Chapter 489

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:13:50
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Luke asked, “What do you think about the fact that Gary Sane Jr.’s mother is preventing me from returning to Los Angeles?”

Anthony recalled for a moment, “The informant was Gary Sane Jr.’s father, and it has been Gary Sane Jr.’s father who has been in contact with the FBI.

I met with Gary Sane Jr.’s mother, a white woman with red hair, and when we met she had been crying with a look of obvious panic and concern on her face.

There was nothing wrong with her attitude at the time.”

Luke said, “There were two people who were both angry, one because he was stuck in traffic and was going to be late for work, and the other because his wife was cheating on him. While both were angry and had the same attitude, the reasons for their anger were very different.

The fear and worry of Gary Sane Jr.’s mother may not be because of her son’s kidnapping, or it may be because of the FBI.”

Anthony nodded, “You’re right.

If it’s someone with a criminal record or gang affiliation, you can just make the arrest and there are ways to get them to talk.

But this woman is different, she can find a lot of reasons, such as saying that she heard from her husband that she wanted to hire you to return to Los Angeles to investigate the case, and that she thought you were too young and was worried that your lack of ability would not be able to solve the case, and instead, it would affect the investigation of the case, and that’s why she hired someone to stop you from returning to Los Angeles.

As long as she bites the bullet and refuses to talk, and we can not get new evidence, the lawyer will soon be able to bail her out.

At that time, we will be the ones who are caught in a passive situation instead.”

Luke thought for a moment, “Then analyze her purpose or motive in reverse, why did she do it?

The first possibility, she kidnapped her own son or she was one of the participants in the kidnapping.

The second possibility, the kidnapper learned that Gary Sane Jr.’s father had called the police and knew that he could not get the money from Gary Sane Jr.’s father, so he contacted Gary Sane Jr.’s mother.

And Gary Sane Jr.’s mother disagreed with her husband’s behavior of calling the police and wanted to pay the ransom privately to get her son back.

The third possibility, the so-called kidnapping was only self-directed by Gary Sane Jr. After Gary Sane Jr.’s father called the police, Gary Sane Jr. was so frightened that he could only truthfully tell his mother, so that she could help him deliver the message and cover up.”

Anthony pondered for a moment, “It’s unlikely that she kidnapped her own son.

I’m more inclined to the latter two possibilities.

Either she deliberately hid it from her husband and the FBI in order to get her son back, and made a deal with the kidnappers privately.

Either Gary Sane Jr. directed the kidnapping himself.”

Luke continued, “Either way, she definitely had to contact the other side, and if we can find out their contact information, we might be able to find out where the hostages are hiding.”

Anthony said, “I’m going to request investigative procedures.”

“I’m going home to bed.” Luke waved his hand and drove off.

The following morning, five o’clock.

Inside the bedroom of Luke’s house.

“Buzz ……” a cell phone sounded from the bed.

Luke yawned and pressed the answer button, “Hello.”

“Luke, we’ve investigated the communications records of Gary Sane Jr.’s mother, she has three cell phone numbers, one of the alternate numbers has been in contact with a prepaid cell phone since March 11th.

We located this prepaid cell phone at a motel.

The odds are that the kidnapper is sleeping at this time of day, making it a good time to make the arrest.”

Luke “……”

You’re right.

I’m sleeping too.

You @#$%……

Luke shuffled his head, refreshed himself, and drove to the motel near Highway One.

The area around the motel was relatively deserted, which was why the cell phone was able to pinpoint the location.

Thinking that it wasn’t easy for the FBI to investigate a case all night, Luke counted himself as half of the FBI, and he passed by McDonald’s to buy some coffee.

Arriving at the meeting place, Luke distributed the coffee to the crowd and harvested a wave of goodwill.

If it was an ordinary person who came to share the credit, everyone would definitely not be happy.

Replacing it with Luke, the famous Los Angeles sleuth, the agents didn’t think much of it, after all, Luke’s ability and past experiences were there.

