Chapter 430

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:11:06
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Suburb of New York, the Li family.

Li Zhaonian and his wife stood in the yard, looking at the community highway with some anxiety.

Yao Xin looked down at her watch, it was already past eight o’clock in the evening, but Will hadn’t come home yet.

Her heart was a bit in a state of confusion, Will is going to the Flying Dragon Gang to apply for withdrawal today, don’t let anything happen to him.

She took out her cell phone and dialed Will’s number, but there was no answer.

“It’s so late that Will doesn’t come home and doesn’t answer his cell phone, something can’t have happened, right?”

Although Li Zhaonian was also worried, he still comforted, “Don’t scare yourself, I guess it’s almost back.”

“Why don’t you give Luke a call?”

“Didn’t I call just now, Luke said that something happened to the Flying Dragon Gang today, so let’s not be anxious.”

“Isn’t Will going to quit the gang? Even if something happened in the gang, it has nothing to do with him.”

“If you ask me, who should I ask?”

“Why don’t you ask Luke again.”

Li Zhaonian “……”

The couple waited in the cold wind for another ten minutes before headlights lit up on the east side of the highway.

It was the 42nd car they’d been following.

The lights were bright, Li Zhaonian squinted: “It’s a black sedan …… seems to be our car.”

Yao Xin cried out in delight, “Will’s car, he’s back.”

The car drove into the yard, the couple rushed up to the front, Yao Xin pulled open the driver’s door.

Will stepped out of the car with a bruised face, his feet almost fell down, fortunately, he was held up by Li Zhaonian who was standing by the side.

Yao Xin worriedly said: ”Son, what happened to you? Why is your face bruised, does it matter?”

“It’s fine, it’s just a skin wound.” Will waved his hand and entered the house under his father’s support.

Seeing his son like this, Li Zhaonian was also worried, “Your body is not serious.”

“It’s really fine.

It’s just that I was beaten up by Wolf’s men for talking about quitting the gang, and it stopped hurting a long time ago.”

“Then how come you can’t stand still?”

Will blushed, he couldn’t say he was scared, “I’m hungry, get me something to eat.”

“Fine, you rest for a while, I’ll go cook.” Yao Xin rushed to the kitchen.

Li Zhaonian shouted, “Make some more, I guess Luke hasn’t eaten either.”

Will poured a cup of tea, “My brother is coming over later?”

“You never came home, your mom and I were worried, so we called your cousin.

He said the Flying Dragons had something going on today and told us not to worry.

He will come over later.” Li Zhaonian said this and revealed a curious look, “What happened to the Flying Dragon Gang? It has nothing to do with you, right?”

Will shook his head, “Let’s wait until my brother comes, I don’t have a clear picture of what’s going on right now.”

“Then how come your cell phone hasn’t been working?”

“The phone was turned off, I left in a hurry when I came out and forgot to turn it on.” Will pulled out his cell phone and turned it back on.

“Son, what’s wrong with you? Why do you look like you’re scared.”

“Our gang died today, and there’s more than one.”

“Ah …… what the hell happened?”

“Wait until my brother comes.” Will had some vague guesses in his mind, but he didn’t dare to be sure, and he was afraid that his parents would be worried if he said it.

Not long after, Luke also drove here.

Luke entered and asked, “Where are the grandparents?”

Li Zhaonian said, “I told them to take an early rest and go.

These past few days over Will’s matter have tossed the two old men around as well.”

Yao Xin walked out of the kitchen with a plate in her hand and greeted, “Luke is here, so I’m below, wash your hands and eat first.”

Luke responded, washed up and sat down at the dining table to eat.

There were four dishes on the dining table, beef stew, flavorful eggplant, donkey meat casserole, and cucumber with fungus.

Soon, the hand-rolled noodles were cooked, topped with two spoons of beef soup, large chunks of beef, sprinkled with a handful of parsley, colorful and fragrant.

Luke was hungry and finished a large bowl of noodles in just a few minutes.

Will did the same, rattling the vegetables into his bowl and stirring them together to eat.

The brothers quickly swept the table clean.

Yao Xin said, ”Are you full? If you’re not full, I’ll cook it again, there’s still ready-made beef in the pot.”

Luke wiped his mouth, “Full, can’t eat anymore.”

After holding his breath for so long, Li Zhaonian opened his mouth and asked, “Luke, what’s going on today?”

Luke didn’t answer and looked to the side at Will, “You tell us about the situation of the Flying Dragon Gang first.”

“Good.” Will agreed painfully, “I went to the Flying Dragon Gang today because I wanted to talk to Brother Wolf about withdrawing from the gang, but I never knew how to open my mouth.

