Chapter 522

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:15:22
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Five o’clock in the afternoon.

Novibar Gun Club.

“Bang ……” An athletic figure swiftly traveled through the actual target range.

The shotgun was extremely powerful, shattering the targets with each pass.

Luke passed through the training range smoothly after smashing the targets along the way, he took out the timer to check the time, it was 0.5 seconds faster than before.

Luke had trained all afternoon with the shotgun learning card, and his speed through the practical training field was already equal to David’s.

Unfortunately, David wasn’t here, or else Luke would really have to give him a match.

Ever since using the shotgun, he’d fallen in love with the feel of it, and he’d practiced not just because it was required for his job, but also because he liked it.

And the best way to practice something to the limit was to like it.

Luke was enjoying this feeling right now.

“Ringing ……” Luke’s cell phone rang.

He glanced at his phone and the number of Lilith Finn was displayed on the screen.

“Hi beautiful, good afternoon.”

“Hey tough guy, I just saw the news report that you saved LA again.”

Luke teased, “And I thought rich people only read financial news.”

Lilith Finn retorted, “My family may be rich, but I’m just an heir, and I’ve never considered myself rich, at least not yet.

Besides, really rich people don’t read financial news because they are the financial news makers.”

“OK, future makers of financial news, tell me the purpose of finding me.”

“My treasure hunting team has been found, and the equipment is almost ready, just waiting for you.”

Luke had just the right amount of time recently, more importantly, he was short of money, said, “Let’s meet tomorrow, treasure hunting is different from ordinary missions, some things are better to be clear in advance.”

“You’re right, I think so too, by the way, I’ll introduce you to a treasure hunting partner.”

“See you tomorrow.” Luke hangs up his cell phone, fills it with ammo, and continues practicing with his shotgun.

Declan’s Restaurant.

It was a Netflix restaurant and a famous place for noblewomen to hit in Los Angeles.

The restaurant is located on the hillside, overlooking the surrounding scenery is beautiful, the restaurant’s decoration is also unique, belongs to the retro style, is not considered to be much splendor, but with the surrounding scenery blends into one.

Luke entered the restaurant, he saw a few young women around a table, there is a pastry on the table, a few stylishly dressed women around the table to take pictures.

Luke said his name, and a waitress led Luke inside the restaurant, past a section of floor-to-ceiling windows, and opened a glass door to an open-air setting outside, open and inviting.

There was only one table of customers sitting in the open air restaurant, two young women.

One of them was blonde, with a fair complexion, delicate features, and a shapely figure, and was none other than Lilith Finn, who had invited him here.

The other one was also a white woman, about twenty years old, with a long colorful braid, wearing thick glasses, not tall, and looked a bit dull.

Lilith Finn stood up and greeted her as if she knew her well, “Hi Luke, this way.”

Luke didn’t sweep her off her feet and pulled out a chair to sit down, “Sorry to keep the two beautiful ladies waiting.”

Lilith Finn pointed aside to the woman with the long braids and introduced her, “This is Marielle Bomba, she’s well versed in all sorts of electronic and mechanical devices.

This is Luke, a very gentlemanly tough guy.”

“Hello, Sir.”

“I like your braid, it’s very distinctive.”

“Thanks, just call me Cobalt.”

“Are you sure?” Luke felt that similar nicknames should be used for acquaintances, and it seemed a little disrespectful for strangers to address them.

“Yes, I like being called that.” Glasses Girl pushed up her glasses, “It saves a lot of trouble so no one can mistake me.”

“OK, Glasses Girl.” Luke readily accepted the favor.

Lilith Finn said, “Our treasure hunting team is expected to have four members, and in addition to the three of us, there is a guide who will meet us at the treasure hunting location.”

Cobalt urged, “Tell us about the clues to the treasure, I can hardly wait.”

Lilith Finn took out a seven-centimeter diameter drum from the backpack behind her, opened the lid, and took out a piece of yellow leather from inside, which was a bit old and looked dated.

