Chapter 413

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:10:14
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The following morning.

Luke slept until eight-thirty, and when he got up, Daisy had already left for work.

Although he was tired last night, he was refreshed and relaxed this morning.

Last night, he drew the shotgun card, and Luke jumped at the chance to practice with the shotgun.

But after careful thought, he finally gave up, the time was a bit rushed.

Father Li Zhaofeng booked a ticket for January 19th, and today is already January 17th, pack up the traveling clothes, buy gifts, it is almost time to go.

Luke a bachelor, there is nothing to clean up, cleaning up in the morning, at noon went to the mom’s house to eat.

In the afternoon was pulled by the mother as a helper, replaced a broken wooden fence, mowing the lawn, replaced a faucet, do not look at these small work insignificant, really want to find someone to do is not cheap.

Linda can not afford to have her son to help for free, spend that money for what.

At four o’clock in the afternoon, Luke just finished his work, sitting in the yard drinking coffee, the little fat man came back with his school bag.

“Older brother, are you here to pick me up?”

Luke put down his coffee cup, “The day after tomorrow’s flight, what am I picking you up for today?”

“Tomorrow I won’t go to school, I’ll go to your house for a day, and the day after tomorrow we’ll go straight away.” The little fat man’s tone was somewhat excited.

Luke was a little speechless, you can think of beautiful things.

“You honestly stay at home, go to my place to toss some, I still have to clean up, when I’m leaving busy, may lose a baggage or forget to turn off the water and electricity, in turn, it’s a trouble.

I’ll pick you up in the morning.”

Mom’s home has always been someone, the little fat man directly go, the rest have mom packing, not delayed.

“Okay.” The little fat man will be put on the chair, pulled another chair to sit down: “Then you come to do what today?”

“Helping mom work, in addition, discuss what gifts to buy before going to New York.”

Little fat man some meat pain: “I also want to buy gifts?”

“You’re still in school to buy any gifts, but I’m already working, I can’t go empty-handed.”

The little fat man came over and said with a pleasing face, “Is there a gift for me?”

“Fuck off.”

“Cheapskate.” Little Fatty picked up his school bag and twisted his fat body and left.

January 18th morning.

Luke drove and dragged Linda and Little Fatty to the mall to go shopping.

Luke had quite a few relatives in New York.

Grandpa and Grandma are alive and well, the two old men have a total of three children, in addition to Luke’s father, Li Zhaofeng, there is an uncle and an aunt.

The uncle and aunt are both married.

The uncle’s family has a cousin.

The aunt’s family has a cousin and cousin.

There were ten people in total.

Luke and his brother live with their mother and have little contact with their relatives on their father’s side, and haven’t been there for a long time, so buying a few gifts can also bring them closer.

Gifts don’t have to be expensive, just appropriate.

Luke didn’t like shopping malls or buying things, it was mainly Linda who came up with the idea.

The little fat man is staring at the restaurant in the mall, has been calculating what to eat at noon.

The three of them shopped for a morning, and the bags in Luke and Little Fatty’s hands were already almost too big to carry.

In addition to the ten gifts, Luke and Fatty bought some clothes, the weather in New York is colder than Los Angeles, to add a few thicker clothes.

Luke bought clothes and shoes for his mom, women do not like to receive gifts, spend a little money to coax his mom happy, it’s worth it.

The final checkout, Luke spent more than three thousand dollars.

After that, the little fat man yelled to eat Chinese food, but was Luke refused, are going to New York, father’s relatives are Chinese, after eating Chinese food more often than not.

Little fat man also think it makes sense, anyway, he looked at several restaurants before, there are alternatives.

He chose another buffet restaurant, eighty dollars per person.

The restaurant was of a good grade, with a variety of fruits, dishes, meats, and seafood.

After eating, it was already two o’clock in the afternoon.

Luke sent his old mom and the little fat man home, and went home himself.

I ate too much at noon, and I was too lazy to eat dinner, so I read a novel, went to bed early, and nourished my spirit.

January 19th morning.

Los Angeles International Airport.

Linda originally wanted to drive the two to the airport, but was refused by Luke, he and the little fat man came in a special airport bus.

The United States had a well-developed aviation industry, and passengers came and went in a prosperous manner.

