Chapter 541

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:16:09
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The black female thief was once again handcuffed and escorted back to the police car, Luke took a passing interest in her and asked, “What’s your name?”

The black female thief laughed, “You just thought to ask my name now?”

At first, Luke didn’t pay much attention to the female thief, but now that he saw the other woman’s silky smooth escape technique was a little more thoughtful.

“It’s not that I like your attitude, I’m thinking about whether I should take your little old brother back with me and make him a companion for you, maybe you’ll have a better attitude.”

“No, please don’t do that, I’m willing to cooperate with your investigation.

Aisia Arce, that’s my name.” The female thief immediately gave in.

“How did you open the handcuffs?”

Aisia Alcee showed a hesitant look.

“Come on, show us how it’s done, and we can let you off the hook for trying to escape just now.” Luke gave her a little sweetener.

“Are you telling the truth?”

“Of course.”

Aisia Alcee pressed, “Can you make the call?”

Luke looked aside to John.

John gripped his belt with both hands and shrugged, “You’re the Boss.”

It wasn’t something glamorous and John didn’t want it known.

Luke said with interest, “It’s time for your show, let’s see how you do it.”

With her hands handcuffed behind her back, Alicia Arce twisted her body, two fingers reached into her fart pocket, yanked a wire out of it, and very skillfully inserted it into the lock hole, and just by poking it a couple of times, the handcuffs on one side opened, followed by poking the handcuffs on the other side.

The whole process took less than a minute.

John’s eyes widened in surprise, “Wow Wow …… we caught a goddess thief.”

Luke asked, “Is that how you opened the lock on the convenience store?”

“Yes, that one was much less difficult.”

“What else do you know?”

“Car locks, door locks, electronic locks, and safes ……”

At that, Aisia Arce realized the problem and hastened to add, “Look, I’ve just learned it, I haven’t done it.

This is the first time I’ve actually stolen anything.”

Luke didn’t believe her bullshit, this kind of thing often practice to learn the real skill, this one must be a habitual thief.

However, Luke was too lazy to pursue this, he was more interested in the other party’s lock picking skills.

Luke had previously obtained the lock picking card rewarded by the system, he just never had the chance to learn it, isn’t this a ready-made coach?

“Hey guys, I got in touch with the convenience store owner, he left in a bit of an emergency and is heading this way now. “Lucy walked over to the police car and was surprised, “What happened? How did you get her out of the handcuffs?”

John said, “We didn’t open them, she opened them herself.”


“Yes, she’s pretty good at picking locks.”

Lucy took out her handcuffs and cuffed Alicia Alcee again, “Can you demonstrate?”

Aisia Alcee “……”

Early morning.

Rido neighborhood, Luke’s house.

Luke sits in the small courtyard and drinks tea, unknowingly he has been living here for more than a year.

Before the house expired, he renewed the lease with the landlord for another six months.

Now the mansion in the Palisades neighborhood has been constructed almost, after the official inspection, picking furniture, drying and ventilating for a period of time will be able to move in and live.

Thinking of the imminent departure from here, Luke is still a little reluctant to part with, this house, although it is not considered luxurious, the yard is not big, but it is Luke’s first home after coming to Los Angeles.

“Ringing ……” Luke’s cell phone rang, the screen showed Lilith’s cell phone number.

“Hi beautiful, good morning.”

“I’m in New York right now and it’s already noon.”

Luke envied, “The life of rich people is really dashing, they can go wherever they want.”

“You’re about to become rich too, that treasure has been dealt with, it’s a bit more than the estimated price, you’ll get about 2.6 million dollars after taxes.”

“I’m glad you’re telling me this early in the morning, I’m sure I’ll have a great Sunday.” Luke was self-aware; he had some assets now, but his bottom line was thin and he was far from being truly wealthy.

“Luke, I recently wanted to organize a celebration party about treasure hunting and would like to invite you.”

“A treasure hunt celebration party?”


“You’re not serious, are you?”

“Of course I’m serious, what’s the problem?”

Luke bristled, he was still relatively low-key about things like treasure hunting, and would rarely take the initiative to proclaim it to outsiders, let alone throw a party in the name of treasure hunting.