Since there were no other guests around, Lilith Finn directly spread the yellow leather on the table.

“This is a treasure map that can be traced back to the sixteenth century, according to the description of the treasure map, a sea ship loaded with Indian treasure encountered pirates on the way back to Europe, under the leadership of the captain the crew defeated the pirates, but they themselves were also badly damaged, the hull of the ship was also damaged, and it had to be docked at an uninhabited island.

Because they did not know when they could be rescued, in order to avoid being spied on by outsiders treasure, they hid the treasure on the island.

I’ve studied this treasure map for a long time, and I can basically determine the approximate location of the treasure, located in the U.S. Virgin Islands, which is situated between the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea.”

Glasses Girl asked, “Can I take a closer look at this treasure map?”

“Feel free to look, but no pictures.”

Glasses Girl looked at the map and said, “I know about this place, it’s considered an overseas colony of the United States, however, the Virgin Islands are divided into American and British, can you be sure that the treasure we’re looking for is the American Virgin Islands and not the British Virgin Islands?”

Lilith Finn shrugged, “I don’t mind if you want to pay taxes in two countries for your share of the treasure.”

Glasses Girl sounded certain, “No, I’m sure, it’s the U.S. Virgin Islands.”

Luke also scrutinized the map and said, “Although the U.S. Virgin Islands is a U.S. colony, it doesn’t have a close connection with the country, and the risk factor of exploring and hunting for treasures in that place will be higher.”

“I know, that’s why I invited you here, not to mention that I also hired a local guide, I believe that with the two of you around, you should be able to avoid some potential dangers.”

Luke was just reminding the other party that since Lilith Finn wasn’t afraid, Luke himself had nothing to fear.

“How long do we expect this treasure hunt to take?”

Lilith Finn took out the tablet from her bag, tapped on Google Maps and zoomed in locally, “I’ve carefully researched, the treasure location should be on the islands in this area, as long as we finish searching this area, we should be able to find the treasure.

If we can’t find it, then it means that something has gone wrong with the treasure hunting plan, and the treasure hunting operation will likewise be temporarily terminated.

So I expect it to be about 3 to 5 days.”

Luke frowned and said, “This area is not small and there are quite a few islands, it won’t be easy to search through it in 3 to 5 days.”

Lilith Finn looked at Glasses Girl on the side, “I also thought of this, so I procured some instruments in advance.”

Glasses Girl continued, “We have advanced drone cameras, metal detectors, diving equipment, water purifiers, etc., which can help us shorten the treasure hunting time as much as possible.”

Although Luke had looked at the map, the research time was still short, and he was not clear about the exact origin of this map, plus it was the first time for both sides to work together, Luke was a bit bottomless for this treasure hunting trip.

But the problem is that Lilith Finn is more powerful, opened a 400,000 U.S. dollars of employment, in addition, after finding the treasure Luke can also get a quarter of the treasure.

Even if he couldn’t find the treasure, earning 400,000 dollars a week was a solid deal, and Luke had no reason to refuse.

Luke asked, “When are you going to leave?”

“The sooner the better.” Lilith Finn gazed at Luke with a few inquiries.

Luke thought of the Zhang brothers, the other party hadn’t contacted him since yesterday’s lunch.

Luke also did not take the initiative to contact them, if he rushed up to contact them, the other party would most likely depress the shares.

If the shares were too low, it wouldn’t be much fun and it would be better not to cooperate.

Luke decided to leave them another day, if they didn’t contact themselves today, they would leave tomorrow.

“I’ll get ready today, buy some equipment, and if there are no surprises, we’ll leave tomorrow.”

Lilith Finn took out a piece of paper from the backpack she was carrying, “This is the list of equipment I purchased for the expedition, you can use it as a reference.”

The three of them chatted for a while longer to finalize tomorrow’s travel time.

Luke tasted the pastries and drank a cup of black tea, and experienced the life of a noblewoman.

In the afternoon, Luke went to purchase some outdoor adventure equipment.

