Chapter 472

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:13:05
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Ringing ……”

Early in the morning, Luke was about to go out after washing up when his cell phone suddenly rang.

He pressed the answer button and said, “Mom, looking for me for something?”

Linda’s voice came from the cell phone, “Been busy at work lately?”

“Same as always.”

Yesterday afternoon, the police found Danielle Winter’s body, and the relevant evidence was sent for identification, and William Moses Jr. was highly suspected, and the police had already put a manhunt out for him.

As for whether William Moses Jr. was the real culprit who killed Danielle Winter, it would depend on today’s identification results.

“This Sunday your grandpa invited everyone to a get-together, do you have time?”

Luke glanced at the date on his watch, “Shouldn’t be too much of a problem.”

“OK, take care of yourself and remember to eat.”

“I love you mom.”

“Me too.”

Luke hung up his cell phone and drove to the detective bureau.

When he arrived at the Detective Bureau, he didn’t return to his office, but went to the tech team.

The identification results of the physical evidence at the scene were enough to influence the direction of the entire case.

Luke waited for another half an hour or so to get the identification results, this speed was already fast, if it were any other department, it might even take several days.

After returning to the office, Luke called for a meeting, “Guys, the identification results from the technical team are out.”

Blackie opened the door, “Is it William Moses Jr?”

Luke didn’t answer right away, but took out the identification report of the handcuffs found in the body pit.

The DNA of two people was found on this handcuff, and William Moses Jr.’s DNA was found in the cuff link area of the handcuff.

Danielle Winter’s DNA was found in the cuff chain location.

Luke took out the photo of Danielle Winter’s body again and pointed to the strangulation mark at the neck position, “The imprint of this wound matches the shape of the handcuff chain, and it is basically certain that Danielle Winter was strangled to death with handcuffs.

And according to the identification results, this murderer should be William Moses Jr.

Our speculation was correct.

All that needs to be determined now is where is William Moses Jr.”

Luke finished, his eyes scanning around, “Where’s the lieutenant?”

“I haven’t seen him today, I thought he’d taken the day off.” Matthew shrugged, he usually spent the most time with the vice squad, and it could be argued that the two had spent the most time nestled in the office.

Martins neighborhood, number 307.

It was a small white two-story building, very plain and cozy looking.

An old white-haired man walked into the yard, stepped on the gravel path to the door, and pressed the doorbell, but it didn’t ring, most likely it was broken.

“Knock knock.” The lieutenant knocked on the door of the room.

There was no movement in the room.

“Knock knock ……” The Lieutenant knocked again.

There was a faint rattle from inside the room and the door opened to a white man in his sixties sitting in a wheelchair, “Who are you looking for?”

The lieutenant sized up the other man, his eyes fixed on his legs with some surprise, “Mr. Mycroft Ray?”

“It’s me, who are you? I don’t seem to recognize you.”

The lieutenant flashed his badge, “Lieutenant of Squadron One of the Robbery and Murder Division, Vincent Sith.”

Mycroft Ray froze and frowned, “Heist Murder Division? What is it you want with me? Did someone call the police and say I was killed?”

“No, I’m trying to find out about your daughter’s traffic case, and I’m sorry to bring up those bad memories again.”

Mycroft Ray’s cheeks twitched and he said coldly, “If you’re sorry, why did you say anything?”

The lieutenant pointed to the house, “Can we talk inside?”

“Give me a reason, I can’t think of anything to talk about between us.”

The vice squad got right to the point, “Danielle Winter, the driver in the automobile crash, is dead.”

“You’re telling the truth?”


Mycroft Ray started his wheelchair and stepped aside, “Come on in.”

The lieutenant entered the house and surveyed the decor, which was fairly clean, and there was a pot of pink flowers on the coffee table that was in full bloom and could still be smelled with a faint scent.

“Is this jasmine? It’s very pretty!”

“Yes, it’s my daughter’s favorite flower.” There was a note of remembrance in Mycroft Ray’s voice, “What would you like to drink?”