After picking up his ticket and boarding the plane, Luke reported his safety to Linda and sent a message to his father.

The little fat man sat in the window seat and looked around, looking a little excited, “How many hours do we have to sit?”

“Five or six hours, enough time for a nap.”

“No, I don’t want to sleep, I want to do something else, too much sleep is a waste of life for me.”

“You can do whatever you want, but don’t disturb my sleep, understand?”

The chubby boy scowled and twisted around, turning his back to Luke and taking out his cell phone to send a message.

Teenagers were at the height of their energy, and Luke didn’t bother with him, still needing to squint a bit himself.

The space on the airplane is not big, Luke has more bed recognition, and occasionally there is the sound of children’s crying, it is impossible to sleep.

Luke clicked on the Divine Detective System, organized the warehouse, all kinds of cards have reserves, of which the most important bullet avoidance card still has two reserves.

System points, 60 points.

System reserve of 180,000 dollars, Luke still need to find the opportunity to realize the cash.

There were also over a hundred thousand dollars worth of gold coins stored in the fish tank.

Together with stocks, cash, deposits, checks, etc., Luke’s total assets were roughly estimated to be as high as over two million seven hundred thousand dollars.

Without realizing it, he had accumulated quite a lot of wealth.

Luke has already had the intention to buy a house. Although Americans are not as persistent as Chinese in terms of real estate, they like to buy houses as well.

The so-called “love to rent” is probably because they can’t afford to buy a house for the time being.

Luke around the economic ability of the people, there is no which only rent not buy.

In the United States, buying a home is one of the main ways to accumulate assets.

More than two million seven hundred thousand dollars was also a considerable amount of wealth, Luke felt that it was already possible to consider buying a house.

Of course, he is not in a hurry now, just with this idea and mind, keep an eye on the real estate news in Los Angeles, when he meets the right one, when to buy.

He was still a very picky person, and he didn’t want to settle for something as big as buying a house.

During the flight, except for some bumps when traveling through the clouds, it was a smooth ride.

New York and Los Angeles is the time difference, the airplane landed in New York airport when it was already dark.

Little Fatty was extraordinarily excited, and after getting off the airplane, he waved his fist, “New York, I’m back!”

Previously, Luke’s family lived in New York until Linda and Li Zhaofeng divorced and moved to Los Angeles to live.

However, it was the first time Luke came to New York since he crossed over, and it was hard to avoid feeling like he was separated by a layer in the face of the many ‘loved ones’, which is why he wanted to buy a gift.

After getting his luggage, not far away was the exit gate, and there were quite a few people standing on both sides of the railing to meet them.



An Asian man in the crowd waved his hand, his face full of elation.

“Dad!” The little fat man was also excited.

Luke also smiled and waved.

The person who came was none other than Li Zhaofeng, about fifty years old, about one meter eight in height, with a slight resemblance to Luke’s appearance.

“Haha, Jack, you’ve grown taller again, you’re almost catching up with me.” Li Zhaofeng tried to pick up his young son, but unfortunately ……

didn’t pick him up.

Luke laughed, “He’s not only taller, he’s also fatter.”

Little Fatty corrected, “It’s stronger.”

“It’s good that you’re happy.”

Seeing his two sons bickering, Li Zhaofeng hooked a smile on his face, “Are you tired of flying, give me your luggage.”

Luke wasn’t polite and handed one of the suitcases to Li Zhaofeng.

“Dad, is there any food? I’m starving to death.”

“No airplane meal?”

“That bread is awful, and the chicken is faggy and hard.” The little chubby guy had a fussy look on his face.

Luke said, “I didn’t see you left over then.”

“I only ate one serving.”

Li Zhaofeng “……”

Li Zhaofeng adjusted his mind, “I prepared food at home, so I can eat when I get back.”

“You made a good meal before you came, what did you make?” Little Fatty swallowed his saliva, he was really hungry.

“You’ll know in a moment.

Get in the car.” Li Zhaofeng led the two into the parking lot and placed their gifts in a gray Volvo sedan.

Little Fatty got into the passenger side, chattering away the whole way.

Luke, on the other hand, sat in the back row, looking at the buildings on the roadside through the car window, his first time actually coming to New York.

The busiest city in the world.

Compared to Los Angeles New York has a colder climate, more skyscrapers, more buses on the road and more developed public transportation.

