Chapter 419

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:10:32
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Jiman Xiang.

The blue-haired man cocked his head and looked at Luke with a grim gaze.

Don’t look at his low status in Wo Sheng Tang, but he was very honorable in Chinatown, and the ordinary people were most afraid of scoundrels like him.

Ordinary people were in awe of real gangsters, but because they themselves did not cross paths, that fear was not very deep.

To put it bluntly, not a level of people, your three melon two dates gang big brother can not see, no conflict of interest.

On the contrary, it is this kind of dog skinned gangster that makes the people hate and fear.

They have plenty of ways to toss you around.

Like this today, they ate Li Zhaonian dare not call the police, even if the police are not afraid, they deal with the police all day long, know the scale of police law enforcement, just stuck in that position so that you do not go up and down, such as fish in the throat.

This kind of thing is not common in the United States, that is, in Chinatown, but also just to know the roots of the Chinese, another place and then give them a dare not dare to do so.

Encountered some short-tempered restaurant owners, with a handful of spray directly with you dry, who lie down is not certain.

These gangsters powerful place is that they are the head of the snake, familiar with the surrounding things, the most will look at people under the dish, they know that Li Zhaonian do not dare to resist, do not dare to make excessive behavior, is to pinch you, nausea you.

Li Zhaonian’s various reactions were all within their expectations.

But Luke is an accident, when he pulled down the shutter a moment, blue hair is also a little confused field, this grandson wants to do what?

Why don’t you follow the routine?

Hemp-faced little brother rolled up his sleeves and cursed at Luke: “You little girl, let you roll you do not roll, what do you want to do?”

The blue-haired man stopped his little brother and raised his chin at Luke: “Kid, what do you mean? You want to fight with us and Shengtang, do you have the strength?”

Luke laughed, “Don’t pull a big banner with me here, if you guys leave now, I’ll pretend nothing happened.

Otherwise, you’ll have to bear the consequences.”

The blue-haired man laughed, “Kid, what kind of person are you? Talking tough enough ah.”

Luke didn’t intend to reveal his identity as an FBI Criminal Investigation Counselor, for one thing, it wasn’t necessary to deal with these three minions, and for another, he was worried about the possible repercussions on Will.

Luke hadn’t seen Will since he left home, and he didn’t know if he was really related to Zhang Qilong’s murder case, so it was too early to show his cards.

Luke guessed that Zhang Qilong’s murder might be related to the gangs, once the gangs were involved things would become complicated, if Wo Sheng Tang knew about his identity as an FBI consultant, he would also have corresponding countermeasures and arrangements, instead, it would be better to hide his identity as an FBI consultant and look for the other side to break down and clues to the case.

“This is my uncle’s restaurant, I will manage this matter.”

“Then I’ll even fight you.

Fuck him for me.” The fire had arched here, and the blue-haired man didn’t want to lose face in front of his little brother, or how could he mix in the future.

The pockmarked man was ugly and ruthless, he couldn’t wait any longer, he slapped Luke’s head and cursed, “I fucking gave you face!”

Luke made a sideways walk, dodged the slap of the pockmarked face, and slammed a right hook into the opponent’s cheek.


The punch was so solid that Hemp Face was directly dazed and his body fell back sideways.

Luke didn’t intend to let him go, stepping forward, swinging his left fist and hitting the opponent’s head.

“Bang!” The sound of another fist.

The pockmarked man was completely dumbfounded this time, falling straight to the ground with blood at the corner of his mouth.

Luke stepped on his stomach with another foot.


The hemp-faced man cried out in pain, curling up like a big shrimp.

The other chubby gangster didn’t just watch, seeing his partner injured, he also rushed over, raised his right foot and kicked Luke in the crotch, and cursed, “I X you malagobi!”

Luke flexible position, retreated half a body position, just unloaded the force of this kick, grabbed the fat gangster’s right foot with his hand, yanked forward.

The fat gangster was originally rushing forward, don’t see just a gentle tug, has made him lose his center of gravity, right foot can’t fall, can only rely on the left foot to support, in Luke’s left hand under the traction, the fat gangster directly a big fork sitting on the ground.

“Ouch, mama!” The fat gangster sat on the ground with his buttocks, his hands covering his crotch, screaming in pain.

Luke raised his foot and kicked him directly in the chest.

The fat punk almost took a breath, his body fell back and rolled his eyes in pain.

