Chapter 44

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:52:22
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Luke didn’t enter the house right away.

He took out his cell phone and contacted Susan, telling the other party about the situation at the scene, the call was not to call for backup, but to report.

Assuming that there were really thugs in the house and a gunfight broke out between the two sides in the house, reporting in advance would save a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Susan agreed to go in and check it out, urging him to be careful and call for backup immediately if there was a situation.

At the same time, it was unprecedented to give him overtime credit.

Luke took out his pistol and instructed, “Daisy, I’ll go inside to check, you wait outside.

Call 911 when you hear gunshots, then contact Captain Susan.”

After dialing 911 the operator would arrange for the surrounding patrolmen to back up first.

Daisy was concerned, “Will it be dangerous?”

“Just in case.”

Leaving aside whether or not someone really broke in, even if someone did break in, the other party should have run away long ago and could not have stayed where they were waiting to be caught.

Luke opened the door of the room and entered the house silently, gently searching the living room, kitchen, toilet, bedroom, study, etc.

He searched the house inside and out and did not find any trace of other people before he put the gun back with confidence.

Not only was there no sign of anyone else, but the house was very neat and tidy, with no signs of break-ins or rummaging, except for some of the woman’s usual belongings.

“Luke, can I come in now?”

“It’s safe, come in.”

Daisy walked into the living room and cautiously asked, “Did you find any signs of a break-in?”

“No. Look around the room for signs of theft, like some valuables or important papers.”

“I’ll check now.” As a lawyer Daisy was well aware of the current situation, if she couldn’t find any signs of a break-in then not only was there no way to build a case, she might even be dismissed as a psychopath.

Would Luke trust her once, twice, what about the third time?

While Daisy was verifying the items in the house, Luke wasn’t idle either, it occurred to him that there was still a ‘Detection Card’ that hadn’t been used. This card was still obtained by the system lottery when he rescued Daisy last time.

He hadn’t figured out the exact function yet, but literally understood it was very suitable for the current situation.

Luke checked the Divine Detective System and subconsciously thought of using the ‘Detection Card’.

A 3D model appeared in his mind, the structure of the model was similar to Daisy’s house, there was a red dot in the left front position, Luke followed the direction of the red dot, which happened to be the location of Daisy’s study.

At this moment, Daisy was also in the study bending down to check the items, her round peach buttocks were facing the door.

Daisy heard the commotion, straightened up and said, “I checked, no valuables are missing.”

Luke took his eyes off Daisy and looked at the safe beside her, “The valuables are hidden in the safe?”


“Has the safe ever been opened?”

“Impossible, this is the safe I paid five thousand dollars for, thickened steel plate waterproof, fireproof and pry-resistant, it can’t be opened without the combination.”

Luke closed the door to his room, “Daisy, close the curtains.”

Daisy frowned slightly, “WHY?”

“If you were the suspect and found out that the owner’s house had a safe, and what you wanted to steal might be in the safe, but you couldn’t open the safe, what would you do?”

Daisy responded immediately, scanning her surroundings with big blue eyes, “You mean he installed cameras.”

“Has anything in the house been moved?”

Daisy watched for a long time and shook her head, “Didn’t see anything.”

“Close the curtains.”

Without further hesitation, Daisy used the remote to close the curtains and the house was suddenly darkened.

Luke turned on the camera function of his cell phone and slowly swept through every corner of the room, focusing on checking the places where Ken could hide the camera, the sockets, clocks, vases, air conditioning blowers, tissue boxes, lamps and so on.

Now there are many miniature cameras, the size of a coin so large, shooting aperture only the size of a pinhole, can not be prevented.

The camera is configured with infrared sensing, and will emit infrared fill light in dark environments.

Cell phone swept through the wall sconces vaguely found red points of light, Luke walked in to take a closer look, the sconces have five screws fixed, one of the screw holes missing screws, the red light is coming out from here.

Daisy came over and asked, “Can you be sure this is a camera in here?”

“I’m no professional in that area, I’ll have to open it up to find out.”

“I’ll get the tools.” Daisy realized that the only way to prove that her words were true was to determine that there were cameras installed in the home, and the detective bureau would re-investigate the case.

