Chapter 411

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:10:07
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Late Night.

The sky was hazy, blocking out the moon and stars not seeing a single ray of light.

The cemetery was pitch black, occasionally a few birdsongs and catcalls could be heard, adding a bit of eeriness out of nowhere.

A tram slowly drove by, the headlights were not very bright, you can only see the road ahead.

The tram drove to a freshly dug cemetery, slowly stopped, Tom Stone stepped off the tram to look around to the left and right.

In vain, it was so dark around him that he could not see at all.

Tom Stone turned on his flashlight and looked around again, not finding anything out of the ordinary, he took a deep breath and boldly walked over to the newly dug grave pit today.

He sighed softly as he looked at the grave pit and seemed a little annoyed.

There were five crates loaded on the back of the tram and Tom Stone strained to carry them down, they were heavy and each one had been treated with moisture and waterproofing.

Luckily he went to the gym three times a week and was much fitter than his peers.

“Rustle ……”

There was a loud noise from around them.

Tom Stone was startled and his sweaty hairs rose, “Who’s there?”

“Click.” With a sound, several strong flashlights turned on, illuminating the surroundings.

Tom Stone couldn’t adapt for a while, shielding his eyes with his hands, and only after a while could he see the visitor, “Captain Lee, why are you here?”

This evening, Luke came to the cemetery to meet Tom Stone and talked about the Getty Museum painting robbery and also about his father’s hiring of a detective.

Luke noticed something unusual about Tom Stone’s demeanor, and with an extra eye, had someone keep an eye on Tom Stone.

At seven o’clock in the evening, Tom Stone left the cemetery and returned to the Stone family villa.

At eleven o’clock in the evening, Tom Stone drove away from the villa and returned to the cemetery.

Running back to the cemetery in the middle of the night, either there was a ghost in the cemetery, or there was a ghost in his heart, and sure enough, he saw this scene now.

“Mr. Tom Stone, what are you doing here again in the middle of the night without sleeping?”

“My father is going to be buried in the morning, I’m a little uneasy, and I came over to take a look.”

Luke patted the large box on the tram, “This isn’t a look-see, what’s in it?”

“Things my father used to use when he was alive, before he died he instructed me to bury these with him, I don’t know what they are, I’m just following the old man’s wishes.”

“May I see it?”

“It would be disrespectful to my father.”

“Your father is dead, and now that these chests are in your custody, I think you can do him a favor.”

“I refuse.”

“That’s the wrong answer, and I suggest you let me see it anyway.”

Tom Stone stepped back, “Are you forcing me?”

“No, it’s just a suggestion.”

“Do you have a search warrant?”

“No.” After Luke talked to Tom Stone in the afternoon, he felt that the other party was suspected of lying, but wasn’t sure what the other party would do, so naturally he couldn’t apply for a search warrant in advance.

“Then I decline.” Tom Stone let out a sigh of relief.

Luke nodded: “A very wise choice, the box would also be a big trouble if stolen goods were searched.”

Tom Stone looked serious, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Luke pointed to the crates, “Five crates, each containing two oil paintings, which just happens to be ten paintings, the same number of paintings that were robbed from the Getty Museum.”

“Hey, please don’t talk nonsense, I can call a team of lawyers with one phone call.”

“I can get a search warrant with one phone call, and we in the Heist and Murder Division have always been a media darling, anytime we make a move, the reporters are hot on our heels like African vultures.

Mr. Tom Stone, you’re going to be famous.” Luke shook his cell phone as well, “Guess which one of us got through first.”

Tom Stone’s teeth chattered in exasperation as he looked at Luke and then at the box on the tram, “I’m leaving.”

“Unfortunately, the tram broke down and you had to carry the boxes.

I don’t know if you’ll move five boxes first, or if my warrant will come first.” As Luke’s words fell, Black was already walking over to the tram, he’d been on the streets as a teenager, fixing cars he might not have been good at, but it was easy to make a tram immobile for a while.