Anthony took a big sip of his coffee, “Thanks, that’s just what I needed.”

“Can you confirm that the kidnappers are here at this motel?”

“I just sent someone to check with the front desk of the motel and they’ve seen that Mohan Wald, a friend of Gary Sane, Jr. is staying in room 207 and that Mohan Wald got the room himself. According to the front desk employee, Mohan Wald came with a companion, only that companion was wearing a mask and a hat, and she didn’t get a good look at the other person, but the physical features were similar to those of Gary Sane Jr.”

Luke asked, “So that means they weren’t kidnapped and were self-directed?”

Anthony pinched his forehead, “I always thought it wasn’t that simple, there were three people missing from the yacht at the time, besides Gary Sane Jr. and his friend Mohan Wald, Mohan Wald’s girlfriend was also missing. But the hotel clerk didn’t see her.”

Luke asked smoothly, “You’re worried that it might be Mohan Wald’s girlfriend who was actually kidnapped.”

Anthony said, “It’s a real possibility, but again, I can’t think of a motive for them to do that for a second.”

Luke guessed, “Is it possible that they directed the kidnapping themselves. But because the kidnapping was exposed by the media, the trio couldn’t get the ransom from Gary Sane Jr.’s dad.

So Mohan Wald’s girlfriend didn’t want to continue and left.

But Mohan Wald’s girlfriend was slow to show her face and changed places to hide in order to avoid the police.”

“What you say is also possible.” Anthony glanced at his watch as if he didn’t want to speculate any longer and joked, “Time to take on the role of hero and go save our hostage.”

Anthony once again approached the front desk of the hotel and flashed a search warrant, making it clear that he wanted to enter room 207 to apprehend the suspect.

The motel receptionist volunteered to cooperate this time and produced a spare key to room 207.

Anthony looked at the motel door and tossed the key aside; the motels had thin wooden doors that could have been kicked in with a single kick, unlocking them would have been slower.

FBI agents surrounded the door to room 207 from both sides of the wall.

Anthony double-checked with the front desk to make sure there were only two people in the room.

Moreover, the hotel room was small and simple in structure, with only a large open room and toilet, making it less difficult to arrest.

After comprehensive consideration, Anthony decided to directly implement the arrest.

With everything ready, a tall FBI agent walked to the door and lifted his foot to fiercely kick the door of the room.

“Bang!” The wooden door was directly kicked open.


“Don’t move, show your hands.”

“Show me your hands, let me see.”

With a loud chorus, the FBI agent burst into the hotel room.

The hotel room smelled strongly of alcohol, with many bottles of whiskey and red wine scattered around the room, as well as some leftover boxes of pizza and fried chicken.

The room housed two beds, each with a young white man lying on it, both of whom had the appearance of being hungover and not yet fully sober.

The FBI agents swarmed over them and held them down directly on the beds and handcuffed them.

“Security in the restroom!”

With a greeting, the FBI completely took control of the situation in the room, and the process of arrest went very smoothly, not even encountering a trace of resistance.

At this time, Anthony stood aside with a gloomy face, not only did he not have the joy of rescuing the hostage, instead he looked a bit grumpy. Just such a self-directed kidnapping case, so that he had no progress in the investigation in a few days, if not Luke provided the sketch portrait of that detective, the FBI may still be in the dark now.

Angry and feeling fooled, Anthony walked over to the bed and stared at the shorter white man and asked, “What’s your name?”

“Gary Sane Jr.”

Anthony looked at the other white man in the bed, “And you?”

“Mohan Wald.”

“Why are you here?”

Gary Sane Jr. and Mohan Wald looked at each other.

Gary Sane Jr. cleared his throat and said, “The two of us weren’t in a very good mood, so we made a date for a drink.”

Anthony laughed, “The whole of L.A. knows you’ve been kidnapped, and you’re the only ones who don’t?”

