Chapter 505

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:14:32
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Honey Lister’s house.

A black Ford SUV was parked not far away.

Luke took the binoculars and looked through the car window, the front and backyard of Honey Lister’s house were surrounded by a white wooden fence, the height of the wooden fence was 50 centimeters higher than the neighbor’s house, for better privacy.

Luke put down the binoculars, the white wooden fence is more than a meter high, from this angle can not see the situation inside.

It was dark, and the visibility of the naked eye decreased significantly.

Luke took out his walkie-talkie, “Jackson, the infrared drone is ready to lift off.”

“Okay, Captain.”

The drone slowly lifted off from the distance, and Luke tapped on his phone’s software to synchronize the infrared images.

The drone flew over Honey Lister’s house, from which the topographical structure of Honey Lister’s house could be photographed.

The front yard was flat, free of clutter and human-shaped heat sources.

There were no lights on in the house and no obvious heat sources were detected.

The drone flew again to the backyard, which looked like a large rectangular pit had been dug in the center, and wasn’t very visible to infrared imaging.

Luke glanced outside, it wasn’t quite dark yet, and took out his walkie-talkie and said, “Jackson, convert to HD camera.”

“Roger that.”

It didn’t take long for the video on the screen to switch to a normal image, and although it was a bit dark, it was still vaguely visible.

There was indeed a large rectangular pit in the backyard, the sides of which were piled high with plastic bags, and half of it was covered with a dark green cloth.

Blackie also came over and stared wide-eyed, “Is this a trench dug in the back?”

Luke nodded, “I think so.”

“What’s he doing digging this in the backyard?” Black felt a little strange and speculated, “Did he think the police would come for him? Preparing to hide in the trench to fight back.”

Luke couldn’t figure it out and didn’t bother to think about it, if he really was a normal person, he wouldn’t have staged a terrorist attack.

The drone finished its reconnaissance and found no sign of Honey Lister.

Of course, it could not be ruled out that Honey Lister was hiding in the house, but just couldn’t survey the heat source because of the cover of the roof.

Luke is not in a hurry to act, just take people to guard near Honey Lister’s house, he has gotten the news from Reed, the FBI people are rushing this way, the hard core is still left to them to gnaw on it.

Ten minutes later, the FBI arrived in the neighborhood.

The head of the FBI called and asked Luke to meet him in a black business car.

Luke confirmed the license plate number and then pulled open the door of the business car.

In the car sat a white middle-aged woman with floppy hair and a popular face, wearing a black professional outfit, like a workplace elite.

The woman took the initiative to shake Luke’s hand: ”I am Lynn Blois, deputy director of the FBI’s Los Angeles office, head of the Counterterrorism Department.

Counselor Lee, thank you for the information.”

Luke said, “Since you address me as Counselor Lee, we are all on our own, it’s only right that we share information and cooperate with each other.”

“You’re right, it’s not just the Criminal Investigation Department that needs criminal investigation consultants, we need them too.”

There were multiple counterterrorism departments in the United States, and the reason why Reed had told the FBI about the clues of Fear of Dividing instead of the other departments was also after multiple considerations.

First, he had contacted Frank, and if this boss had instructions, then surely he was doing what Frank said.

Secondly, he also had to listen to Luke’s thoughts, after all, Luke was the actual person in charge of the case.

Luke himself was more inclined towards the FBI.

The reason was simple, he himself was a criminal investigation consultant for the FBI.

Lynn Blois said, “Counselor Lee, can you tell me about the situation here?”

“Sure.” Luke recounted briefly when they arrived at Honey Lister’s house, and the situation at Honey Lister’s house.

After listening to it, Lynn Blois asked rhetorically, “Counselor Lee, what are your thoughts on your next move?”

“Although I have solved some cases, I don’t know much about the Dread Branch, for example, Honi Lister is clearly a retired soldier, and he has most likely participated in the fight against the Dread Branch in the Middle East, so why is he now shifting his stance and asking for the release of the leader of the Dread Branch who is being held in prison.”

Lynn Blois took out her tablet and tapped it a few times, “This is all the information we could find on Honi Lister.

The unit he belonged to served in the Middle East for two years, during which time he performed well, with one injury and two meritorious service awards.

The following information is about his return home after his discharge.

