Chapter 524

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:15:27
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Sleeping on the yacht wasn’t as good as expected, the boat kept swaying, causing Luke to lose some sleep.

Although Luke was a bit tired, he just couldn’t sleep.

He vaguely heard a rustling sound, and out of the intuition of a policeman, it made him raise a sense of vigilance.

Anyway, he couldn’t sleep, so he got up and cruised the yacht, and in the meantime, blowing the sea breeze and looking at the night view, maybe he could fall asleep after slipping around instead.

Open the bedroom door, is the corridor on the first floor of the yacht, there are three rooms on the first floor of the yacht.

Luke’s room was near the door, Cobalt’s room was in the center, and Elsa Marin’s room was at the far end.

However, Elsa Marin was not staying on the yacht tonight and would not come to the dock to meet up until tomorrow morning.

The second floor was the pilothouse, parlor, and master bedroom.

Lilith stayed in the master bedroom on the second floor, which was the most spacious room with a better view.

Luke opened the door to the first floor of the yacht and a cool sea breeze blew in his face.

Luke walked to the deck and habitually scanned the yacht, and found that the door of the parlor was open a crack, Luke immediately took out his pistol from his pocket and prepared to check out the second floor parlor.

Luke lightly stepped on the stairs and went up to the second floor, on the left hand side was the pilothouse, on the right hand side was the parlor.

The back door to the parlor led to the master bedroom.

The door of the parlor was hidden, Luke didn’t take a flashlight or turn on a light, and he could vaguely see his surroundings through the night.

At the same time, the sound of rattling became clearer and clearer, and Luke was certain that the rattling should be coming from the parlor.

Luke pushed open the door of the parlor and saw a figure wearing a black hood was rummaging through something in the cabinet, the other party heard the rattling at the door and also turned his head to check.

Luke raised his pistol and pointed it at the other person, “Freeze!”

Through the moonlight, Luke could roughly see the image of the other party, about one meter eight tall, wearing a hood, wearing black clothes, at a glance, it doesn’t look like a decent person, from the size it should be a man.

Luke instructed, “Put your hands on your head and kneel on the ground.

What are you looking for?”

The other party didn’t answer, but just followed Luke’s instruction, hands on his head, kneeling on the ground.

“Do you have a weapon?”


“Do you have any other accomplices ……” Luke hadn’t finished his question when he vaguely sensed movement behind him.

Luke turned and twisted, checking sideways.

An iron club with a harsh wind smashed head-on, Luke’s body shape was athletic, hastily backed up, narrowly and narrowly dodged the fatal blow.

Although Luke dodged his head and body, the iron bar smashed on the pistol, the impact was so strong that Luke instinctively let go of the pistol in order to avoid injury to his hand, dislodging the force of the iron bar’s smash.

The iron bar smashed on the barrel of the gun and did not hit Luke’s hand, he released the pistol in time and his hand was not injured.

But as a result, the pistol fell to the ground.

Luke reacted quickly, without the slightest hesitation, swung the fist of his left hand and smashed it directly into the head of the masked assailant.

The assailant used his arm to block the head.

Luke’s fist winded up and moved downward.

“Bang!” The sound.

Luke’s fist hit the opponent’s cheek, although it didn’t hit the head, it caused great damage to the opponent all the same.

The attacker was directly dazed and his body lurched to the left.

Luke, however, was not prepared to let him go, taking advantage of his illness and lifting his right foot to kick him in the stomach.


The attacker was kicked straight out, and the iron bar in his hand fell to the ground.

Luke leaned down to pick up the pistol, and the black hooded assailant from before also rushed over, and a sliding shovel kick sent the pistol flying, and the pistol was kicked outside the parlor, falling along the handrail gap to the first floor.

Luke was a step too slow to get the gun and went from claw to fist, hammering hard into the hooded man’s stomach.

“Uh-ah!” The hooded thug let out a cry of pain and his body curled up like a giant shrimp.

Luke ignored him, the priority was to find his pistol first, even if he didn’t use it himself, he couldn’t let the other thug get it.

Sure enough, the mugger with the mask had already gotten up from the floor and went down one level along the escalator, his target was also the pistol.

Luke also immediately chased after him, just in time to see the masked thug leaning down to pick up the gun.

He raised his foot and kicked it, directly knocking the other man down and rolling him next to the side of the boat.

“Son of a bitch ……”

The man with the mask seemed to be scared by the beating, cursed under his breath, and didn’t dare to fight with Luke, his body didn’t even stand straight, tumbled out of the yacht on the side of the boat, and jumped into the sea.

Luke picked up the gun, walked to the side of the boat side to check, vaguely can still see each other underwater figure, Luke with a pistol aimed at the figure in the sea, was about to shoot but found that the barrel is bent, it should be just now by the iron pipe broken.