Then I heard Brother Wolf and the others talk about Zheng Lagong.

They said that Zheng Lagong was injured and was recuperating in a clinic.

Then I rushed to call and tell you.

I also wanted to call and tell the NYPD, but you didn’t approve, so I didn’t.

Then later, our cell phones were uniformly taken away.

I felt something was wrong then, so I asked the others what happened.

Some said there was a mole in the gang, some said the gang might have made a move, anyway, it was a mess.

Later on, I also heard that the gang had caught a few insiders, and they were all directly executed.

I also heard that one of the gangs was attacked by the SWAT team and a few people were injured.

I was scared out of my wits, afraid that the gang would find out that I was an undercover agent, and wished I could burrow into the ground.

It was only after seven o’clock at night that the cell phone was sent to us, and I mentioned the matter of withdrawing from the gang to Brother Wolf, so I rushed back.”

Will finished with a look of fear, “Brother, what’s going on today?”

Luke said, “This matter still has to start from the gambling king Zhou Tiancheng, who was wanted by the Malaysian police and smuggled to New York through Zheng Lagong’s connections.

Zhou Tiancheng is a rich and powerful man who has accumulated a lot of illegal wealth and has become the fat meat in the eyes of various organizations in New York.

If we find Cheng Lakung, we may find Chow Tin Seng.

The Flying Dragon Gang may have learned that Zheng Lakong is an informant for the police, and they are ready to use Zheng Lakong’s sensitive identity to remove the eyes in the gang.

The police department, Fobol, ICA, Homeland Security, Wo Sing Tong and some other gangs.

They told false information about Jung Ra-kyung to various gangs and leaders, each with a different hiding place.

Suppose, you tell the NYPD today that Jung Ra Kung is at the clinic, and the NYPD sends someone to investigate.

Then, the gang’s top brass will know that there are undercover agents under the leader, Wolf.

You wouldn’t be as simple as having your cell phone taken away today.

It’s likely that you’ll be taken out by the Flying Dragon Gang as well.”

The more Will listened, the more he was scared, unknowingly his back was already wet, “Brother, you saved my life, I will listen to you in everything from now on.

What you let me do, I will do.”

Li Zhaonian and his wife were also scared, tightly grasping their son’s arm, their hearts were full of gratitude to Luke.

“Listen to your brother more in the future.” Li Zhaonian also saw that his nephew was more capable than himself, it wasn’t a bad thing for his son to have more contact with him.

Luke revealed a bitter smile, bellyaching, what can I make you do?

In fact, Luke is also a little worried today, afraid that Will did not listen to his words and told the NYPD about Zheng Lagong’s whereabouts, but today this time is very sensitive, and if he goes to Will rashly, it is likely that the other party will be exposed.

Fortunately, it turned out to be good.

Luke made things clear and also let Will learn a lesson and not be impulsive in the future.

“Tick-tock ……”

An alarm clock sounded.

Luke’s alarm clock was set for a later time, and if he hadn’t gotten up by the time the alarm went off, it meant he was already late.

When he got home last night, Luke talked to his coworkers in Los Angeles for a while longer.

The Robbery-Murder Division had a bunch of things waiting for itself, and when this case was over, Luke was ready to go back to Los Angeles.

Of course, the identity of the Fobler criminal investigation consultant should still be left, this face Negan should give, this trip to New York is not in vain.

“Ringing ……” Luke’s cell phone rang.

“Hey, it’s Luke.”

“Counselor Lee, it’s me.” A woman’s voice rang from the cell phone.

“So it’s the eighteen year old Ms. Lois.”

“Oh, I didn’t expect Counselor Lee to hold a grudge.”

“I’ve never been a generous person, what is it that you’re looking for me for?”

“Chen Yue has woken up.”

“Good news, I will go straight to the hospital.”

“See you in a while.”

One hour later.

Luke arrived at the hospital.

Lois also drove into the hospital, stepped out of the driver’s side, and asked, “Why are you so slow?”

“You don’t seem to be going fast either.” Luke had stopped by for breakfast on his way here.

Lois pointed to the back of the car, “I have a small passenger in the car.”

Luke looked into the car and there was a little girl sitting in the back of the car with a stern little face and two big watery eyes.

Luke asked in a low voice, “Talked to her yet?”

“Yes. She said she hadn’t seen Sung Kimball.

I went back to the restaurant and inquired, and the employees hadn’t seen Kimball Song either.”

“OK,” Luke nodded, “We’d better go talk to Chen Yue properly.”


The back of the car opened and Chen Ning jumped out, impatiently asking, “I want to see my mom.”

“Hey, lovely lady, don’t be in a hurry, that’s what we’re here for.” Lois locked the car door.

