Chapter 577

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:17:43
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Good shot!”

A crisp sound came from the Baggs Club, inside the golf course.

The theft of the enamel was over.

In the afternoon, Luke asked Lilith to play golf with him, to be exact, he found himself a golf instructor with white skin and a light body.

Luke hadn’t played golf before, not to mention the techniques, he didn’t know the rules very well, he only knew that he had to hit the ball into the hole.

Lilith watched the small white ball flying high in a parabolic landing, touched Luke’s shoulder, “Your swing posture is already very standard, but the muscles are a little tight, the body relaxes some more, the hitting effect will be better.”

The two walked in the direction the ball landed, chatting as they went.

It was a par three, and Luke hit his first shot well, hitting it near the hole in one, but after all, it was his first time, and his accuracy was a little lacking, and it took him another four shots to get in.

“Snap ……”

Lilith, wearing a short blue sports skirt, showing her two snow-white long legs, came and gently slapped her palm, smiling, “It’s already pretty good to hit it like this for the first time.

How do you feel?”

“Not bad, it’s a good sport to kill time.” If it was before, Luke would have scoffed at the sport, thinking that it was a sport only played by the elderly.

But now there was a different opinion.

The words “killing time”, if it were before, Luke would have thought it was a derogatory term, but now there was a different opinion as well.

Killing time at leisure was the top enjoyment in life.

Throughout the afternoon, Luke and Lilith stayed at the golf course, and when they were tired of playing, they even had an afternoon tea inside the course.

Luke’s golfing skills had also refined a bit, although it was still far from being a master, but he had already figured out how to play and techniques of golf, the rest was to practice slowly.

Overall, this sport has three benefits, the first one can cultivate sentiment and soothe the mood.

Secondly, it can exercise the body, walking and swinging are all good exercises.

The third one can chat and socialize, expanding one’s network.

Lilith was dragged along as a chaperone for a day, and Luke, to show his appreciation, treated her to a French dinner in the evening.

After the meal, Luke brought Lilith back to the villa where he lived to study double yoga ……

Early the next morning.

Luke woke up from his sleep and felt some itchiness on his cheeks, looking down, it was Lilith lying on his side, her blonde hair rubbing against his cheeks.

Luke ran his hand over her bare back, and Lilith twisted her body a little, a large area of snow-white skin was revealed, slowly opened her big blue eyes, and yawned somewhat languidly.

“What time is it?”

Luke picked up his cell phone and glanced at it, “It’s already almost ten o’clock, it’s time to get up.”

“I rested too late last night, I’m going to sleep some more, call me before lunch.”

Luke stroked her long blonde hair, “What do you want to eat?”

“I’m all set, take your pick.”

“Do you have plans for the afternoon?”

“Yes, I have a beauty appointment at the spa, would you like to join me?”

“Forget the beauty treatment, but I was thinking of getting a massage and relaxing.”

“I can recommend a masseuse for you, she’s great.”

Luke nodded, he didn’t have too high requirements for massage techniques, as long as it wasn’t a male technician.

It wasn’t that he had any thoughts about female technicians, it was just that he simply resented male technicians.

The next few days, Luke has been living in Baggs Club, every day sleep to wake up naturally, there is no special plan, want to fish to rent a yacht out to sea, want to take a break about a golf, want to massage about a spa, eat, drink and play all depending on the mood.

Good times pass quickly, he has not been able to remember how many days he lived in the club.

In the afternoon, Luke took a nap, woke up, took the drawing board to the beach sketching.

He was good at criminal sketching and drawing.

In the past, he used to draw in order to catch criminals, but now it was to take a break.

Luke had been living at a slow pace during this period of time, occasionally finding a scenic place to sketch for half a day.

He found that drawing could make one’s mood peaceful, and when the drawing was finished, it could also give one a sense of accomplishment.

Luke had only a pencil in his hand, but he was able to draw the layers and three-dimensionality of the scenery, and in just a few strokes he sketched out the sea level with rolling waves, coconut trees, sandy beaches, and yachts, in a subtle and poetic way.

It was part of the club’s private beach, with only a few scattered guests sunbathing.

A woman with long brown hair saw Luke painting and walked over with some curiosity, the woman was wearing a shredded bikini with a sarong around her waist, her body was tall, forward and backward, very material.

Luke noticed someone coming over, twisted his head to look at a glance, sized up the other party for a while, retracted his gaze to continue painting.

The woman also did not disturb Luke, lying on the lounge chair next to him while sunbathing, while watching Luke painting.

Luke was not affected by the woman and continued to paint.

About half an hour later, Luke finished this seaside sketch landscape, put down the pencil in his hand and admired his work.