Luke looked at the second floor of the yacht again, the man wearing a hood also covered his stomach and walked out of the parlor, he was more decisive, stepped on the handrail of the second floor and jumped directly into the sea.

“Plop!” There was a splash.

With a jerk into the water, the figure was almost invisible.

Luke put away the pistol, also do not intend to chase again, although his water is good, but also not arrogant enough to swim with the islanders than, jumped into the sea fighting ability will be discounted, plus the surrounding dark, in case the other side still have accomplices, the loss may be Luke.

“Cackle ……”

A door rang, the door of the first floor cabin opened, and the glasses girl ran out, holding a gun in her hand, “Don’t move, or …… I’ll shoot!”

The glasses girl looked around with some trepidation, her face showing a look of panic.

“Don’t be afraid, the thugs have run away.”

The glasses girl breathed a sigh of relief and put down her pistol, “Oh my god, what in the world just happened.”

“Two robbers came on the yacht and tried to attack me.” Luke reached out, “Give me the gun.”

The glasses girl was a little reluctant, “It’s my gun.”

Luke snatched it away, “I just wanted to tell you to turn on the safety before you use it.” Luke turned on the safety and cocked the gun, “I’ll keep this gun for now.”

Cobalt was a little embarrassed. “I can use the gun, I’m just a little nervous about hearing the fight.”

“I know that the one who would use the gun is the one who didn’t hear the fight, not the one you are now.

If you heard a gunshot, you’d be even more nervous and probably wouldn’t even be able to hold the gun.” Speaking of this, Luke didn’t want to hit her, “However, you’re already courageous for daring to come out and help me.”

The glasses girl gave up asking for the pistol and changed the topic, “Where’s Ms. Finn?”

Luke also realized that something was wrong, just now he and the thugs clashed in the parlor, and the master bedroom was adjacent to the parlor, it was reasonable that Lilith should be able to hear it.

“Damn it!” Luke checked his pistol again and boarded the second floor of the yacht.

Cobalt followed and asked, “Could Ms. Finn not have heard the noise and still be sleeping.”

“It’s possible.” Luke casually perfunctory, the glasses girl heard it on the first floor of the yacht, the possibility that Lilith couldn’t hear it was very small.

Of course, it can’t be ruled out that this woman is greedy and afraid of death, she heard the commotion and didn’t dare to come out, and is hiding in a corner of the closet.

The two entered the parlor, the glasses girl turned on the lights, Luke walked to the end of the parlor, separated by a door, inside is the master bedroom where Lilith lives.

The door was closed and Luke knocked on it with no response.

Cobalt walks over and enters the code and the door lock opens.

Luke walked into the master bedroom with his gun in hand, there was a faint scent in the room and Luke was temporarily relieved that he didn’t smell the familiar odor of blood.

The glasses girl turned on the wall light and the room lit up.

Luke’s eyes scanned the surrounding area and did not see any suspicious figures, then he put the gun away.

Lilith was covered with a thin sheet, lying on her side on the bed with her back to the two men, still unmoving.

“Ms. Finn ……” glasses girl called a few times, no response.

She looked at Luke again, worried, “What’s wrong with her ……?”

Luke did not say anything, walked to the bedside, his right hand touched to her neck, hot, there is a pulse, there should still be ……

Suddenly, Lilith’s body moved, turned around, just in time to meet Luke’s four eyes.

“Ah!” Lilith exclaimed, sitting up from the bed in shock, jumping off the bed again and leaning against a side closet, terrified, “What are you doing? Why are you in my room?”

Luke and Cobalt were also confused, Lilith was wearing nothing but a pair of white lace panties, her upper body was unencumbered, her two perfect semicircles jiggling around, and her body was naked as a mermaid.

Cobalt breathed a sigh of relief, “Ms. Finn, I’m glad you’re still so energized.”

Lilith came back to her senses and regained some composure, covering her breasts with her hands, “Why are you two perverts suddenly in my room?

Close your eyes, no looking.”

Luke handed her the sheet, “You’ve been sleeping?”

“What did you say?” Lilith covered her body with the sheet with her left hand and with her right finger she pulled two white earplugs out of her ears.

“You guys have to give me an explanation or I’m calling a lawyer right now.

And don’t use some damn April Fool’s Day as an excuse, I won’t accept it.

It’s a good thing I have a healthy heart or you guys would have killed me.”

Luke looked at the earbuds in her hand and turned to the glasses girl on the sidelines, “Go ahead.”

“Ms. Finn, two thugs ran onto the yacht just now and it was Mr. Lee who chased them away. But you never showed up, and we were worried that something had happened to you, so we went into your room.

We knocked on the door, but there was no answer.”

Lilith understood the situation and sat back on the bed with some embarrassment, shrugging her smooth shoulders, “I’m sorry, I misunderstood you guys.