Luke looked to the blue-haired man on the side and beckoned, “Come on boy!”

The blue-haired man gulped, his body took half a step back, fished a spring-loaded knife out of his pocket, and waved it in front of his body, “Kid, you messed with the wrong person.

It’s not too late to kneel down and apologize.”

Luke pulled out his pistol and pointed it at the blue-haired man, “Little trash, what kid did you grab that toy from?”

Without Luke’s words, the blue-haired man directly dropped his spring-loaded knife, “Don’t shoot! We’re leaving.”

With a gun, it wasn’t wrong to lose by himself.

There was also an explanation in front of his little brother.

Luke didn’t intend to let him go like this, since he had already offended someone, let’s give him a lesson and let him learn a lesson.

These punks are all remembering to eat, bullying soft and fearful of hard, you really beat him up, he is instead honest.

Luke put away his pistol and beckoned again, “Don’t want to avenge your little brother? Come over, I’ll give you a chance.”

The blue-haired man was a little abashed, a little regretful that he didn’t bring a gun out, he had a gun, before he came his little brother even asked if he wanted to bring a gun, he carefully considered it and didn’t bring a gun.

It was not appropriate to bring a gun to this situation today.

Against Li Zhaonian couple can not be robbed, in case they called the police, the police searched the gun is a trouble.

But he did not expect, suddenly appeared a Luke, completely disrupted his plans, this grandson is not according to the set of rules, you damn put the gun away what is the matter?

I fucking dare to hit you?

I can’t fucking beat you.

Blue hair boxing stance defense, do not say, really have so a few points.

Luke stepped on the offensive pace, swaying his body close to him, while Blue Hair slowly backed away.

Luke found the right opportunity, a straight right hand false, blue hair short to avoid, Luke left hand a hook, to the opponent’s right cheek.

Blue Hair’s arms protected his cheek and head.


The sound, Blue Hair’s right small arm was hit, the pain made him suck in a breath of cold air, feeling that the bones were going to crack.

That wasn’t all, Luke struck a combination of punches, a right hand uppercut, directly hitting his stomach.


Blue Hair felt a flip in his stomach, as if he had been hit by a wild boar.

It hurt so much that his body trembled, made him nauseous and acidic, and his whole body was lifted to the ground, his body curled up.

Seeing Luke coming towards him, Blue Hair was startled, enduring the pain and rolling on the ground, trying to get away from Luke.

Blue Hair couldn’t care about his image and rolled to the side, stiffly bracing himself as he prepared to stand up.

“Bang!” The sound.

A silhouette flashed by and gave him a hard blow to the head, and Blue Hair completely went limp.

Only to see Yao Xin standing next to him, holding a pan in her hand, “I told you to beat up my husband, I told you to smash my family’s store, still smashing or not, fighting or not?”

Yao Xin’s eyes widened, her spirit was a little crazy, while questioning loudly, she used the pan to smash Blue Hair: “Bang ……”

Blue hair was slapped with a bloody nose, blurring half of his face, looking a bit scary.

Li Zhaonian rushed over and snatched the pan from his wife’s hand, “Okay, okay, he was knocked out, it’s okay.”

“Oooh ……” Yao Xin sat on her butt and let out a cry.

Li Zhaonian was also frightened, pulling Yao Xin’s arm: “Wife, what’s wrong with you? Don’t scare me?”

“Auntie has been overly tense for the past two days, and was scared by this gang, cry a little, vent a scare and you should be fine.” Luke took a hand and pulled Yao Xin up from the ground and helped her to a nearby chair.

Li Zhaonian looked at the messy restaurant and the three punks on the ground, his expression was a bit heavy: “How should we get this? Should we call the police?”

“Since they dared to come and cause trouble, they are not afraid to call the police.” Luke guessed that these three had already gotten their statements right, and they would definitely have a set of arguments to shirk their responsibilities when the police came.

These punks were regulars at the police station, they had long ago figured out the police department’s scale of enforcement, even if they called the police, they couldn’t take advantage of it.

Serious people are busy, who have the time to spend every day in the police station, but these gangsters are different, into the police station is like visiting their parents’ home, spend it, sooner or later, there will be gangs of people to bail them out.

This is not Los Angeles, Luke does not want to fight a meaningless battle.

Luke checked the injuries of the three people, the fat gangster and blue hair were knocked out, hemp face is still curled up on the ground, motionless.

Luke pulled a chair and sat not far from Hemp Face, “Don’t lie on the ground and play dead.”