Perhaps, this was the difference between rich people and ordinary people.

For ordinary people, suddenly a large amount of money, life will usher in a huge change, his friends are also mostly ordinary people, it is inevitable that some people will be jealous, and produce some bad influence.

But for a rich man, the so-called treasure was nothing more than a ‘nice income’, it wouldn’t change his life too much, and the people around him wouldn’t care too much about it, it was more like a kind of talking point for a party.

“I’m sorry, I’ve been working on a case lately and I’m afraid I won’t be able to make it to the party.”

“That’s too bad, I was going to introduce you to my friends.”

“Another time.” Luke didn’t think he had anything in common with that group of rich kids.

“Can I tell our treasure hunt as a story?”

“Sure. I’m sure you’re a smart girl and know what to say and what not to say.”

“I know what you mean, I’ll describe you as a hero who sacrificed his life to save a beautiful woman, and maybe you’ll get a few more little fan girls because of it.”

“All as pretty as you?”

“You’ll find out when you get here.

I’ll send you the address, let me know if you change your mind.

You’re always welcome at my party.”

“I know, have fun at the party.”

It didn’t take long for the phone to hang up before Luke’s cell phone rang with an additional transfer to his bank account, the very same money he’d split from the treasure hunt.

Luke calculated his assets, the proceeds from the treasure hunt were $2.6 million dollars after taxes and the Pinkerton Detective Agency paid a commission of two hundred thousand dollars after taxes.

Luke now had upwards of two million eight hundred thousand dollars.

However, he still had some external debts, the first thing he did was to take out one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, plus David’s fifty thousand dollars, and hit the account of Zhang’s Brothers Construction Company, the contract was officially in effect, and he also became a shareholder of Zhang’s Brothers Construction Company, with ten percent of the shares.

David did not have so much money in his hand, borrowed fifty thousand dollars from him, and when he had money in his hand, he would return it to Luke.

Secondly, the house construction contracting fee is as high as 1.42 million dollars, Luke has already paid 1.1 million dollars, and there is still 320,000 dollars left for the final payment.

Finally, Luke bought a house with not enough money, a loan of 1.4 million dollars, Luke now has free money in his hands, there is no good investment channels, simply pay back the loan, he still likes the feeling of being debt-free.

In this way, he still has nearly a million dollars left in his hands.

In addition, Luke also invested 1.25 million dollars in the stock market, and now the market value has reached 1.32 million dollars.

Luke’s mansion was worth between eleven and twelve million dollars when it was built, and his net worth was over thirteen million dollars, a proper success.

A few days later, the mansion in the Palisades neighborhood was officially completed.

Luke had originally planned to bring John to the acceptance inspection, but now that he had become a shareholder of Zhang Brothers Builders and Contractors, we were all considered to be our own people, so it would be a bit inappropriate to do so again.

Can’t pick out the problem, superfluous, pick out the problem, who should Luke believe? Make it awkward for everyone.

Wait for some time, and then invite John to come to the house to play, even if he really see where the house has problems, Luke can also find Zhang Brothers Construction Company to repair again.

The mansion covers an area of 40,000 square feet, surrounded by dense trees, privacy is very good, the front yard is paved with green lawn, and the backyard is built with a swimming pool.

The villa had two floors above ground and one below, five rooms, six toilets and six bathrooms, as well as a checkroom, home theater, wine cellar, and five parking spaces.

Luke was satisfied with the villa and had an urge to move right in, but it still lacked some common furniture.

For the next period of time, Luke would go to the furniture store whenever he had time to shop for beds, closets, coffee tables, sofas, appliances, etc., although busy, he also enjoyed it.

Los Angeles Police Department, Western Division.

A black girl walks out of the police building, looks up at the sun, which is hidden by clouds, and mutters, “It feels good to be free.”

Next to her, a black man in a white shirt and black suit pants reminded, “Aisia Alcee, stay honest for a while, you’re only on bail now, it’s not the same as an acquittal.”

“I know, making my grandmother shell out that large amount of money for bail is like cutting her meat, and she’ll be looking at me like I’m dead without you having to tell her.”

The black man nodded, “OK, get in the car, I’ll take you back.”