The lieutenant looked at his wheelchair and waved his hand, “I’m not very thirsty, no thanks.”

“Some champagne then.”

Mycroft Ray went into the house in his wheelchair and came back out with a bottle of champagne in his hand, he moved his wheelchair over to the coffee table and looked at the champagne in his hand, “That’s a nice bottle, I thought I was going to have to take it to my coffin.”

The lieutenant wasn’t a rigid person, and since he was trying to get clues and information out of the other man’s hands, he naturally pitched in, “Where’s the glass? I’ll get it.”

“You’re right, you need a specific glass for champagne, it’s in the cupboard above the kitchen, I haven’t used it in a long time, you’d better brush it, thanks.”

“I will.” The lieutenant got up, walked to the kitchen and took out two champagne glasses and briefly brushed them.

Mycroft Ray opened the champagne and poured two glasses, taking one for himself first, and raised his glass, “Cheers.”

The vice squad also raised his glass, “According to the rules, we can’t drink during work hours, you won’t report me.”

“Haha …… I do have that in mind, I’ll be in a wheelchair at your police station, remember to send me a locator.” McCovey Ray laughed.

Seeing Lieutenant Vince staring at himself, McGough-Ray rubbed his cheek, “Sorry, I haven’t laughed in a long time, I didn’t scare you, did I.”

“No, I can understand that, I’m a father of three as well and know how hard it is to raise a child.” The lieutenant took a sip of champagne as well.

Mycroft Ray put down his champagne glass and squared his shoulders, “How did she die?”

“You’re asking about Danielle Winter?”

“Yes. The murderer of my daughter, God forbid, finally got what she deserved.

I know it’s a lot to say ……

But I’ll never forget the day I got the call that my daughter had been in a car accident and we rushed to the scene to find her in a pool of blood …… not breathing.

We didn’t even see her one last time.

It’s this Danielle Winter you’re talking about that killed my daughter, she’s a murderer!”

“I can see that you love your daughter very much.”

“Yes, I did a lot of ridiculous things when I was younger, living from day to day, I never thought I would have a family, I always thought I would end up alone.

Until I met the love of my life, my wife.

We went from knowing and loving each other to getting married, and I lived a different life.

My daughter was born when I was forty, and my wife was thirty-nine at the time, and we loved her ……

My life has changed because of her ……

We’ve been living a happy, joyful life for the past twenty years or so.

Until the car accident ……

It ruined everything! Oooo……” McCovey Ray covered his cheek and whimpered.

The lieutenant picked up the champagne bottle and poured another glass of wine for Mycroft Rae, who opened his mouth, unsure of how to comfort him, wanting to continue his questioning of the case, but feeling it was inappropriate to do so.

“I’m sorry to make you laugh.” Mycroft Ray wiped the tear tracks from his face, “How did she die?”

“Strangled, we found her body yesterday.”

“She got out of jail?”


“Jesus Christ, is it fair that my daughter died because of her and she only had to do a few months in jail?” Mycroft Ray asked rhetorically, his gaze becoming firm, “Yes, it’s not fair.

That’s why God allowed her to be punished in a different way.

Thank you God!

Thank you for giving my daughter justice.”

The lieutenant poured him another glass of champagne and tried, “I heard your wife passed away too?”

“Yes.” Mycroft Ray took a sip of champagne and sighed, “After my daughter’s accident, my beloved hasn’t been able to come to terms with it, she’s been crying her eyes out.

She prayed to God, but still couldn’t ease the grief in her heart.

One night, she suddenly left.”

The lieutenant said, “I’m sorry to bring back sad memories.”

A wry sweetness appeared on McCovey Ray s face, “No, my wife went peacefully, and I knew …… she had gone to find her daughter. Perhaps they have already met, I feel they are calling out to me, waiting to be reunited.

It won’t be long before I go to them too, and then we’ll be reunited as a family.”

This look on his face made the lieutenant shudder a little.

A person who wasn’t even afraid of death, no, to be exact somewhat looking forward to death, was already somewhat sick inside, and at this time he was fearless.