Luke reminded, “Chen Ning, your mom’s body hasn’t recovered well yet.

Don’t get too excited when you see her in a while, or it will affect …… you.”

“I know, Aunt Louise already told me.

I won’t make a scene or cry, I just want to see my mom …… with my own eyes,” the little girl said, her eyes already red.

“Very good.” Luke gave a thumbs up, “Let’s go.”

Ward 308.

Chen Yue had already been transferred from the intensive care unit to the general ward.

The little girl promised well on her lips, but as soon as she entered the door, she still flew to the bedside and hugged Chen Yue and cried, “Oooh, mom, I miss you.

I’m so scared, I’m scared that I won’t be able to see you anymore, oooh ……”

Chen Yue’s face was pale, her eyes red and swollen as she touched her daughter’s head, “Ningning don’t be afraid, mom is already fine and will never leave you again.”

“Mom, I want to stay in the hospital, I want to be with you.”

“Okay, in the future, when you come back from school, you can come to the hospital to see mom.” Chen Yue patted her daughter’s back and whispered comfortingly.

Mother and daughter chatted for a while before Luke had an agent bring Chen Ning out of the hospital room.

“Boss Chen, how is your health?”

Although Luke suspected that Chen Yue had something to do with Zhou Tiancheng’s death, he was still polite without evidence.

“Much better, just still a bit weak, Counselor Li, thank you.

If you hadn’t pushed me away that day, I might never see my daughter again.”

“Don’t be polite, this is what I should do.”

Chen Yue touched her abdomen, her heart palpitating, “Why did that gunman want to kill me?”

“Do you know that gunman?”

Chen Yue shook her head, “After I was shot, my mind was in chaos, I was worried that I would die and that I would never see my daughter again.

I didn’t even get a good look at him.”

Luke took out the gunman’s picture, “Recognize him?”

Chen Yue took a closer look and shook her head, “No.”

The gunman had another accomplice who was in charge of driving the car, Luke also took out his photo: “What about him?”

Chen Yue frowned tightly, “I don’t recognize them at all, much less have a grudge against them, did someone send them to kill me?”

“Have you offended anyone recently?”


“Who do you think would kill you?”

“I can’t think of anyone, I’ve never crossed anyone in all my years.”

Luke tried, “Do you know Song Jinbao?”

Chen Yue’s face changed slightly, blinking her eyes, “Recognize, what happened to him?”

“These two killers were found by him.”

“Song Jinbao wants to kill me?” Chen Yue’s eyes widened and she shook her head, “Impossible, he won’t kill me.”

“The killer has already admitted it.”

“That’s also impossible, I believe that he definitely won’t kill me.” Chen Yue’s tone was firm.

This made Luke somewhat surprised, “Why?”

Chen Yue’s eyes twinkled and said, “Isn’t Song Jinbao Zhou Tiancheng’s henchman? Could it be that Zhou Tiancheng is trying to kill me?”

“Zhou Tiancheng is already dead.”

“What! Zhou Tiancheng is dead!” Chen Yue revealed a shocked expression, “When did he die?”

“He died before I went to Yue Lai Yue Good Restaurant to look for you last time.”

“Then why didn’t you tell me? Did …… you suspect that I killed him?”

Luke did think so but wouldn’t admit it, “No, I never suspected you, it’s just that Zhou Tiancheng’s face was damaged and his body rotted so badly that we couldn’t identify his body.”

“Then why are you guys sure he’s dead now?”

“We did a DNA identification on the body to determine his identity.”

Chen Yue twisted her hands together, looking even more nervous, “DNA identification? Zhou Tiancheng’s parents are already dead, how did you guys do the identification?”

“Although Zhou Tiancheng’s parents are dead, his daughter is still alive, we compared his and Chen Ning’s DNA, and the two are indeed father and daughter.” Luke stared at the other party’s expression and asked rhetorically, “What’s the problem?”

“That is to say, Chen Ning’s father is dead.” There was a hint of crying in Chen Yue’s voice.


“God, why is this happening? Oooh ……,” Chen Yue finally couldn’t hold herself together and covered her mouth as she cried.

Luke and Lois looked at each other, and both of them guessed what was going on.

Luke recalled Chen Yue’s information, she was divorced from Zhou Tiancheng eight years ago, and Chen Ning was already nine years old this year, which meant that Chen Yue should have cheated on her husband within marriage and was pregnant with the other party’s child.

Louise handed Chen Yue a pack of tissues, “Ms. Chen, I know you are in pain right now, but your daughter is right outside, if she hears about it, she will surely be sad as well.”