Upon his return to Los Angeles, he looked for multiple jobs, each of which lasted less than two months.

He has been unemployed since the slaughterhouse went out of business.

In addition, he had a police report on file from a neighbor of his mother’s who claimed to have heard gunshots early in the morning that originated at his mother’s house.

When the police arrived at the scene and inquired about the situation, his mother claimed that no shots had been fired in the house, but the police found bullet holes and traces of gunpowder residue in the house.

It was only then that his mother told the truth, that she had called Honey Lister out of bed in the morning, and that Honey Lister seemed to be in shock and instinctively fired the gun, and that it was a complete misunderstanding.

Shortly thereafter, Honey Lister was diagnosed with PTSD and he moved out of his mother’s house, which made his financial and living situation even more difficult.

His mental state should have been very unstable.

The discrepancy between excelling in the military and falling short in real life may have caused him to become disgruntled with the country and the system and do something to retaliate against society.”

Luke said, “We’ve been staking out his neighborhood for a while, and there’s no movement in the house.

If he’s not in the house and you can’t find out where he is in the first place, would you consider releasing Dreadpoint?”

“Absolutely not, and even if I had the idea, the higher-ups wouldn’t agree.

Therefore, in order to prevent Los Angeles from falling into a terrorist threat, Counselor Li, I need your assistance, I know your ability to investigate cases, plus my knowledge and familiarity with Dread Fraction.

We have a good chance of winning.”

Luke also understood that there was no turning back now, even if he knew that the bones in front of him were hard, he still had to gnaw on them.

It was less than eleven hours until the next round of explosions.

Time was urgent, they had no time to wait any longer, and the two decided to act immediately.

The FBI task force was responsible for entering the house and searching it.

Luke led the search of the backyard and guarded the back door of the house.

Luke didn’t have a problem with this arrangement, although the credit for capturing the suspect was great, but it was a bomb to mess up, although Luke had a bomb avoidance card, but that was for special situations to save his life, not knowing that the house might have a bomb and still rushing inside.

The FBI special task force is well equipped, bulletproof helmets, night vision devices, bulletproof vests …… can be said to be armed to the teeth.

With a command from Lynn Bulova.

“Bang!” The sound.

The FBI task force rushed into the house.


Almost at the same time, Luke also rushed into the backyard with his men, “LAPD!”

Ramon brought people to guard the back door of the house.

Luke, on the other hand, led the men to search the backyard.

The trench in the middle of the backyard was dug angularly and very standard, the trench was more than a meter deep, and the surrounding area was piled high with bags filled with dirt, there was a drop of almost two meters.

Xiao Hei lifted the dark green tarpaulin at the top of the trench, and the entire interior of the trench came into view.

Inside the trench was placed a marching bed and bedding, as well as some daily necessities.

Xiao Hei was astonished, “This guy has been living here all this time, what a weirdo.”

Luke sighed, “Maybe he’s used to this lifestyle, making him feel more secure.”

Blackie’s tone softened, “Poor guy too.”

Jackson staked out the backyard with a couple of patrolmen.

His task was twofold, one was to be ready to back up at any time, and the other was to guard the surrounding area to prevent being copied.

Seeing Luke and the others rushing into the backyard, he followed suit and tensed up, fearing another explosion.

After a while, there wasn’t too much noise inside or outside the house, and his hanging heart let out a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, he noticed an old white Honda driving by not far away, and its speed dropped significantly as it drove nearby.

But the car didn’t stop, driving at an even pace down the street from the backyard of Honey Lister’s house.

It was a little too dark for Jackson to see inside the car, but he had a feeling that the people inside were staring in his direction as well.

He got inside the police car and searched the license plate of the white Honda.

His face changed drastically when he saw the owner’s information.

“Captain, a white suspect vehicle has been spotted, owned by Honey Lister’s mother.” After Jackson finished speaking, he stepped on the gas and went straight after it.

Luke was just in the trench and didn’t hear Jackson’s shout clearly, and asked Xiao Hei on the side, “What did he find?”

Xiao Hei was also confused, “I didn’t hear it clearly either, he just drove off directly, I didn’t expect this kid to have such a reckless side.”

Inside a police car traveling at breakneck speed, Jackson was concentrating on driving with his eyes on the front.