Hemp face didn’t respond.

Luke raised his foot and kicked him, “Get up.”

Only then did hemp face get up from the ground, carefully looking at Luke, since Luke pulled out his gun, he knew he couldn’t fight, and kept curling up to avoid Luke seeing him.

“Big brother, we have eyes but don’t recognize Mt. Tai, don’t be familiar with us.”

Luke took out a cigarette, lit it and took a drag, “Say it, why did you come here today?”

Hemp face looked at the two punks lying on the ground, wanting to speak.

“They’re still unconscious, I don’t know when they’ll wake up. If you tell me earlier, I can still help you keep your secret.

If you dare to lie, I’ll let you walk out of this door.”

“We’re here to look for that kid in the restaurant, I think his name is Will.

Our boss, Zhang Qilong, seems to have been killed by him.”

Luke flicked his cigarette ash, “What do you mean it seems he was killed? Did you see it?”


“Then why did you say Will killed Zhang Qilong?”

“The day after we ate at this restaurant, that’s the night of New Year’s Eve, we bumped into Will, he got into a confrontation with us, the boss wanted to beat him up, the kid ran and hid in an alley, we split up to catch him.

But he got away anyway.

Our boss disappeared too.

We thought the boss had gone home at the time, but no one answered the phone.

The next day, his body was found in Chinatown, and there were police who came to this restaurant to investigate, so we suspected that Will had killed our boss.”

Hearing that there was news about Will, Li Zhaonian and Yao Xin both tensed up.

Li Zhaonian asked, “Where is Will, what have you done with him?”

Hemp face replied, “We don’t know where he is, that kid ran faster than a rabbit and didn’t catch up, otherwise we wouldn’t have come here to look for him.”

Luke then asked, “Where did you see Will?”

“Right on Gold Rush Road, we were all pretty drunk and crooked or we wouldn’t have gotten away from him.”

“Why the clash?”

“We walked to meet up, Will saw us and turned his head away, and was seen by Brother Blue Hair.

Brother Blue Hair’s temper exploded and felt that the last time we ate at the restaurant, Will didn’t give Brother Lung face, so he made Will apologize to Brother Lung.

Will is not willing to …… “hemp face looked at the fat punk on the ground:” big hair drunk, want to beat him, the two pushed and shoved a few times, big hair did not stand still, fell back on the ground ……

We are also angry …… just want to give him a lesson.”

“How did Zhang Qilong disappear?”

“I don’t know, I was there to chase Will.

Dragon didn’t go.

When I came back, Lung was missing.”

“In other words, you guys didn’t see Will and Zhang Qilong have a direct conflict?”


“Then why did you guys decide that Will was the murderer?”

Hemp Face glanced at Blue Hair, who was lying on the ground, “It was Brother Blue Hair who said that our boss had been killed and his body thrown into the garbage, and that we had no face.”

Hemp Face patted his cheeks, “If we don’t do something about this, how can we mix in the future, who will still listen to us.

If it wasn’t for Will, our boss wouldn’t have died.

Regardless of whether he is the murderer or not, we have to fuck him up, otherwise the brothers of Wo Sheng Tang will also look down on us.

We can’t help it.”

Luke guessed that this group knew that Will was not there and came to smash the restaurant to save face, “You’re not lying to me, are you?”

Hemp-face hurriedly waved his hands, “Dare not, dare not, absolutely not.”

“Give me the IDs of the three of you, and wake up the two of them.”

Taking the documents, Hemp Face was a bit reluctant, but was forced to do it due to Luke’s lustful authority.

Luke took pictures of the three men’s IDs and threw them again.

Hemp Face woke up the fat punk, but not Blue Hair: “Brother Blue Hair seems to be hurt a little too badly to wake up.”

Luke flicked the rest of his cigarette over.

Hemp face shivered instinctively, looking at the cigarette butt that landed at his feet, and then looked at Luke, somewhat torn.

Luke raised an eyebrow, his face grew cold, “Giving you face?”

Hemp face hurriedly squatted down, picked up the cigarette butt on the ground, and rolled up Blue Hair’s sleeve and pressed it down, “Aaah ……”

Blue Hair flung his arm and gave hemp face a mouth in his hand, “You fucking want to die.”

Luke picked up the cutlery on the table and smashed it directly.

“Bang!” The cutlery smashed into Blue Hair’s body.

The room was quiet again.