The vice squad became even more suspicious that he had something to do with Danielle Winter’s death.

“When was the last time you saw Danielle Winter?”

Mycroft Ray laughed and asked rhetorically, “You suspect I killed Danielle Winter?”

“Were you?”

Mycroft Ray shook his head, “I thought about it and asked around about her when she was still in jail and in prison.

That’s when my wife died, too, and I was helpless ……

I went to church to pray to God for guidance and one of the priests at the church talked to me for a long time.

He knew my wives and said they were good people and that not only did I like them, but God did too, so God brought them back to heaven.

I would be reunited with them when I passed away.

In his words it’s the angels with broken wings that fall to earth, and earth is not a substitute for good, and leaving may not be a relief.”

Mycroft Ray laughed, “If I had heard something similar thirty years ago, I would have blown his head off.

But I am now more than sixty …… have experienced a lot of things, I know that he is comforting me, but also know that what he said is not all false.

Just like the present me, my legs can no longer walk, I am alone and lonely, if someone wants to kill me, I won t even blink.

Can you understand how I feel?”

“Yes, we’re the same age, and I’m a police officer, and I’ve seen too many demons in human skin.

Like the priest said, we’re just passing through the Earth, just here to experience life, there’s no need to live it too seriously, everyone has to leave, and leaving early isn’t necessarily a bad thing.”

Mycroft Ray nodded and raised his glass, “Here’s to you.”

The two clinked glasses and the lieutenant took a sip of champagne and asked, “Did you have anything to do with her death?”

“No, I didn’t even know she was out of prison, since I can’t walk on my legs I’ve rarely left the house and have learned to let go, especially when I think about seeing my daughter and wife again after I pass away.”

Mycroft Ray put down his champagne glass and asked rhetorically, “You think Danielle Winter’s death was related to the hit and run last year?”

The lieutenant nods and pulls out a picture of William Moses Jr, “Do you recognize him?”

Mycroft Ray shook his head, “No, does he have anything to do with me?”

The lieutenant said, “He’s Danielle Winter’s ex-boyfriend and possibly Danielle Winter’s killer.”

Mycroft Ray spread his hands, “Why do you suspect me when you’ve already found the killer?”

“The situation is more complicated, Danielle Winter’s ex-boyfriend, the man in the photo, was also in the car involved in the accident. We suspect that he may also have some connection to the hit and run.”

Mycroft Ray’s face changed slightly, the corner of his mouth twitching slightly, “Can you make it clearer?”

“I’m sorry, the case is still under investigation and we haven’t gotten the facts straight.” The lieutenant said perfunctorily.

“Then what’s the point of you coming to my house?”

The vice squad froze, they couldn’t say I just suspected you, “I want to see what’s left of your daughter.”

“Why? Just to find Danielle Winter’s killer?” Mycroft Ray was a little disconcerted.

“Not only that, we also want to find out about the traffic accident back then.”

After hesitating for a moment, Mycroft Ray said, “Wait a minute.”

Mycroft Ray returned to the bedroom again, and when he came out he was holding a wooden box, which he gently caressed with his hand, “Some of my daughter’s things are here, you can look at them, but you can’t take them away.”

“I understand.” The lieutenant nodded and carefully opened the wooden box.

Inside the box was the deceased Kaya Ray’s college diploma, photo albums, a key, a hairpin, and a gold necklace.

The lieutenant opened the photo album and flipped through the pictures inside, which contained pictures of the deceased Kaya Ray from childhood to adulthood, the lieutenant flipped from front to back and felt that the back of the album was a little thick.

He rubbed his hands together and then pulled out the photo and realized that there was another photo inserted behind the photo, it was a photo of the deceased Kaya Ray and a man, the man had his arm around Kaya Ray’s shoulder, the two of them smiled happily, they looked very close, like a young couple, “Why was this photo hidden, did you know him?”

Mycroft Rae took the photo and pinched his forehead, “Yes, he was my daughter’s ex-boyfriend, however, they have broken up.”

The lieutenant pressed, “What is the man’s name?”