Gary Sane Jr. shook his head, “Then there must be some kind of misunderstanding, we weren’t watching TV and we weren’t kidnapped.

We were just in a bad mood and ran away from home.”

Anthony stared at the other man’s expression, “Runaways don’t make ransom calls.”

“It could have been a ransom call from someone posing as a kidnapper, no chance it was a scammer, did they have an Indian accent?”

Shit, Anthony could sense the guy was lying.

Luke waved his hand, called Anthony aside and said softly, “I found two prepaid cell phones, it’s better to interrogate them separately.”

Anthony took the cell phones and checked them, confirming, “Yes, they’re the numbers the kidnappers used.

I’ll interrogate Gary Sane Jr.

You interrogate Mohan Wald.”

“OK,” Luke waved at Mohan Wald, “Come on, let’s talk somewhere else.”

Luke then took Mohan Wald to another motel, the guy was wearing nothing but a pair of pants all over his body, Luke felt a little hot and gave him a blanket to drape over him.

“Thanks, sir.”

Luke sat down across from him and got right to the point, “Tell me, what the hell happened?”

“Uh …… it’s like Gary Sane Jr. just said.

He wasn’t in a very good mood, so I accompanied him to the motel to have a drink and relax.”

Luke smoothly asked, “Why was he in a bad mood?”

“Gary Sane Jr. just graduated last year, and his father wanted him to get into his real estate company, but Gary Sane Jr. didn’t want to go into real estate, thinking it was a sunset industry.

He was more interested in starting a business and doing something that interested him.”

“And then what, he brought you to the motel to drown his sorrows and complain about how short-sighted and old-fashioned his father was?”

“Pretty much.”

“FUCK, lie with a little care. A rich kid comes to a shitty place like this to drown his sorrows in booze? Do you think I’m an idiot?” Luke pointed to the FBI logo on his chest.

“You think we’re here to investigate a drinking problem?

We’re here to investigate a kidnapping.”

“This is a misunderstanding, we just ran away from home, we weren’t kidnapped.”

“Then why did Gary Sane Jr.’s parents receive ransom calls in which the kidnappers demanded ten million dollars.”

“I don’t know.” Mohan Wald bowed his head.

“You don’t know, I’ll tell you.” Luke’s tone was sharp, “We just searched the room and found two prepaid cell phones, one of which was the kidnapper’s cell phone number.

You two are the kidnappers.”

Mohan Wald still pretended to be innocent, “We’re not kidnappers and we couldn’t possibly kidnap ourselves.”

Luke changed his question, “Do you have a girlfriend?”


“What’s her name?”

“Colleen Lopez.”

“How are you two getting along?”

“Pretty good, she’s a very thoughtful woman and we get along very well.”

“If that’s the case, then why did you kidnap her?”

“We didn’t kidnap her.”

“Then where is she?”

“I don’t know.”

“When was the last time you saw each other?”

“On the yacht on the night of March 10th.”

“What exactly happened on the yacht that night? You describe it, don’t lie.”

Mohan Wald shook his head, “I had too much to drink that night to remember.”

“Keep your head up, you’re not very good at lying. I can feel your panic, even if you don’t talk about it, we at the FBI can find out just the same.

You don’t think a missing person excuse is going to fool us, do you?

This isn’t going to go away that easily.”

Mohan Wald scowled back and seemed to wince a little, “OK, I’ll tell you what.

The kidnapping was indeed self-directed by us, there was no such thing as a kidnapper, and the ransom call was also made by Gary Sane Jr. himself, only using a voice changer.

That’s why his father didn’t notice.”

“Where did you get the voice changer from?”

“We bought it a while back for the occasional prank or game, just for fun.”

“Why did you direct your own kidnapping?”

“Because of the money.

Gary Sane Jr.’s father was a real estate mogul, very rich. But he was rather strict with Gary Sane Jr. and only gave him a few tens of thousands of dollars a month as pocket money, which was not enough.