“What’s the difference between you guys doing this and being scoundrels?”

Kuro said, “You called me a scoundrel, who gave you the balls to insult the LAPD.”

“I’m not insulting anyone, why don’t you look at what you’ve done yourself before saying I’ve insulted you?”

Luke asked back, “What about you?

Acquiring looted paintings under the guise of your own father’s name.

Not only are you collecting stolen goods, you’re also throwing dirt on your own father.

If your father knew about it, there’s no chance he’d be pissed off enough to come back to life.”

Tom Stone defended, “I’m not receiving stolen goods, I don’t know what you’re talking about, you’re making false accusations.”

“I didn’t apply for a search warrant before because I didn’t know where the oil paintings were hidden, and now that the box is right here, I can apply for a search warrant anytime I want.”

Tom Stone showed an angry look, “Are you threatening me?”

“On the contrary, I’m helping you.

You take the initiative to open the case to assist the police in their investigation, and everyone will still have something to talk about.

If it’s me who comes with a search warrant, then it’s a case of stolen goods.

What to choose, you should know very well.”

“I told you, these things belong to my father and have nothing to do with me.”

“Your father is dead, you’re the one who stands to gain the most by having these boxes in your possession, and you’ve refused to cooperate with the police.

I have good reason to suspect that the chests belong to you, and that they are to be hidden in a grave pit to avoid police tracing.

Mr. Tom Stone, have you ever been to prison?

There you will see a new world.”

The night air was cool, but Tom Stone’s forehead was covered with fine beads of perspiration, “What shall I say to convince you that the contents of these chests have nothing to do with me.”

“Open the crates voluntarily, voluntarily.

Since the contents of the boxes have nothing to do with you.

Your father is also dead.

What else is there to worry about?”

“You’re right, it has nothing to do with me, my father is dead ……,” Tom Stone muttered to himself, as if convincing himself, and then he walked over to one of the crates, took a crowbar out of the tram, and forcefully pried the crate open.

The box was wrapped in a layer of black greaseproof paper, the exact material could not be seen, it was tough, and when it was torn open there was another plastic foam soft case inside, and then there was another layer of yellow packaging inside, which was opened again to reveal its true colors.

A transparent plastic bag containing an oil painting, Luke picked up the oil painting to check, there is another oil painting underneath.

Luke had seen photos of the lost oil paintings from the Getty Museum, and these two oil paintings were two of them.

The authenticity of the oil paintings, Luke couldn’t determine, but it wasn’t easy to create ten high imitations in a short period of time.

“Open the remaining boxes.”

Soon the remaining four boxes were also opened, each box was wrapped in layers, with two oil paintings in the innermost part, and the rest of the eight oil paintings were the same as the ones that were robbed from the Getty Museum.

The players present were excited; the ten oil paintings represented stacks of greenbacks.

Tom Stone’s face was ashen, and he sat down somewhat disheveled on the ground, as if he was deflated.

Luke said, “Mr. Tom Stone, these oil paintings are exactly the same as the ones robbed from the Getty Museum, so why are they in your hands?”

“As I said, they were left by my father.”

“You said before that these were your father’s usual items, and that’s why they were buried with him.

If I’m not wrong, these ten oil paintings should be the stolen goods from the robbery of the Getty Museum.

You should know clearly what it represents.”

“I really don’t know, these oil paintings have nothing to do with me, otherwise, I wouldn’t have taken the initiative to open the box.”

“Let’s put aside whether these oil paintings are related to you or not.

Taking the initiative to open the box to assist the police investigation is indeed the best choice you have ever made.

You will be glad of this choice for the rest of your life.”

If Tom Stone refused to cooperate and instead allowed Luke to open the case with a search warrant, then the charge of acquiring stolen goods Luke would definitely have to hold on Tom Stone’s head.

“Captain Lee, please believe me, these oil paintings really have nothing to do with me, my father chose the burial goods himself.

I just put them in the grave pit as he told me to.