“Tell me, how can we solve today’s matter?”

Both Hemp Face and the fat punk looked at Blue Hair.

Blue Hair couldn’t care less about the injuries on his body, “Big brother, you’re not an ordinary person at first glance, it’s us who hit the eye today.

I’ll apologize to you on behalf of the three of us, be generous and don’t be general with us.”

Luke said, “I know that you guys are from Wo Sheng Tang, and I also know that you want to have a face.

That’s why I pulled down the shutter, and no one saw or knew about what happened today.

You guys will be fine if you go back and recuperate for a few days, just think of it as a Spring Festival vacation.

This matter is considered to be over.”

Blue Hair assured, “No problem. We will definitely not come back to this restaurant in the future, and we will not come back for trouble.”

Luke smiled and shook his head, “I don’t trust you.

But I’ll say it anyway, no more revenge on Will.

Don’t look for trouble with my family.

And don’t come back to the restaurant.

As long as you break one of the rules, Wo Sing Tong can’t protect you.


All three punks nodded and said in unison, “Got it.”

“Get lost.”

The three gangsters were like amnesties, holding each other up, pulling open the shutter and going out.

Once out of the restaurant, they ran off without looking back.

Li Zhaonian revealed a worried look, “They won’t call the police, right?”

Luke “……”

Was asked confused.

After a moment’s thought, he said, “They all have a record in the police department, and no one will believe them if they call the police, so they won’t make a fool of themselves.

Besides, if they really go to the police, they won’t be able to work in Hesheng Hall in the future.

To take a step back, this is our family restaurant, they came to the restaurant to cause trouble, we belong to self-defense, we deserve to be beaten.

As long as no one dies, it’s not a problem.”

Li Zhaonian thought about it, “Do I …… want to buy a gun?”

Luke did not answer, the gun is a double-edged sword, if you can master it, it is definitely a sharp weapon, favorable and harmless.

But if you can’t control it, it will also attract trouble.

The so-called control was not about avoiding misfires, but a state of mind.

When it comes to the same thing, having a gun and not having a gun are completely different.

For example, when encountering a store robbery, if the shopkeeper does not have a gun, he will certainly not dare to resist.

If there is a gun, the mindset will change and the idea of shooting to protect yourself, your family and your property will come up.

If you know your own strength and are sure of shooting or subduing the robber, that is naturally good.

I’m afraid that if you fail to resist, you will be shot by the robbers, and you may even involve your family.

Li Zhaonian glanced at his wife and said softly, “I’m worried that the gang won’t keep their word and will come to the restaurant to retaliate or hurt Will.”

Luke is okay to be around, but Luke will have to go back to Los Angeles sooner or later ……

“It’s possible.

Let’s close the restaurant for a few days.

You and my aunt will stay somewhere else until Will is found and the case is cleared up.

I’ll make a trip to Wo Sing Tong and settle this matter once and for all.” This kind of revenge theater was the most disgusting, Luke had to guard against it.

Li Zhaonian looked at the smashed and messed up restaurant, “Then take a break, I don’t have the heart to open these days anyway.” He also said to Yao Xin who was at the side, “Let’s go home and pack up our things, and go to my parents’ side to live.”

Yao Xin nodded, but was also a little worried: “What if Will can’t find us when he comes back?”

Li Zhaonian grunted, “If he wants to find us, he can definitely find us.”

Luke accompanied his uncle home to pack up his things and sent them to his grandparents’ house for a temporary stay before driving back to his father’s house.

On the way, Luke purposely paid attention and was not followed by anyone.

When he opened the door, Li Zhaofeng and Little Fatty were watching TV in the living room.

Li Zhaofeng got up and said, “Why did you come back so late?”

“Talked to uncle for a little longer.”

“Have you eaten?”

“Nope. “Luke is still a bit hungry.

“You go and wash up, I’ll heat up dinner.” Li Zhaofeng then said to his youngest son at the side, “Your brother is back, don’t worry about it. You also go to sleep.”

Little Fatty was concerned, “Brother, how is Will? Did you find him?”

Luke shook his head, “No news yet.”

“Then does he have anything to do with Baldhead’s death?”

“It doesn’t matter, the police are just making routine inquiries.” Luke hid the fact that the three punks had vandalized the restaurant.

Fatty yawned and went upstairs to bed.

Luke went to the bathroom to take a shower, he enjoyed thinking in the shower, and I don’t know if it was the water flow that washed away the distractions, his mind was clear at this time.