“No, I want to walk by myself.”

“I’m sorry, your grandmother instructed me that I had to bring you home personally and hand you over to her so she would pay the rest of the attorney’s fees.”

Aisia Arcee bristled, “Very much in her style.”

“Yay, a very ‘sweet’ old man.

But at least she loves you, otherwise, she wouldn’t have put up so much bail to get you out.”

“And your legal fees.”

The black man pulled open the back door of the black Mercedes, “Come on, get in.”

Aisia Alcee, however, didn’t move, her eyes fixed on a young black-haired man walking toward her, “Whoa whoa, Sir, are you here to give me a ride?”

“I heard you made bail and I wanted to talk to you.” So the dark-haired youth was none other than Luke.

The black lawyer stepped between the two men, looked at Luke and asked, “I’m Alicia Arce’s lawyer.

Is there anything you can do to find my client?”

“You can ask your client afterward if you want to know, but I don’t want to talk to you.” Luke looked at Aisia Arce again, “I’m being very sincere.”

“OK, I’m also curious, what could you possibly want with me?” Aisia Alcee turned again to the black attorney who had stepped aside, “You go ahead, I’ll get home myself.”

“But I promised your grandmother ……”

“That’s your business.” Aisia Arce waved and got into the passenger side of the Mercedes G500.

Luke drove away from the police station, parked next to a secluded road, and opened the door, “How about being my informant? I can give you a nice plea deal.”

“I hear you’re a big shot?”

“Not really, but at least I can help you.”

“Why do you want me to be your informant?”

Luke said, “You’re such a good lock picker, I’m sure you’ve been involved in some big cases before.

By giving up your accomplices, I’ll get the credit and you’ll get a generous informant fee.”

Aisia Alcee’s face was serious: “To your disappointment, I’m self-taught. I told you that last time was my first time committing a crime.”

“I checked your family situation, your family has no financial resources at all, yet your grandmother was able to come up with twenty thousand dollars for bail.

If I’m not mistaken, that money should be the proceeds of your theft as well.”

Aisia Alcee held out her hands, “If you have proof, arrest me;

If there is no evidence, I’m sorry, I’m leaving.”

Luke nodded, “You’re right, I do have no evidence right now, so get out of the car and go.”

“Really let me go?” Aisia Alcee froze for a moment, Luke’s promise so painfully made her feel unsettled inside instead.

“Of course.”

Aisia Alcee pulled open the car door, hesitated for a moment, the expression on her face changed and changed, and closed the car door again, “Sir, why do you have to stare at me?”

Luke asked rhetorically, “Isn’t this your first burglary? Then what is there to be afraid of?”

“I …… did do some wrong things in the past, but that was just for survival, if I tell you what happened in the past, once those people know about it, they will definitely take revenge on me and my family.

I don’t want my family to get hurt, please, I really can’t do that.”

“So, you admit that this is not your first theft.”

Aisia Arce took a deep breath and didn’t say anything, just nodded.

“Ever killed anyone?”

“No. I’m just a thief trying to feed my family, that’s all.”

Luke stared at the opposite cheek, “I hope you’re telling the truth.”

“I swear to God.”

Luke spread his hands, “I’m sorry I didn’t put myself in your shoes and overlooked the safety of you and your family.”

Aisia Arcee gave a grateful look, “Thank you, thank you for understanding.

I don’t want to go against you.

As long as it doesn’t affect my family, I can help you.”

“In fact, I want you to be my informant not only because I want to get information about the case from you.

It’s also because I want to learn lock picking skills from you.” Luke had the learning card for lock-picking skills, and he had the idea of learning from her after seeing Aisia Arceus slip open the handcuffs to escape.

The lock picking skill was not very useful to the police, but as long as it could be used, it was certainly not a trivial matter, and it could even save lives at critical moments.

Having met such a good talent, Luke naturally did not want to miss the opportunity to learn.

Aisia Alcee was a bit surprised, “Sir, are you serious? Why would a police officer want to learn how to open locks?”

“The Chinese have a saying, know your enemy and know yourself and win a hundred battles!

I sincerely want to learn from you.

You won’t reject me, right?”

Aisia Arce “……”

Can I fucking say no?

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