I hate it when people disturb my sleep.

One time the maid in the house dropped something and woke me up.

I lost my temper and made the other person cry.

I …… also felt guilty.

Since then when I sleep in unfamiliar surroundings, I like to wear earplugs.” Lilith looked at Luke and said apologetically, “I’m sorry, I misunderstood you and overreacted a bit.”

“There’s nothing wrong with your reaction.

If I suddenly had another person next to my bed, he’d probably go straight to God.” Luke chortled to himself and reminded, “However, wearing earplugs is definitely not a good habit, and if it was a robber who came in just now, he wouldn’t have been so friendly to you.”

“You’re right.

But it’s because of you that I can sleep so soundly.” Lilith flattered and asked rhetorically, “By the way, didn’t you shoot? I would have woken up even with earplugs in if I had heard gunshots.”


Lilith shrugged, “Why? That’s not like you in L.A.?”

Luke held out the Glock pistol and handed it to the other woman.

In the light, it was clear to see that the barrel was a little bent, and Lilith took the pistol to check it out, “Wow. Looks like there was a lot of fighting just now.”

Luke suggested, “You should see for yourself if you recognize the two thugs who broke into the yacht.”

Lilith looked aside to the glasses girl, “Pull up the yacht’s camera surveillance.”

“Okay, Ms. Finn.” The glasses girl answered and turned to leave.

Only Luke and Lilith were left in the master bedroom.

Lilith, still covering the sheet with her hand, asked, “Is it pretty?”


“You know what I’m asking?”

Luke laughed, “It’s my favorite shape.”

“Pervert, turn around.”

Lilith teased and squared her shoulders, “Thank you for saving me!

Can’t imagine what would have happened if you weren’t here?”

Luke turned around.

Lilith grabbed the clothes from the nightstand and put them on, continuing, “This proves I made the right choice!”

Luke cried a little, “Why does that sound like a compliment to yourself?”

“I’m just stating a fact.” Lilith got dressed and walked to Luke with a big smile, “Are you hurt? Would you like me to check you out.

I’ve taken specialized first aid training.”

“No, not necessary.”

“You don’t want to tough it out, tough guy.”

“I’m fine.” Luke really wasn’t hurt.

Lilith’s slender fingers combed through her blonde hair, “What do you think about this? Did those two thugs come for the treasure map?”

“I don’t know.

But your behavior today was a bit too flashy.”

“You mean about me handing out tuna meat?”


“I had my reasons.

Besides, I just said I was here on vacation without revealing the slightest thing about the treasure hunt.”

“I know.

But I remember very clearly that when we first got on the yacht today, Glasses Girl wanted to take a selfie on the yacht and upload it on Facebook, but you stopped her.

Your caution can’t just be used on others.”

Lilith looked at Luke and was silent for several moments before deliberately trailing off, “You’re right, Sir.”

Luke responded in a flirtatious tone as well, “GOOD GIRL.”

“Ta-da ……” a footstep sounded and Glasses Girl pushed her way in, “I got the surveillance video.”

Glasses Girl placed a laptop on the dresser, plugged in a flash drive, and clicked on the surveillance video.

Luke reminded, “Find the time frame for tonight.”

There were two cameras on the yacht, one camera at the front of the yacht and one at the back of the yacht, and there were no cameras in the yacht rooms to protect the privacy of the guests.

Glasses Girl found tonight’s time period, and found the figures of the two thugs in the surveillance at the front of the yacht, because it was dark, the shots were not very clear.

Glasses Girl very skillfully zoomed in on a screenshot of the video, which revealed a clearer picture of the two thugs.

Luke looked at Lilith on the side, “Do you recognize these two people?”

Lilith looked closely and shook her head, “No impression.”

Luke looked at Glasses Girl again.

Glasses Girl also shook her head, “One of them is wearing a mask and the other is wearing a hood, so it’s hard to recognize them unless they are particularly familiar.”

Lilith sighed softly and looked over at Luke, “What should we do now?”

“Call the police.”

The glasses girl reminded, “This isn’t Los Angeles, the police may not come so quickly. And will it affect our plans for the treasure hunt tomorrow morning?”

Luke said, “Whether they come or not is their business, calling the police will put us in a favorable position.”

Lilith nodded and said to the glasses girl on the side, “Listen to Luke on this kind of thing.

You call the police.”

“Why me?” Glasses Girl asked rhetorically.

“Why not you?”

Glasses Girl spread her hands, “I just got scared and I’m still speaking with a bit of a tremor, I’m worried I won’t be able to speak.”

Lilith laughed, “That was the desired effect, to bring out as much of your frightened, pathetic side as possible.

A calm man calling the police is never as effective as a terrified young woman, COME ON!”

Luke nodded, “A little crying would work better.”

Glasses Girl “……”

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