Only then did Chen Yue gradually stop crying and wiped her tears, “How did he die?”

Louise asked back, “Who exactly is Chen Ning’s father?

We need to know his true identity in order to find out the murderer.”

“Song Jinbao.” After saying this name, Chen Yue covered her mouth and murmured in a low voice, “Bao, my Bao ……”

Louise “……”

Luke “……”

At this time, Luke could not help but feel a little depressed, after checking half a day, he actually got the identity of the deceased wrong.

Regardless of whether Chen Yue and Song Jinbao’s feelings are true, but it is a fact that she cheated on her husband within marriage.

At this point, Luke does not know who to sympathize with?

Now there was a new question, who killed Song Jinbao?

Luke asked, “What’s going on between you and Zhou Tiancheng and Song Jinbao?”

Chen Yue shook her head, “I don’t want to mention the past anymore.”

“If you don’t talk about it, it will affect the investigation of the case, and Song Jinbao’s death may become an unsolved case.

And the mastermind behind the hiring of the gunman hasn’t been caught yet, he will probably kill you again.

If you die, what about your daughter?”

As soon as Chen Yue’s daughter was mentioned, the effect was immediate, and she took the initiative to speak, “It was about ten years ago, Zhou Tiancheng had just started operating online betting at that time, and he was earning money hundreds of times faster than before, and it could almost be said that he was picking up money.

His whole person also drifted away, staying out most of the time to fool around, and even pretended to accompany his clients.

The funny thing is, I could smell a different perfume on him every day.

During that time, I was sad and lonely.

You know what?

At that time we were no longer short of money, and too much money was just a string of numbers.

In fact, I didn’t really want him to have that much money, the money made him a different person, a very strange person.

During that time, I lived a very painful ……”

Chen Yue wiped her tears, and a trace of warmth was added to her face, “At this time, Jin Bao came to my side.

He was Zhou Tiancheng’s henchman and had been responsible for protecting me during that time.

He always stood behind me silently, and sometimes when our gazes met, he would hastily twist to the side.

I knew that he had been secretly looking at me, and I also knew that he liked me.

We spent a few months together like that, nothing happened, not a single step over the line.

We both knew that we couldn’t be together.”

Chen Yue fell into reminiscence, with a smile on her face and tears in her eyes, her voice hoarse, “I had thought that this life would be like this.

Until one day, a gang came to seek revenge on Zhou Tiancheng, and a firefight broke out between the two sides.

Some people said that Zhou Tiancheng was dead, some said that Zhou Tiancheng was injured, some said that Zhou Tiancheng ran away, and some said that Zhou Tiancheng was arrested by the police.

At that time I was so scared, I didn’t know what to do.

Jinbao stood up and he took me and fled to another city.

We rode a car during the day and lived in a room …… at night It was at that time that we had a relationship.

Later, Zhou Tiancheng took out the rival gangs and took me back again.

But I got attached to Jinbao and we maintained that relationship.

Later, I had Ning.

Both Jinbao and I love her very much.”

“Did Chen Ning know that Song Jinbao was her father?”


“Does she know Song Jinbao?”

“Recognized. The two of them see each other often.”

Louise’s face reddened a little, when she asked Chen Ning, the other party said that she didn’t know Song Jinbao at all, and that she had been tricked by a nine year old.

“Does Zhou Tiancheng know about your relationship with Song Jinbao?”

Chen Yue laughed, “How could he possibly know.

He doesn’t care about me at all, I’m dispensable to him.

I reckon he can’t wait to divorce me.

If he knew, Jin Bao and I would have been thrown into the Mekong River long ago.”

Luke pursued, “How did you come to New York?”

Chen Yue wiped her nose, “Zhou Tiancheng’s business grew bigger and bigger, and he also set up some properties over here in New York, and Jinbao was often dispatched to the US to help him take care of his business.

And ever since Ning was born, I’ve been on tenterhooks for fear that he would find something unusual.

So I found an excuse to divorce him.

After that, it was proposed to immigrate to New York, and it was normal to immigrate to New York in those days, so he didn’t suspect anything.”

“If Zhou Tiancheng didn’t find out about your relationship with Song Jinbao, why did he kill Song Jinbao?”

“Zhou Tiancheng is a meticulous and ruthless person, he will get rid of anyone who is influential or potentially dangerous to him.

Song Jinbao has been working for him, and Song Jinbao knows more than anyone about his properties in the United States.

I warned Kimball long ago.

But he was worried about the safety of me and my daughter and has been refusing to leave ……”

Chen Yue’s eyes were red and she gritted her teeth, “It must be Zhou Tiancheng who killed Jinbao.

He is the murderer.

You must catch him!”

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