“Wait.” Luke considered for a moment, but decided not to dismantle it, “Pull back the curtains and let’s both leave the study.”

“What?” Daisy wondered.

“If there really is a camera installed in the wall light, it means that the suspect may be watching the house through the camera, once we remove the wall it may alert him, what we need to do now is to maintain the status quo and keep the other party from realizing it as much as possible.”

Daisy asked rhetorically, “Can we reopen the case if we can’t be sure it’s a camera without removing it?”

Luke scrutinizes the position of the wall sconce and analyzes, “Installing the camera from this angle would allow us to capture the safe without being obscured by the person opening it, just enough to see the combination. If I were the suspect I would also install it in this position.”

The room was restored to its original state and the two men left the room.

Luke called to report to Susan, who agreed to bring someone in to test it.

Daisy walked around the living room looking a little agitated.

Luke sits on the couch fidgeting, actually really studying the ‘detection card’.

[Detection card used.

Function, detects unknown electronic devices within ten meters of the surrounding area, such as surveillance, listening, recording, tracking, etc.].

This card didn’t mean much to ordinary people, but it was of great use to detectives and police officers.

Ten o’clock at night.

Susan arrived at Daisy’s house with someone, accompanied by David, Marcus and two technicians.

David tapped Luke on the shoulder, “It’s an honor to meet you after hours.”

Marcus squeezed his eyes and grinned wickedly, “How’s it going, man?”

Luke simply ignored the two men and reported the scene to Susan.

Susan said something to the techs and the two techs went into the den.

Susan then instructed David and Marcus, “You guys go outside and keep an eye out, see if there are any suspicious people around.”

A few minutes later, one of the technicians came out of the study, “Captain Susan, we found a miniature camera behind the study wall sconce.”

“Can it be tracked in reverse?”

“The camera is transmitting a signal through a wireless device, and because of the reinforcement, it can receive the signal within a range of several hundred meters. However, the source of the signal was disconnected by the time we viewed it, and we were unable to retrace the source.”

Susan said, “That means the suspect already knew the camera had been spotted.”

The technician said, “Two possibilities, the first is like you said, the suspect has been alerted; the second is that he installed the camera and left, returning some time later to receive the video signal.”

Susan pressed, “Are there any other surveillance or eavesdropping devices in the house?”

“Not sure at the moment, it will take some time to detect.”

“You guys keep testing.”

Susan turned to Luke again, “Well done, it now appears that Daisy’s robbery was not a coincidence, there may well have been something else going on.”

“Ms. Daisy, the police will be re-investigating your case and the technicians will be thoroughly inspecting your house to test for any other surveillance and eavesdropping electronic devices;

There will also be a collection of biological traces in the house, hairs, fingerprints, blood, etc., and I would like your permission to do so.”

“I am willing to assist the police in their investigation. However, when will the testing probably be completed, and can I still stay here tonight?”

“I’m sorry, I’m afraid you’ll have to find temporary housing.”

“Uh …… that’s okay, I can find a hotel to stay in, I’m worried that the suspect will turn against me, can you send a police officer to protect me.”

“Of course, just wait a moment and I’ll send a policewoman to take you to the hotel.”

Daisy said, “Luke will be fine, I trust him.”

Susan craned her head to look at Luke, “Is there a problem?”

“No,” Luke answered dryly.

This was Daisy’s most vulnerable and insecure time, and naturally Luke wouldn’t leave him.

Daisy said, “Give me five minutes, I need to get some change of clothes.”

Luke asked, “Captain, do I need to give Daisy a statement?”

Susan thought for a moment, “The situation is still unclear, so you can talk to her first and then go to the police station tomorrow morning to give a statement.”

A few minutes later.

Luke and Daisy exited the house and got into the red convertible under the surprised stares of Marcus and David.

Marcus wondered, “Where are you going?”

“Do your job and don’t ask questions you shouldn’t.” Luke was now on a mission to protect Daisy and was not at liberty to reveal his whereabouts.

“Did you see that?” Marcus looked at David next to him with a questioning look on his face.

“This kid called us over to investigate the case, he himself slipped away with a pretty girl, and we have to keep standing here in the cold.

I’m going to go crazy if we don’t!”

David’s face was expressionless, “I’m just bald, not blind.”

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