Chapter 503

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:14:27
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In order to avoid being detected by the bomb makers, the vehicles outside the slaughterhouse left one after another, loose on the outside and tight on the inside.

Half an hour later, Reed also arrived at the slaughterhouse.

Since the bomb was found, it was most likely related to Terrorist Points, although it was not certain, Reed felt the need to tell the relevant departments.

There were many counter-terrorism departments in the United States, and the jurisdictions of these departments overlapped with each other.

The most common ones for domestic counterterrorism were still the FBI and Homeland Security.

After Reed called and communicated for ten minutes, he finally decided to tell the FBI about this news and give them a heads up.

In the end, the FBI also belonged to the police department, and both sides cooperated a bit more.

Of course, the fact that the bomb was only found now did not necessarily have an absolute relationship with Terrorist Points.

So the police will continue to investigate the case and catch the murderer of Arnett Stone.

4:00 PM.

Matthew investigates Arnett Stone’s communication records and finds an Asian woman with the last name Inoue.

Naomi Inoue, an intern reporter at CBS.

Arnett Stone used to be a news reporter for CBS-TV before he was an independent investigative reporter, and the two may have been coworkers.

If Arnette Stone was really killed because she was investigating some major news story, then Nami Inoue probably knew something about it.

Half an hour later, Luke and Blackie arrived at the CBS TV station to investigate.

Under the CBS TV station building, the two got out of the car, and Blackie looked at the TV station building in a bit of a daze.

Luke asked, “What’s wrong with you?”

“Nothing, it’s just that I suddenly remembered Parley Jones, it feels like a long time has passed, and I don’t know how she is now?”

“She hasn’t contacted you?”

“I’ve blacked out all my ex-girlfriends since I got married, and I don’t really want to see her, it’s just that I saw the TV station building and got a little emotional.

A lot has happened in this year.

A year ago, I didn’t even believe I was getting married.

That’s right, I don’t think anyone would have believed it,” at that point, Blackie ghosted, “Luke, have you ever thought about getting married?”

“No, I wouldn’t think about it until I was thirty, and as for after that, hell no.”

“What if, like me, my girlfriend gets pregnant and has to have the baby?”

“Then give her more than enough child support.” Luke’s situation was different from Blackie’s. First of all, Luke was richer than Blackie, and being married or not didn’t delay raising a child.

As long as there was money, it was no big deal.

Secondly, in Luke’s opinion Blackie was a bit of an overkill because of his own upbringing.

The two of them entered the CBS television building, the news department is on the seventh floor of the building, the elevator is divided into single and double floors.

The elevator doors opened, and before all the people inside came down, the people outside started to enter, and Luke and Blackie were squeezed into a corner.

Blackie disliked this feeling and muttered, “Why does it feel like everyone is busy here?”

A female black man wearing a press pass said, “Because if we’re just a minute late, the news could turn into old news, so we have to race against the clock.”

The elevator stopped at the seventh floor and the black woman got off, making a point of looking at Luke and Blackie.

Blacky rubbed his chin and laughed, “That’s damn glamorous.”

He sighed softly again, “It’s a burden for a married man, too.”

Luke ignored the narcissist and headed in the direction of the front desk, however, there was no one at the front desk.

Luke looked around, the hallway looked chaotic with people coming and going, and the offices on either side were separated by glass.

“Why does it feel like they’re all looking at us?” As narcissistic as Blackie was, he knew the situation, something wasn’t right.

Luke also sensed this, “Find someone to ask.”

Not far away came a white girl in her twenties with a reporter’s badge around her neck, she looked at Blacky and Luke with the same curious gaze.

Blacky took the initiative to wave and say hello, “Hi, do you recognize me?”

“No, I don’t recognize.”

“But I feel like you’re looking at me.”

“Sorry, it’s not you I’m looking at.” The white female reporter’s eyes looked past Blackie to Luke, “Hey, are you Captain Lee from the Heist and Murder Division?”

Luke asked back, “You know me?”

“Most of the people on this floor know you, my name is Cathy Carneiro, I’m also a news reporter, nice to meet you.”

“Me too.” Luke smiled and asked rhetorically, “Do you know Naomi Inoue?”

“Oh yes, I remember her as a new and recently arrived trainee reporter, she should be in the third office cubicle on my left.”