The U.S. Virgin Islands had a tropical maritime climate, so it was definitely necessary to purchase some mosquito repellent supplies.

The local island vegetation is more dense, where people are rare, there is not even a road, the dagger sent by dad can just be used.

Waterproof and non-slip shoes must also buy a pair.

There are headlamps, raincoats, tactical flashlights, lighters, binoculars, compasses, sleeping bags and so on.

As for the GPS navigation, marine satellite phone, flares, tent, engineer shovel, camera and first aid kit, Lilith Finn had already purchased them, so there was no need for Luke to buy them again.

After coming out from the Adventure Outdoor Store, Luke went to a nearby high-end gun store, ready to purchase another shotgun, the dense rainforest was covered with vegetation everywhere, it was difficult to determine the enemy’s position, the shotgun had a larger range of attack and was more suitable for fighting in the jungle.

Luke wanted to buy a Burnelli M4 shotgun, besides the normal version, the boss recommended a modified version to him.

The most intuitive change was the retractable stock, which became a fixed short stock, and the entire gun body was only 86 centimeters.

This was also more in line with Luke’s combat needs, Luke generally fought in places where space was narrower and flexibility was important.

In addition, Luke’s physical quality is stronger, without the need to use the butt as well as to adapt to the recoil.

A spare magazine change has been added to the left side of the barrel.

The gun body and trigger are also made of a lighter, corrosion-resistant alloy with a non-slip pattern.

After some trial and error, Luke felt that the gun was much lighter, the trigger was more responsive, and it was more user-friendly and comfortable to operate.

The only downside was that it was a bit expensive.

The regular version of the Benelli M4 shotgun is nearly $3,000.

The modified version, the one Luke had, was priced at over $6,000.

Luke tried the regular version, and then tried the modified version, and he could indeed feel some differences when using it. The gun was the guy he ate with, so a little bit more expensive was still worth it.

Luke ended up purchasing the modified version of the Burnelli M4 shotgun.

Over the Caribbean Sea.

Inside a small private plane, Cobalt flipped her long colorful braid and looked out the window with an excited face, “I was wondering if we could stay here on vacation when our treasure hunt is over?”

Lilith Finn said, “Theoretically it’s feasible, but if we don’t find the treasure, odds are you won’t be in the mood for fun.

If we find the treasure, it’s even more unlikely that you’ll throw it aside and vacation here.”

“You’re right.” Glasses Girl shrugged and looked over at the cockpit of the plane, “Actually, I’m more interested in flying this plane right now than vacationing.”

Lilith Finn laughed, “Are you kidding?”

“No, I have an airplane pilot’s license, I just haven’t flown this type of private plane yet.” The glasses girl had an expectant look on her face.

Lilith Finn bristled, “I don’t think it’s a good idea to change pilots mid-flight.

Luke, what do you think?”

Luke asked without answering, “Is there a parachute?”

Cobalt shrugged, “You should learn to trust your partners, I’ll be an absolutely great pilot and get you safely to the ground.”

Lilith Finn snickered, “I believe you, but you’ll have to knock the pilot out before you can do that, or I don’t expect he’ll agree.”

Luke looked at the colorful braided sister, he didn’t really trust the other party’s piloting skills, if she dared to go to the cockpit.

Luke didn’t mind knocking her out first.

Half an hour later, the plane landed on St. Thomas, which was one of the larger islands in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

The island was beautiful, and many Americans would choose to come here for vacation.

The stewardess came over, placed her hands in front of her, and bowed slightly, ”Honorable Miss Finn and the two honored guests, the U.S. Virgin Islands have arrived.

We wish you a wonderful vacation here.”

“Thank you, we will.” Lilith Finn stood up and grabbed the backpack next to her.

Luke grabbed his luggage as well and prepared to get off the plane.

The airplane door opened and a heat wave hit the room.

It was about thirty degrees here, a little hotter than Los Angeles, and the high humidity in the air made it seem even more muggy.

However, this climate was perfect for a beach vacation.