I have no idea what’s in these boxes, much less that these oil paintings were robbed.”

Luke said, “I’d like to believe you.

But you are, after all, the handler of these oil paintings, and there are procedures that are still necessary to fully clear your name.”

“I understand, and I will cooperate with you.”

“Then please come with us to the police station, in addition, these oil paintings will also be brought to the police station, and will be appraised by the experts from the technical team and the Getty Museum, any questions?”

“No, I’m all at your disposal.”


You’re a smart man, no wonder Albus Stone leaves everything to you.”

The Robbery and Murder Division.

It was now two o’clock in the morning, but after finding the oil painting, the people were not only not drowsy, but exuberant.

Luke decided to interrogate Tom Stone overnight.

Given Tom Stone’s initiative to open the case, Luke doesn’t take him to the interrogation room, but takes him to the lounge for questioning.

Tom Stone sat at a table, rubbing his hands together and looking a little rattled.

Luke walked in with a cup of coffee and Blackie carried two cups of coffee and handed one to Tom Stone.

“Thanks.” Tom Stone held the coffee cup in both hands, “Do I need to call a lawyer?”

Luke took a sip of coffee, “If you feel that the case of the oil painting being robbed has nothing to do with you, there is no need to call a lawyer.

If you think the case affects you, then call a lawyer.” Luke gave the option back again.

If he called a lawyer, the conversation with each other would ultimately be separated, proving that he was weak-minded.

“I had nothing to do with the painting heist at the Getty Museum, and there’s tons of work waiting for me at the firm, and I don’t have the heart to pay attention to that mess.”

“Then why did your father hire a detective to investigate the Getty Museum painting heist?”

“I don’t know.”

“Hey, don’t answer that dryly.

Your father is dead, and we’re going to figure this out by finding the oil painting handler.

Whether or not you had anything to do with the oil painting heist, the paintings were found in your possession, and there has to be a reasonable explanation for this.

Instead of asking questions and shrugging it off.

A pushback will only leave a lot of questions, and the case can’t be closed.

We can only shift the direction of the investigation, from investigating your father to investigating you as the handler of the painting.

You should understand what I mean.

Be honest.

Tell me everything you know truthfully so I can help you.

Your father is dead, you don’t have to worry about him being affected.

On the contrary if, if you deliberately hide something, it will only make the police suspect you.”

Tom Stone spread his hands, “What do I have to suspect?”

“How is your father’s health?”

Tom Stone didn’t know why Luke was asking this, but said slowly, “Very poorly, needing paramedics around 24/7 to take care of him.”

“It was once suspected that your father simply didn’t have the energy to do that in his condition.

He was likely a puppet pushed to the front with a real buyer behind the scenes.

It was even suspected that he was silenced in his death as well.

And whoever has the oil painting is probably the real buyer behind the scenes.”

Tom Stone was anxious and hurriedly defended, “This is nonsense, my father has always been a man of his word, he could not be anyone’s puppet.

I’m not the so-called behind-the-scenes buyer, and I haven’t done anything illegal.”

Luke said, “Whether you are the buyer behind the scenes or not, you should be aware of it and tell me what you know as it is.

This will clear your name.

If the case doesn’t make sense, it doesn’t make sense, and the case can’t be closed, we still have to investigate if there is a behind-the-scenes buyer.”

“OK, tell you guys, I’ll tell you everything.” Tom Stone revealed a reminiscent look, “My father is a successful investment businessman, besides investing in stocks, he also likes to invest in antiques.

Especially in the last decade or so, he loved to collect oil paintings, he felt that these oil paintings were not only works, but also the crystallization of literature and art of a certain era.

In the last two years, his health condition has been very poor, he intentionally or unintentionally revealed that he wanted to bury a few oil paintings with him after his death.

Because of his poor health, in order to avoid his anger, I have never objected.

My mother and sister have not objected either, but again, they have not taken the initiative to concur.

A few months ago, when his condition worsened, he called me over and raised the idea very solemnly; I wanted to gloss over it, but he was adamant and asked me to make a clear statement.