“Thanks.” Luke nodded his head in greeting and prepared to leave with Black.

Cathy Carneiro handed over a business card, “Captain Lee, here’s my card, nice to meet you.”

“Me too.” Luke, politely accepted the business card.

Luke gave Xiao Hei a wink.

Blacky handed over his card, “I’m Captain Lee’s partner and the external contact for the Heist and Murder Division.”

“Wow, so it’s Detective Marcus, nice to meet you.” Cathy Carneiro took the business card and examined it, grinning, she was already satisfied to know an Inspector face to face and to ask for the other party’s business card.

The Robbery and Murder Division was always in charge of major criminal cases, as long as they could get some insider information and broadcast it at the right time, there was no chance that it would become a news headline.

It was a good source of information for a reporter.

As for Luke, it wasn’t something she could get yet.

“Let me take you to Inoue Naomi! She’s definitely the luckiest girl in the news department today.”

Black wondered, “Do you think she knows us too?”

“Of course, a qualified L.A. reporter would definitely know Captain Lee.”

Cathy Carneiro led the two to the door of the third office room, she glanced inside and pointed to a seat against the side, “That’s the dark-haired Asian girl over there.”

Luke said, “Thank, you.”

“Call me anytime you need anything, I’m on 24/7.”

Luke nodded with a smile and watched Cathy Carneiro leave.

Blackie said with some envy, “I didn’t think these reporters would like you so much.”

Luke teased, “Is it a regret that you got married early.”

“No, No, No, I never had that thought, they were after you, not me.”

Blacky walked over to the Asian woman’s desk and tapped his fingers on it, “Hey, can we talk?”

The Asian woman looked up at Black and leaned back in her chair, “Hello, what can I do for you? I don’t seem to recognize you.”

Blacky pointed to Luke next to her, “Do you recognize him then?”

The Asian woman looked over at Luke, her white, delicate cheeks showing surprise as she stood up, “Luke Lee!”

Blackie skimmed his lips and looked at the trainee reporter sign hanging on her towering breasts, secretly saying, “It seems that you can be converted early.

In fact, the white female reporter who led the way just now played a little mind, in her words, if Nami Inoue didn’t know Luke, she wasn’t a qualified reporter.

It was implied that Luke should find a better reporter if he wanted to find someone to work with.

Kuro flashed his badge, “I’m Detective Marcus, Squadron One, Robbery and Murder Division.”

“What can I do for you two officers?”

“Are you Naomi Inoue?” Luke sized up the Asian woman and felt something familiar.

She was very pretty, with fair skin, about one meter six and a half tall, with a luscious figure, curvy in front and curvy in the back, belonging to the typical East Asian beauties.

“Yes, I’m still a trainee reporter, why are you guys looking for me?”

Luke looked at the somewhat noisy office, “Can we talk somewhere quieter for a change?”

Inoue Naomi also felt the envious, curious, and complicated gazes cast by her colleagues, “Let’s go to the conference room, that side is dedicated to receiving distinguished guests.”

Blackie came to Luke’s ear, “In all the times we’ve come to the door to investigate a case, it’s the first time we’ve been treated as honored guests.”

After entering the conference room, Inoue Naomi smiled and said, “Captain Li, actually it’s not the first time we meet, exactly I’ve seen you before, but I don’t know if you’ve noticed me?”

Luke also recognized the other party, the last time he traveled to Hawaii, he saw an Asian beauty on his way back, at that time he felt that the Asian beauty was paying attention to him, if not for the fact that Orty was right beside him, the two might have had further contact.

Luke frowned and pretended to think, “Was it the press conference at the police station?”

Nami Inoue was a little lost, “No. I just traveled to Hawaii a while ago and met you at the airport.

At that time, the news of the kidnapping of the real estate tycoon’s son was all over the news, and I guessed at the time that you were most likely returning to L.A. to investigate the case, and sure enough, you didn’t disappoint.

It was also from that time on the news that I learned that you were not only an LAPD officer, but also a criminal investigation consultant for the FBI.”

“There’s a restroom here, shouldn’t I go to a restroom?” Kuro suddenly felt a little redundant.

Inoue Naomi revealed an apologetic smile, “Sorry for the delay, what would you like to talk about? Is there another big case going on in LA? I’m looking forward to working with you guys.”

