Chapter 595

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:18:34
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Luke went up to the second floor bedroom with a stomach full of questions.

Father and son looked at each other, Luke instead didn’t know how to speak.

As a junior, it was not appropriate for him to ask about the love life of his elders.

If you want to ask, it should also be Luke’s grandparents to ask, Luke’s uncle can also ask, only he as a son is not very suitable.

Li Zhaofeng as an adult, he has the right to choose his love life, even if Luke is not satisfied with this Auntie Chen, there is no reason to separate the two.

Luke opened his suitcase and organized his belongings.

Li Zhaofeng deliberated for a moment, “Luke, it’s too late today, when you have time, I’ll talk about what happened with your Auntie Chen.”

Luke nodded, Chen Shuhua was downstairs, it was indeed a bit inappropriate for father and son to talk behind someone’s back.

After packing up his belongings, Luke went downstairs to have a bowl of soup, chatted briefly, and returned to his bedroom to rest.

Luke lay in bed, it was already one in the morning, but there was no sleepiness.

Luke’s mind went back to his father and that Auntie Chen.

It did seem a bit sudden, but when he thought about it it made sense, his father wasn’t too old, he had a good job, and he and Jack weren’t around, so it was normal for him to find a new partner.

This matter does not affect Luke much, he has grown up and has his own stable career, even if his father remarries, it will not affect him, just think of it as one more relative.

As for Little Fatty, Luke wasn’t too sure about his reaction, after all, it was hard to figure out his mind at this age, however, Little Fatty lived in Los Angeles, and it wouldn’t have a direct impact on his life.

Lastly, there was Linda, Luke had always felt that Linda had the idea of remarrying, and it was expected that she would be a little disappointed when she found out about it.

But Luke also think that the problem is not big, Linda and Li Zhaofeng are adults, and has been divorced for many years, it is normal to start a new relationship, besides, the two people have been separated for so many years have not resumed the peace, it has already explained a lot of problems.

Thinking about it, Luke fell asleep in a daze ……

“Dripping ……”

Early in the morning, Li Zhaofeng was cooking breakfast in the kitchen when he heard a car siren from outside.

Luke came down from the second floor stairs, “Dad, my coworker drove to pick me up.

I’ll leave first.”

Li Zhaofeng turned around and greeted, “Breakfast will be ready soon, ask your colleagues to come in and eat with you, you guys can leave after eating.”

“No, this case is more urgent, we have to rush to the meeting earlier.” As he spoke, Luke went out the door and saw Lois sitting in the driver’s side waving, Luke sat in the passenger side of the car.

Lois started the car and asked, “How did you sleep last night?”

“It was okay.” Luke gave a perfunctory answer and asked back, “Did you have breakfast?”

“I don’t have an appetite in the morning, a cup of coffee will do.”

“Stop by the breakfast place and I’ll get something to eat.

Sure you don’t want to order anything else? My treat.”

“No thanks.”

The two settled for breakfast in the car, and it was only eight o’clock in the morning when they arrived at the FBI’s New York office.

Luke went to the Criminal Investigations Division office and was greeted warmly by the agents.

Amir Khan, the criminal profiler, laughed with a messy henna head, “Luke, I thought you were going to be here last night, made me wait all night for nothing.”

Michael Jeter walked over and shook Luke’s hand, “Man, welcome back.

I was supposed to give you a welcome party, but …… it’s not really the right time.

I’ll buy you a drink sometime.”

The other agents also came forward to greet Luke.

After everyone exchanged pleasantries, Luke asked, “Michael, who’s in charge of the case about Grace Bloomberg’s murder, is it you?”

Michael Jeter shrugged, “No, the person in charge of the case is Supervisor Thomas, and our group is mainly responsible for the investigation.”

Luke was a bit surprised, he didn’t expect that the head of the FBI’s New York office would be personally responsible for investigating the case, even if it was only nominal, this specification was very high.

In the end, this is just a homicide case, just the identity of the deceased is somewhat special.

Between the people chatting, the door of the office was pushed open, Negan Thomas walked into the office from the outside, and asked straight away, “Guys, good morning, have you found any clues from the surveillance near the crime scene?”

Michael Jett spread his hands, “SORRY SIR, we checked the surveillance video for the night, and we haven’t found any suspicious vehicles yet.”

Negan Thomas looked over at Luke, who was off to the side, “When did you get here? Was the ride uneventful?”

“Got to New York at twelve in the morning.

Sir, I’m ready to jump into the case anytime.”

“Good.” Negan Thomas patted Luke on the shoulder, then pulled a chair and sat down, his eyes scanning the crowd, “I don’t care what methods you use, you must find a breakthrough in the case as soon as possible.

This case can’t be hidden for too long.

Once the case hits the news, it will be a sensation throughout the United States and even the world in a short period of time, and by then the pressure of our investigation will be even greater.

So, what we need to do is to find Grace Bloomberg’s murderer and solve the case before it comes to light.”

Michael Jett sighed, “Supervisor, I agree with your decision, however, it is very difficult to find the murderer before the case comes to light …….”

“I know, that’s why I’ve enlisted the help of Counselor Lee.

Moreover, if this case wasn’t difficult, the NYPD wouldn’t have asked us to directly take over the investigation of the case.” Negan Thomas turned his words around and pointed at Michael Jett, “Michael, I remember you’re still the acting team leader, right?”

“Yes, sir.”