Li Zhaofeng lives in a 2-story townhouse in the suburbs of New York, there is no yard, the already spacious streets are still parked on both sides of the car, most of which are Toyota, Mazda, Volkswagen, a kind of practical sedan.

Overall, this community is not too upscale.

Think about it, Li Zhaofeng in addition to supporting themselves, but also to pay annual support and alimony, the burden is not light.

The car was parked on the side of the road, Li Zhaofeng led the two men into the house, the house was organized and clean, it should have been cleaned on purpose, the decoration and furniture were chic, it looked very comfortable.

“Boys, I’ll show you your rooms.”

Li Zhaofeng led the two up to the second floor, the two brothers had a room in the east and a room in the west, both of their rooms were about the same size, however, Luke’s room had an extra small balcony.

“How does it feel?”

Luke stood on the balcony, “I like the little balcony, it should be nice to have a cup of coffee here in the morning.”

The chubby little man said, “It would be even better if I had a video game console in my room.”

“That’s easy, I’ll take you to buy one tomorrow.”



“Yay, Dad, you’re too good.” Little Fatty waved his fist.

Li Zhaofeng smiled and patted his son’s shoulder, “You guys take a break first, I’ll go cook, let’s meet at the restaurant in half an hour.”

It’s better if he doesn’t say it, as soon as he says dinner Little Fatty is even hungrier, “Do we still have to wait for half an hour? I’m almost starving.”

Luke pinched his head with his right hand, “Cut the crap, go take a shower and it’s almost done.”

Little Fatty was still more afraid of Luke and muttered, “I want to wash first.”

Luke admonished, “Find the newly bought warm clothes before you wash.”

“Got it.”

Li Zhaofeng looked at his two sons interacting, and a smile appeared in the corner of his eye.

Half an hour later.

Luke showered and went downstairs to eat.

A smell of meat wafted from the kitchen.

Several dishes had already been placed on the dining table.

Little Fatty pointed at the dinner plate and asked, “What kind of meat is this?”

Li Zhaofeng smiled, “You taste it.”

Little Fatty chucked a piece and tasted it, “Beef? But it doesn’t taste quite like it? It has to be more flavorful than beef.”

Luke also took a bite, “Donkey meat.”

He came to the United States or the first time to eat donkey meat, the sky dragon meat underground donkey meat is really not called for nothing.

Donkey meat should be more fragrant than beef, this fragrance is not a greasy fragrance, but a unique meat flavor.

If you think donkey meat is not delicious, the meat is thick and faggy, it is likely to be cheated, the probability is horse meat.

Some people are really lack of virtue, think they are smart.

But no one is stupid, who would go a second time after eating it once and not tasting good.

“You still remember this flavor?” Li Zhaofeng was also a bit surprised, it should have been seven or eight years since he last made donkey meat.

Luke perfunctorily said, “It’s still the same flavor.”

Li Zhaofeng looked happy, “Try the other dishes.”

Apart from the donkey meat, several other dishes were relatively recognizable, a hand-held mutton, a steamed grouper, white-burnt prawns, stir-fried vegetable hearts, tomatoes and eggs, and the main course was rice.

Several dishes are prepared in advance, some warmed up, some directly steamed and stir-fried, it is relatively simple to do.

This table was still very much to Luke’s liking.

“Too late to make soup, what would you guys like to drink? There’s beer, white wine, and drinks.”

Little Fatty walked over to the refrigerator and took a bottle of Coke for himself, and another bottle of beer each for Luke and Li Zhaofeng.

Luke opened the beer and handed one to Li Zhaofeng.

Li Zhaofeng asked, “Do you want some white?”


After all, father and son have not seen each other for a long time, not to mention Luke, even Li Zhaofeng is a little rusty.

The best way for men to get closer is to drink a little wine.

Li Zhaofeng took a bottle of Wuliangye: “How about drinking this?”


“I’ve seen this kind of wine before, and my old brother’s family has several boxes stored.” Little Fatty’s eyes drifted to Luke, testing, “Can I have some beer?”

“No coke then.” Luke did not object, Little Fatty is not young now, a bottle of beer does not affect him much, it is better than drinking Coke.

Little Fatty was a little torn, hesitated for a long time, put the coke back in the refrigerator, took a bottle of beer: “Cheers.”