Coming downstairs after his shower, Luke caught a whiff of fried chicken.

“Jack’s craving fried chicken, we ordered fried chicken and pizza for takeout.” Lee Sawyer took the iron pan out of the oven and grabbed two more beers.

Luke picked up one of the chicken thighs and took a big bite, “Cluck ……” It was crispy and flavorful.

He picked up another beer and clinked it with Li Zhaofeng, taking a sip of beer and a bite of fried chicken, it was refreshing.

Li Zhaofeng put down the bottle: “How’s Will’s thing going?”

Luke told his father about going to the FBI office to check Zhang Qilong’s information and the conflict at the restaurant.

Li Zhaofeng’s face was grave: “This is getting bigger and bigger.

It won’t have any effect on you, right?”

“It’s fine, I asked a friend from the FBI to get the identity of a criminal investigation consultant.”

Li Zhaofeng looked complicated, the FBI’s name was like a thunderclap, it had only been a year since he had seen him, his son’s growth had already exceeded his imagination, and he had become the backbone of the family.

Luke took another sip with his father and said, “In two more days, Jack should go back to school. I’m thinking of letting him go back first, and I’ll stay and clean up this side of things before I leave.”

Li Zhaofeng nodded, “Good. If you are going to leave, I am not really sure in my heart.

Wo Sheng Tang has a lot of power in Chinatown, really want to offend them ……” said Li Zhaofeng, his face sank again.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it before I leave. “Luke comforted and asked, “Dad, have you encountered any trouble recently?”

“Me?” Li Zhaofeng was stunned by the question, “No, what’s wrong?”

“The night we came back from New Year’s Eve, we were followed, probably by the FBI.”

Today, Luke found the car suspected of being followed in the FBI’s backyard parking lot, and there was a high probability that the person following them was an FBI agent.

Luke felt that the FBI should not be following them, and even if they were to investigate them, they would be very careful.

Father and son together, if it wasn’t Luke, it could be someone else.

Little Fatty was still in school, so it was unlikely.

This was New York, the father had been living in New York, and it was likely that the FBI was tracking him.

Li Zhaofeng revealed a shocked look, ”The FBI is tracking me? It can’t be.

I haven’t dealt with them.”

“Think carefully, did anything special happen some time ago? Or contacted any special people?”

Li Zhaofeng thought for a moment, “I …… was hit by a car in early October, could it be related to this matter.”

“What kind of person hit you?”

“It’s a white man, after hitting me he was very polite, the first time he called 911, and also actively cooperated with the compensation.

I didn’t think much of it at the time, I thought it was just a normal accident.”

“How did the collision happen?”

“It was raining that day, I was walking in a hurry with an umbrella, and there was no traffic light at that intersection, so I was knocked down by a blue Chevrolet sedan that was turning, and I hurt my leg and had abrasions on my body.

Stayed in the hospital for a few days and went home to recuperate for a while.” Li Zhaofeng instinctively touched his right leg, because of being hit by a car, he missed his son’s award ceremony at the White House, and had always thought of it with regret.

“Have you ever seen the driver before?”

“Never seen it.”

“Did anything special happen some time before the crash?”

Li Zhaofeng took a sip of beer and tilted his head to recall, “I remember a few days before the crash, a man came to me and wanted to hire me as his personal accountant.

But instead of going to the accounting firm to find me, he came straight to the house.

I didn’t like that approach very much.

We chatted a bit more and I inquired about his job and the main way he earned his income.

He said he was from Washido.

After that, I didn’t ask any more questions and rejected him outright.

There would definitely be gray and illegal income once gangs were involved, and I didn’t want to take that risk.

Then, he left.”

Luke pressed on, “He was from Wo Sheng Tang?”

“Is that what he said himself?”

“What was his name?”

“I think his last name was Song.”

“Did you guys talk about sensitive topics at that time.”

“No. As soon as I heard it was from Wo Sheng Tang, I stopped the conversation in time.”

“Did he say anything when he left at that time, what was his attitude?”

“He said the pay was good and asked me to reconsider, but he didn’t come back.

Didn’t look too good when he left.”

Luke made a note of this, thinking that there was something suspicious about this man, and that it was no small matter when it came to gangs.

But if there was no talk of anything sensitive, why would Wakasendo want to retaliate against his father?

And why was the FBI following the father when it was so long ago?

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