So he tried to extort a fortune from his father.

It’s as simple as that.”

Luke laughed after hearing this, “I don’t believe that a well-educated rich second generation would use such cheap tactics.”

Mohan Wald nodded, “You’re right.

If he was in his right mind, Gary Sane Jr. certainly wouldn’t have done it, and I wouldn’t have let him do it, but that night we drank a lot of wine and made the blackmail call in a confused manner, there’s no way to turn back, we can only make the same mistake again and again.”

Luke stared at the other man, “Can I take your word for it?”


Luke kept observing the other’s expression and felt that the other was still hiding the truth.

The obvious point was that he avoided Luke’s questions and refused to tell the whereabouts of his girlfriend.

“Where is Colleen Lopez?”

Mohan Wald blushed slightly and shook his head, “I don’t know.”

“She’s not with you guys?”


“When was the last time you saw him?”

“I think it was at the party on the yacht.”

“Did she leave the yacht then?”

“I can’t remember; I was drunk.” Mohan Wald’s forehead began to sweat.

This made Luke feel more and more suspicious that Colleen Lopez’s questions could be dug deeper, and tried, “Any idea how we were able to find you?”

Mohan Wald shook his head.

“We found Colleen Lopez’s body.”

Mohan Wald’s body shuddered and his head involuntarily lowered.

Sure enough, Luke had guessed correctly that this case was not as simple as a self-directed kidnapping, there should be something else going on.

He continued to bluff, “Why did you kill Colleen Lopez?”

“No, I didn’t kill her.”

“According to our investigation, there was more than one person at the crime scene, and even if you don’t tell us, Gary Sane Jr. will. We’ll be more inclined to take his confession if he confesses first.” Luke advised.

“I can sense that you’re a smart man.

You should know very well that if Gary Sane Jr. identifies you as the murderer, then you might have to spend the rest of your life in prison.

Handsome boys like you are very popular in prison, and as a kind reminder, when your family visits ask them to bring more soap.”

Mohan Wald shouted, “I really didn’t kill him.”

Luke said, “After the party, you disappeared with your girlfriend. Now you’re alive and intact and your girlfriend is a corpse.

Do you think a jury will believe that?”

Mohan Wald gritted his teeth, his cheeks shaking slightly, still refusing to let go.

Luke glanced at his watch, “With all the time that’s passed, there’s no chance that Gary Sane Jr. has confessed.

Even confessed to the specific details of your murder …… “After finishing, Luke got up and made a gesture to leave.

“Hey, this really has nothing to do with me …… “Mohan Wald gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, “It was Gary Sane Jr. who did it, he killed my girlfriend.”

Luke turned and asked, “Why did he kill Colleen Lopez?”

Mohan Wald scratched his hair hard and his voice rasped, “Colleen Lopez was wearing a red bathing suit that day and Gary Sane Jr. thought she was hot and offered to clap for love with her.

Little Gary Sane is not as good looking as me, and he was worried that Colleen Lopez would not want to, so he got her drunk and brought her to the yacht’s room.

Later …… Colleen Lopez woke up, she began to resist and bit Gary Sane Jr. and the two fought.

Gary Sane Jr. was so angry that he took the lamp from the bed and hit Colleen Lopez hard on the head.

By the time I got to the room, Colleen Lopez was dead. That situation was unmanageable.

Gary Sane Jr. had become a murderer.

He didn’t want to turn himself in, let alone go to jail, and was afraid that if he ran away he’d be wanted by the police, so he came up with the idea of kidnapping.

He wanted to use the kidnapping as a way to get away from the police for a while, and to extort money from his dad.

When his dad delivers the ransom, we will then appear as the victims, and then even if the police find out that Corinne Lopez was killed, they can still say that the kidnappers killed Corinne Lopez.

And the two of us, who have been imprisoned and don’t know the exact details of Colleen Lopez’s murder, can get away with the murder.”

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