“If you can catch Grace Bloomberg’s murderer before the case comes to light, you’ll be transferred.”

Michael Jett showed a flash of joy, then collected himself, “What if I catch the killer after the case comes to light?”

“Where do you guys get so many ifs, I’m here to listen to the progress of your investigation, not for you to make conditions.

If you don’t think you can catch the murderer, just tell me.

I can find someone to replace you right now.”

“No No No, I can, I will catch the murderer.”

“Then do it to me.”

Michael Jett picked up a piece of information from the table, “This is the autopsy report that the medical examiner just finished.

According to the results of the autopsy, the deceased Grace Bloomberg died between nine and twelve o’clock on the night of October 3rd.

The fatal injury was in the neck, suffocated by someone strangling her neck from behind, and her arm was cut off after death.

The deceased showed signs of being dragged and had consumed alcohol during his lifetime.

In addition, forensics detected the man’s genetic material in the dead man’s body, and it’s already in the database for comparison, which hasn’t been successful yet.”

Negan Thomas stroked his chin and pondered, “Do you think the person who left genetic material in the dead man’s body would be the murderer?”

Michael Jett thought for a moment, “If so, that would be simple.

However, I think it’s unlikely, if it was done by the murderer, he could have used a condom, why would he leave genetic material inside the deceased?

This is tantamount to leaving hard evidence for the police.”

“What do the others think?” Negan Thomas swept his gaze over the crowd, landing on Luke.

However, without waiting for Luke to speak, Amir Khan said, “Sir, Michael and I have a different opinion.”

“Go ahead.”

Amir Khan cleared his throat and said, “This murderer’s modus operandi is different from that of an ordinary murderer, not only did he possibly leave behind genetic material, he also left behind special symbols for killing.

This means that his mind is inherently different from normal people, and in my experience, he is likely to be a serial killer, and even if he isn’t right now, he will probably go on to kill people.

Hypothetically, my speculation is correct.

Serial killers are mostly mentally challenged, and their modus operandi and methods of operation are different from normal murderers, and if they were to violate their victims, they would most likely not use condoms.

Because that’s what gives them a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment.

I realize that this may increase their risk of getting caught, and they know it.

But most of the time they kill to fulfill some kind of sick psychological need, and if they were afraid, they wouldn’t commit the crime.”

“You both have a point.” Negan Thomas nodded his head, looked at Michael Jett on the side, and flirted, “Michael, step it up, you’ve got one more strong contender.”

Michael Jett laughed, “Sir, no need for you to remind me.

I already knew there was a rebel in the group.”

Aamir Khan shrugged his shoulders and said with an innocent look on his face, “I just stated my analysis.”

Negan Thomas’s neck seemed to be a bit uncomfortable and twisted a bit as he turned to Luke and asked, “Counselor Lee, tell us what you think?”

Luke said, “Actually, compared to the forensic results, I’m more curious as to why the wife of the mayor of the titular New York City would drive alone late at night to the mid-levels of the suburbs?”

Amir Khan chimed in, “Good question, I’m actually curious too.”

Lois said, “Me too.”

Negan Thomas grunted, “I hope your curiosity is motivated by investigating the case and not a gossip mentality.” He then muttered in a small voice, “Hell, I’m actually curious, too.”

The crowd held back from laughing out loud.

Luke spread his hands, “Don’t tell me you haven’t taken statements from the families of the deceased?”

Michael Jeter said smoothly, “If the family member you’re referring to is that New York City mayor.

Yes, it’s true that we haven’t given him a statement yet.

It’s not that I don’t want to, but I haven’t had a chance yet ……”

Negan Thomas interrupted Michael Jeter, “I’ll go and coordinate and get you to give a statement to Nasi Bloomberg as soon as possible.

Everyone else, who else has progress on the investigation?

Any leads are fine.”

Luke flipped open his notebook and said, “Sir, on my way here yesterday, I studied the set of bloody footprints found at the scene and analyzed the general physical characteristics of the owner of the shoe prints.”

Negan Thomas revealed an expectant look, “Very well, tell me about it.”

“According to the characteristics of the shoe prints, it should be a pair of thick-soled, cross-grained leather shoes.

Shoe print owner, male

Height, 180-185cm

Weight, 85-90 kilograms

Age, between 20 and 25 years old.”

Negan Thomas wrote these data down and said, “Use these data as one of the screening conditions for the suspect subject.”

“Yes Sir.”

After the morning meeting, Negan Thomas called Luke alone, “Luke, I’m glad you could make it.

And, for providing a valuable clue in the first place.”

“Sir, thank you for trusting me as well.”

“I heard that the FBI Los Angeles office has also hired you as a criminal investigation consultant?”


Negan Thomas laughed, “Nothing new, Ayesha Garde is totally copying my homework.”

Luke said darkly, of course it’s different, I’m a full-time criminal investigative consultant at the FBI’s Los Angeles office, not only do I have my own office, but I also get a real paycheck.

Luke in the New York office is only a temporary criminal investigation consultant, no salary, if not for the face of that villa, will not be upside down to run to New York to do the case.

Negan Thomas encouraged: “Do a good job, when the detection of this murder case.

I will recommend you to the headquarters, and there is no chance that you can become a criminal investigation consultant at the FBI headquarters.”

Luke, who was now only a criminal investigation consultant in the branch office, was also curious about the difference between the two and joked, “Can I get a raise in salary?”

Negan Thomas smiled, “Sure, definitely more than Ayesha is paying.”

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