“Snap ……” the white woman next to him clapped her hands, “This landscape sketch is beautiful, are you a professional painter?”

“No, just a personal hobby.” Luke looked at the white woman, the other party was very pretty, about twenty-seven or eighty-eight years old, with a mature woman’s temperament, “Do you also like painting?”

“Yes, I also learned to draw when I was young, but my talent was average.

Many of my classmates were better than me at drawing, I was devastated and gave up.

Now that I think about it, it’s quite regrettable, if I had continued to learn painting at that time, I might have been able to open a solo exhibition by now.

Sometimes talent isn’t important.”

Luke glanced at her, come on, he’s met the tycoon again.

The woman seemed to be interested, and moved closer to Luke, carefully admiring the landscape sketch, “I really like your painting, the only pity is that it lacks the embellishment of the characters, and is a little less angry.

Can you draw me a sketch of the beach?”

Luke smiled, he had drawn quite a few sketch portraits, and it was the first time that he was actively invited to draw one.

Seeing that Luke didn’t respond, the woman continued, “I can pay you for your labor.”

Luke shrugged, “Inviting me to paint is expensive.”

“How much?”

Luke said casually, “Fifty thousand dollars a painting of similar size.”

“Aren’t you an amateur?”

“Just because they’re amateurs, that’s why they’re expensive.”

The woman tilted her head slightly, “Deal, paint me pretty.”

Now it was Luke’s turn to be a little surprised, fifty thousand dollars to hire himself as an amateur to paint, this girl wouldn’t be looking at herself.

Who cares, anyway, he does not suffer.

Luke really didn’t expect that his painting could be sold at such a high price, and he was quite excited in his heart.

Although he didn’t lack the fifty thousand dollars now, the feeling was different.

“Ma’am, what’s your name?”

“My friends call me Penny.”


“Nice to meet you, Luke Painter, shall we begin?”

Luke withdrew the landscape sketch he had just made and replaced it with a new sheet of drawing paper, “What style do you want?”

“The framing you just did is good, the ocean, the beach, the coconut trees, and a beautiful woman would be perfect.

What do you think about me standing next to a coconut tree?”

“As long as you can hold a pose long enough.”

“How long does it take to hold a pose?”

“Twenty minutes, I’ll paint your part first, then the background behind you.”

Penny walked over to the coconut tree and held it with her right hand, “Is this okay?”

“It’s best to be a little more natural.”

Penny changed her stance and leaned directly against the coconut tree with a little more laziness, “How about this?”

“Very well.”

Luke picked up a pencil and began to draw.

Although only one character was added to the painting, the entire structure of the painting had to be adjusted and the character portraits were more tedious.

Luckily, Luke was best at drawing people, and the character portrait was done in about ten minutes, after which he began to draw the background behind it.

After another half an hour, Luke finished the painting of the beach with the added characters.

Seeing Luke put down his brush, Penny also came over to admire the painting and appreciated, “This painting is great.”

Luke put the painting into a binder and handed it to Penny, “I hope you like it.”

Penny took the binder, “Thank you, I’ll keep it in my collection.”

“Thank you, too, for giving me a new side hustle, and for the first time, someone is willing to buy my paintings.

To show my appreciation, I’d like to invite you to dinner.”

Penny smiled, “My pleasure.”

The two exchanged contact information and Luke returned to his place, put down his easel, briefly washed up and rushed to the restaurant.

Luke found an empty seat under the guidance of the waiter and began to look through the menu.

It wasn’t long before Penny arrived as well.

She was wearing a long khaki colored dress and holding a blue handbag, her temperament was elegant, giving Luke a familiar feeling.

Luke helped her pull out the seat, “Ms. Penny, you look beautiful tonight.”


Luke handed over the menu, “The steak in this restaurant is good, you can try it.”

Penny took the good advice and ordered a steak and a couple of lighter dishes.

Just then, several young men and women walked into the restaurant talking and laughing, Lilith was among them, she smiled when she saw Luke, but halfway there, her smile gradually tightened, “Luke, Penny, why are you together?”

Penny raised her head and glanced at Lilith, “If it isn’t my dear sister! I wanted to ask you to join me for dinner, but you had a date with a friend.

So, I said yes to Luke’s invitation.”

Lilith looked at Luke again, “Why did you invite her to dinner?”

Luke laughed, “This is quite interesting to say the least, since we all know each other, why don’t you sit down and eat with us.

We’ll talk while we eat.”

Lilith looked over at the young men and women, “I have a date with a friend today, so I just came over to say hello.

You guys eat first.”

Lilith leaned over and whispered, “We’ll talk later.”

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