“I can’t remember, I can’t remember the first name, his last name seems to be David.” The vice squad reunited the photo with the figure of Ivoni David, Danielle Winter’s current boyfriend, “Ivoni David?”

“Yes, that seems to be him. How do you recognize him?”

Without answering, the lieutenant continued, “How was his relationship with your daughter?”

“My daughter is very fond of him, but my wife and I don’t think they’re right for each other; he’s an ex-convict, he’s been to jail, he didn’t go to college, and he’s a completely different person from my daughter.

I don’t think they would be happy together.”

“I didn’t ask if they would be happy in the future. I just want to know how their relationship is?”

“I’m not sure, my daughter hasn’t talked about him since he was rejected by us. I also don’t know why his picture is in the album.”

“Did he come to your house after your daughter was hit?”

“No. What’s wrong with him?”

“Perhaps I’ve found the real murderer of Danielle Winter!”

Mycroft Ray’s eyes widened as he questioned, “You’re saying he killed Danielle Winter?”

Without answering, the lieutenant stood up and said, “I’m going to go now, and I’ll be back for a drink when the case is investigated.”

Mycroft Ray’s eyes reddened, “You’ll have to hurry then, I don’t have much good wine left in my collection.”

“Can I take this picture with me?”

Half an hour later, the Lieutenant returned to the Detective Bureau office.

Marcus snickered, “Hey, Lieutenant, you’re late, you’re going to lose your perfect attendance this month.”

The lieutenant gave a middle finger, “Better concern yourself, I was out on a case.”

Marcus shrugged, “You found William Moses Jr?”

The lieutenant shook his head, “That guy doesn’t matter at all, I found the real killer of Danielle Winter, and it’s not likely that William Moses Jr. was taken out by him.”

The vice squad’s words aroused the crowd’s interest.

Black pursued, “Ooooh, the real killer? Who are you talking about?”

Luke also looked at Vice Squad, the old man was not easy to get along with, but he was still relatively reliable, and guessed, “There’s a new clue in that traffic accident case.”

The vice squad nodded and opened the door, “Where is Ivoni David? This might be the real killer, don’t let him get away.”

“Ivoni David!” Blackie came interested, “Lieutenant, do you have proof?”

Vice Squad spread his hands, “What do you think I went for?”

Blacky laughed, dejected, “I thought something was wrong with Ivoni David before.” He pointed at Jackson again, “Rookie, you remember what I said?

William Moses Jr. and Danielle Winter were originally a couple, separated only because Danielle Winter was in jail, and the two of them were really in love.

Ivoni David was nothing more than a backup, and now that Danielle Winter is out of jail, she’s rekindling her old flame with William Moses Jr.

Ivoni David killed Danielle Winter out of jealousy, from love to hate.

Lieutenant, am I analyzing this correctly?”

“Shit!” The Vice Squad rolled their eyes, and directly took out a picture of Ivoni David and the female victim of the hit and run case, Kaya Ray.

“This is the real reason why Ivoni David killed someone! Take a good look at it.”

Kuro’s eyes widened in amazement, “I didn’t see it wrong, the two of them are actually taking a picture together and in my experience, their demeanor and mannerisms should be in the heat of the moment.”

Xiao Hei stroked his chin and continued to analyze, “From the time when the photos were taken, at that time the hit-and-run case hadn’t happened yet, and Ivoni David was the boyfriend of the deceased of the hit-and-run case, Kaya Ray.

Then the hit-and-run case happened and the driver of the car, Danielle Winter, hit and killed Kaya Ray.

Ivoni David became Danielle Winter’s boyfriend again.

As a result, Danielle Winter died too!”

Blackie’s brain opened up and guessed, “Ivoni David is a homicidal maniac who killed his all-time girlfriends!”

At this, the lieutenant was also confused, “How else can you analyze it like that? He wanted to say that Marcus was making it up, but it seemed …… like that speculation made sense.”

Jackson, also taken astray, said, “Lieutenant, why would Ivoni David do this? What was the purpose of the killing?”

Vice Squad “……”

That’s not what I was going to say.

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