Three people and six large suitcases drove away from the airfield in a ferry.

At this time inside the pick-up hall.

A young woman in a brown dress held up a white sign that read Miss Finn.

Lilith Finn introduced, “This is Elsa Marin, the fourth member of our expedition team and our guide for this trip.”

Luke sized up Elsa Marin, her skin was light brown, not as dark as ordinary blacks, and her features were more graceful, she should be a mix of black and white, just with heavier black blood.

“I’m Marielle Bomba, you can call me Glasses Girl.”


“Welcome to St. Thomas.” Elsa Marin looked aside to Lilith Finn and said, “Ms. Finn, I’ve rented a yacht as you requested, do you guys want to see the yacht first, or eat first?”

Glasses Girl suggested, “I have an idea, why don’t we eat on the yacht? It’s exciting to think about.”

Lilith Finn asked, “Don’t you know how to sail a yacht? Why do you look like you’ve never been on a yacht before?”

“The waitresses in luxury stores also know a lot about luxury, but they may not have a piece of luxury of their own, and the person who sits and eats in a fine restaurant will never be the chef.”

Lilith Finn spread her hands, “I’m not sure a cook would eat in a fine restaurant, but you’ll definitely be having dinner on a yacht tonight.”

The group then rented a car and rushed to the marina where the yacht was parked, and once the car was on the road Luke realized that the cars here actually drove on the left side of the road, which was supposed to be unique in the United States.

Luke was suddenly a little worried about whether his FBI identity would work well here.

“Ringing ……”

Luke number’s cell phone rang, picked up the phone to see that the screen showed Zhang Jianguo’s number.

He hesitated for a moment, but still pressed the answer button, “Hello, this is Luke.”

“Mr. Li, this is Zhang Jianguo, do you have time tomorrow? I would like to ask you to have dinner and talk about the matter of cooperation in shares.”

“I’m afraid I can’t tomorrow, I’m not in Los Angeles right now, I have to go out of town to deal with something.”

“Then when will you probably be back?”

“It is expected that it may take about a week.”

“Then you see the matter of investing in shares ……”

“I am now in the field, the cell phone can not say clearly, wait for me to go back and then talk about it in detail.”

“That’s fine, I wish you all the best over there.

When you return to Los Angeles, I’ll give you a reception.”

“Okay, get in touch again.” Luke finished speaking and directly hung up his cell phone.

Yesterday he waited for a day’s time, the Zhang brothers did not call, now he just arrived in the U.S. Virgin Islands, the phone called, it can only be said that the timing is not appropriate, these two brothers are businessmen, their minds are clear, but to ask for 20% of their company’s shares, more or less in their hearts there must be some reluctance, airing them out is not a bad thing.

Good thing to grind it, some things come too easy, but will not cherish.

Just like Jinlang building materials company, Jinlang company even if there are more not, in the Zhang brothers construction company development early, also gave them not small help.

Didn’t Zhang Brothers know that Jin Lang Company’s building materials were more expensive and of average quality in the beginning?

Luke felt that Zhang Brothers as insiders should have known, but they still chose to cooperate.

When Zhang’s building materials company developed, they felt that their cooperation with each other was not equal, and they began to seek a new cooperation partner again.

Of course, Jin Lang Building Material Company definitely had problems.

But the Zhang brothers definitely had their own calculations as well.

Pushing themselves, right now, Zhang Brothers Construction Company was experiencing difficulties and needed Luke’s help.

When the company developed further in the future, would they want to terminate their cooperation with Luke just like abandoning Jin Lang Building Material Company.

Of course, Luke and Jin Lang Building Material Company’s situation was still a little different.

But the human heart was unpredictable, and it was still necessary to consider some things in advance.

Taking advantage of being in the field, Luke just happened to air out this pair of brothers, letting them know who is leading this cooperation?

And who took the initiative and preferred to reach cooperation?

Let them be entangled for a period of time in order to remember, the company will develop in the future in order to reduce some unnecessary matters.

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