Little Fatty rose to open the cap, took a sip and frowned, “So bitter.”

“When you don’t feel bitter anymore, you’ve grown up.” Li Zhaofeng saw the two brothers interacting, happy and a little lost, he regretted not accompanying the two to grow up, feeling that Luke, the elder brother, was more like a father.

“Eat the food, it will get cold in a while.”

Little Fatty was starving and ate quickly, he ate half of the donkey meat alone and was full in less than twenty minutes.

Little Fatty was also tired after sitting on the airplane for a day, Luke let him go to bed first.

Li Zhaofeng brought some more peanuts, and father and son slowly drank a little wine and chatted.

Li Zhaofeng was concerned, “How is your grandfather’s health?”

“Pretty good, feels stronger than my uncle.”

Li Zhaofeng smiled, “How is Val now? Still working on music?”

“My uncle is much better than before, he works in a supermarket and takes up music as a hobby.”

“That’s quite good, your mother didn’t worry much about him before.”

“Dad, how is your health recovering?”

“It’s fine already.”

“How did you get hit by a car?”

“I also blame me for walking carelessly, but fortunately the injury is not serious, it is also considered to have learned from my mistakes.” Li Zhaofeng picked up his wine glass, “Come on, let’s not talk about this, let’s drink a toast between us.”

Luke picked up his wine glass and clinked it with the other party.

Li Zhaofeng put down his glass and looked at his eldest son, “Luke, you are a bit different from what I remember.”

Luke said, “One has to mature.”

“You’re right, I’m much more relieved to have you by Linda and Jack’s side.”

“How are the grandparents doing?”

“All pretty good, except your grandmother is a little deaf this year and has to talk a little louder.

Wait for the day after tomorrow to take you to see them.”

Father and son had a chat and gradually familiarized themselves.

Li Zhaofeng was concerned, “How’s work these days?”

“I’m still working in the Robbery and Murder Division, I was promoted to captain some time ago, compared to the past, I have heavy responsibilities and more things to manage, in turn, it’s not as easy as it used to be.”

“You became a captain!” Li Zhaofeng tone of voice through a trace of surprise: “Well well, you are better than me.

I am proud of you, cheers again.”

Li Zhaofeng drank it all in one go, looking at Luke with a gaze full of relief.

“Wait for me.”

Li Zhaofeng stood up and went to the bedroom on the first floor, when he came out again he held a card in his hand and put it in front of Luke, “This bank card is in your name, there are three hundred thousand dollars in it.

You’re growing up now, you’ll have to buy a house and a car in the future, so you’ll have to use more money.”

Luke picked up the bank card and looked at it, a little puzzled, “When did you run the card in my name, how come I don’t know?”

“Not long after you were born I set up a guardianship account, and every year I would deposit some money into it, just to prepare for when you grow up and buy a house and a car, and now that you’re mature and stable, you have the ability to dispose of this money.

Take it, Jack also has it, it’s just not the right time to tell him.”

Hearing Li Zhaofeng say this, Luke didn’t refuse anymore, he didn’t lack this three hundred thousand dollars, but he couldn’t refuse.

This money was of special significance.

In the United States, the IRS can be said to be pervasive, money is not something you can give to whomever you want.

When parents give money to their children, they have to pay the same tax.

In China, the price of housing far exceeds the income of young people, young people to buy a house most of the parents out of pocket, no problem, the parents directly transferred to the child hundreds of thousands of dollars, or even parents out of pocket to write the name of the child can be, no one cares which bank account you use to buy a house.

Parents can directly transfer assets to their children.

But in the United States is different, Li Zhaofeng want to directly take a sum of money to Luke to buy a house, okay?

No, you have to pay gift tax first.

The percentage of gift tax payment is very high, which is like giving a sum of money to the government for nothing.

Of course, there are rules at the top and what about parents who want to pass their assets on to their children?

There is an annual gift exemption, which is $16,000 in 2022, or $32,000 for two couples.

A couple can give $32,000 a year to one child, or $64,000 a year if there are two children, all of which is free of gift tax and an estate tax exemption later.

The money in this bank card is what Li Zhaofeng prepares for Luke every year using the gift exemption.

It was a token of affection for more than twenty years, and Luke couldn’t help but accept it.

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