I didn’t want to make him angry, but there was no way I could agree to the decision.

Those oil paintings are very precious, worth hundreds of millions of dollars, even for a family like ours, it’s a huge fortune that can be left to future generations as a family heirloom, which is the honor of the whole family.

In addition, once this kind of thing walks the news, it is likely to be exhumed, when the oil paintings will only be cheaper for the grave robbers.

So I refused him.

Although my father is a man of his word and has absolute dominion over the oil painting.

But this matter is different, this is his afterlife, if I don’t agree, no one can help him with the aftermath.

Although he was not happy, he did not mention it again.

A few days ago, he found me again, first handing over the family’s precious oil paintings to me for preservation, and then making the request for the burial oil paintings.

However, this time the oil paintings to be buried with him were not those precious oil paintings in the family, but the oil paintings that he had spent more than three million dollars to buy.

More than three million dollars is not a small amount, but I knew that this was his last wish, and could not bear to refuse, so I agreed.

You know all about what happened after that.”

Luke pressed, “Have you seen the painting in the box?”

“No. My father didn’t ask me to open it, and I didn’t volunteer to look at it.”

“Aren’t you curious?”

“If it were an oil painting worth thirty million dollars, I would be curious.

But a three million dollar painting, it’s okay.”

Luke tried, “When did you suspect something was wrong with these oil paintings?”

“Yesterday morning, when you guys went to talk to my mother, I noticed something unusual.

I connected the robbery of the Getty Museum paintings with the burial paintings.

But I had no proof, only suspicion ……

It was better to do what my father asked.

That suspicion was heightened yesterday evening when you guys found me.

But I have no proof, and neither do any of you.

I also have no reason to take the initiative to throw dirty water on Father ……

So, I still did what the father asked me to do.

Until you guys found me again in the early hours of this morning ……

I decided to assist you in your investigation.” Tom Stone sighed, his tone sincere, “I’m sorry for my father’s behavior.”

Luke said, “This is not something that can be solved with an apology.

Your father was most likely behind the oil painting robbery that involved multiple victims, including several police officers.”

Tom Stone stated, “I am deeply sorry for what happened to them, and we will aggressively compensate them and seek forgiveness from their families.

This matter is indeed my father’s fault.”

Luke once again took out the ‘Professor’s’ forensic sketch portrait: “What do you know about this man?”

Tom Stone picked up the forensic sketch and looked at it, “I met him once.

My mother had to go out for something that day, and I was uneasy about my father, so I went to check on him after work.

Just happened to see this man leaving the villa.

He claimed to be my father’s friend, but I don’t remember my father having such a friend.

I asked my father about it, and he didn’t want to say more.

Now that I think about it, he may have deliberately sidetracked my mother that day.”

“When did you see him?”

“Just before Christmas, I think it was around December 24th, just after four in the afternoon.”

“Did he have any distinguishing features at the time?”

“He was driving a black sedan.”

“What was the license plate number?”

“I didn’t notice.”


“Can’t remember.”

“What role do you think your father played in the robbery of the painting?”

“I don’t know.

But he wasn’t a vicious man.

I don’t think he was the mastermind of the oil painting robbery, and would have merely wanted to acquire a few of the paintings that accompanied it.

Besides, he was in poor health and didn’t have the energy to take part in the robbery.

I think that he is just a person who acquires stolen goods.”

“What did you think after you saw the ten oil paintings?”

Tom Stone shook his head, “I didn’t look closely.”

Luke took out the photos and information of those ten stolen oil paintings and handed them to him.

Tom Stone looked at them and was silent for a moment, “Although these oil paintings are also very precious ……

but they are not my father’s favorite style of painting or painter, and they are far inferior to the ones that our family treasures.

With my understanding of him, I shouldn’t have chosen these oil paintings as burial items.

I’m also puzzled.

Choosing these at the risk of committing a crime?

Not his style at all.”

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