisfaction flashed in the eyes of the white man off to the side, “Hey, she’s got company, switch seats.”


Who let you white faggots talk.

I was asking her, not you.”

The white man glared at Marcus, his gaze a little grim.

“I can fix that.” The ponytailed woman waved her hand, signaling the white man to be at ease, and then looked at Marcus, who was on the sidelines, “You trying to pick me up?”

“Hey, is it that obvious?”

“Not only is it obvious, it’s clichéd, and it’s very vegetable.” The ponytailed woman took a sip of her drink and pursed her thick lips, “Let’s be honest, I’m not interested in you.”

“Ooooh, you’re pretty straightforward too.”

“Now that we’ve got that out of the way, can you leave me alone with my drink?”

Marcus didn’t want to give up, “Hey, why don’t you try again, maybe it’s better than you think.”

“How do you want to try? Here? Can you stone more up?” The ponytailed woman said with a hint of provocation.

“Haha, I like your personality. I’m very good at divination, my mom says I have gypsy blood, I can divine for you to see if we’re a good match.”

The ponytailed woman straightened her plump breasts, “OK, then you can help me with divination, if your divination is accurate, I’ll buy you a drink.

If it’s not, I’ll ask you to leave.

How about it?”

“Deal.” Marcus agreed with a smile.

“How would you like to be in divination?”

“Give me your hand?”

The ponytailed woman gave a puzzled look, “Are you sure it’s a hand reading and not a tarot card?”

The white man to the side laughed, “He just wants to touch your hand, it’s so cliché.

I haven’t used that routine since I was in high school.”

“Shut up, you fucking white man.” Marcus grimaced and gave a stern look.

“Then hurry up with the divination.” The ponytailed woman interrupted the two, placing her hands on the table.

Marcus gave a specious look, “You’re supposed to be a cop.”

“A cop?” The ponytailed woman smirked, looking at the calluses on her hands from practicing her marksmanship, “And what department do you think I am?”

Marcus pretended to think, “Robbery and Murder Division.”

Both the ponytailed woman and her white companion to the side paled.

Seeing the looks on the two men’s faces made Marcus playful; these two men were the impostor detectives he had been searching so hard for.

He said to the white man at the side, “Would you like me to help you with your divination?”

The white man’s smile was a bit forced, “OK, let’s try it then.”

“You’re also from the Robbery and Murder Division.” Marcus pointed to the white man and then to the ponytailed woman, “You two are partners.”

With a tentative tone, the white man touched his right hand to his waist, “Go on.”

Marcus waved his hand in warning, “Hey, Detective Jada Landis, don’t move and put your hands on the table or you’ll die.”

The white man and the ponytailed woman’s faces became very hard.

The ponytailed woman was in a cold sweat, fidgeting but not daring to move, she sensed that someone was approaching around her and there was more than one person coming.

“Who are you?”

“Heist and Murder Division, Captain Marcus.”

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