Suddenly the intercom rang.

“Jackson what happened?” Luke’s voice came over the intercom.

“Captain, I found Honey Lister’s mother’s car.”

Luke asked, “Can you confirm that Honey Lister was driving?”

“Can’t.” Jackson looked ahead at the white Honda that was driving fast, “But I can be sure that it’s definitely not an old white lady driving.”

“Cut him off!”

“Roger that.” Jackson hung up his walkie-talkie, his gaze becoming sharp.

The police academy driving test, he was number one.

The car speeds up again.

Jackson turned on the police lights and siren, signaling the white Honda to pull over.

However, the white Honda had no intention of stopping and was still traveling at high speed.

Suddenly, the white Honda made a violent right turn at the intersection in front of it, almost hitting a pedestrian on the crosswalk.

“Fuck, you @#$%……,” a burst of curses from the pedestrian on the roadside.

Jackson followed suit and turned right, reducing his speed to avoid the pedestrians, but he soon caught up with them and again signaled the other car to stop.

The white Honda continued to ignore it.

Two consecutive warnings, Jackson is not ready to give him another chance, fierce foot gas pedal step down, driving to the left lane of the white Honda, and then, he jerked the steering wheel, directly into the left rear of the white Honda.

“Bang” sound.

The two cars crashed together and came into close contact, the white sitting Honda car was directly knocked sideways.

“You may be an excellent soldier, but not an excellent driver.” Jackson muttered, directly knocking the white Honda over.

“Rumble ……” The white Honda skidded out a few meters and crashed into the guardrail next to it.

Jackson got out of the car, gun in both hands, and walked over to the white Honda, “LAPD!”

“Freeze.” Jackson half crouched down and looked over at Honey Lister in the driver’s side, who had suffered a bump on the head and scratches from the rollover, but didn’t appear to be seriously injured.

“Keep your hands where I can see them.”

Jackson snapped, ready to shoot, knowing full well what kind of enemy he was dealing with.

Several police cars drove by and more officers arrived to support the scene.

Jackson’s hanging heart dropped.

A patrolman pulled open the driver’s door and Jackson pulled Honey Lister out of the car, pressed him against the side of the car, and handcuffed him.

Honi Lister looked at Jackson and the others, an angry look on his face, “Why are you arresting me?”

“You are suspected of being involved in a terrorist attack.”

“You guys are making false accusations, I’m not.”

“Be honest.” Jackson began to frisk him.

“Fuck, don’t move me, I’m unarmed.”

Jackson looked as if he had heard a joke, “Someone like you would be unarmed? You expect me to believe that?”

“You’re right, I do like guns, but I don’t carry one anymore since I almost shot my mother by mistake.” Honey Lister glared at Jackson and said, coldly.

“You should be thanking my mother, if I carried a gun with me, you’d be a corpse by now.”

Jackson’s face changed slightly, and he was about to say something when Luke came over with his men, “Hey man, how’s it going? No injuries?”

Jackson spread his hands and looked unimpressed, “Minor, it was over before I even started to play.”

Luke laughed, “Just be yourself, don’t purposely pick up some guy’s accent, he’s not as popular as he says he is.”

Jackson “……”

Blackie “……”

Luke walks over to Honey Lister, “How’s the injury? Should I call you an ambulance?”

Honi Lister didn’t buy it and gritted his teeth, “Don’t be hypocritical, what do you guys want?”

“Give up your accomplices, I can help you turn into a tainted witness.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about? I didn’t do anything illegal and I don’t have an accomplice.”

Luke asked back, “Then why did you run?”

Honey Lister clenched her fists, the veins on her neck rippling, “A group of enemies raided my home.

What was I supposed to do if I didn’t run and stay behind when I was alone, unarmed, against a group of heavily armed enemies?

Be a target? Or surrender to the enemy?”

Jackson corrected, “Hey man, this isn’t the Middle East, it’s Los Angeles.

We’re not the enemy, we’re the LAPD.

If you think of us as the enemy, it means you subconsciously think of yourself as a criminal or a fearful sub.”

“I’m not a fear of points, you’re the ones who are mistaken!” Honey Lister glared at Jackson, provocatively.

“If I was Dread Score, you would have died long ago!”

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