Luke asked, “Do you know Arnett Stone?”

“Yes. I just started interning at the station last year and he mentored me for a while.

But he’s left the station and is now an independent investigative reporter.

Did something happen to him?”

Without answering Luke asked rhetorically, “You contacted him recently.”

“Yes, I called him but I couldn’t reach him, and I made a trip to his house yesterday.

I knocked on the door but no one answered, and to be honest, I’m a little worried about him too.”

Blacky asked, “Didn’t you think about calling the police?”

“Come, on, he’s an independent investigative reporter now, he’s most likely investigating a big story, it’s normal for him to disappear for a few days, and if I call the police now, I’ll most likely interfere with his investigations, and he’ll hate me for it.

You guys came to me because of what happened to him, why?”

“Yesterday we found a body in the L.A. River that was too damaged to identify the deceased.

According to our investigation, the car that dumped the body was a black Buick owned by Arnett Stone.”

“My God, you guys suspect he was murdered!”

“It’s a possibility.”

Naomi Inoue held her hand to her forehead, “That’s terrible, he was a great guy, taught me a lot, and he was a very dedicated reporter.”

Luke asked, “Do you know what stories he’s been investigating lately?”

“Yes, I know some of it.

Just before he left the station, he received an anonymous piece of correspondence from someone who claimed to be a retired veteran.

He’s been trying to adjust to life at home since he retired from the war, but it’s been a hard adjustment for him.

He switched to suffering from PTSD, which has made his life and work even more difficult.

He feels that he is a hero who died for his country and has been treated unfairly when he returned home, and he wants to be treated with the respect he deserves.

He hoped that Arnett could come forward and speak up for him, letting more people know what happened to him through the TV station and gaining more attention.

Arnett has been in contact with the other side, he not only wants to understand the person who wrote the anonymous letter, but also wants to understand the group, he feels that individual cases are meaningless, only by understanding the living environment and encounters of the entire group of retired soldiers can we come up with an objective and fair comment.

He contacted me some time ago to say that he had unearthed a major story, he sounded excited and said that if the investigation went well, he might become a hero, just like Seymour.”

“Do you know, who was the person who wrote to him?”

“Not sure, he wouldn’t tell me something like that.”

“Do you think that if he was killed, it would have something to do with the news he was investigating?”

“That’s a strong possibility, he was a very simple man, he didn’t care about wealth, and I’ve never seen him hanging out with women or focusing on enjoyment, the only thing he cared about was the news, and he was always trying to make a big story.”

Kuro asked, “Would he like men?”

Nami Inoue “……”

“Detective, I wish you would be more serious.”

“I’m not being unserious, I do have my doubts about that, something similar happened when we were working on a case before, the poor thing is that his wife just actually didn’t know and kept thinking he was straight.”

Luke interrupted Kuro and turned to Naomi Inoue, “Does anyone else besides you know about the news that Arnett Stone is investigating?”

“Probably! He’s a good senior and has a few good friends at the station, I think you could ask them as well.”

“Can you name them?”

“I don’t think that’s particularly appropriate for me to say.”

Luke nodded, “Could you introduce me to the head of your department?”

“Sure, I’d be happy to.” Nami Inoue took out a business card and handed it to Luke, “If there’s anything else you’d like to ask, you can call me.”

Luke took the card and pulled one of his own out of his pocket and handed it to her, “Feel free to call me if you think of anything new.”

“I will, and I do hope you catch Arnett’s killer sooner rather than later.”

Nami Inoue led the two Luke out of the conference room and asked to a chubby black woman, “Hey Lucy, where’s the supervisor?”

“In his office, he’s not in a very good mood right now, I suggest you wait before you go in.”

“I can wait, but these two gentlemen behind me want to talk to him.”

The chubby black woman looked over at Luke and Blackie and shrugged, “What can I do for you guys?”

Blacky smiled and whispered to Luke, “Looks like not everyone here knows you.”

Blacky flashed his badge, “LAPD, I’d like to speak with your supervisor.”

The chubby black woman pointed to the east side office, “He’s right there, I’ll take you there.”

The words fell, “Boom.”

A popping sound.

The glass of that office was directly shattered, smoke and dust rose and debris flew.


“Get down!”

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